Sorry another short one. I'm trying find them to write and this is all I have time for :) please review to let me know what you think, I appreciate them all. Thank you for he reviews you've already been doing I read them all

Reid and Rosemary have been working together for a few weeks. Reid has been at the cult village for around three and a half months. His patience is wearing thin and he can't wait to finally get the mission finished. Chris has been trusting him more and more, with help from Rose. She has managed to twist her way into his ear enough to keep convincing him to trust Reid. Spencer has slowly been brought into the inner circle, sitting in meetings about future targets and plans. Much to his dismay, there is a long list of future targets. And he has no idea which one is next, he has already witnessed the cult go after two more since Rosemary was shot. Well, technically one more since one was to go back and finish that job.

Spencer steps out of another "inner circle meeting" with a scowl on his face. He marches off towards the little cabin Chris decided to give him as a home after his second month sleeping in the prison building. It seemed that an opening in housing appeared after one of the missions. Reid didn't bother questioning why.

"Hey, what's with the look?" Rosemary asks as she enters the cabin after him. Spencer hadn't even noticed her following.

"I've been here for three months, targets keep being murdered and I'm no closer to stopping it. That's what's with the look!" Reid yells angrily, punching the cabin wall in his frustration. Rose goes silent and jumps as his fist connects with the wood and splinters.

"Let me see it..." Rose murmurs softly as Spencer clutches his, now sore, knuckles. She walks over to him and he hesitates, but relents and holds his hand out for her to examine. "You shouldn't do that." She shakes her head.

"I'm fine, it barely hurts." He lies as she grabs a towel and wets it, then dabbing at his bruised and bloody knuckle.

"That's not what I mean." She interjects, looking up at his eyes, "I mean you shouldn't let yourself just think about the bad. Yes, you've been here for three months but guess what: you've also worked your way into my dads inner circle and he trusts you. Now it's just a matter of time before he tells you the next target and you can contact your FBI friends to catch them in the act." Rose smiles as she says the words, excited at the prospect. "See, doesn't that sound better?" She winks and Reid can't help but smile.

"I didn't think going undercover would do this to me. I'm usually always trying to stay calm, to look at the best case scenario." He shakes his head, "but it's like, being here I can't. It's... draining" he admits and Rose nods in agreement.

"That's how I've felt for half of my life. It's what's driven me to hate my father... to want him stopped." She pats Reid on the shoulder, "this environment does crazy things to us all."

She turns and leaves the cabin and Spencer thinks about her words. They calm him and give him hope; he doesn't know how she does that. A simple conversation with her can put him in a ten times better mood. And also motivate him. Reid exits the cabin and searches for Chris.

"Jaxon, my friend. What can I help you with?" Chris asks with a friendly tone as he welcomes Spencer into his 'home'.

"I want in on the next mission." Reid answers and Chris' friendly expression drops. "I've been here more than long enough to earn your trust, you trust me more than half of the people you do bring with you. What do I have to do to get in on this?" Reid rambles and then the room falls silent for a little too long.

"It's about time you grew some balls, Hughes." Chris grins and slaps Reid on the arm. "I've been waiting for you to man up and ask for what you want. That's how the world works." He turns Spencer around and guides him towards the door, "the next mission, you're coming. You've earned the right." He informs him and then pushes him out the door, shutting it behind him.

Reid stands there for a moment, deciphering what just happened. And then a huge smile spreads across his face; he's going on a mission. He's going to stop them all soon.