Hey Guy's! So, my last ML story did much better then I was expecting. And you all seemed to enjoy it. So, I figured I would write up another one for you all to enjoy. Please keep in mind this will have spanking of a minor. Nothing sexual or abusive. But, if you don't enjoy, then please don't read. For those of you still reading. Then please remember to RR!

Adrien stood in his bathroom. Looking at himself in the mirror. The dirt on his face had begun to dry and flake off. Adrien wished he could disappear like the dry dirt falling from his face. So, he could avoid the wrath of his father. Adrien's kwami Plagg flew over to him.

"Hey, you okay?" Plagg asked.

"No, you should of seen how mad and disappointed my father was when I got home. I just wanted to have some fun with my friends after school. It's Friday after all. Why can't father let me at least have some freedom on the weekends?" Adrien asked.

"You should of sat down and talked with your old man. Then at least you two could of tried to figure something out. But, I can understand why he is mad. You went behind his back and sent Natalie and Gorilla on a wild goose chase. And it's not fair that they get in trouble for your wrongdoings." Plagg replied.

Adrien sighed, "I know, I had never even heard of mud wrestling. It just sounded so cool and fun. And I actually had a blast. But, you are right. I should of talked with father. And maybe he would of let me go if I would of taken my bodyguard." Adrien replied.

"Look kid, I know your dad is strict. But, he's allowed you do things with your friends before. You just had to have your bodyguard there. And I'm sure he would of found this activity stupid. But, you are right. He probably would of let you go. If you would of actually talked to him. And promised to bring your bodyguard." Plagg replied.

Adrien sighed, he knew Plagg was right. And he also knew that he had no room to argue on whatever his punishment his father decided on.

Adrien turned when he heard the bathroom door slide open. It was his father, looking anything but happy. He walked over and eyed his son down. Causing Adrien to buckle under his father's glare.

Gabriel finally sighed, "Adrien, what do you think you were doing today? I never gave you the go ahead to see your friends after school! And you knew that! Yet, you still decided to leave the school before your bodyguard and Natalie could get there to collect you. And you nearly scared them half to death. When they could not find you! And how do you think I was feeling?! I nearly had a heart attack! Thinking something bad had happened to you! All because you wanted to go play some stupid games with your friends! What do you have to say for yourself?!"

Adrien rocked on his feet. "I-I'm s-sorry, father. I just wanted to have some fun with my friends on a Friday afternoon. And I thought you would think what we wanted to do was stupid. And so, I thought you would say no."

"Yes! It was very stupid! Wrestling in mud and ruining the clothes your parents have boughten for you. But, if you would of at least asked me, then maybe I would of allowed you to go. As long as you would of taken your bodyguard! And you wonder why I still treat you like a child. You are 13! You want to be treated like you are 13, then you need to act your age!" Gabriel snapped.

"I-I'm sorry, father." Adrien replied.

"There will be no friends for a month! No after school hang outs! No dinner's at the diner with them, no gaming online with them, no phone calls or text messages, nothing! If you can't be responsible with the freedom's I allow you to have. Then I will take them away. Do you understand?" Gabriel asked.

"I understand father." Adrien replied.

"But, we are not done yet. This is not the first time you have done this. And I'm tired of having to have this conversation with you. So, I'm going to be sure you remember this talk. And that we won't have to have it again. I want your pants and boxers off. And then I want you to face that wall. Lean onto it and place your hands on to it." Gabriel said.

Adrien gulped, "D-Do you have to spank me?"

"What did I just say?" Gabriel asked.

Adrien knew by his father's tone that he was running out of time. So, without another word. He dropped his bottom's onto the floor. Stepped out of them. And then faced the wall with his hands pressed against them. His face a little red. From having to be standing in front of his father half naked. And having his bottom sticking out.

Gabriel sighed, and then grabbed the belt from his sons jeans. Before standing behind his son.

"Adrien, I love you. And that is why I'm doing all of this. So, you can learn from your mistakes. I hope we won't have to have this conversation again anytime soon. Now, let's not drag this out any longer."

Okay, so yes, a bit of a cliff hanger. But please bare with me. I wasn't going to break this story into different parts. But, this story is too long for a one shot. Don't worry there is plenty more to come. But, for now, if you enjoyed then please remember to RR. And chapter 2 will be up soon. Until next time, my dudes! Phantom90!