The clones were the first to discover the movie. There was a group of them that met to talk about the newest movies released, and this particular movie was a romantic-tragedy musical that they almost unanimously agreed was the best of the year.

The other clones took some persuading to watch it, although it did help that one of the characters was obviously based on a Mandalorian and two others on the Jedi. Some of them scoffed at the "monks" guarding the "princess" and loudly pointed out all the things the movie got wrong (while the rest of them told them to shut up, I can't hear the song).

It was only a matter of time before the Jedi themselves heard about it. Ahsoka, hanging out with some of the clones in between missions, overheard an argument about the ending of the movie (namely, did it have to end so sadly?). They quickly pulled up the movie on a personal holo someone had and Ahsoka laughed with them at the monks' "laser staves" and the variety of innuendos about them and sighed at the tragic end of the forbidden relationship. (Rex wanted to smack a few heads together when he found out—the movie was very adults-only.)

Anakin overheard Ahsoka talking with the clones about the possibility of a sequel for the movie and was almost immediately dragged off to see it. Anakin, a sucker for dramatic romance, was actually in tears as the movie ended, loudly lamenting the traditions that kept the lovers apart (the clones were all very proud of themselves for not bursting out laughing—their general was obviously thinking about his own "secret" relationship).

It was during one of the rewatches that Anakin realized why the main character was frustrating him so badly (just tell her how you feel!). He reminded him of Obi-Wan. Once he had that thought, it was impossible to see anything else. The snark, the impossible poise, the earnest dedication to doing the right thing. At one point, the character even said "Another happy landing" when the "Elder Monk" crashed the ship they were running from bounty hunters in—a favorite quip of Obi-Wan's when Anakin had one of his more unfortunate landings.

Once he made that connection, it was easy enough to trace the "Elder Monk" to Master Qui-Gon, and the "princess" to Duchess Satine. Hadn't Obi-Wan said he had been on a mission to protect the duchess for a year? The movie was just like he had described the mission: on the run from bounty-hunters, living hand-to-mouth. And Anakin couldn't help but remember what he'd overheard Obi-Wan say when the duchess had been held captive on her ship: "Had you said the word, I would have left the Jedi Order." The way the movie ended, with desperate longing (both of the lovers singing "I will love you 'til my dying day" while the other walked away), had Anakin wanting to pull his hair out at the complete lack of communication. It seemed to match Obi-Wan's declaration exactly.

Which left Anakin with an interesting problem. Did he tell Obi-Wan about the movie?

In the end, he didn't have to. Obi-Wan saw the movie when he went to visit the clones and didn't seem inclined to talk about it at all, even though Anakin was dying to ask him about how true-to-life the movie was.

It was actually this frustration that sparked an idea. If both of them still loved each other so much...wouldn't they be happier together? They probably just needed some more time together, maybe with some pushes in the right direction.

Let the plotting begin!