Hope everyone is safe, stays healthy!

I do not own any rights to the vampire academy… They belong to Richelle Mead

My Grammar may not be perfect but hopefully, you will like the story! If you have you nothing nice to say I suggest you read something else! Otherwise enjoy ;)

Chapter 12 Paging Doctor Belikov, June after the operation

When I was younger I learned the hard way not to show my emotions. At least not on the outside or else there were consequences. Even the slightest expression on my face would earn me punishment. Not by getting spanked or hit with a belt, no he would hit my mother. He didn't teach me how to play hockey or ride my bike. Instead, I became stoic the person I am today, people are unable to read how I feel. Always entering a room without anybody noticing I was there. The child inside me wanted to rebel against it. Scream at my parents for robbing me of my childhood. Ready to burst Babushka one day made me sit down then looked into my eyes. For a few minutes, she said nothing only sipped her tea.

'Once there was a boy who was scared of the giant living in his house. Every day he would come home looking down on him pointing out his flaws. He was a child, helpless, weak, small, fragile, every day he would repeat these things. He did his best to please him by improving those things. Soon he realized it was never going to be enough. Eating his vegetables didn't make him grow fast enough. Improving his grades didn't impress all was pointless.

Frustrated he wanted to scream, yell at him for not caring what he did. Only the young boy was afraid that he would hurt him. So instead he said nothing to fight back always hiding in the dark. Also, the giant was taller them him he wouldn't stand a chance. His large shadow filled his life with darkness and terror. He longed for the light only it never seemed to happen. All he wanted was to be loved, receive a compliment for his achievements. No matter how much he tried to please the giant nothing was enough.

However, when the boy turned 13 he saw how tall he was. The giant no longer towered over him it was the other way around. Testing his strength he fought the bullies at his school. He felt powerful, so this time he waited at the door. Hearing the heavy footsteps approach he stormed outside with determination. He easily lifted him up using words first to persuade the giant to leave. All that did was make the brute laugh angering him.

The boy snapped, punching so hard he heard the bone of the nose crunch. Now the tables were turned he no longer was scared. He saw the giant for who he really was. A pathetic father who will never change…'

Waiting for her to continue she didn't... Cause the ending would be determined by me. I was the young boy in the story, my father the brute who terrorized his family. No hesitation whatsoever I did what I had to do to send him away. Protecting the ones I love so we no longer lived in fear. It was hard for us financially in the beginning but I wouldn't have changed a thing.

This however was a totally different situation. Instead, it was a mother figure ready to inflict pain on the one that hurt her daughter. So standing in front of Alberta made me a little uncomfortable not knowing how she will react. Did Rose tell her about me or the way I acted like a first-class dick? Deciding to appear calm on the outside I leaned casually against the wall. For a moment she looks at my t-shirt making her cheeks turn pink. Biting the inside of my cheek so I don't laugh her eyes drift off a little lower. Stopping at my stomach she shakes her head stopping herself. Clearing her throat several times I take it as my cue to start the conversation. 'Not sure what Rose has told you' a little lie 'she still will be a bit groggy for a few hours.' Don't get me wrong she deserves a bit a scolding for not telling her. Looking at her hands as Alberta fidgets a bit with them. This makes me notice how stiff her fingers are. Might not be a rheumatologist but I do recognize the symptoms of arthritis.

Automatically I wonder if she is receiving the right care. Rose didn't ask her for help financially aid meaning things were already tight. Mostly she avoided that subject out of embarrassment. Not that she needed to be I couldn't care less about that. She catches me staring then tries to hide them from me. Like I will judge her for the health problems she is experiencing. Even it isn't by blood I can tell they have that in common. Afraid it will show weakness, ' Has a proper expert looked at it?' Grimacing she rubs them then shakes her head no. 'Please don't tell Rose I don't want her to worry.'

I take that as a no, resisting to scold her I bite my tongue. Not my place to judge 'Of course, just promise me to hear Rose out before scolding her.' Holding up my hands to stop her from disagreeing with me. I explain my reason for making such a bold request. 'Yes, I do know that her illness is far more dangerous. However, something tells me Rose didn't hide it to purposely hurt you' Her bottom lip begins to wobble, great now you done it, Dimitri! You should have kept your mouth shut but noo! Instead, you hoped this conversation would help with making mends with your Roza. Not yet, baby steps, if I didn't already screw it up… 'Paging Doctor Idiot!' mentally slapping myself on the forehead I try to think of something else to say.

Flinging her arms around me she starts to sob, OEF! Her grip is quite strong for an older woman. 'Thank you for saving her life, when..when Dr. Zeklos called I had no idea. She always thinks she can handle things by herself. Don't know what I would have done if you weren't there..' rambling on repeatedly telling me I am a hero, I still don't feel like one. The guilt for not being there sooner is still gnawing on me. Thinking a deep breath Alberta seems to have calmed down again. Doing a come hither movement with her index finger I lean in closer. Suddenly the air around us feels a little bit colder. She is still sniffing a bit only her facial expression gotten more serious. Nervously I gulp fearing a woman that is at least one foot shorter than me.

Pulling on my earlobe I flinch 'I got my eyes on you young man, I am part of a book club and our favorite genre is murder mysteries. We ladies are quite the expert on that topic.' With those words she pats me on then back then walks back into the room. My jaw drops did she just threaten too…?

Sounds of a disagreement draw my attention to the end of the hallway. I see that Ivan is being cornered by the Belikov woman. Karo is dragging along a Paul who spots me then tries to pull away from her. Huffing he pouts trying to get her attention. Furiously studying the way her fingers are locked around his wrist. Every finger he manages to loosen the others automatically tightens more. Normally I would save him, sorry buddy Uncle Dimka would like to sleep with both eyes closed. When I see Ivan gripping his family jewels then pointing in my direction I grin. Guessing he tried to tell them Rose needs her rest. Also that there is a limitation of visitors that didn't go well with my sisters. They are very persistent when it comes to family. It warms my heart when I realize they care for her like this already.

It only gets more crowed when a woman with platinum blond hair pushes past them. Followed by a guy with jet black hair stumbling trying not to trip. Chuckling I see a petite blond is dragging a guy with fiery red hair by the arm. Wonder who they are here to see both women do not look happy. I pity the person who has to deal with their wraith. Only my eyes widen as they both point at me with a scowl on their face. Do I run? No, stand your ground it is all bark no bite right? Too late…

With her hands on her hips she is studying me 'Yep, this is him alright!' Yebat! Should have run or at least cover the most sensitive parts of my body. Looking for an escape route I only have two choices. One is going into Rose her room that will be crowded by my family. Second one is to simply to run what will only delay the inevitable but still sound appealing. 'Shoot him in the kneecaps Mase!' hold on now…. 'No kick him in the shin it has very little muscle or fat.' Slowly stepping back I bump into someone. Turning around the girl doesn't look happy with me either holding a little boy 'Ladies let's not plot this man's torture'. Guess Adrian can be helpful 'better to do it when the little rebel is able to take care of herself again.' Or not…..

Then I am pulled away by my arm roughly ending back outside. Thankfully Ivan is still on my side, letting out a deep breathe he is leaning against the concrete wall. 'You got my back right?' raising my left eyebrow in a way of asking him to elaborate that. 'With your diabolical sisters' grimacing, I give him a dangerous promise 'Anytime'. We can both hide, right? I read that just outside of Sioux Falls there is the Corn Palace. Bet we can hide there for a while selling t-shirts with cheesy slogans. ~Nothing corny about my palace~ or ~One place I won't be popping by~. Or a more drastic measure like hiding among those people who live off the grid. Living in a cave with no plumbing or electricity being one with nature. Yeah, let's not that do that I very much like to have both those things.

Not much later we are joined by the two other guys who are holding up their hands in surrender. Wait... isn't that Tasha's nephew? He probably doesn't remember me since he was only a little boy when I saw him. ' Christian?' confused he nods his head 'We went to the same university as your aunt.' Not really having the energy explain further I introduce myself. He is dating the blond nurse who wrote me a letter containing all the information about Rose her medical condition. Funny enough, Ivan knows this since she works in the same hospital as him. Mason is dating Mia who also has written me one only I haven't read it yet. He is a security guard at a mall which explains the shooting comment I guess. Christian however works at a free clinic in Arizona. It seems they were planning to celebrate all the holidays together as a last goodbye.

Doing my best not to show how broken I am I listen to them telling me how they met her. It isn't difficult to see how much they care for Rose. Especially with how hard all of them tried to find a solution for the lack of funds. Starting a go fund me campaign online hoping to raise enough money. Also, they show me the list she made with things she still wanted to do before she died. Seems that Lissa found a copy when Rose was discharged from the hospital. I vow to make sure all of those things will be checked of. Only this time I cross off before I die part replacing it with life goals. Adding a few things myself what I promise to do with her. Getting up my body clearly has become a little stiff from all the stress. Stretching I hear a satisfying pop then yawn a few times.

When I tell them I am going back inside they follow me hoping the ladies all cooled off a little by now. I check in by nurses station leaving a message for Reznik's daughter together with my phone number. When I am about to see how Rose is doing chaos breaks out. Doctors run through the hallway preparing for incoming patients. When stopping a nurse who assisted asking what's wrong she tells me the situation. Apparently an ambulance who was on the way to the hospital crashed nearby. The patient they were transporting is in terrible shape he had just been resuscitated. His husband was riding along with him, he wasn't wearing a seatbelt, unfortunately. Causing several fractures, internal bleeding all of it screams critical. The driver has the least life-threatening injuries. Broken legs are no picnic to recover from but at least he is conscious now. What I didn't expect is to hear the name of the technician riding along. Celeste, while trying to brace herself she lost her balance. There was another car involved the passengers are women who just had a bachelorette party.

She together with a few other urgent patients are being brought here since they won't survive long enough to reach the closest hospital. Something is lodged inside her stomach what however is still unclear.

Without needing to ask both Ivan and Christian spring into action as we prepare for the worst. Guess the volunteering starts a little sooner as expected. A female screaming together with a code blue has me on edge. Cursing loud I make my decision running the other way. My feet thump against the vinyl floor as I run through the hallway. Ignoring everyone else I pray to god that the crash cart isn't meant for my sweet Roza….