A/N I literally had no idea where this was going when I first laid down the first 500 words. We've magically ended up here after those darn plot gators took the reigns again. Um…...whoops. Maybe.

Anywho, I hope you enjoy the ride.

Told my lovely fellow coven members I was going to work on First Snow but had this to give them instead. Surprise!

Still not mine and no money.

Grammarly is the only wingman I have. ALL of the following mistakes are mine.

Hermione Granger can be seen rushing through the Ministry of Magic atrium on her way to the lifts mumbling to herself. Pureblood bigot, arsehole, wanker, and something that strongly resembles duck can be heard coming from her. Her hair at this point has grown to twice its normal size and has tiny blue sparks zipping out above her head, but she can't be bothered to care.

Everyone has heard the stories so it's not surprising that her path to the lifts is suddenly clear. She has a moment of appreciation for her reputation before reality intrudes again, and she remembers why she's angry.

Why she let Ginny set her up on that date is beyond her. Thank goodness it was at least during my lunch hour and I didn't waste an entire evening on that dimwitted fool. What could she possibly have in common with that jerk? Sure, he was quite good looking but then he opened his mouth and whatever goodwill Hermione had evaporated. Poof. Gone. Disappeared. Vanished. Buh-bye.

Bless the idiot, he really thought she would be impressed by how many Quidditch teams he had managed to play for. Hermione thought that the fact that Quidditch wasn't really her thing was common knowledge. Right up there with know-it-all and vindictive. He really should have paid attention to that vindictive part. It's even printed in that 'oh so stunning' biography by that slimy self-serving Skeeter. Oh, that's some alliteration even Snape could be proud of. Really though even she knew going through that many teams wasn't a good thing.

Again, what was Ginny thinking?

The Quidditch resume wasn't the worst aspect of this "date" though. Oh no! That title firmly belonged to his self-delusional being believing that she was so impressed by his skills that she would sleep with him like one of his groupies. Who just assumed that about someone they've just met? More importantly, how does one's ego get so large that they haven't ended up permanently disfigured?

Safely making it to her lab she lets out a relieved sigh that there is no one else she must deal with today. Taking a moment she begins to ward her door, against everyone but a select few, because really why take that chance? Her reservoir of patience for dunderheads is officially empty. All she wants to do now is to review the evidence the Aurors sent over and get lost in this case. Smirking to herself she turns on her CD player and gets to work. And yes, she's quite proud of the fact that she managed to get the machine to work in the ministry. That patent is already submitted thank you very much.

The people who know her best were unsurprised that she ended up following the boys over to the Ministry. They were surprised, however, that she didn't go into the Care of Magical Creatures Department. Hermione though, was very confident in her decision. She had already done the fighting Death Eater thing, the being tortured thing, watched friends die thing, and fought in a war thing and come out of it all with the scars to prove it. She was just tired. As soon as the dust settled she arranged with Headmaster Snape to sit her N.E.W.T.s independently. With no desire to spend another school year within the walls of where so many had fallen she quietly received eight NEs.

Now, here she is at the Ministry doing something she actually enjoys. She's the head researcher for the MLE. It didn't take her long to move up through the ranks once her superiors became aware of her work ethic, dedication, and attention to detail. In the real world, those traits were finally paying off. The best part, of course, is that she has her own lab and not much oversight. It's the ideal work environment for her.

The world of magic still awes her, and never more so than when she's in her lab magically analyzing evidence. After that hellish game of hide of seek, during what was supposed to be her 7th year, the thrill of the chase no longer holds any appeal to her. Solving a puzzle though? That's exactly what Hermione thrives on. Engaging her mind all while constantly learning? Yep. Perfection.

A knock at the door and a shouted

"Granger!" breaks her concentration and she lets out a heavy breath.

"Back here Malfoy!"

Her music abruptly cuts off as he comes into her lab, "Must you really listen to this ear-bleeding inducing, sorry excuse for what you call music?"

"It's not my fault His Royal Highness Snobbiness can't recognize good music."

"How do you consider 'gitchy gitchy goo' with marmalade and other nonsense words good?"

"Hmph, shows how much you know."

Draco managed to avoid Azkaban with the testimony of the golden trio and a significant amount of galleons for war reparations. His family is still richer than Midas but the sum of what they paid still isn't something to scoff at. Ron was a hard sell, but Harry and Hermione finally talked him around with the argument that he was just a kid scared for his parents. Family is something Ron understands and can empathize with, and so he became a very vocal supporter to the shock of everyone. Probably didn't hurt that Hermione threatened to invent a hex just for him.

Once Draco was completely free and in the clear, he applied to the Aurory and the rest is, as they say, history. Well, history that involved a lot of yelling, name-calling, and stinging hexes from Hermione. It only took one life or death instance on a highly stressful case for the boys to finally start getting along.

There's still yelling, name-calling, and stinging hexes from Hermione but it's now done with a distinctive air of fun. Definitely fun by Hermione's standards anyway.

Five years later and it no longer surprises her that they've become good friends. At this point, she could label them at best friend status. His parents even like her and they make a point to invite her to dinner every month. That surprised her more than anyone but she can't imagine not having the two of them in her life now. What a world Hermione thinks. Shaking her head she focuses back on Malfoy.

"Did you need something? The evidence for the White case isn't ready yet."

"No, I haven't come for that. I'm here because I heard from Potter about your date with Rainshot," he says with a grin.

"Absolutely not! You, Draco Malfoy do not get to laugh at me after your adventure of a date with Razora Zabini. Honestly, I thought Blaise liked you but considering he's the one who set that up I'm beginning to doubt it."

Draco cringes at the memory but quickly recovers.

"Did he really ask you to blow him in the bathroom?"

"How did you know he….those idiots! They followed me didn't they?"

"Of course they did. I'm not stupid enough to do it but it's apparently the way they show they care. As soon as the brainless duo got word that Ginny set you up, plans were being made. They're still a bit sore that you hexed him so thoroughly, leaving them nothing to do. Me though? I'm just proud."

"You're friends with them now, must you continue to insult them?"

"But then how would they know I care," Draco asks with a straight face and a definite twinkle in his eye?

This manages to burst a laugh out of Hermione and she just smiles fondly at him. He really has become her best friend, even above Harry and Ron. Draco manages to just get her. Even when they're fighting they never cross those invisible lines in the sand. Nine times out of ten there's an air of playfulness in their arguments.

Draco leans his hip against her desk and gives her a smile that never means anything good but that she's never been able to resist.

"So, would you like to go to The Leaky and drown our dating sorrows in an obscene amount of alcohol."

"You know I do. I'll meet you by the floos at 6."

"Don't get caught up and show up late, Granger. You know I'll come get you and I don't think you're shiny reputation can survive what will happen."

"Prat. I'll be there."

Hermione arrives at the floos at exactly 6:02 and immediately spots the white-blond shade that can only belong to a Malfoy. Making her way over she sees Draco's shoulders shift as he turns to see her.

"Before you even start Malfoy, I was stopped on the way down by Davies. All these years and he still thinks nagging me will get him results instead of hexed."

"There's my little hex-happy harpy, and you even fixed your hair. I'm so proud."

"Much more of that and I'll send your floo address to Witch Weekly, Mr. Most Eligible Bachelor."

"Alright, calm down. No reason for all the dramatics."

"A Malfoy calling me dramatic. You do see the irony here, don't you?"

"Ouch, Granger. Tuck those claws back in and let's get out of here. Ladies first."

Feeling a bit soothed Hermione grabs some of the communal floo powder and is gone in a whirl of green and soot. Stumbling out of the other side of the fireplace, she rolls her eyes at herself. Twelve years in the wizarding world and she still doesn't have the hang of floo travel. Draco appears a few seconds later and it amazes her how gracefully he steps out with no soot in view upon him. There has to be a spell for that; he just hasn't told her about it.

Leading her with a hand on the small of her back, Draco manages to find them a shadowed corner booth. She's not sure if they're just lucky tonight or if his death glare cleared it before she was paying attention. Either way, she's thankful.

After she's situated he makes his way to the bar for their drinks. He already knows what to order so all she's left to do is to start looking around. She notices a few acquaintances and politely nods but does nothing to invite further interaction. She and Draco are here on a mission and they have no need for more company.

Draco makes it back with their bottle of Firewhiskey, two shot glasses, and the large order of chips that always make an appearance on these nights.

She gives him one of her best smiles for this and says, "Now, I'm remembering why I like you."

Draco just smirks at this as he takes his seat and starts to pour.

"Alright, what's the topic of the night beside the plotting of two of my best friends' deaths?"

Hermione watches as Draco adopts his put upon pout and tells her, "Mother would like you over for dinner next week, and Father wants to show you one of his newly acquired books. Please owl them once you decide on a day. Though Merlin only knows why they continue to spend time with you, and why they make me into their owl. Now, onto things that matter."

"Stop being rude. You love your parents and you like seeing them happy. I make them happy, ergo you should just be happy," Hermione responds with a beaming smile.

This comment garners her an eye roll from Draco but there's also a hint of a smile at the corner of his lips. She's right and he knows it, he'll just never admit it. She likes him like this though. He's real now instead of the snotty little brat that causes a shiver to roll down her spine when she trips down that particular memory lane. Suppressing an actual shiver Hermione forces her focus back to Draco before that little thought goes any further. No need to dampen the mood.

Draco begins to pour and so begins their take a shot, eat some chips, and telling of information routine.

Hermione downs her Firewhiskey but skips right to the telling of information portion when she remembers something she found out that day.

"Oh! I know," she suddenly exclaims!

"Did you hear who Ron has been spending time with? He's been so cute thinking that he is actually being sneaky and trying to keep a secret. There's too many Weasleys around though for anything to remain a secret for long."

At this Draco leans forward, placing his elbows on the table, and his face on his palms. The look in his eyes lets her know that she isn't telling him anything new, and she's feeling slightly offended that he hasn't already imparted this information to her.

"Don't give me that look, Granger. You're adorable when you think you know something before a Slytherin."

Hermione reaches across the table to ruffle his hair as penance for the offense. She knows just how annoyed this makes him, and if she has to be annoyed, then he can join her there.

"Calm yourself, witch! I was going to tell you. Eventually."

I just felt the need to start some fluff but you can find another (darker) Dramione fic of mine over at the Priestesses of H.I.S.S. It is a collaboration with 3 other absolutely incredible authors where we take on a few or many of a set of 100 titles with a very specific set of rules. Come check out the lovely Moon, Dash, and Snow as we attempt to rise to the challenge. I have every faith in them. It's me doing the attempting. Haha

You can find the profile on my favorite authors list. :)

Never ever pull a Dash. *shudders and side-eyes*

Y'all should know by now I can't leave Severus Snape dead. Nope nope nope.

And 10 points to your house if you can name the song HG was listening to.