Inuyasha has come the city now. He bumps into Kurai and she looks as he walks by and sees that he looks just like Inuyasha. Later, she finds him at the Crown Game Center and sees that he is Inuyasha. She begins to see him every day after school at the center.

Before this, the soldiers had a meeting over the Holy Sword that Reiko now possesses. It has just broken a piece of diamond and Nazuna says:

"As you see," says Nazuna, "it broke the hardest substance into pieces. That sword isn't made of any ordinary stone. Since we brought it from the shrine on the moon, I've been examining it with Soten. Neither of us has seen anything like it. It has many special parts. I think it has some ability to build up power. It's stone part is extremely venomous. After Kurai- ...the priestess committed suicide in her previous life, we were bathed in light. That's all I remember."

"It carried a special poison... The Moon Castle was on the Sea of Serenity. Once it was beautiful crystal palace. Our Moon Kingdom... Back then, the moon wasn't a desolate, dark star. It shined brightly. But the enemy turned it into a star of death."

They stop talking. They see Kurai laying on a couch, asleep. "Talking about this must be hard for Kurai," Shiori says. "Because of Inuyasha. And she saw her mom, the High Priestess, on the moon. Her spirit is tired." They carry her into another room and tuck her into a bed.

"We must learn how to seal away the evil enemy," says Ginny. "We can use the holy blade of legend to defend the princess. We must locate the headquarters of the enemy. But there is a grave curse of this sword. I wonder how we can use it. How can we defeat the enemy and seal it away?"


The group came across the Crown Karaoke. They heard singing going on.

"There she is." Reiko pointed.

"She's with someone." Shiori observed.

"Isn't that Inuyasha?" Soten said. "But somehow...not."

Nazuna shivered. "I get a bad feeling. We have to keep Kurai away from that man."


Nazuna approached Inuyasha. "What have you been doing Inuyasha?! Why are you bothering Kurai? How are you alive?"

Inuyasha turned slowly and smiled; a dark, evil smile. His eyes were dark black and hypnotized Nazuna.

Wordlessly, she led him to the control room in the Karaoke Crown. He set up a trap.

"Call your priestess." Inuyasha snarled.

Nazuna obediently called Kurai, and she went to the Command center to help her friend, only to be attacked by Inuyasha.

"Inuyasha?!" Kurai said. "You hypnotized Kai? You're trying to steal the Shikon no Tama?!"

She finally snapped, furious, and hit him hard with her power. "WHAT HAS HAPPENED TO YOU!?"

Reiko defended by holding Ron at bay and attacking him.

"What are you doing?" Inuyasha says. "Get off me!" He throws Kurai against the wall. She hits it hard and falls to the ground.

"Chaos!?" Reiko rushes over to her. She kneels beside Chaos. "Chaos!?" She doesn't respond. "No..." Reiko sees blood on the floor beneath the priestess. "No! Kurai!"

The crystal begins to glow in Inuyasha's hand. "The Shikon no Tama!?"

The light pours into Kurai and heals her. He looks relieved.

"I won't allow this. You impostor! I see what you really are. I will SAVE YOU" The Shikon's light flows at Inuyasha, surrounding him. Maka appears in the light behind him.

"Inuyasha," Maka says. "You have done well. Now that I have the Shikon no Tama, I don't have any business with you girls. This place will be your tomb!" She looks at Chaos.

"Chaos... We meet again. You're still a weak, childish young girl. I am Maka. Priestess, have you always wanted to kill Inuyasha?"

"Inuyasha!?" Kurai thinks shocked. "It can't be... Can it!? Can it really be... Inuyasha!?"