Disclaimer: Me, own either property? Nah.
Chapter 5 – Stalker from Another Mother
Naruto woke with a start. Breathing heavily; and sweating profusely, he wished he could say this wasn't habit by this point, but he'd be lying if he did. The beautiful face of his sleeping companion, however, brought a smile to his face.
Though his mind was scattered.
'I had that same damn dream again. This is getting annoying.'
He grumbled lightly.
'It always starts with the war and ends with a pair of darkened eyes. They aren't like an Uchiha's, though, I'm sure of that. I wonder who they belong to…'
He was lost. He hated not having answers. A run might clear his head.
Nodding, he made a quick substitution with a nearby, unused pillow, and left the room as quietly as possible.
A change of clothes later and he was running down the stairs past the shrine at a breakneck speed. Far faster than what was humanely possible. Though, in his mind it was only a brisk jog.
Heading down the street towards the town in the early hours of the morning was therapeutic. It put his mind at ease as he quietly began talking to himself.
"Those damn eyes… I'm not gonna get anywhere just thinking about them. Maybe I should ask Akeno-chan or Azazel if they know anyone with them?"
He scoffed. That seemed rather fruitless. He was sure that a lot of people they knew had eyes of that color. Even if they didn't, what proof did he have that it even meant anything? None.
"Speaking of eyes, I should probably start working on getting my own eye problem fixed."
Naruto grunted as he adjusted the patch currently covering his transplanted Sharingan. Changing the cloth every evening was annoying. It was something that had to be done, of course, but it only made him that much more determined to figure things out.
"Should I send some of my clones into the forest to work on it maybe?" he posed the question to himself. "I could split them into two groups. One, working on the eye, while the others brainstorm ways to get home. Maybe reverse summoning could work? Though I doubt it."
The concept of the summoning jutsu had popped into his head more than once over the past few days since he arrived in this new world. However, he figured it would be a rather pointless venture. He remembered in his past lessons with Jiraiya that an immense amount of chakra was required to bring out the largest summons from Mount Myoboku. He couldn't even begin to imagine how much would be needed to reverse himself back there.
"Normally though, that wouldn't be a problem. Unfortunately, Kurama is still unavailable. I haven't heard from him at all since I got here." He mused. "On top of that, for some reason, I can't even get into my sewer-scape. It's almost as if something is stopping me from doing so. Blocking our connection even from inside my own mind."
He had no idea how that was possible.
So, he decided it best not to linger on it.
Taking a quick detour, he bolted towards the forest, reaching it in record time. Grinning at the wide-open area he made his favorite hand seal.
"Tajuu Kage Bunshin no Jutsu!"
Immediately an explosion of smoke occurred and close to five hundred clones of the ninja appeared in the area.
Naruto blinked.
"I didn't mean to make quite that many. Oops."
Evidently not using chakra aside from the occasional Rasengan for the past week caused his chakra control to plummet once again.
It was a problem easily fixed, however.
"Alright, guys. I want you all to join one of two teams." He motioned them apart. "Break apart at this line."
The order was followed posthaste.
"Good. Now you guys are going to be focusing on improving our chakra control again. Keep going until you can get a precise amount, then I want you all to see if you can summon anything from the summoning jutsu. In our world you would be able to get at least a tadpole but I'm guessing it won't be as easy here. I'll try by myself later tonight when my chakra is restored. Also, if anything comes to mind regarding dimensional travel, make sure to discuss it amongst yourselves."
Naruto paused before cutting into his wrist to let a good amount of blood flow into a medical vial. As clones they would be unable to get it themselves without dispersing. Nodding at his instructions, they walked off try and began to work on improving their chakra control.
"Now then," Naruto began, turning to the others, "you guys are going to be trying to get the Sharingan to work. You can do a bunch of different tests. I don't care what you do; anything you think could give useful results, try it. I know you guys won't sustain yourselves through too much pain but just do your best. This is more for preliminary research before I set out to work on it myself."
Agreeing with the given commands, they all split off and began to test different limitations that the eye came with.
Naruto smirked at the usefulness of his favorite jutsu before heading out of the area.
Looking up at the position of the sun he figured he still had a good hour before he had to get back and prepare for school. Taking a walk downtown he smiled lightly at the peaceful nature of the area. It was quiet, as there were very few people around this early in the morning.
Typically, people don't go outside before seven AM after all.
Usually he'd be the same way. However, the mind can be a problematic thing when it wants to be.
"Please stop saying things like that… I-it makes me feel uncomfortable-"
"Nonsense Asia-chan! There's no need to be so coy. You and I both know we are meant to be together."
Naruto snapped to attention at the voices which intruded his thoughts. Not far ahead, and just off the path of the sidewalk, he saw a vaguely familiar blonde girl talking to some handsome-looking man.
"Why do you say that…?" the girl asked quietly, her breathing becoming labored.
The man narrowed his eyes for a split second. Then he smiled. "Why, you saved me of course! Don't you remember Asia-chan?"
Naruto looked at the scene with worry. He may not know what was going on exactly, but he knew he didn't like it.
"I-I know I did but I don't want to go with you-"
"I DON'T CARE WHAT YOU WANT!" The man suddenly shouted; his eyes wide with madness. "YOU AND I ARE MEANT TO BE TOGETHER FOREVER! I WON'T TAKE NO FOR AN ANSWER-!"
Just as his hand was about to grasp the terrified girls' shoulder, his wrist was caught.
"I'm just going to go ahead and stop you right there, teme."
The to-be-assaulter stared with unbridled fury at the one who dared to stop him.
"Who… the fuck…" he spoke quietly. "Do… you think… YOU ARE!"
Naruto just raised an eyebrow as he felt the energy from the one in his grasp rise considerably. Of course, it wasn't even close to an amount that made him feel he had to let go, but still. It was something?
The ninja yawned. "I'm no one important. What's important here, buddy, is that you were about to assault miss bishop over here." His smile was anything but friendly. "And unfortunately for you I'm not in a very forgiving mood today."
Asia stared at the blonde in complete shock. She remembered him well. Despite her lack of cognition during the past few weeks this person stuck out like a sore thumb. A man who should have, by all intents and purposes, died the first day they saw him, was alive and well. In fact, he seemed overwhelmingly powerful.
As if the terrifying man in front of him wasn't even a minor inconvenience for him.
Diodora was many things. Stupid wasn't one of them. His overtly insane attitude may lead many to believe this is the case, but it simply isn't true.
He knew when he was outmatched.
"Now, now." Naruto smiled with his canines showing. "Don't give me such a cowed look now, teme. You were about to show this girl how things are done, weren't you? Don't tell me that you're so much of a letdown that you won't even try to anymore…?"
Asia watched as a faint red outline covered the blonde boy in front of her. It felt dark, raw, evil… but for some strange reason she wasn't scared of it. Though, she noted, he seemed unaware he was doing anything.
Diodora's eyes widened in rage. To reiterate; was he stupid? No. But was he prone to anger?
He was cut off by a sudden crushing of his wrist. It was almost as if all the bones inside it had suddenly shattered, becoming nothing more than dust within his body.
The Devil began screaming.
And just like that the spell broke and Naruto's mind cleared.
'The hell was that?' he grunted. 'It felt like Kurama's chakra mixed with something else. But that's not possible, is it? I can't even contact him.'
Looking at the man stuck in his grasp he decided to act quickly. A pinch to the man's neck and he was out like a light. Despite his occupation he never enjoyed causing lasting pain on others. Even when they deserved it like this giant prick-
"Ano… are you alright…?"
Naruto blinked before turning his head to look at the unsure expression on the girl behind him. Her eyes were wide, and she looked as if she could topple over at any time.
He immediately felt bad.
"Ah, sorry about that Bishop-san. Try to forget what you just saw, alright? That shouldn't happen again." 'I hope.'
She just nodded slowly, unsurely.
The blonde boy grinned at her.
"Good! Oh, I think introductions are in order!" He bowed in an over-exaggerated fashion. "Naruto Uzumaki at your service!"
Asia blinked at him before she began giggling. She stopped quickly after realizing what she was doing, much to his confusion.
It still didn't feel right to… enjoy life. Not while others no longer could.
"A-ah. I'm Asia Argento." She bowed back. "Thank you for that, Uzumaki-san."
He grinned at her overly formal introduction putting a name to the face. Akeno had given him a crash-course the other day about who was in the peerage, but he only connected their respective pieces to their faces, not their names.
He was looking to work on that.
"Cool, glad to meet you Argento-chan." She blushed. "Do you mind telling me a little bit about mister jackass over here? He seemed to know you…" he trailed off.
She didn't answer. Her eyes went wide, and her breathing was sporadically cutting itself short.
'Shit! She's going into shock.'
Forming a clone and having him watch over the strange man, he dropped the devil like a sack of potatoes and turned towards Asia. Approaching her slowly, Naruto made sure he was within range of her eyes the whole time. No sudden movements. There was no need to scare her any further.
"Hey, hey. Asia… it'll be ok. I promise I'm not going to hurt you, alright?" He slowly placed a hand on her shoulder. He felt her flinch, but she didn't turn away. That was positive. "If you don't want to tell me what happened, that's okay. We can talk later if you'd like but don't feel like you are required to. I won't force anything on you, I promise."
She didn't say anything. A small nod was her only response.
He smiled softly. "Good. Now then." The teen stood up straight and cracked his back. "I'm currently staying with Akeno-chan at the moment, were you aware?"
Asia's eyes focused back in slightly as she considered the question. The former nun shook her head slightly. She hadn't paid much attention when he barged in last time. On top of that, it felt like an eternity since she talked to her queen, so she had no clue.
"Fair enough. I guess that's not important, right now. What is important, is that it gives us a chance to group together with someone who may have an idea on what to do." He paused. "Also, we can freshen up and get ready for the day. I assume you'd appreciate a shower?"
He paused before pointing over his shoulder at the man tied up behind him.
"Also, Akeno-chan might be able assist us in figuring out what we should do with captain asshole back there."
Asia blinked at the existence of a second Naruto between the one talking to her. Where did he come from?
"Confused about that guy?"
The question was rhetorical, and she knew it. Though, she felt a spark of interest shoot through her body. So, she nodded.
"Hmmm…" he crossed his arms. "Well, to put it simply, it's one of my abilities. I can make solid clones of myself to a, so-called, 'ridiculous degree'. Though they aren't durable and have a few other downsides."
She accepted the explanation but was inwardly very confused. What kind of ability would let someone clone themselves like that? Was it a Sacred Gear?
"Okay, Argento-chan! Let's head out!" Naruto interrupted.
She watched, with a detached expression, as the bound man was dragged away. The original Naruto continued to stay by her side.
"Are you able to walk, Asia?"
His voice was quiet, calm and kind. It was loving in a way that she had forgotten people could be.
It was so… secure.
"Yes." She answered softly. Following the clone in front of her, she kept her head forward and her eyes glassy; ensuring she was right next to him the entire time. Her footsteps matched with the original as if she was afraid of being out of his line of sight.
Naruto watched from his position adjacent to her a frown firmly plastered on his face. It was clear that while this situation was certainly traumatic, the girl had suffered far worse from whatever it was that caused all her friends to become so withdrawn. Judging by the look in her eye she would be one of the hardest ones to fix.
But he promised Akeno. And if there was one thing he refused to do; it was going back on his word.
For, that was his Ninja Way.
Akeno woke up to the sound of a body hitting the floor. Sitting up startled she looked in confusion at the sight before her.
"Naruto-kun…? Asia-chan…?"
She blinked.
"Who's that?"
The ninja grinned sheepishly before explaining the situation to her, in a very abridged version. He left out the fact that she had a panic attack. A rather severe one, at that. He figured she didn't want that coming out quite yet.
Asia smiled at that. Internally grateful.
"I see. I'm so sorry you had to go through all that Asia-chan." Akeno frowned. The man on the ground sparking something akin to realization in her eyes. "He looks familiar somehow. What did you say his name was?"
Naruto cocked his head to the side. "Ah, Dordora? No… I think it started with Dio. Or maybe-?"
"Diodora Astaroth. That's what he told me."
Asia's quiet voice held conviction as she gave her recollection of the information to her senpai. The school's second 'idol' felt her eyes widen.
Both blondes jumped back from the sudden outburst. She looked scared, and deeply worried.
"Asia-chan. Are you certain that's what he called himself?"
The bishop suddenly shrunk in on herself. Had she done something wrong? Her breathing started to accelerate just as she felt a familiar hand rest itself on her shoulder.
She flinched far less than expected as his quiet voice soothed her nerves.
Akeno watched the byplay with confusion evident. When had these two gotten so close?
"Ah-yes." The timid girl eventually answered. "He told me that was his name… I'm sure of it."
Naruto smiled down proudly at the girl who felt a rush of warmth at his attention. He turned back to his closest friend with a serious expression adorning his face.
"You heard it from Argento-chan. So, who exactly is this jackass, anyway? Some big-wig in the underworld I'm assuming?"
He had sensed the aura surrounding the sadistic man almost immediately upon entering the area. While it was easy to just say that it was due to his intentions, having spent so much time around Akeno he was able to identify a devil easily now. He was undoubtedly one of them.
She bit her lip. "Yeah… he is. He's the heir apparent to his family; an upper-class clan in the underworld. While not one with as much reach as the Gremory's, the name holds very real weight."
In other words, keeping such an integral person hostage wouldn't be the best option. Naruto frowned with a hand on his chin in thought.
"Well, I can see how this could be a serious problem." He relented. "That being said there's no way in hell I'm gonna just release this guy after he almost attacked Asia here. If I turned my back on a friend that easily I'd be one hell of a hypocritical asshole."
The bishop in question was visibly touched. This guy that she had been anything but kind to was willing to stick his neck out for her. More than that, he actually considered her a friend?
It felt… nice.
Akeno sized her friend up. A cursory glance of her fellow peerage member gave her some interesting clues. She watched as the girl cautiously took hold of Naruto's arm. What exactly happened to bring about this level of paranoia? While she was notably more cautious since Issei's death, conflict was never something that particularly scared her. At least to this degree. If anything, she tended to ignore it.
So, what gives?
On top of that…
Her eyes gazed into her male friends' expression. His eyes told a story that there was far more beyond the surface here. He was trying to hide it, more than likely for his fellow blondes' sake, but he couldn't completely.
"Did something else happen?" she started slowly. "If you want me to try and get someone of this level of fame arrested, there must be serious reasoning behind it."
While getting attacked was certainly worrying, for devils it was a way of life and not necessarily something that one of major wealth could be taken into custody for. Even if she felt it was deserved it wasn't easy to go against the status quo, as it were.
Naruto just gave her a look that told volumes. This man deserved his time, and then some. She nodded back showing she understood.
"Ano, Akeno-san…?"
It was the first time the healer had directly spoken to the thunder maiden in weeks and she felt scared to do so. The older girl smiled back softly.
"Yes, Asia-chan? What's wrong?"
The girl just clutched onto the arm of her savior slightly harder.
"Um… I was just wondering why you are naked…"
It was at this point that Naruto blinked before he realized he had been talking to his friend with nothing more than a sheet on. Feeling his blood rush south he turned away with a resolute expression.
"Goddammit Akeno. What did I tell you about going to bed naked!?"
He pointedly ignored the fact that he didn't even notice her state of undress as he left earlier this morning. Maybe he was getting used to her stripping habits.
That couldn't be good.
"Oh, Na-ru-to-kunnn?" she spoke softly as she draped over his back. He shivered as her breath caressed the nape of his skin. "You should know by now that you can't tell me what to do, right…?"
He gulped as he felt her generous assets push into his back. Never mind, he would never get used to this girl.
He smiled weakly. "Ah, yeah you're right, silly me."
Asia watched from the sidelines with a visible 'o' to her mouth. She was shocked the normally flirty queen would go this far with Naruto. She never even teased… him as much.
What did this mean?
"Do you not like me, Naruto-kun?" Akeno pouted cutely. "Am I not attractive enough for you?"
Predictably he began sputtering like crazy as he tried, and failed, to come up with a reasonable explanation to get himself out of this situation.
"Ah, no that's not uh the case at all, Akeno-chan. You know you're my best friend here, and you're very smart and you're very beautiful and and…" he turned away with a cough. "Nevermind, I'll shut up now. Sorry…"
Akeno, momentarily stunned by the confession, felt a wide smile stretch its way across her face.
He really was sweet.
"Thank you, Naruto-kun." She spoke softly, getting off him. "That was very nice of you."
Asia watched the back and forth with slightly widened eyes. This was seriously strange. She almost didn't feel the twinge in the back of her throat as she once more grasped at the boy's arm.
The half-Fallen-Angel did though and raised an eyebrow at it.
'She looks to be developing some sort of serious attachment to Naruto. That is not ordinary for her. Though she doesn't even seem aware of it.'
What could have happened to cause such a quick character change?
Their resident ninja yawned. "Well, I really don't want to go to school but I guess the both of you do, right? I'll go have a shower and get ready then."
Asia watched him step away from her with bated breath. She couldn't let him out of her sight.
She was… terrified.
Her voice, while nearly inaudible, was picked up rather easily due to his increased hearing affinity. He stopped walking and looked over at her with a raised brow.
"What's up Argento-chan? Is something wrong?"
She didn't speak but instead slowly shuffled towards him and held onto his arm. He looked down at her in confusion as she turned away. Naruto made eye contact with Akeno who looked conflicted.
Though, she decided to leave it up to him.
Sighing at the predicament he lowered himself until he was eye level with his fellow blonde. He placed a hand on her head and slowly played her hair.
"It'll be ok, Asia. I promise you." he smiled. "I'm just going to go for a shower, will you be alright out here? Akeno-chan will make sure you're safe."
She looked up at him with glossy eyes as she fought with herself. Why was she so adamant about being next to him? She barely even knew him.
But she felt so very safe. Secure. After all that has happened to her recently, she wasn't ready to let that go.
Naruto could tell.
He smiled awkwardly. "Alright. You win. Will you be okay standing just outside the bathroom while I shower? I promise I'll be back out as soon as I can. You can even talk to me while I'm in there if you need to, okay?"
The gratefulness flew off her in waves.
She refused to let this feeling leave.
"Remind me why we're here again?"
Akeno sighed as she looked over at Naruto and his new-found 'attachment' as she had dubbed her. It was currently lunch time and the trio found themselves standing in front of the Student Council's room. She turned to him and deadpanned.
"Sitri-san was the reason I got you into this school. She's the King of her own Peerage, in a similar vein to Rias." She explained. "As I explained before, she intended to meet with you the other day, but you left with Azazel-san. That set things back a bit. She has a busy schedule, you see, so she can only designate certain times of the week to focus on other things."
Naruto flicked a piece of wax out of his ear as he yawned at the explanation given. Asia just held onto his other arm even tighter. The other two had tried to remove her but she remained surprisingly resolute in her decision.
"Alright, I get that." He relented. "Though you have no idea why she wanted to meet with me?"
"Yeah. I'm not going to tell you that."
He fell to the ground, accidentally pulling Asia with him as he began writing squiggles with his finger. The ex-nun tentatively patted his back to show her support through these tough times.
Akeno just smirked.
Messing with her kouhai was always such a treat.
"Ah. Himejima-san, Argento-san, Uzumaki-san. Welcome."
A formal voice, followed by the entrance of two well-fitted females, got the attention of the three in the hallway.
Naruto raised an eyebrow at the new arrivals and got up from the floor.
"Sona Sitri, I guess?" he asked, motioning towards the girl wearing glasses. He beamed. "It's nice to meet ya! The names Naruto Uzumaki, dattebayo!"
She raised an eyebrow at the rather… unorthodox introduction. Akeno had told her he was quite exuberant but that didn't quite match up to reality, it seems.
"Quite. The pleasure, is all mine Uzumaki-san." She paused and motioned towards the black-haired girl next to her. "This is my queen, Tsubaki Shinra."
Naruto shook hands with the girls, a bright smile on his face. While he really didn't want to come to school, he was always up for making new friends.
Though they did seem a tad too attached to the rules of the school for his liking. Oh well, he could always help them loosen up!
"Well, down to business then." Sona spoke. "Uzumaki-san, if you could join us in our club room for a debriefing, I would greatly appreciate it."
He caught onto the hidden meaning behind her words. Evidently so did Asia.
"Don't go, please…?"
Her puppy-dog eyes were too much for the weak-willed boy, even when she didn't intend for them to be as such. Sending a pleading look to Akeno his face fell at the smirk adorning it. He was on his own here.
"Ah, Sitri… san?" Naruto grunted, doing his best to be formal. "Could Argento-chan please join us for the meeting? I, uh… I don't think she wants to be alone right now…"
Sona raised an eyebrow at the timid girl currently clutching at his arm like a lifeline. Casting a glance at Akeno she saw the sultry expression lost, a serious one taking its place. If it caused her to stop teasing, then the situation must be dire.
"Alright Uzumaki-san, if that is what you wish-"
"Ah, I have one more request."
She took a deep breath to even herself out. She could just tell he would be one of those people.
"Yes…? What is it?"
He pointed behind him. "This one isn't negotiable. Akeno-chan is going to join us."
Everyone present was stunned by the demand.
Sona recovered quickly. "Forgive me Uzumaki-san, but why exactly? Argento-san I can give a pass to due to… probable circumstances. But I wished for this meeting to be private. There were questions I wanted to ask you one-on-one. Is there a reason Himejima-san must be involved?"
He pondered the question for a few moments. Eventually he answered, a soft smile on his face.
"Well… not to dance around the obvious but I'm not exactly from around here." He shrugged nonchalantly. "I landed here, injured, alone and with no knowledge of the area. Akeno-chan took it upon herself to heal me, feed me, give me a place to stay and a chance at her friendship. She's the most important person in this world to me so don't think for a second I won't involve her in something like this." He paused, his bright smile on full display. "Also, I was just gonna tell her what happens here anyway soooo may as well get it out of the way now!"
The area was silent as the four girls stared at the blonde male in complete shock. The weight of his words not lost on any of them.
'Naruto Uzumaki… what an intriguing person. I can see why Himejima-san is so taken with him.' Sona, and to a similar extent, Tsubaki thought.
'Uzumaki-kun is so kind to his friends. Akeno-san is so lucky…' Asia thought as her head drooped slightly. Her self-worth so low that jealousy took its place.
And Akeno…
Was blushing. Badly.
'Wha-what was that…? How can he say things like that with a straight face…?'
Her heart was thumping; fast, and she couldn't stop it. Was this feeling-?
She shook her head. Stop it. Don't think about it, don't even consider it. It's not right. It's just.
Or was it-?
"Well Himejima-san, I guess that settles that. If he trusts you as much as he claims I guess you'd better sit in with us." Sona smiled at her.
Akeno coughed to regain some sense of dignity. Sona just smirked internally at her friends' behavior. Teasing the one who usually did the teasing, was always fun. Over the past couple weeks, they had begun talking far more than before. It was a nice relationship born from the loss of mental stability over the rest of Akeno's fellow peerage members.
Although looking over at Asia and towards Naruto, Sona saw a possible fix for the future.
"Ah, yes. Of course."
The thunder maiden smiled.
"Thank you for having me, Sitri-san, Naruto-kun."
The meeting wasn't long. After all, their lunchtimes were anything but. The topics ranged from who he was personally, what his plans were and how he was enjoying school thus far.
He shut that down as soon as possible.
The entire time, Akeno kept stealing glances at him when she thought he didn't notice, and Asia stuck to him like glue. It was strange.
It only got more complicated after the school day finished.
"Hey! Neko-chan, over here!"
Koneko looked up with a startled expression on her face as she spotted her new friend alongside Akeno and-
The blonde girl looked at the Nekomata and nodded slowly at the admission. She was unaware what Naruto's plans were for the day but didn't intend on leaving him anytime soon. Akeno sighed as she knew what was coming.
"So, my adorable little kouhai!" Naruto smiled and grabbed her by the shoulder. Hard. "I see that you were leaving the courtyard. You wouldn't have been thinking about leaving early, now were you…?"
Truth be told, that was exactly what she was thinking. She was still exhausted from yesterday's training and had no intention of continuing it today. She needed a break dammit!
"Ah, well I wasn't planning to really, but I-!"
"Oh? Well good!" The ninja's grip was like stone. "I guess it's time to get our training underway, then!"
They were gone.
Akeno deadpanned.
"I was left behind. Again."
Even Asia got to go!... Though, in retrospect, she probably had no idea what was happening and was forced along.
A reluctant smile spread across her face as she muttered.
"Ara, ara; what a troublesome roommate I picked for myself."
A/N: Damn another update in less than a month? Is this real life:o. All jokes aside, chapters are a lot easier to pump out when I lower their length to around this size. Makes me less stressed about throwing an entire arc in one chapter XD. I hope you enjoyed this one! Next chapter is going to focus on a couple things that some people have brought up regarding Asia's healing. As some have noted, my knowledge isn't perfect on the series. I've watched the anime but that's all. I know things in the light novels but never read them. Mainly because while I love aspects about the series, there are a lot of things that I don't like. (Akeno is waifu asf though, which is kinda the main reason I first wrote this lol). But in short answer, no, Asia would not have been able to bring Issei back after becoming a chew toy. Everyone acted like he died in the show so why would they do that if it was so easy to fix? I just don't believe it would. I intended that to be brought up next chapter but figured I'd mention it here x). Anyway! Have a great day guys, hope the isolation isn't getting to any of you!