A/N: Thank you to everyone who has reviewed, favorited, and followed.

I will be adding flashbacks into the story, so I hope you all enjoy those.

Chapter 2: Reinvigorate

Brynna sat out on the balcony of her new condo. After a long and hard search, she successfully found a condo in Orlando. It was located at Lake Nona, so whenever she stepped out on her balcony, she would get an incredible view of the lake.

She was unpacking little by little each day, but she managed to get most of her belongings unpacked. She had only been settled for a few days so she understood she had to get used to being back in Orlando. Slowly but surely her condo was beginning to feel like home.

Brynna was due to meet with Hunter at the Performance Center to get an update on her status. She felt apprehensive yet excited. The apprehensiveness came with her experience last week at the Performance Center. Her and Aliyah had a confrontation she was not prepared for. Luckily, Hunter and Shawn intervened before the confrontation turned physical because Brynna was certain that was the direction it was heading and she would defend herself if need be. Being in a fight with someone was the last thing she wanted on her path to redemption.

She did feel excited about starting fresh.

Gathering her thoughts, she sighed and walked back inside her condo. She went her bedroom and walked inside her closet to get an appropriate outfit to wear for her meeting with Hunter. He emailed her and told her to wear something business casual. Rummaging through her clothes, she stumbled upon some clothing she thought would meet the dress code.

She pulled the clothes of the hanger and laid them on her bed. She pulled off her pajamas, threw them in her dirty clothes hamper, and headed to the bathroom to get in the shower.

Brynna was ready to conquer the day.

Getting out of her car, she let out a heavy sigh and observed herself through her car window. She made sure every curl in her long blonde hair was in tact. Her blonde bangs were pulled back to the left side of her head with a jeweled barrette. She smoothed out her outfit which consisted of a gunmetal gray ruffled racerback tank, black slacks, and biege suede pumps. Her silver hoop earrings completed the outfit. Carrying her biege clutch in her right hand, she made her way into the Performance Center.

When she entered the Performance Center, she directly headed for Hunter's office and knocked on the door. Almost immediately, Hunter opened the door. "Hello, Brynna, come in." Hunter scooted to the side to let Brynna enter. The Game shut the door behind him and extended his hand out. Brynna placed her tiny hand in Hunter's larger one and shook his hand. Brynna took a seat in front of Hunter's desk and Hunter sat back down in his office chair. She noticed that Shawn wasn't present. "How has the moving process been for you?"

"Not too bad. I am living at one of the condos in front of Lake Nona; the view is amazing."

"Glad you found a place to live at that you're satisfied with."

"Thank you."

"You're welcome," Hunter smiled. "Shawn will be glad to know that you found a place to live."

Was Shawn worried about her getting acclimated? "Where is Shawn at? I thought he was supposed to be my guardian of some sort?"

"Shawn is not necessarily your guardian - you're just supposed to report to him if you have any concerns," The King of Kings explained. "He's not in here with us because he's filling in for one of the coaches."

Brynna nodded. "Gotcha."

"I'm sure you're anxious about knowing what's in store for you." Brynna nodded enthusiastically and Hunter chuckled at her actions. "I want to have you on television as soon as possible, but I know you need time to train and back into the swing of things."

"Thank you. I would hate to get back on live television and embarrass myself or the NXT brand."

"I'm glad you're in the right state of mind." Brynna knew exactly what Hunter was referring to. He was right, she was finally in the right state of mind. "I'm not going to linger on the past, but I'm just glad you're cooperating with me."

"I am not planning on being that pain in the ass anymore."

"I'm glad to hear that, Brynna. You were a fucking headache during your first tenure; no offense."

Brynna let out a little chuckle. "I know."

"You know how the training process works: you'll have Sarah Amato, Matt Bloom, William Regal, and of course, Shawn, as your main coaches." Brynna nodded in understanding. "But, you'll also be training with Johnny Gargano and Candice LeRae. They're two of my very best on the roster and I think they'll help you get comfortable."

"I couldn't think of anyone better to train with." When she was in rehab, she watched as Johnny and Candice were thriving on NXT. She was enthralled with the summer feud of Johnny and the NXT champion. Speaking of the NXT champion - he took the brand by storm two years ago and hasn't looked back. She was glad to see he was living his best life.

"So it's settled then?" Hunter wondered.

"It's settled," Brynna responded. "I'm ready."

"Good,"The Game smiled. "I'll let you have the rest of the week off, so you'll report to the Performance Center Monday morning."

"Sounds like a plan... can't wait." She stood up straight and extended her hand out to Hunter. He accepted the offer and shook her hand. "I won't let you down." Brynna exited Hunter's office. Reaching for her car keys in her clutch, she wasn't paying attention and collided into a hard body that felt all too familiar. Her brown eyes shifted up and they landed on a pair of familiar blue eyes.

An awkward tension was in the air. She hadn't seen him in person in a few years; she only kept up with him watching NXT. Her heart was rapidly beating. "I'm...I'm sorry." She discreetly scooted past him, exiting the performance center.

"Brynna...wait!" He called out to her. She turned around and came face to face with the NXT champion: Adam Cole. "It's been awhile."

"It has."

"I heard about your confrontation with Aliyah last week."

Brynna frowned. "You approach me to tell me that?"

Adam rubbed the back of his neck. "I was actually wanting to see if you're okay? I know you two have had issues for some time." Brynna and Aliyah's issues dated back to before Adam even signed with WWE. Brynna would tell him her issues with Aliyah. At first, Adam wasn't entirely sure whether or not to believe Brynna when she said Aliyah initiated a lot of the problems, but he heard Aliyah talk some serious shit about Brynna and it coincided with what Brynna told him and he felt bad for not fully believing her in the first place.

"That bitch wanted to start shit like she always does at my expense."

"She is pissed that you've resigned."

"It's because she's jealous that I'm relevant again while she's going to be stuck in irrelevancy for the rest of her career."

The NXT champion could see Aliyah's point, although he wasn't too happy with her taking her frustrations on Brynna. When he heard about Aliyah bringing up Brynna's bad behaviors from the past, he was ashamed of Aliyah for stooping so low. "I understand how Aliyah feels-"

"-if you're gonna take up for my nemesis, then fuck off."

Adam stood there stunned for a moment. "I wasn't going to take up for her. If you let me fucking finish what I needed to say instead of you interrupting me... I was going to say that I understand how Aliyah feels but, she shouldn't take out her frustrations out on you and bring up your old behaviors-"

Brynna was left speechless.

"-anyways, I've said what I needed to." Adam spared one last glance at Brynna. She looked absolutely marvelous. Rehab did her some good. "I'll see you around."

Brynna watched as Adam entered the Performance Center. Although their first encounter since her being out of rehab didn't go as smoothly as she wanted, it could've been a lot worse.


May 12, 2015 Day 1 of ROH/NJPW War Of The Worlds

Brynna stood backstage with Adam as he was preparing for his comeback against AJ Styles. The Panama City Playboy had overcomed a shoulder injury he suffered in December 2014. Brynna was ecstatic to see Adam back and doing what he was the most passionate about. Although she knew he loved her, she knew that professional wrestling was his first love and she was okay with that.

"You ready to go out there and tear the house down?" Brynna wondered.

"I'm so fucking ready." Adam grabbed his black leather jacket off the trunk and put it on. "I'm glad that you're here to support me in my first match after five long months."

Brynna radiantly smiled. "I wouldn't have missed it." Although Brynna's schedule was getting busier since she was starting to make a name for herself in NXT, there was no way she going to miss Adam's grand return.

"Thanks for sticking with me during my injury, I know I wasn't easy to deal with."

"No problem. I'm glad that we're able to support each other during tough times."

"You know I'll have your back." Adam and Brynna did their special handshake before he brought her close to him and kissed her. "Now that I'm fully healed, we're going to have celebrate my return later."

"Even though you're supposed to lose?" Brynna laughed at Adam's unamused expression.

"Way to kill the mood, Nelson."

"I did pack something with the hopes of us celebrating somehow."

"I think you just got me even more motivated to finish the match so I can get back to you as soon as possible."

Brynna giggled. "Good luck out there, I'll be right here waiting for you." Adam kissed her before disappearing out of her sight.

Brynna stared at the photo that transpired that flashback memory in her head. The photo was taken at the War Of The Worlds pay-per-view. Adam had just finished his match with AJ and felt like he was on cloud nine. One of the backstage photographers took the photo of the adorable moment if her memory served her correctly. Brynna had her arms around Adam's neck looking up at him with so much pride. Adam had his arms around Brynna's waist looking down at her adoringly.

How things have changed all these years later.

She supported him during the rough patches of his career, but she felt like he abandoned her when she needed him the most. In his defense, she wasn't exactly treating him the nicest during the last few months of their relationship.

Drugs and partying were more important to her at the time. She couldn't blame him for getting out of that toxic situation; however, that didn't make her feel any less angry with him. She would credit him and say that if it wasn't for him, she wouldn't have even entered rehab and turned her life around. But, he failed to keep in touch with her during her rehab tenure.

"So much for having my back," Brynna said to herself. Tossing the photo back inside the photo box; she huffed.

A/N: Thank you so much for reading!