Gabriel finally sighed, "Adrien, do you understand why I punished you?"

Adrien hiccuped and nodded his head yes.

"I can't hear your thoughts son." Gabriel replied.

"Y-Yes, b-because I-I w-went o-out w-with my friends, w-without telling you." Adrien replied.

"That's partly the reason. But,the other reason is because you have been abusing the freedom's I've given you. Adrien, I want you to have fun with your friends. But, if you are going to lie to me and sneak off without permission. Then I will have to take those freedoms away. And I'm sure you don't want that." Gabriel replied.

Adrien sniffed and shook his head no.

"So, from here on out. If you want to see your friends. Then you need to ask me. And if I say no, then I have a reason for saying it. But, I hope after today. We will not have to have this conversation again. Alright? If you want me to give you your indepence and my trust. Then you have to be more responsible. Do you understand?" Gabriel asked.

"Y-Yes f-father, I-I'm s-sorry." Adrien replied.

"Alright, come here." Gabriel replied, as he pulled Adrien into a hug.

Adrien through his arms around his father's neck. And sobbed into his shoulder. Gabriel stood with his son clinging tightly to him.

Gabriel rubbed his sons back and gently shushed him.

"'s alright, it's all over. Just cry it all out, I have you." Gabriel said, every word dripping with sympathy.

Gabriel finally made his way over to Adrien's bed. And got Adrien curled up in his arms. Being sure his bottom was not touching anything.

Adrien continued to cry. Harder now then before, because he was finally in his father's arms. And knew that his father forgave him. Even after what he had done. Adrien tried to speak at one point, but all he managed to choke out was "daddy."

Gabriel tightened his embrace and gently shushed his son. "Shh... you don't have to speak. I know you are sorry. And you are all forgiven. Just try to relax. I love you and I always will. No matter what you do."

Adrien cried for a while longer. But, Gabriel sat there the whole time just rocking him and whispering loving words into his ear. Gabriel was ready to sit there the whole night. If that was what it was going to take to calm Adrien down.

After a while, Adrien simply felt like he had no more tears left to cry. So, he rested his head on his father's chest. And Gabriel wiped the last few tears off his son's face. And then continued to hold him.

"I'm sorry, dad." Adrien said.

"I know, and you are all forgiven. Your slate has been wiped clean. And there is no more reason to feel guilty." Gabriel replied.

"How are you able to forgive me? Even after I've made the same mistake so many times?" Adrien asked.

"Adrien, I have made the same mistakes several times as well. It's all about learning and growing. And sometimes people just need help learning from certain mistakes. But, that's nothing to be ashamed of, and it's no reason for me to stay mad at you. And you might make the same mistake in the future. And if you do. I will still forgive you. Even if I get upset. Nothing you do will ever make me hate or you stop loving you." Gabriel replied.

After a little more time. Adrien was fully calm. So, Gabriel tried to get him to bed. But, Adrien was refusing to get out of his dad's arms.

"I don't want to be alone. Can you stay with me?" Adrien asked.

Gabriel finally nodded, before laying himself on the bed. And then getting Adrien laid on top of him. With his arms still around Adrien.

Adrien rested his head on his father's chest. And just the sounds of his father's breathing to sooth him.

"Thank you, father." Adrien said.

"Don't thank me, I will always be here for you. No matter what." Gabriel replied.

"I love you." Adrien replied.

Gabriel gently kissed the top of his son's head. "And I love you, never forget that."

Soon, Adrien felt like he could no longer keep his eyes open. And he fell into a deep slumber still lying peacefully on top of his dad.

Gabriel felt Adrien grow heavy. Indicating that he had fallen asleep. But, Gabriel didn't have the heart to move Adrien.

So, he just laid there for a little while longer. Just watching his son sleep. And feeling thankful that Adrien was safe in his arms. Something he hoped as well would be the case with Emilie again soon.

Soon, sleep took hold of Gabriel as well. And he fell into a deep slumber. With Adrien still resting peacefully in his arms.

Alright, so that is the end. What did you all think? If you enjoyed please be sure to leave a comment. And I will see you all in the next story. Until next time my dude's, Phantom90!