This is actually an old story I used to have but I worked on it to make it OQ. Now, I could leave it as a one shot like the original or I can add a few more chapters to wrap it up, let me know what you think. Enjoy!

Dusk Till Dawn

"Is she always so infuriatingly haughty?" Robin Hood asked through clenched teeth as his eyes followed the progress of the Queen retiring gracefully to her chambers.

He watched through eyes of steel and his jaw painfully set, noticing how she moved confidently as only royalty would do. He also did so not missing on how she left without sparing anyone a glance and definitely taking notice on how she just walked away without even bothering to bid anyone goodnight.

Nothing new there, but as always, her lack of manners irked him to no end, thus, why he was staring after her liked that…

Now, if anyone would ask what he was doing looking at her so intently, the former thief would answer without missing a beat that he only watched to make sure she wasn't within hearing ratio and in a way that was it, after all he wanted her to be far away so he could speak freely. Easy as that, because last thing he needed in that moment was for the woman to swirl on her heels and lash her sharp tongue on him once more.

No, he wasn't in the mood for that; he was tired, he was in a tad of a foul mood and he surely wasn't going to bite his tongue one more time to keep himself from answering back.

It took a lot of effort from his part to do that earlier on, when he basically saved her arse at The Dark One's castle and instead of thanking him like any decent person would do, she just looked at him over her shoulder and addressed him as if he was nothing but scum under her shoe.

So yes, in his mind, making sure she was gone so she couldn't listen to him was a good reason to watch, but he wouldn't have known how to respond if he was also asked why his eyes were settled on the sultry movements of her hips as she walked up the stairs…

"You know, she's actually not so bad. She just for some reason likes to act like this because… we'll I actually don't know why but that's her, that's Regina." Snow White chuckled, sending his way a sympathetic smile. "Just give her time."

"Time-" Robin scoffed because actually that was all he has been giving her, allowing her both the time and the space to get used to him so that she could stop treating him so poorly.

She hasn't done anything of the like and actually, with each day that passed she would treat him even worse.

It was almost enough to make him want to desist from the cordial treatment he was bestowing on her, because he had enough of her disdain as it was.

But, and there was always a but, at the other hand, part of his mind wanted to do as Snow said and just give The Queen some more time. First because the woman has saved Roland that first day when she arrived to the Enchanted Forest and he was going to be eternally grateful for that, second, because he was a gentleman and he didn't want to defile his mouth by biting back too hard, not only because she was the Queen, but also because she was a lady, and third, because even with her rotten attitude towards him, he was oddly drawn to her in ways he couldn't begin to explain.

Maybe it was because that day not so long ago at her castle, he has seen some sort of vulnerability he has never imagined her to have and he couldn't quite stop thinking that deep within her hard demeanor, there was a conflicted woman going through a very hard time and the stubborn part of him that always got him in trouble wanted nothing more than to reach to her…

He wanted to help.

That was why he knew he needed to learn how to deal with her snooty attitude and yes, that meant that he needed to grow some more patience.

Or he could also desist of helping her and instead he just needed to ignore her.

Feeling defeated in such uncertainty and more than a little frustrated, Robin eased the tension on his jaw to send Snow a lopsided smile.

Whatever it was that he needed to do, he was not going to solve it that night so he needed to let it go for now.

"We'll see about that; now if you excuse me, I'll go and check my boy so have a goodnight, Snow."

"You too, Robin."

After the quick exchange, the archer retired to his own chambers. His and the rest of his Merry Men's rooms were at the opposite side of The Queen's because apparently, she didn't quite trust them and she wanted them as far from her as she could have them.

The way he saw it, it was a miracle she hasn't banned them all from her castle already, and that she hasn't was something he couldn't quite comprehend.

He was grateful that she hasn't ordered them to leave though and maybe that was another reason why he was bearing the burden of her attitude, because with The Wicked Witch on the loose, The Queen's castle was the safest place for Roland to be and he couldn't jeopardize his son's safety.

Blowing out a breath and forcing his mind to always remember that, the man moved with ease through the corridors until he made it to the designated area for them to rest. In there he found his boy already tucked warmly in bed and sleeping soundly, his little arms wrapped tightly to the toy The Queen gave him.

Smiling at the image of his little frame lost into the covers and silently thanking Little John for putting him to bed while he was away, Robin finally relaxed his shoulders.

Watching Roland and knowing he was safe was worth having to deal with The Queen so he was going to leave it at that; he just needed to learn how to ignore everything she represented; starting with the attitude and then with the strange pull she had on him, that was it.

Hopefully they could find a way to defeat The Wicked Witch soon so that all of them could go their separate ways and end with the uncomfortable situation once and for all.

Nodding because that happening was for the best, Robin mused about what a shame it was that he hadn't been able to kick it off with Regina, as he was sure they would have gotten along if it wasn't because she was set on hating on him.

But what could he do? Things were as they were, so with that in mind he went ahead to wash himself. When that was done he climbed in bed as well.

He meant to stay awake so that he could think some more about everything that was going on, but as the darkness started to engulf him, he drifted off into a deep slumber; his dreams carrying him to a far-off land where everything was possible…

"The Queen has requested for you, so make haste and tend her."

Robin heard the voice roar from somewhere behind him and he jumped awake immediately, his head shooting upward, the muscles of his shoulders tensing and his back straightening up.

'The Queen?' He thought, and it took him a whole second to realize that the voice probably meant Regina.

But what would The Queen want with any of them? Wasn't she already locked in her bedchambers?

Yes, that much he knew because he has seen her himself.

Now, another thing he noticed was that wherever the bloody hell he was in that moment definitely wasn't his room.

That right there was strange, as he pretty much remembered being in the privacy of his chambers with his son before being abruptly woken up.

Blinking rapidly, a tremendous feeling of disorientation started to wash over him. He didn't know where he was, so trying to figure it out, his eye ventured to look around.

It was after doing that when he noticed that he was in some kind of dining hall, surrounded by what suspiciously looked like knights… specifically the Queen's Black Knights.

Clenching his jaw as all his senses stood in alert with the presence of some of the men who probably gave him chase during his bandit years, Robin saw that everyone around was eating, and when he looked down he saw that there was supper served in front of him as well.

"What in the…" He began to say as he fought hard against the urge of rushing to his feet and fleeing the scene.

"This can't be good; The Queen has been in a foul mood for the last fortnight so whatever she wants will be bad."

Clenching his jaw, Robin looked at his side and saw that there was a man sitting just as he was and that he was eating the food served for him.

He didn't understand what was happening, but wanting to look normal he grabbed a cup of water and swallowed down a gulp.

'This has to be a dream.'

Yes, ever since the Queen's curse took half the realm away, his dreams have become very livid and sometimes it was hard to separate them from reality. But those dreams usually took him to nice places so he could do normal things. Showing Roland how to shoot an arrow, sitting with his Merry Men around a fire, laughing… and even in one occasion, talking with Marian.

"Are you deaf? Don't keep Your Majesty waiting." The voice that has been speaking from behind came closer and before Robin could look back, someone smacked him hard in the head and thus made him spill the water from the cup onto himself.

He cringed, his instinct telling him to turn around and return the favor but his mind telling him not to do it because the consequences would be worse if he did.

So he took the hit without complaining… feeling a sense of dread forming in the pit of his stomach because the blow only meant he was the one being summoned to The Queen.

'It is just a dream, nothing more.'

He recited in his mind as he got to his feet, his face showing no indication that he was fighting an inner battle between going with what his subconscious was playing or following the feeling in his gut of making a run out of it.

Taking in a deep breath, Robin decided to play along because dream or not, he was curious about what would The Queen want with him.

By the time he made up his mind, his legs were already carrying him out of the hall. He moved along easily, as if that was something he has done many times before.

He never had, at least not so close to her chambers.

Still, he easily made his way through the dark corridors of the castle, noticing that the more he approached The Royal chambers, the less people he found on his way.

Darkness seemed to be swallowing his surroundings and he felt as if he was walking through a desolate place; only a scarce number of The Queen's security could be seen in that part of the building and none of them spared him more than a glance.

Once in front of the double doors that lead into the chambers, Robin stopped by the guards and without having to utter a word they let him pass. When he was inside they closed the doors and locked him to his luck.

Now, inside, his eyes immediately found Regina and his breath caught a little on his throat.

She looked stunning, sitting over a desk with her legs crossed and hiding under an impossibly crimson red dress that spilled down the desk and onto the floor. It was a dress befitting a Queen, it hugged her every curve as a second skin and it blatantly accentuated all of her body, especially right up front where a very low cut cleavage that was barely covered with a black see through fabric caught his attention.

But that was not all he noticed, there was also how her hair, dark and long was half up in some kind of intricate hairdo as the rest of it fell helplessly down her back and yes, there was also the somehow coquettish look on her eyes.

"My Queen." He said before he could even help it, and as if that wasn't weird enough he went down to his knee.

Was this what his dream wanted him to do? Was that what he would have done if he has been a soldier under her command instead of a thief?

Running his tongue along the edge of his upper teeth, Robin waited, his eyes glued to the marble floor as seconds flew by.

"Get up; I'm in no mood for formalities."

Her voice, raspy and loud echoed all around him. Robin obeyed at once, but he kept his gaze down; for some reason he was afraid that she would recognize him as one of the most wanted thieves in the realm.

"You summoned me, Your Majesty, I'm at your service." The words flowed automatically, as if his lips were used to utter them while in her presence.

'Nothing but a dream… go with it.'

The Queen scoffed and out of the corner of his eye, Robin saw her slide down from the desk so she could approach. "Didn't I tell you that I'm in no mood for formalities?" She said, walking pass him and leaving behind the echo of her steps.

Robin ventured to look up, not knowing what to expect. When his eyes found her, The Queen was standing in front of him, holding a golden goblet in her hand while she stared at him.

He knew that he should look away, but before he could force himself to cower under her stare, he took a moment to really look at her.

Much as she has been the last time he lay his eyes on her, The Queen looked imposing.

She looked stunning as well, just as he has thought before and that made him desist of looking away. It was a dream after all so what harm could he cause by looking?

With that in mind, his blue eyes went to scan her face, watching her colored red lips, her deep chocolate brown eyes framed by long dark lashes made thicker by make-up, her face smooth and flawless…

There was no denying that the woman was beautiful.

He has believed so ever since he first saw her, even when her attitude was a total let down.

"You have been one of my knights since when?" She asked and shaking out of his thoughts, Robin felt the weight of the dark-haired woman's eyes on him.

"Since my coming of age…" He said with a frown.

"Is that so-" Her words were purred as she walked in circles around him.

Robin swallowed hard, wondering what would happen if he was killed in a dream. Would dying in there mean his ultimate death or would he just wake up and keep on as if nothing happened.

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Humming, the Queen drank all the contents of her goblet and threw it away. "That means that you are bound to me by oath, did you know that? Bound to do whatever I ask you to do."

Robin opened his mouth but closed it again, he wanted to tell her that there was no way that he was bound to a woman that did nothing but undermine him, but something deep inside of his being told him to hold his tongue.

What he needed was to go along with everything and see where it would lead him.

As he mused about what he should say, The Queen walked to him and grabbed his chin in her hand, forcing him to look down into her eyes. "Do you know, or don't?"

"I know." He said, not feeling quite like himself. Hell, if he was to be completely honest he would have to admit that he was feeling antsy because the eyes digging into his own were those of The Queen… a woman that was as alluring as no one else he has even known.

"Good, then take of your clothes." She commanded as her lips curved into a devious smirk.

"I beg your pardon?" Robin choked the words out, his brow furrowing. Regina was asking him to do what?

"I think you heard me well enough, now keep true to that oath you hold so close to your heart and don't make me repeat myself. I hate to do that." She said in a bored tone of voice while letting go of his chin, then she walked away, stopping only when she was in front of a huge bed.

Blinking a couple of times, Robin shook his head. Of all the things in the world, this was the one he has never expected her to ask… dream or not. But as his mind struggled, he began to do as he was told. He undressed, putting his clothes down on the floor once he was bared of all.

Then he just stood there, trying to figure out what the bloody hell was going on.

Regina had by then turned around to face him and her eyes were scanning him head to toe. He couldn't tell what she was thinking, the only thing that he knew was that he felt ridiculous and that he had a sudden urge to burst out a laugh.

Was his subconscious really so cruel as to have this kind of dream?

"Not bad." She said at last, her feet carrying her towards him once again. She moved as if she was floating and Robin could do nothing but to remain in place, holding his breath as his dream carried him to places he has never dared to venture before.

From a closer distance, The Queen kept inspecting, satisfying her curiosity by walking around him.

She looked without shame, and once standing in front of him she went even further when her royal hand came to rest against his tense stomach and slid further down, reaching his pubic bone and then up to his stomach once again.

She did that while her eyes fixed deep into his and as a response, he felt a tightening in his groin accompanied by her fingers wrapping around his manhood.

"I have a special task for you today."

Her fingers on his skin felt like fire and the former thief closed his eyes as he became thick and full at the mercy of her touch. Yes, it was a dream, but it felt so bloody real.

Snorting in disbelief, Robin opened his eyes again, wondering if maybe this was how his mind wanted to resolve the growing tension between himself and the Queen… or if maybe this had nothing to do with his mind and it was his body acting up, rioting because it was already so starved by not being with a woman in so long that this was how it protested.

It made some kind of sense, after all his body didn't understand reason and well, Evil Queen or not, the woman was a stunner.

Pretty face, gorgeous body that could wake up desires even in the purest of them all and a pair of deep chocolate brown eyes apt to entrance the toughest one.

He has noticed all that, obviously, he was only human and he was everything but blind, but despite his imprudent eyes and wandering mind he has kept his thoughts to himself…

Now it was this, a dream where he could do whatever he wanted to a woman he should never even think about touching when awake, The Queen.

"A task?" He said when he found his voice.

The Queen's lips pursed as she retreated, but her eyes never left his. "A task." She said again. "Come help me undress."

Oh this could only be trouble, he knew that. But in this dream that he was having he seemed to have little to no control and before he could help it, he was going to her, reaching to the back of her dress so that he could unzip it.

The sound of it coming down was deafening; the closeness of her body to his maddening. True, he was trying to minimize the body contact, but no matter what he tried, the entire length of his body was brushing against hers.

When the zipper reached her lower back, he moved from her just the tiniest bit and proceeded to slide the dress down her shoulders. She watched him as he did that, her eyes sparkling dark and her crimson full lips barely containing a smirk.

To Robin it felt like an outer body experience where he was watching from above while feeling everything flesh to flesh.

Even her scent felt real, it clouded his mind with its mysterious darkness and as he took care of taking off her dress, he couldn't help but to lean forward to breathe into it.

When the dress was out of the way, he saw that she was wearing a matching set of undergarments that were definitely not from this realm. It was a very intriguing thing, that way of dressing… and the way they revealed so much while covering the essentials completely caught his attention.

His eyes also took notice on the contrast the dark fabrics created on her pale skin.

It was as much skin as he has seen out of The Queen and he had to close his hands into fists not to reach forward and touch her.

Clearing his throat and taking a step back, he chewed hard on the inside of his cheek. He did the task of undressing her so he did nothing but look.

Now, Regina's body was lean but she had all the right curves; she was impressive and moving his eyes to her breast, to the hollow of her waist and then down to her flat stomach, he decided that yes, the woman looked more than good.

"Stop staring and finish your task. You are not done undressing me."

Nodding, he walked behind her and tried to decipher how the upper half worked. It took him a second, but when he got the hang of it he undid the clasp. Now, he did that from behind just so he wouldn't have to look at her face or at her breast for that matter, but when he had to lower down to slide the silk of her bottom undergarments down her legs, his hands betrayed him and he ended up running his fingers along her hips, down her thighs, off to the back of her knees and ending on her calves.

Her skin was smooth and warm, and even once he helped her kick out off her underwear, he remained down like that, one hand on her hip and the other one dragging back up.

She was perfect, especially from than angle where he was having a full view of her round and fleshy buttocks.

It made him want to reach forward and sink his teeth there and he almost did it. It was too much of a temptation, but not wanting to push his luck, he just touched her, his palms getting a handful of her and giving her a nice squeeze… he even spread her a bit.

"Are you enjoying yourself?" She asked with a trace of amusement in her voice and Robin puffed out a breath.

He should get up on his feet and leave the room, but there was no trace of common sense in his dreaming self so he just grabbed her hips and made her turn around.

Why the hell no? It was just a dream, right? And he needed to ease the ache in his groin so he was not only going to go with the flow, but he was also going to call his own shots. "Not yet."

With that said, he leaned into her and placed his lips on her lower stomach. It made her hum, and wanting not only to listen to her repeat the sound but to get a taste of her, he ran his tongue down until he reached her pubic bone and then a little lower.

She was bare and smoothly clean down there, thing that would be scandalous among some proper ladies in this realm, but he liked it as it allowed him to really look at her.

He did that for a few seconds, look… his hand reaching up so he could spread her a little so that his eyes could drink on the image of the very essence of The Queen's womanhood.

"Go on." She purred and his mouth watered in anticipation. He wanted to do this, he wanted to taste her.

With that in mind, he pressed back to her and with his mouth placed on her, he grabbed one of her legs and threw it over his shoulder. It was a bold move, he knew it, but it would give him better access into her.

Sucking in a breath, The Queen grabbed his head and pulled him even closer, an opportunity that he used to open his mouth and then close it against her sex.

It was like that that his lips trapped the bundle of nerves that she kept hidden, and it was like that that he started to use his tongue to savor her.

Letting out a raspy moan, The Queen clutched at his hair, encouraging him to keep on. And keep on he did, with the musky scent of her arousal being inhaled into his lungs he did the unimaginable, he feasted off her, his tongue running over her slit and then flickering around her clit, his lips teasing and taking all they could take.

As unbelievable as it was, it was a new experience, he has only done this with Marian and that he was doing it with another woman made him feel a rush of adrenaline run up his spine.

Sure, it was a dream, but like he stated before it felt so real. The way she tasted, the sounds she made, his own erection throbbing in neglect.

Ah, but even though the thrill of the moment was clouding his judgment with lust, he couldn't help but to recognize that deep at the back of his mind, there was a sense of danger wanting to break free.

It was there, faint but nagging, and the more attention he put to it there louder it got.

Shaking his head and going to his feet, he meant to tell her off, but instead of doing that he grabbed her face with both hands and crushed his lips to hers.

Protesting, Regina started to move her face away. "I didn't say you could kiss me."

"No?" He said, grabbing her face a bit harder and pulling her back to his lips.

Regina mumbled something when he did that, but then her lips parted to grant him access and he was doomed to take advantage of that.

With his mind going straight to hell, he allowed his tongue melt against hers, sliding hotly into her mouth so that he could explore thoroughly.

And for all her words she kissed him back with the same force, her nails digging into his shoulders and her body pressing insistently against his.

Motivated by her response and with his mind getting gravely compromised, Robin moved a hand to her naked waist and settled it there.

With the moment escalating in intensity and with the kiss growing hungrier and almost desperate with every passing second, Robin slid his hand to her thigh.

"Damn you for making me do this." He said and Regina laughed.

Not minding her response and feeling as if he was someone else, he lowered his face to her neck and kissed her there, his lips and tongue moving along her skin until he reached a spot that made her shiver in his arms.

"I like that, but keep with what you were doing before." She said, pushing his face down to her chest.

The request both angered him and excited him so he went back to her throat and started to suck randomly along her neck, leaving angry red marks to adorn her flesh.

It was a small defiance, and his lips curved into a smile when instead of protesting she threw her head back to give him more space.

"Alright, do whatever you want… however you want to; just know that his goes both ways." Her words were breathless and she said them while sneaking her hand between their bodies so that she could stroke his erection.

Hissing at the contact, Robin thought that a real Regina, one that didn't live only in his dream would never tell him to do whatever he wanted to do to her… not ever.

She would actually have his head on a platter just for having this dream.

Thinking about that made his desire soar, it also made him feel a tad angry with himself and with the real Queen so he groaned, swallowing hard down when his face reached lower down so that he could start worrying her flesh of her chest with his teeth.

Swirling his tongue around the hard peak of her nipple, he bucked his hips into her touch and groaned. He did it while keeping his darkening blue eyes on her, watching her exposed breast and taking particular interest in the way her nipples were moistened by his tongue running over them.

It was a sight to be seen, it was crazy… and it felt so good.

Clenching his jaw, he pulled away and straightened up. "Turn around."

"And since when does a simple knight tells his Queen what to do?" She asked, but there was no hardness in her tone, no… only amusement.

He scoffed, a part of his head reminding him that since this was his dream, he could do whatever the bloody hell he wanted to do… the things he didn't even dare thinking about her when awake out of fear of she burning him down to a crisp.

But this was not real… she was not real, so in his mind that gave him permission to go with it.

"Since it's my dream." He said through clenched teeth while grabbing her hips to make her turn around for him.

Once he had her where he wanted, he went ahead and pressed his eager member against her ass.

She laughed, darkly, the sound filling the air with the richness of it. "Well you do are enjoying yourself." She teased, moving her hips in such a way that her ass-cheeks wriggled a little.

"You are a little tease, aren't you?" He breathed out, watching as he rubbed himself on her, dragging the head of his manhood all over her flesh.

"Well look who's talking, playing with his cock instead of putting it on his Queen already."

Robin groaned, because damn how could it all feel so real, so good? And this dream Queen was definitely something else.

He doubted the real one would be like that, he really doubted it. Her with the way she acted as if she was above everyone and her, who movee as if she had a stick up her arse…

"Is that what you want, my cock in you?" He hissed, wrapping his fingers tighter around his erection and guiding it to her sex. He just rubbed a little more on her, gathering some of her wetness on the crown of his manhood.

"Why do you think I called you here?"

"Why me?"

"Because… I've been watching you, and I want you."

Feeling as if he has been struck with lighting with her words, a shiver run down his spine and he sucked in a breath. What he did next he did it hard and not tenderly at all, he pulled her into him and positioned himself in a way that the tip of his rock-hard erection was pressing into her core. Then, with a single push, he impaled his whole length into her tight entrance.

Regina gasped out loud, her inner walls tensing around his erection and he wondered if he hurt her. He didn't think so, she was been wet and ready for him so that probably meant that her gasp was out of pleasure.

Besides, he would be dead already if he had hurt her.

Ah, but it was all a dream so how could he dwell on the thought of her possible discomfort when the whole thing felt so good to him; he just couldn't fight the sensation of pure bliss that took over him as he found himself deep inside of her

"Shit." He grunted through clenched teeth, trying to get a hold of himself. But it was hard, the woman was tight and warm and having her from that angle allowed him to go all the way in.

Holding down a breath, he forced her to bend down a little, her upper body resting against the huge desk and then he placed a hand to her stomach. The view was unbelievable, her back naked and smooth stretching in front of him as her ass pressed against his pubic bone. It was enough to drive him mad with lust.

"Move, just don't stand there." She said as her back arched.

Licking his lips, Robin eased his grip on The Queen's hip and slowly slid out of her, but then when he was almost out, he went right back in, watching through half closed eyes as his throbbing member disappeared into the depths of her sex.

"Like this, do you want me to move like this? Or should I just stay still, your Majesty?"

Regina threw her head back, apparently not minding his insolent tone. "Move, harder."

As she said that, he slid his hand from her stomach and grabbed her hips still. But then, he slowly started to increase his tempo until he was slamming into her hard and fast.

"Oh yes, just like that." Regina moaned and gasped and he just had to bend forward and press his torso to her back, his lips kissing her shoulder and his hands holding his weight by pressing against the desk.

Growling, he closed his eyes and kept going, knowing that if he didn't slow down he was going to come undone very soon. He could already feel it, the pressure in his lower stomach growing and his erection throbbing insistently to get its release.

But before he could reach that sweet momentum, The Queen pushed away from him and turned around to face him.

He wanted to curse her for ruining his moment, but when she pressed back to him and kissed him, he kissed her back, lifted one of her legs off the floor and pushed his hardness back into her.

It was a tad hard as he was so much taller, but he conquered the position by force of will.

Once he was buried in her again, Regina clung to him, her arms wrapped around his neck, her body molded to his and her tongue seeking his until he was kissing back with the same passion.

By then his mind was completely compromised and placing his hands on her behind, he lifted her up in his arms as she circled his waist with her toned legs.

He carried her like that to bed, putting her down and going along with her.

The position was simple, yes, he knew it, but something about having her, The Queen, a woman who under any circumstances was untouchable, under him as his hips rocked against hers was an experience out of the world.

It made him feel delirious… and the warmness of her core and the tightness of her inner walls was driving him closer to the edge.

"My Queen." He grunted again, grabbing firmly on her thigh and lifting it so that his thrust could go deeper, so deep that his balls were basically pressed to her ass. "What are you doing to me?"

"Why?" She mumbled in his ear, her hands lifting up and grabbing his face, her fingers burying in his hair.

Robin just looked at her, first at her eyes and then to her lips. By then he was almost panting as he kept moving against her, into her and he could feel his release just around the corner.

"Tell me." He insisted.

"Oh… just stop talking and make me cum."

He slammed harder, making her moan gravelly. Yes, he wanted his answer but he also wanted to make her reach the edge. And she was apparently close.

He could see it in her eyes, in the way she held to him and on the way a deep blush has taken residence on her cheeks.

She has never looked more beautiful in his eyes, with her mouth swollen by his kisses, with her hair spilling all over and her eyes shining with lust.

"Like this?" He asked, his thrusts never ceasing and his eyes completely enraptured by her.

"God, yes, do it again… like that."

He did, until she was a moaning mess writhing underneath him as she rode her climax away.

He watched entranced, about to reach his own release when she threw her head back and smirked.

"Oh My God, that was amazing for a thief."

'Thief…' he thought, not sure why his dream Regina would call him like that.

So yes, her words registered in his mind but before he could react to them, the peak of his passion reached its moment and that was it for him. He came hard into her, so hard that his vision blurred and he lost his balance.

What happened next happened in a blur, it was as if he was watching all from above, he saw how he slammed into her, grunting and moaning as he emptied himself into her. And he saw her smiling her devious smile as she received all he had to give… her black fingernails scratching down his arm…

Robin woke up feeling out of breath and with his heart beating frantically hard into his chest. He also felt dizzy, confused and with an awful feeling eating him inside out.

"What the bloody hell?" He said as he closed his eyes because yes, he remembered the dream to the minimum detail. He also remembered the sensations the dream woke in him and that only made him feel guilty.

Looking around, he saw that Roland was still sleeping, completely oblivious to his perverted dreams.

"It was only that, a dream." And he couldn't be blamed for his wicked subconscious, or could he?

Swallowing hard down, he got to his feet and walked away from the bed. He needed to clear his mind and the sooner the better.

He walked out of the castle and into the darkness of the night aimlessly, and as he did that he noticed that there was a thick discomfort inside his trousers. It was wet, warm and he could feel it sticking to his flesh in a shameful reminder of the dream…

"Shit, shit, shit, shit." He chanted out loud, looking down to the wet spot darkening his crotch.

How could this happen to him? Wasn't it enough that he had that dream? Apparently not, because as if to shame him even more, he ejaculated while dreaming… like a bloody kid in plain puberty.

Clenching his jaw, he decided to make it towards the stream. He would wash there and then go back to bed to try to forget about it all. But as if luck wasn't on his side that night, while making his way to the body of water, he ran into The Queen.

He stopped dead in his tracks as he saw her there like a mirage, her hair cascading down her back in soft waves, her face clean of her usual make up and her rosy red mouth making her lips look more inviting than ever.

She looked stunning in her simple appearances, even radiant with just a black velvet cloak wrapped around her.

He couldn't help but to stare, first because he was taken aback with her presence and then in surprise because he has never seen her down there, let alone looking like a normal human being and not like the unreachable monarch that he knew her to be.

"Well look who's now wandering through my castle, the thief." She said in a snarl, the corner of her lips curling upward as she set her warm eyes on his.

Robin opened his mouth to reply, but when she kept staring, he scoffed first. "I'll have to beg your pardon, your Majesty, as I was only aware I couldn't trespass the area you designated for me and my men inside the walls of your castle, but I did not l was not allowed outside."

Her eyes narrowed as she just stood there, looking more annoyed than anything else. "You can be outside as much as you want to, as long as you don't get in my way." As she said that, her eyes moved up and then down his body, the soft brown of her orbs having a sultry sparkle he has never seen before.

It was probably in his imagination, as there was no way she could read in his eyes the kind of dream he just had with her.

No, if she could she would rip not only his heart, but also his eyes and probably his tongue.

Clearing his throat, he blinked before adding. "I won't." Then, after a quick glance she just rolled her eyes and walked around him.

When she was gone, he hurried forward into the stream and with clothes on and all, he went in to wash himself of any guilt. He remained there for a while, and it was only when he decided to go out to dry himself that he saw it.

It was in his right arm, running down his shoulder and into his forearm; a few red lines that could only be scratches marking his skin.

Doing a double take and remembering how his Dream Regina scratched him there, he slapped a hand to his forehead and cussed out loud, the night swallowing his words as somewhere in the night, Regina smiled her devious smile.
