Harry sighed with relief as he opened the door to see Severus standing patiently on his front porch. He gestured the man in, closing the door behind him, and grinned as they faced each other.

"You are my hero, Severus Snape," Harry said. "I know it's last minute, especially on a Thursday night, but I honestly didn't know who else to call. Kingsley wants me to head some investigation about an explosion at an apothecary near Hertfordshire, and Gin is 'working late' again. Everyone else was busy."

Severus smirked kindly. "Think nothing of it. My grading is done, and I really don't mind watching the children."

"Even after you've dealt with them all day?" Harry asked doubtfully.

"Yours are different," Snape answered evenly.

Harry chuckled. "Only because you spoil them, so they adore you." He reached for his scarf and coat on the rack by the door as two identical five-year olds ran into the front hall and wrapped themselves around the Potions Master.

"Sev'rus!" They shouted simultaneously.

A three year old toddled in behind them. "Sev'wus!" She cooed, reaching up for him.

Severus obliged and picked the girl up, settling her on his hip as if it were the most natural thing in the world. "I do not spoil your children, Potter. I am a mean, nasty thing to them, aren't I?" He directed the last at the three small ones, making them giggle.

Harry rolled his eyes as he wrapped his scarf around his neck. "Sure, Sev. Just don't get them riled up, alright? They need to be in bed by 8, if you're still here. Lily should go down fine, but don't let the twins con you into letting them stay up longer."

"Aw, but Dad," The two boys whined, turning to him with identical, pleading stares.

"No," Harry said firmly, leveling them with his best glare. "You have an early appointment."

James crossed his arms over his chest in a pout, but Sirius turned to the Potions Master.

"Sev'rus, tell Daddy I don't need to go to the Mediwizards!" He pleaded. "I don't wanna go! They'll poke me and make me take awful potions!"

Severus gave Harry a sly look before kneeling down and setting Lily on the floor. "I'll tell you what, Siri," He stage-whispered. "You behave for your father tomorrow and get all of your schoolwork done, and the three of you can spend tomorrow night at Hogwarts with me. Deal?"

Both boys brightened considerably. "Yeah!"

Harry sighed, giving the Potions Master a reproachful look before he knelt in front of his children. "Give me hugs," All three of them wrapped tiny arms around his neck, and he wrapped his own arms around the tiny group. "I won't be back before you're in bed, but Mommy should be home to tuck you in."

James pulled back. "Yeah, right…"

"Like she ever is," Sirius finished for him, both staring moodily at their feet.

Harry sighed and looked up at the Potions Master imploringly. Severus knew about the troubles he'd been having with his wife of six years. The Slytherin took pity on him and crouched, grabbing the children's attention.

"Why don't you three go get your pajama's on, and we can watch a movie before bed?"

Harry stood up as the three children hurrahed and took off up the stairs behind his friend. Snape straightened as well with a sly smirk. Harry was grateful for the save, so failed to bring up that, it being 7, if the children watched a movie it would have them up after the curfew he'd set.

Severus' gaze softened as Harry looked past him to stare after his kids sadly. "How much longer are you going to put up with this, Harry?" The Potions Master asked seriously. "You're an Auror, with constant demands on your time, and you're home more often than she is as an intern in the Ministry.

Harry sighed, looking back at his friend. "Not much longer, Sev," He swore. "I hired someone to tail Ginny. As soon as I've got enough evidence, I'll file for the divorce. But I want to make sure I've got leverage, in case she tries to fight me on losing her right to my fortune, or me getting full custody. I'm the Boy Who Lived, no judge would award custody to the woman who cheated on me, and she knows it."

"Your Slytherin is showing, Potter."

The Auror grinned. "I learned from the best." He slid into his coat. "They've already eaten, dinner and dessert. If Gin doesn't come home and they give you any trouble about going to bed, just set them down in front of Fantasia, it'll knock them right out."

"Go, Harry, we'll be fine," Severus told him calmly.

Harry hesitated, staring up the stairs again, then turned to the door. He opened it, stepped out, then turned back. "I really do appreciate you helping me with them, Sev. I don't know what I'd do without you."

"Go, Potter, do your job," Snape said, shooing him off. "Go and save the world. Your children are in good hands."

Harry chuckled. "I know they are, it's just…thank you, really."

"Go!" The Potions Master repeated, closing the door.

Harry smiled at having his own door shut in his face, and then turned on the spot, Apparating to his crime scene.