Kamen Rider


in Prince of Riders

At Area 51, a herd of people are in front of the place for information.

"My, name's Connor Nickell, and if you're wondering why all those people are in front of Area 51. It's because they've spotted alien lifeforms."

And in the base, are the Rebellion from the Planet Etheria who are enjoying the place, including the Princess Alliance.

And with Queen Angella, is a general with black hair, and a mustache, and his name is General Henry Wills, and with his son, who also has black hair, and his name is, Jonathan Wills.

"I never knew Nevada, could be quite fascinating," said Queen Angella.

"Well, wait until you see, California." Henry joked as he and the others laughed.

"The soldiers were getting along with those aliens, nicely. That is until..."

Then we see, the two armies fighting the Evil Horde.

"The Horde followed the Rebellion, led by their leader, Hordak."

Hordak ordered his Horde bots to attack, and they blasted lasers.

But She-Ra uses her sword and slashed them.

Bow fired his trick arrows at Horde soldiers, and are now stuck, in the arrow's sticky substance.

Glimmer threw her sparkles at them, causing them to stick onto their helmets, and the soldiers began fighting them.

Hordak knew they were outnumbered. So they transported back into their ship. The two armies cheered but somehow stopped as they looked up.

"But then, suddenly, a meteor struck the Earth. Knocking off its original axis."

Then the meteor began hurdling down into, the Pacific Ocean. And unleashed powerful rays.

"But it didn't destroy the planet. It released cosmic rays."

At a company ceremony, a man with brown hair wearing a business suit, named, Max Gears. And he saw his father, with a white beard named Oswald Gears, and he saw the rays coming toward him.

"Dad, look out!" yelled Max, and he shoved his father, and the rays hit Max instead.

Now, we see the rays are spreading all over the planet.

"From that moment on. The planet changed, forever."

A few months after the meteor struck, Earth. Everything is peaceful in Phoenix.

"Because of that meteor. Earth began to evolve, and the only way to improve our cities are..."

Suddenly, a robot walked by, carrying crates. Then everywhere in Phoenix, robots doing work and rebuilding everything.

"Robots. Created from Gears Enterprises, these robots were programmed with artificial intelligence and can get the job done."

At Area 51, a bunch of people were permitted to take a tour around the base. And in the people, is Connor Nickell with his family.

"And for me, my life was about to change forever."

Everyone took pictures in amazement, as they saw Queen Angella flew by.

"Greetings Earthlings. Welcome to Area 51." she greeted. Then they soon began to follow her, and Connor spotted a soldier playing guitar and with him, are the Rebellion's soldiers that consists of a capricorn and a minotaur.

(trio) We're the Rebellion. We uphold, the code of the west.

(capricorn) Since the meteor came down.

(minotaur) And raise mesa from the ground.

(trio) We walk, talk, and ride like the rest.

Inside the base, everyone is looking around the place.

"This is the recreational room. Where the soldiers can relax during their downtime." Queen Angella spoke, as everyone took pictures.

"Isn't this, exciting Owen," said Connor.

"I don't know?" Owen said as he listened to some music.

"Come on Owen. Why don't you be like anyone else," he said.

"'Cause I, don't want to." he pushed Connor. But what he didn't know, is that a door was wide open and Connor fell down the stairs.

Once he got up, he noticed an odd belt with a strange card. He grabbed it and took a closer look at it. Without thinking, he placed it on his waist. His mind has been uploaded to the Rebellions crystal, and there he appears to be in a white room.

"Where am I?" questioned Connor.

"Hello, Connor Nickell."

"Who's there?" he asked.

"I am, Light Hope." Light Hope spoke as she appeared. "Welcome." she greeted.

"Uh, hey. My name is Connor Nickell-"

"I know who you are," explained Light Hope.

"You do?"

"Yes. I have been waiting since we arrived, on Earth." Connor was so shock, he doesn't have the words.

"I don't understand," Connor said.

"You have been chosen to wear this driver." Light Hope explained as she created holograms. "There are many who wore the driver, the last one, was Marcus." she told him.

Then she played a recording of people trying to activate it, but ended up, being shocked.

"Many have failed to control it, and soon. The driver was forgotten," she said.

"But what does that, have got to do, with me?" Connor questioned.

"To train, you," answered Light Hope.

"What? But I can't read one of your languages.' Connor exclaimed.

"That is why I have downloaded your planet's language education. And now you must be the one to train." Light Hope replied as she brought keys around him.

"Well. If I'm gonna learn how to use this thing, I'm gonna go with tutorial." he said as he pressed the user manual.

"Now. Commencing Tutorial Mode," said Light Hope.

Then, Connor went back into his mind, like he was in an advanced classroom.

"Whoa. That was off," he said, as he walked out of his room. But what he didn't know, is that he activated the silence alarm.

Later, Queen Angella is continuing the tour around the base.

"Now as you can see that Area 51-Um, it looks like we're missing someone," said Queen Angella.

"My brother," said Owen, and he looked around and saw that Connor, isn't here. "I just pushed him, I don't know where he is," he said.

"Well don't worry, we'll find your brother," she said, then one of her guards came.

"You're highness! Some character broke into the lab and stole the belt, he's at the south side of the base," she told. Then Angella turned and glared at him.

"What. Did you, do!?" Queen Angella demanded.

Meanwhile, Connor is outside of the base wondering of what Light Hope said.

"What does she mean, chosen?" Connor questioned. But he had to think later because the army drove by.

"Don't you move! We got you surrounded!" Then She-Ra is riding on Swift Wind from the sky spotted him.

"Hold it, right there!" yelled Swift Wind.

"An alicorn!" yelled Connor in shock, and he accidentally pressed a button from the card. Jump

"Hold it!" yelled She-Ra as she got off of Swift Wind. "Whatever you do, don't engage that belt," she said.

"Don't move! Or I'll, use this!" said Connor as he placed the card in front of the driver. Authorize With no other choice, the two armies held they're ground.

But what they didn't know, is that the crystal fired a beam and a robot grasshopper appeared and began jumping around, and a holographic image appeared in front of him.

Bow tried to get a better look but accidentally fell down. And Connor saw that.

"Ha! You moved!" said Connor as he changed the card into a key. "Kamen Rider!" he yelled.

"Kamen, what!?" yelled Adora in confusion.

Then Connor inserted it, into the driver. Progress The hologram went towards him and is now wearing a black full-body costume and a helmet with red and silver linings.


The robot grasshopper split apart and digitized itself to Connor, giving him some armor features. His torso, arms, and legs became yellow, and his helmet became yellow with an antenna on his forehead and yellow eyes.

A jump to the sky turns to a rider kick.

Connor looked in amazement, that he's wearing a high-tech armor from another planet.

"So that's what Light Hope was talking about," said Connor. Now knowing that he's surrounded, he jumped away like a grasshopper, much to everyone's shock.

Later, he jumped all the way to Carson City and landed on top of a building.

"This is so cool. I wonder what else it can do?" Connor said. But that was short-lived when he spotted the Horde attacking the town, and the one leading the attack is Catra.

"Ha, it's perfect. The Rebellion isn't hear, nor a bunch of robots to protect this town," said Catra with a smirk.

"Oh, yeah, like their out of ammunition or late or something," said Scorpia. But then, Connor jumped by, ready to defend the town.

"No one's attacking no town, while I'm around!" he said.

"I don't have time for, this." Catra sighed. "Attack!" she ordered. Then the Horde soldiers charged, they grabbed their batons to attack him.

But Connor dodged them and started fighting them. Not that he's getting the hand of this thing.

"All I need is a weapon," he said. Then he grabbed for what it looks like, a briefcase. Connor flipped it, turning into a sword. Rising Blade

Catra's starting to realize how powerful he is, so she needed everything she's got.

"Get him! Someone, get him!" she yelled.

Now every Horde soldier attacked, including the ones from the Crimson Waste, and Horde bots.

Tung Lashor grabbed his baton, and strike him. But Connor blocked it with his blade, then they began clashing their weapons until Connor striked him down.

Just as the Horde are about to attack him, Connor took out the key from his driver for something different.

"I sure hope this, works," Connor said. Then he inserted the key, into the handle. Progress key confirmed. Ready to utilize Grasshopper's Ability!

Connor jumped up and pulled the trigger from the blade. RISING DISPATCH SLASH! And Connor slashed a Horde bot, and it exploded partially deactivated it.

The Horde were shocked that one man, defeated an army and a robot.

"Let's fight, another time!" said Catra, and they transported back to their ship.

Just as Connor's off the hook, the military and the Princes Alliance showed up, and Adora saw the scene in shock.

"What the heck just happened!?" Adora yelled.

"Well. A bunch of guys were about to attack this place, so I beat them."

"What! How could you single-handedly, defeat an entire Horde army!?" said Glimmer, but quickly calmed down. "Never mind, just change back so we can go back, to Area 51," she told Connor.

"But I don't know, how," Connor said. Then Glimmer just removed the key from the driver, reverting back into his civilian form. Then Frosta showed.

"Wow. I didn't know you fought the Horde. Here take this, it'll make you feel better." Frosta handed Connor a pill.

"Gee, thanks," he said.

Meanwhile, back at Area 51. The Princess Alliance has returned to inform the queen, that they got Connor.

"You're majesty. We've captured the intruder who stole the belt," said Adora.

"Yeah. And Johnathan told us, that we need him to know who he is." Bow exclaimed.

"Yes, but I still can't believe he became, a general at the age of 21," said Queen Angella.

"That's right. And here he is," said Frosta. But Queen Angella wasn't convinced.

"Then why isn't he here," she said. Then they looked and saw that he isn't here and Frosta growled in anger.

"I knew I couldn't trust him!" said Frosta. "Pukey! Pukey! Pukey! Pukey! Pukey! Pukey!" she hollered.

As Connor was about to be home free, he felt a pain in his stomach and covered his mouth. He felt like he's gonna hurl, he couldn't hold it anymore and found a nearby trash can, and...


"Hey, mister!" yelled Frosta. "Remember that vitamin I gave you. It's actually a pill that makes you do bathroom stuff when anyone says the trigger word. You're not going anywhere." she said.

And Connor heard it, in shock.

"Oh. Now that's just perfect," said Connor in defeat.

Later, the military put wires on Connor and placed him on a treadmill. And with them, is General Jonathan Wills.

"Know who, this guy is?" asked Jonathan, then Brightmoon's general came.

"His name is Connor Nickell. He's 20 years old, lives in East Liverpool, Ohio, easily stressed out. And it says here, he can do anything to get what he wants, especially money." she informed him.

"Great. Now that belt has been worn, by a thief who destroyed a Horde bot," said Glimmer.

"Actually, the belt is pronounced. Driver." Connor corrected.

"He's right. But Connor didn't destroy that robot, he deactivated it." Bow said.

"With, a blade?" questioned Mermista.

"And maybe we could use the Horde's robots, to improve our defenses," said Angella, as Connor got off the treadmill.

"Well, you're majesty. It wasn't my fault, you see my brother pushed me down the stairs. And when I put on that driver, this woman named Light Hope told me-"

"Wait," Adora called out. "You knew, Light Hope?" she asked.

"Yeah. She told me, that other people wore this thing," he explained.

Then, Adora went to see Light Hope to get some answers.

"So, you fought an army of Horde soldiers, eh? Well, I bet you can't face a bunch of, princesses." Bow smirked.

"Oh, yeah. I can still beat you kid!" Connor growled.

"Oh. Doody. Doody. Doody. Doody." Bow called out. Then Connor started to sweat and felt a pain.

He quickly dashed to the restroom, and then...


"I'll get you, for this!" yelled Connor, as Bow laughed.

Meanwhile, in space, the Horde's space station was near Earth, that was supposed to be an invasion. But due to the meteor impact, the ship's guidance system is offline, and the only way to invade is through via transportation.

Catra and her team went into Hordak's throne, and tell him about their defeat.

"Lord Hordak. Were plundering Phoenix when this, person appeared single-handedly wiped out our soldiers." Catra explained.

"So, you mean to tell me that you failed, because of one man?" said Hordak.

"You don't understand. That guy fought like he was some kind, of monster!" Tung Lashor objected.

"Speaking of monsters." Entrapta appeared. "I've been doing some research since the planet's original axis has been knocked off by the meteor impact," she explained as she inputted holograms of the evolved Earth.

"Glaciers invulnerable to heat, mountains rising, and if a tree is chopped off, it regrows at an alarming rate." Entrapta sparkled.

"Yeah, yeah. But, how are we gonna defeat that guy?" asked Catra.

Then Entrapta scavenged through her studies and found a key, that's identical to Connor's.

"With this." Entraptra showed her.

"Hey, that looks like the one that guy, has," said Scorpia.

"True. But I created a different one, plus this belt as well," she said as she placed the belt on one of her robots. "It can upload artificial intelligence to the robot, and give it, it's own emotions," she said.

And once the belt os on the robot's waist, its eyes turned red. Linked

Now Entrapta knows it works, she gave the key to it, and the robot pressed the button. BEROTHA!

The robot slides the key onto the belt and pressed the button on the other side, and wires began connecting to the key. EXTINCTION!

Then wires began to come out of its mouth, and rays began covering it. And once it covered the robot, it now resembles a mantis. It became, a Mantis Bot

"I will destroy, the Rebellion," said Mantis Bot. And this made Catra smirked.

"This, is gonna be good," said Catra.

Meanwhile, at the recreational room, Adora is speaking to Light Hope through via hologram.

"Light Hope. Connor told us that you, know him. Right?" Adora asked.

"Yes. Since we left Etheria and arrived on Earth." Light Hope told. "He's destined to become, a Kamen Rider," she said, but it was confusing for Adora.

"What's a Kamen Rider?" she questioned.

"A Kamen Rider is a hero who protects the world from Otherworldly evil," she explained. "In Etheria, a Kamen Rider whop has been chosen to protect Etheria after Mara once did. But as time went by, a Rider was never chosen. Connor is the first Kamen Rider in a thousand years."

"So that's why Marcus was the last one. Because there's no one worthy enough, to take the mantle," said Connor.

Then the doors went open and came out, Max Gears, and due to being hit by those cosmic rays he has to use prosthetics to replace his left arm and right leg.

"The first Kamen Rider to be on planet Earth," said Max.

"Exactly. But he doesn't know anything about it," said Jonathan. Then Connor came up with his own, idea.

"Rider up!" said Connor. Then somehow, magic light covered him, and suddenly. He's wearing military uniform. "Soldier Rider!" he said, and everyone dropped their jaws in shock.

"How did you, do that?" Jonathan asked.

"I uploaded his mind to the crystal. Whenever there's an important mission, Connor has to be ready," said Light Hope.

"Don't worry Jonathan, Best Friend Squad is on the case," said Bow.

"I'd rather say, the Princesses of Power," Connor spoke. But then, the alarm went off, and they saw distress beacons. And they show that the Horde are attacking Carson City again.

"The Horde's attacking the town! Let's move!" Jonathan commanded.

"And as for you, if you're gonna help, you're gonna sit and watch." Adora declared.

Back at Phoenix, the Horde are attacking the place, with the Mantis Bot.

"Where is the Rebellion? And where is She-Ra?" said Mantis Bot.

"Don't worry, they'll be here any minute." said Catra, and in a nick of time to, because the Princess Alliance came. "Hey, Adora." she greeted.

"FOR THE HONOR OF GRAYSKULL!" Adora yelled, raising her sword up towards the sky. Now, she became the Princess of Power, She-Ra.

Soon Mantis Bot and a bunch of Horde soldiers attacked.

Mantis Bot uses his scythes to strike her, but Adora blocked them and slashed the bot, causes him to tumble down.

Perfuma uses her plant magic and grabbed some of the soldiers.

And Frosta uses her ice magic, and freezed the Horde bots, while Connor just sat and watch.

"Hm, not bad. Who knew there was magic on another planet," said Connor. But he then heard Catra, laughing.

"Sorry Adora, but you can't win on this planet," said Catra.

"What do you mean, Catra?" Adora questioned.

"I mean is with that new robot on our sides, you are nothing," she said.

Then the Mantis Bot launched energy blade projectiles, and they hit Adora.

"Adora!" yelled Glimmer, and she teleported to her aid. Then the Mantis Bot fired lasers from his eyes, hitting Bow and Mermista.

Connor is watching it in horror, seeing that the Rebellion are getting defeated by one robot. He has to help them, even if they are aliens.

"I gotta save them! What do I do!? What do I do!?" he said, and then he looked down at his driver and key, and that's what he needs to do.

"So much, for She-Ra," said Mantis Bot. Just as he's about to finish her, Connor stepped in.

"Well look who we have here? Coming to their aid, without any weapons. Pathetic, what are you gonna do about It?" Catra mocked, and Connor knew what he's gonna do.

"Let's Rider!" yelled Connor, and he placed his driver on his waist, and he spinned the key, and he pressed the button. Jump

Then placed the key in front of it. Authorize the hologram appeared, and the robot grasshopper came and started to jump around again. And he flipped they key.

"Kamen Rider!" he yelled, and he inserted the key. Progress


The robot grasshopper digitized on Connor, and he is now in his armor.

A jump to the sky turns to a rider kick.

"You," said Catra as she realized him.

"A new member of the Rebellion? Who are you, Earth Boy, or Bug Man, or Yellow Bug?" Scorpia asked in confusion.

"Actually, I am. Kamen Rider Spirit!" Connor introduced himself.

"Goodbye!" yelled Mantis Bot, and he tried to strike him, but Connor punched him but Mantis Bot kept his ground. Then he tried it again, but Connor kicked him sending him down.

The Horde soldiers and Horde bots fired, but Connor jumped to another building. Mantis Bot fired laser beams at him, Connor jumped off a building and gave him a powerful punch.

"Looks like, I'll have to use the big guns," said Catra as she took out a cannon created by Entrapta.

"Ooh, you mean the on that turn's regular people into morons," exclaimed Scorpia.

"That's right," replied Catra with a smirk.

"Connor, look out!" yelled Adora. But it was too late, Connor had been blasted by the cannon.

And it looks like Catra got him, but somehow he is immune, much to everybody's question.

"What!? Why didn't it work!?" Catra questioned. "Entrapta, what's going on!?" she called.

Entrapta is checking on the data around Connor, to see what's going on.

"I'm checking his health codes to see," said Entrapta, then she checked a hologram of him. "His muscles are intact, his brain is healthy, so what gives?" she questioned, and she checked his mental traits, and she saw two bars that are big than the other ones. Which causes her to scream in fright.

"Both his insanity and stupidity, are off the scale!" she yelled.

And Connor heard everything.

"Lucky me," said Connor.

Then Mantis Bot fired the projectiles, but Connor avoided them by jumping and kept jumping to dodge them. And Connor gave him another powerful punch. Then he pressed a button on his driver and charged. Rising Impact!

He kicked Mantis Bot up in the air and jumped up and side kicked him.

Then Connor gave one final kick, and he literally went right through him. And the Mantis Bot exploded destroying him. And Connor landed.

The Horde were shocked that he destroyed one of their own bots, as Catra picked up the bots key. She growled in anger and they transported back to the ship.

And Connor reverted back into his civilian form, while Adora changed back.

"That was, incredible Connor," said Adora in amazement.

"Yep. That's me." Connor gestured.

Meanwhile, at the ship, Entraptra placed the damaged key on her desk for immediate repair.

"I checked the person's belt. It seems to have some kind of biometric security system. Basically, only to he can use it. Nobody else. It's really genius." said Entrapta.

"Yeah. But how can a belt chose someone, whose immature." Catra complained.

"It doesn't matter. It would appear that the Rebellion has gained a powerful new member." Hordak said as he reviewed the footage of their fight against him. "First She-Ra and now this Kamen Rider Spirit. Tell me, Catra, how do you rate him as a threat?"

"Yes. He uses a key so he can change into a Kamen Rider." Catra responded. "Entrapta creates keys that are identical to his, and we can use them to improve our robots," she said.

"Very, well. Continue your duty, and make sure you won't fail, Catra." said Hordak.

Back at Area 51, the Princess Alliance now have a new member to fight against the Horde.

"So, you gave him a title, Queen Angella," said Jonathan.

"Yes, Jonathan. Spirit Prince of Riders," said Angella.

"But, where will he stay. I mean, there's no room in Area 51," said Adora.

"Don't worry. I offered him a job and gave him money to stay at a hotel. He'll be living on easy street." said Max.

But they heard a beep, they looked out a window and saw Connor driving an R.V.

"Hey, guys!" yelled Connor as he waved. Which causes everyone to groan in annoyance because he spend the money on that vehicle. But, Adora and her friends just smiled.

"Welcome to the Rebellion, Connor," said Adora.

Now with Connor on board, they'll sure protect the Earth, from the Evil Horde.