AN: First I want to say sorry for the delay. For those that have read the updates on my other stories you already know this, but I had a lot going on the prevented be from writing. Now everything's calmed down and I can dedicate time to these stories. I promise that I have every intention to finish them so don't worry and thank you for your patience.

Now, this chapter is really long, but it has a lot of information and I didn't want to break it up into two sections after not updating for so long. There is also mansion in this chapter and since I couldn't really do a good job of describing it, so there's a link on my page to show you what it's supposed to look like. Just imagine that the doors are dark blue.

Chapter 5

In the morning, Harry sat a simple breakfast of muffins, bacon, and eggs on the table as they all gathered to start figuring out their next moves. They ate for a few minutes, complimenting the chef for his mouth-watering muffins, before the conversation began.

"Alright, there is quite a list of things we need to start working on," Narcissa began. "Most importantly, we need more allies if we're going to survive this war, especially since we likely will be opposed by two sides."

"I can talk to some of the younger Order members and see if they're willing to leave with me. I'm not the only one who doesn't agree with how Dumbledore is fighting this war," Tonks suggested, pausing for a moment in thought. "I can also go ahead and set up a meeting with Madam Bones if you're ready for it, Harry."

Harry nodded in agreement. "Yeah, we might as well do that now. I should probably write to my friends as well. I need to know if they're going to side with me or Dumbledore sooner rather than later." He was apprehensive at the thought that his friendships might become strained or end completely, but he knew it wasn't something he should put off.

"I know it sounds harsh but, if they are true friends, they will hear you out and stand by you. If not, then it's better you find out now," Ted said gently.

"He's right Harry. I wish you didn't have to deal with this, but, unfortunately, we are in a war. If you want to survive it, you'll have to make some hard decisions," Andromeda added. Harry only nodded in response.

Narcissa cursed those who forced Harry into a life that made him grow up too fast and had to take a deep breath to calm herself. "Sad as it is, that is a good idea Harry. I'll also talk to some of the more neutral families to see if they're willing to support you in the Wizengamot. If we're going to get Fudge out of office and have someone trustworthy replace him, we'll need all of the votes we can get."

Once they finished eating, Andromeda went up to her office to grab some ink and parchment so they could write all of the necessary letters. It took them about an hour to write them all, some having to be edited to make sure they were discreet as possible. They wanted to be able to relay the correct intent and urgency without revealing any information that needed to remain secret until the recipients could be trusted with it. When they were ready, Hedwig and Andromeda's owl swooped into the kitchen to perch near their respective masters'. Harry tied the letters to his friends to Hedwig while Andromeda tied the rest to her owl. After wishing them a safe journey, the two owls flew through the open window.

Harry shook out his wrists that had become a bit sore after writing so much before speaking up. "Well, now that that's done, I guess it's time we see what was so important that my parents decided to lock it up."

Everyone agreed and moved into the living room where the trunk was still sitting on the coffee table where he'd left it last night. Harry looked it over for a moment, examining the runes once more. Then, he slowly reached out his hand and placed it onto the impression on the lid of the trunk. As he had guessed earlier, he felt a small prick on the middle of his palm. A few seconds later, the box glowed white, and the lock clicked open. He took a deep breath before popping the lid up to see what was inside.

The first thing Harry noticed was an envelope with his name on it lying on top of everything else. He pulled it out and opened it up, unfolding the letter inside. Quietly, he read the letter to himself, which was written in both his mother's and father's handwriting. The others gave him the privacy he needed, remaining silent until he'd finished.

(AN: Italics = James; Regular print = Lily)

To our precious son

If you are reading this letter, then we did not make it through the war. Before we get into the main reason for this letter, we want you to know that we love you so much and are so sorry that we were not able to live to see you grow up into the amazing man that you will become. We knew from the moment you were born that you were someone special, and not just because you are our child. Hopefully, our Wills were followed, and you were placed with people who would love you and were specified on our list of guardians. However, if you were sent to the Dursleys, Dumbledore will have a lot to answer for in the after-life. That translates into your mother will choke him with his own beard and berate him like a child while I watch on in satisfaction. He deserves it too seeing as he was the witness for our Wills and knew exactly what our directions for your care were.

Now, the reason why we're writing this letter is due to a discovery we made two days ago. I am a descendant of the Arrowwood family and was adopted by the Evans family. They are very well known in the Wizarding world for their fabled Sensor ability and Runic knowledge. They also are rumored to have been hiding a something very special. There are many who would do anything to learn their secrets so don't mention this to anyone you don't fully trust. This came with many revelations, but the main ones are that the family has a secret island with access to the only source of an element called zafeírium. After visiting it yesterday, I came up with the idea to use the island as a safe haven for friends and anyone else that wants to get away from the destruction Voldemort and his followers are causing. Yes, the war isn't going well and too many innocent people are dying for no reason. This island is very well hidden by several wards, many designed by our ancestors, which are powered by the three ley lines that run underneath it, making it the perfect place to escape to. It also has a village of house-elves that take care of it and are loyal to the family.

Unfortunately, if you're reading this letter, then we did not live long enough to escape there. Inside of this trunk is a portkey that will take you there and a book that can be used to give trusted people access to the island. There are a few items inside as well to help you understand the versatility of zafeírium and a sample of it in its purest form. Again, don't show these things to anyone you don't fully trust. Once you get to the island you will get a full explanation of everything and we left you a few surprises to hopefully help make up for our absence from your life. Finally, we love you with all of our hearts and you are the best thing we ever created. Don't let anyone cause you to doubt that.

Love now and forever

Mum and Dad

PS: The house-elves look a bit different on the island.

At the top of the letter, it was dated for October 31th – the day they died. They didn't have enough time to move us there, Harry thought sadly. As hard as it was to read, he was glad he did because for the first time he had indisputable proof that his parents loved him. Silent tears fell down his face as he realized just how much it meant to him. He'd heard so many people tell him of his parents' love for him, but it was different reading it in their own words. Narcissa, who was sitting beside him, put her hand on his shoulder when she saw his tears. Unable to speak, he gave her a nod of gratitude for the gesture. Everyone else remained silent to give him time to regain his composure.

When he'd settled down, he looked up at everyone else and read the letter aloud for them, informing them of the date it was written as well. There were varying degrees of shock displayed on their faces once Harry reached the end and it took them a moment to take it all in.

"Your mother was an Arrowwood," Andromeda whispered in disbelief. "They were believed to have all been killed in 1960."

"By who?" Harry questioned.

"According to some people, by Voldemort," Narcissa stated. "For some reason, he went after them personally, though no one knows exactly why. I suspect it might have been this zafeírium that was mentioned. All he'd told his followers at the time was that they possessed something that would make him more powerful. It's rumored that he sent an entire army after them but was unsuccessful. When he failed to get it, he was furious and punished several people in a rage, those that survived anyway. This was before the war officially started."

Andromeda shook her head in wonder. "He wasn't the only one who sought their secrets. In fact, when they were killed, several people tried to go to the Ministry to try and claim they were Arrowwoods to get access to their secrets. Ignatius Tuft, the Minister of Magic at the time, tried to demand that Gringotts hand over the contents of the Arrowwood vault to the Ministry, but they refused. He almost caused another war with the goblins over it and it's part of the reason he was eventually forced out."

"Yes, though it all turned out to be a waste of time because there was nothing but money in the Arrowwood vault anyway," Narcissa added. "Apparently they never stored anything else inside of it. You should be able to claim that, though Harry."

"That's some coincidence," Ted remarked. "Harry not only are you linked to him through a prophecy but you're also likely the only living descendant of a family that he personally went after. What are the odds?"

"Maybe the secrets they were hiding could be part of the 'power he knows not' mentioned in the prophecy," Tonks suggested.

"It's possible," Harry replied before he took out the rest of the things inside the trunk. This included the book, an old-fashioned key labelled as the portkey, a dagger, a cloak, a vest of armor, a picture of an unknown flower, and a block that was almost as long and wide as the inside of the trunk. All of the items were sapphire blue in color except for the book. The notes that were attached to them stated that every single item had zafeírium in them in some form or fashion. Harry examined the items and their notes before passing everything except for the book and the portkey around. While they looked at the items, Harry wrote down their names in the book after reading the instructions to give them all access to the island.

"So, all of this stuff is made of zafeírium somehow?" Tonks asked in confusion.

"It would seem so," Andromeda remarked.

"How would it get into plants though? What kind of plant is this anyway?" Ted queried.

Narcissa examined the plant in thought. "It looks like a narcissus flower, though not one that I've ever seen. It's almost as if the zafeírium seeped into the very ground of the island."

"You think the whole island's been infused with this stuff?" Tonks asked in wonder.

"That seems like the most probable explanation," Andromeda stated.

"Which would mean the properties of everything on the island – plants, food, water, minerals, maybe even animals – could be altered from what you would see anywhere else," Ted noted. "It's probably like a completely different environment there."

"It's pretty amazing, isn't it?" Harry exclaimed, his mind already thinking of how he could use it to make his inventions as he examined the block of zafeírium once more. The somber mood that had gripped him after reading his parents last words to him had been lifted at the knowledge of what zafeírium was capable of. He went silent as he calculated what he would be able to make right now with what he had available. Everyone smiled at Harry's change in mood, giving him time to enjoy his moment.

"Well I think we can all agree that we should go visit this island soon," Andromeda stated, getting everyone back on task.

"Why not go now? It's not like we can do much else until everyone replies to our letters," Tonks suggested.

"That's up to Harry," Ted stated as everyone turned to the young man in question.

Narcissa glanced at Harry warily. "From your parents' letter it seems like there are more surprises in store for you when you get there. Though, it's probably best that we learn more about all of this before we meet with anyone."

Harry ran a hand through his hair in thought. He was a bit wary of what else he would learn but knew there wasn't much time to delay at the moment. "You all are right, we need to go now. Besides, I really want to see what else is there. If I get overwhelmed, I have all of you there to help me out."

"Yes, you do Harry," Andromeda confirmed. Then, they all went upstairs to get ready, returning downstairs about half an hour later.

Harry held out the portkey for everyone and once they were all holding on, he whispered the phrase 'Senses lead the way'. With barely a sound, they group of five were whisked away to a new location.

- T.T.H.S.L.W. –

Unlike the rest, Tonks and Harry landed on their butts instead of their feet when the portkey dropped them off. After chuckling at their misfortune, Ted helped them both off the ground.

"I really hate portkeys," Harry grumbled as he dusted off his pants.

"You and me both," Tonks commiserated, before looking around. "Wow, look at this place."

Everyone murmured in agreement as they all gazed around at their surroundings. The portkey had dropped them off somewhere in what was supposed to be a large town, though there were no beings visible at the moment. It was located in a large, wide, and curved valley between two mountains to the east and west that were lined with several trees. From their position, they could see that a river flowed around the western edge of the town, starting at a waterfall off of the cliff at the south end. There was also a large, black structure on that end about twenty feet away from the waterfall, though no one could guess the reason for it. To the north, they could see the beginning of a forest, though it was too far away, and the valley was too curved for them to see it very clearly. They didn't see any beings around, but there were birds in the sky and some small mammals running around, though they mainly stayed in the grassy areas near the waterfall and were too far away to see distinctly. They could tell that there was a farm nearby because chickens could be heard clucking and cows mooing. Narcissa could have even sworn that she saw a fairy, though it flitted away too quickly for her to be sure.

They were standing in a long road – the main road most likely – that ran from south to north and curved around following the natural path of the valley. There were numerous buildings and streets on the east and west sides of it that led to the rest of the town Everything was spread out, so nothing was right on top of each other. Most of the buildings right off the main road seemed to have been stores, businesses, and restaurants while the others on streets behind them were homes. The architecture style was a mix of modern and ancient Greek that somehow worked together, and every place had its own unique look with no two alike or identical. The houses they could see, due to the gentle downward slope they were on, were that way as well. What tied them all together was that every building had something sapphire blue in color, whether it was the front door, window, trim, or etc. In fact, the very street they were standing on was paved with bluestone ranging from dark to light blues. It was arranged in a herringbone pattern with diamond shaped stones interspersed throughout. Overall, the town was huge, and they could tell that many people lived here once.

"Your ancestors really liked the color blue Harry," Tonks remarked in amusement.

"Tell me about it. At least the grass is still green, and the trees barks are still brown," Harry replied.

"Maybe they got used to it since the zafeírium is that color," Andromeda suggested.

"I'd like blue too after seeing what that stuff is capable of," Ted commented. Everyone chuckled at that.

"Even with all of the blue, this still is a beautiful place. Peaceful too," Narcissa noted.

Harry and the others nodded in agreement before he turned to face the black iron gate on the east side of the street they had been dropped off in front of. Behind it was a nice-sized manor home with the same bluestone path leading up to it. There was grass on either side of the path and in the middle was a simple but elegant water fountain surrounded by grass filled with flowers in varying shades of blue. The manor itself was built in Ancient Greek style, with beige stone and dark blue doors. To the left side of the manor was a slightly smaller building in the same style as the manor. Narcissa explained that it was likely the quarters for the house-elves, though it apparently was bigger than any she'd ever seen.

After a moment, he walked up to the gate, followed by everyone else. Once they were standing right in front of it, Harry noticed that the key hole of the lock matched the key they used as a portkey. He pulled the key out of the pocket he'd dropped it into when they arrived and inserted it into the lock, slowly turning it to the right until he heard a click. Then, the gate swung open majestically.

Before Harry could say anything else, a being popped in front of him unexpectedly, causing all of them to jump slightly in shock. It was technically a house-elf, though it was unlike any they'd ever seen. This being did not have the overlarge nose, ears, and eyes, the shorter stature, or the greyish complexion that they were used to seeing. Instead, this house-elf stood at about 4 feet tall, had small ears with pointy tips that stick out some, a small, pointy nose, and eyes proportional to its thin, angular face. Its complexion was very pale, almost white, and its figure thin and lithe. It also had hair that was black and cut short. The indication that the changes in this elf were due to zafeírium was seen in its eyes which were sapphire blue and glowed slightly.

"You are Harry James Potter, the last descendant of the great Arrowwood family. My name is Sammy and I am the head elf on the island," the now named Sammy stated, making everyone realize that even his speech pattern was improved.

Harry took a moment to get over his shock before he managed to reply. "Umm… nice to meet you Sammy, but how do you know my name?"

Sammy's expression became sad. "Your parents, Mistress Lily and Master James, came here once with you, though they never returned. Since your mother was also an Arrowwood, we felt her death. We've been waiting for you to come back ever since."

"Okay… umm could you please show us around then. We don't really know where we're supposed to go," Harry said after glancing around at the others who were just getting over their shock.

"Of course, Master," Sammy replied with a half bow. "Just follow me and I'll bring you to the family library so everything can be explained to you." The elf turned around and started walking toward the manor.

"How many more house-elves live on the island with you?" Harry asked Sammy as a concerning thought came to his mind. He was worried that there weren't enough of them to take care of the town without overworking themselves. This wasn't a small island after all and there was a lot to take care of to keep it up. The others listened intently, wanting to know the answer as well.

"There are 82 adults including me and 34 children that are too young to work. Per former Master John's orders, whenever the portkey is activated, everyone except the head elf is to go into hiding. He thought it would be too much of a shock if you saw several of us instead of just one."

"You think," Tonks muttered, earning a smack from her mother in response.

"We all live in the slightly smaller manor next door. It's been magically expanded on the inside so all of us have plenty of living space," Sammy finished explaining, pointing at the smaller house to the left.

Harry nodded, satisfied that the elves weren't overburdened "Good. Do all of you look like… well like this?"

"Yes, though we cut our hair differently. Somehow the zafeírium in the land changed us and most other living things and creatures, though this wasn't realized until the next generation were born. I've been told that it was quite the shock when the first baby elf was born looking like we do now," Sammy replied.

"I'll bet they were," Tonks murmured. Everyone nodded in agreement with her.

"How did that many elves get here in the first place?" Ted asked curiously.

"Master Matthew, the Arrowwood who found the island, and his children started a secret campaign to save house-elves from abusive masters and mistresses," Sammy began to explain. "He tried to get us more rights through the Wizengamot at first, but when they rejected his idea he decided to free as many as he could around the world. It made him unpopular and is one of the reasons why he searched for a place of privacy and peace in the first place. When he found the island, he brought them here and we've lived and grown in population size ever since. There used to be more of us, but many died in the battle that caused this island to be cut off from everything and everyone else. You will learn more about that soon enough."

Harry smiled at the story, though the ending saddened him, glad that his family had a history for standing up for what was right. "He sounds like he was a good person."

Everyone else went silent, wondering what other surprises were in store for them.

"Welcome to the Arrowwood manor," Sammy announced as they stepped inside the main entrance. It was impressive yet not too formal with an elegance that wasn't oppressive. There were no gaudy statues or flashy, but unnecessary objects to boast the wealth of the family. Everything wasn't accented in gold or silver and the furniture wasn't overly extravagant or tasteless. Instead, though you could tell that the owner was wealthy, you got a warm welcome feeling that put you at ease, not make you subconsciously try and check your appearance due to perceived inadequacy.

The main entrance was a decent size with a large staircase leading to the next floor at the back-right side of the room. To the left and the right ends of the room as well as to the left of the stairs were squared off entryways framed with intricate crown molding. The floor was done in ebony brown wood, while the walls were beige with white accents. Above them was a simple, yet elegant chandelier that hung in the middle of the room. On the left side of the room was a place to hang your coats and on the right was a portrait of a sunset over the ocean.

"Nice place Harry," Tonks remarked amusedly.

"I wish I could take the credit for all of this, but I just got lucky for once," Harry muttered, also taken in by the place. He didn't know why, but something about this entire island made him feel like he was home. And just to think that he hadn't even seen the whole place yet.

"Mistress Iris, your grandmother, redecorated the entire place. She wanted to make it feel more inviting, yet elegant," Sammy informed them.

"Well she certainly achieved that," Narcissa observed with Andromeda and Ted also voicing their approval.

When they all had finished looking around, they turned back to face the strange elf. "To the left is the kitchen and dining rooms as well as a playroom for children," Sammy began explaining. "To the right is the living room, game room, and one of the entrances to the library, which is two stories tall. In the back is the ballroom that was used for parties which also has an entrance to the playroom. The library, kitchen, and ballroom all have doors leading to the large patio and garden outside. On the second floor are the 15 guest bedrooms, the second level of the library, another sitting room, and the training room. On the third floor are the 7 family bedrooms, the private library, a family lounge, 2 offices, and the master and mistress suite. There is also a staircase that leads to a lounge on the roof."

"Wow, that's a lot of rooms," Harry said.

"That's why it's called a manor Harry," Narcissa teased.

Harry took it good-naturedly. "I know that, it's just this is the first one I've been to."

"Well you'll have plenty of time to get used to it now," Narcissa replied.

"Indeed. This is your manor after all," Andromeda remarked.

Harry shook his head at her comment. "That's going to take a lot of getting used to." He couldn't believe that he was going from the tiny, cluttered room at the Dursley house to owning a manor. No, I now own an entire island. And to think a tiny cupboard under the stairs is the first home I clearly remember, though it was only home because it was the one place the Dursleys never entered.

"If you're ready, I can take you to the family library. There you'll be able to get your questions answered and learn more about the island and there's a special surprise waiting for you," Sammy said after a moment, having waited patiently for them to finish talking.

"Yes, please lead the way, Sammy," Harry replied.

They walked up the two flights of stairs to reach the third floor which entered into the family lounge. Sammy led them to the left, passing two doors that he explained led to the offices, until the reached a door at the end of the hall with the family's crest on it.

"This is the private family library. At the moment, Master Harry, only you can enter it since entrance has been barred to everyone except an Arrowwood. To allow everyone else to enter, you simply have to state, 'I grant, person's name, permission to enter the Arrowwood private library' while holding your wand up," Sammy informed him.

"Understood," Harry stated.

"I will leave you to it then. If any of you need anything, simply call for an Arrowwood elf and we will assist you." Sammy popped away after that, leaving the group standing in front of the door.

Harry gave the rest of them permission to enter the library before turning back to face the door. Taking a deep breath to steel himself, he turned the knob and pushed open the door. At first glance, the room looked like a typical library, with the wall the door faced lined completely with book shelves and a few chairs, sofas, and tables were scattered around the room. Upon further examination of the three portraits on the far-right wall however, they all froze in shock as they realized that they recognized two of the six people in the portraits.

"But that's James and Lily," Andromeda exclaimed in shocked disbelief.

"Well don't just stand there. Come on over here," James shouted impatiently when no one moved toward them.

Lily cuffed the back of his head for that. "Give them some time James. It's not like we told anyone we made portraits of ourselves." The four others in the portraits shook their heads at the couple, amused smiles on their faces at the familiar sight of them fussing.

While Lily and James argued and the others tried to get over their shock, Harry was completely frozen. He didn't know what to think or how to react. For almost his entire life, he'd wished that he could have just one conversation with his parents. To hear their voice. To hear them tell him that they loved him. Now the chance was right in front of him and he was afraid. Afraid that they would be disappointed in him. That he wouldn't be good enough for them. That they would have their own expectations of who he was supposed to be, and he wouldn't fit that image. Even though he'd read their letter to him, years of being told he wasn't good enough by the magical and muggle world alike had taken its toll on his self-esteem and doubts still plagued his mind no matter how hard he tried to push them down.

After turning to look at Harry and seeing the trepidation on his face, Narcissa and Tonks were able to break through their shock, followed soon after by Ted and Andromeda. The latter two went to talk to the portraits and explain that Harry needed some time to get over his shock while the former two tried to get him to talk to them.

"Harry," Narcissa called softly trying not to startle him. He looked up at her but gave no verbal response.

"What are you thinking?" Tonks asked gently.

He looked at both of them before replying, seeing only kindness and concern in their expressions. "I… what if they are disappointed in me, in who I've become?"

"I may not know them very well, but from the way… Sirius and Remus described them and their excitement for your birth to me, I'm sure that won't be the case," Tonks reassured him. "Their letter and the portraits they had made for you is proof of their love for you. I'm positive that they'll see you for the good person that you are and love who you've become."

Narcissa put her hand on his shoulder comfortingly, speaking up next. "Even though I didn't know them very well, the few interactions I had with them gave me some insight into their character. Your father, though a bit arrogant, never turned his back on those he considered family. From the way he accepted Sirius and Remus despite their family and condition respectively also shows that he wasn't as prejudiced as some try to make him out to be. And your mother, while she had a bit of a quick temper, she had a big heart and always tried to help those in need. She even helped me with a transfiguration assignment in my first year when she saw me struggling with it. She's also fiercely protective of those she considers her family as well. Knowing that, I am certain that they will love you just the way you are."

Harry ran a hand through his hair sheepishly. "I'm being ridiculous, aren't I? Getting all worked up for no reason."

Narcissa pulled him into a hug as she replied in his ear. "No, you aren't. It's perfectly understandable for you to be nervous about this. You've likely spent your whole life wishing that you could talk to them and now that the opportunity is right in front of you, you're worried about how they'll react to you." Harry nodded in reply as she pulled away from him.

"Yeah kid," Tonks said as she ruffled his hair affectionately. "It's okay to be a bit apprehensive, but don't worry. You don't have to do this alone and as long as you be yourself, they'll love you."

Harry shook himself and stood up straighter. "Alright, let's go meet them then."

The three of them walked over to the portrait wall to stand by Andromeda and Ted who were conversing with all of the people in the portraits. When they got there, Andromeda introduced everyone to each other.

"From left to right, these are Matthew Arrowwood and his wife Arianna, John Arrowwood and his wife Iris, and you know James and Lily. Everyone, this is my daughter Dora, my sister Narcissa, and Harry," Andromeda announced.

"It's nice to meet you Harry," Matthew greeted, his sentiments echoed by the other three. Harry gave them all polite reply before focusing his attention on his parents.

"Mum, Dad," he whispered, his voice just loud enough to be heard.

"Yes sweetie, it's really us, well as real as we can be," Lily said gently.

"It's good to see you son, though I wish this meeting never had to happen," James remarked.

"Me too," Harry said.

"Well, let us get a good look at you," James exclaimed. Harry spun in a circle before stepping closer to his parents. "Wow, you must be almost a grown man! You even have a beard already. How old are you?"

"I'll be sixteen in less than a month," Harry answered, a small smile on his face.

"I can't believe we missed you grow up," Lily lamented.

"Yeah, you should have been brought here as soon as you were old enough to write. That's what we specified in our Will. Who have you been living with?" James probed, though he and Lily had already guessed the answer.

"The Dursleys," Harry replied. The anger could be heard in his voice.

"That no good, manipulative, old goat!" Lily shouted in outrage. "We told him not to take you to them! We very explicitly explained that you were to NEVER live with them, yet he went directly against our instructions!"

James wrapped his arm around her in an attempt to calm her down though he was just as angry. "He's not going to enjoy the afterlife, that's for sure," he declared fiercely.

"They hurt you, didn't they?" Lily asked sadly once she had regained her composure.

Harry looked down for a moment in shame before answering. "Yes, but as bad as it was, it prepared me for the crap I've had to put up with over the years." At the curious and alarmed expressions that formed on his parents' faces he sighed. "It's a long story."

"It seems we all have long stories to tell," Matthew interjected, seeing the reluctance on Harry's face. "Before you get into what I'm sure is a very harrowing tale, maybe I should tell you about this island and how we came to be here." James and Lily went quiet, not protesting the change in subject. While they wanted to learn more about their son's life, unfortunate as it may be, they realized it was best not to push him too hard during their first meeting.

John nodded in agreement, discerning his ancestor's intentions. "Yes, you all need to know the history of this island and our family so you can decide your next moves. From what Lily and James have told us, it seems that Tom Riddle, or Voldemort as he's more commonly known, is still out there causing havoc in Britain."

"That's an understatement," Tonks muttered.

Harry nodded thankfully, not ready to talk about his hardships in the magical and muggle worlds. "Please do."

Matthew winked at Harry before addressing him and the rest of the group of newcomers. "You might want to take a seat and get comfortable." When they were seated on the sofas that faced the portrait wall and a house-elf had popped in with lunch for them to eat, Matthew continued. "I found this island by pure chance. I was sailing through the ocean with the family to clear my mind and get some peace from the crap we had to deal with back in Britain. After the rumor got around about our family's Sensor ability and that I had developed method for time dilation, we had been practically hounded with reporters and many others as they tried to get the truth out of us. Even the Ministry tried to get me to give them the spell under the guise of gaining a new tool to help them better protect the community. Then there was our fight in the Wizengamot over trying to give house-elves some rights, so they had more protection from abusive owners. It became too overwhelming, so we all went on a sailing trip together in the summer of 1702."

"A trip that at first Matthew here was reluctant to take," Ariana interjected. "After finding this place, he had no choice but to admit that I was right about the trip being a good idea." She had a mock smug expression as the others laughed at her words.

Matthew sighed good-naturedly. "Yes, thank you Arianna, but I don't believe that fact is important to the story."

"I think otherwise, but we can agree to disagree," she remarked teasingly.

Matthew mock-glared at his wife before pressing on with his story. "Anyway, one day during our travels, I spotted a land mass surrounded by mist and tall cliffs and decided to investigate it. When we arrived and explored the island and its natural defenses, finding no people indigenous to it, the idea to make this our haven away from the world came to all of us. So, we built homes and set up several runic wards around the entire island that were tied into the three ley lines that cross underneath it."

"It was our personal retreat away from the drama of Britain and with the secret floo system we set up between here and our homes in the country we could come and go without anyone knowing about it," Arianna added.

"We were even able to bring the house-elves we secretly rescued here, and they helped us set up the town. To keep everything a secret, we created a book that would record everyone who had access to the island and had them take a vow of secrecy that only the Head of the Family would be able to give permission to come to it, the same book you used." Matthew paused for a moment before continuing. "Then, on the night of July 19, 1711 there was a meteor crash near the waterfall that you saw on the southern end of town. It was the zafeírium and it changed our lives and everything on the island, living and non-living."

"Our house-elves are a good example of this," Arianna pointed out. "I'm sure all of you were quite startled by the improvements to their physical features, but it also made them smarter and stronger, physically and magically."

John spoke up next. "This also happened to many of the animals on this island, magical or not. Some of the non-magical animals even gained some magical abilities as well as a change in appearance."

"The plants and minerals on the island changed as well, becoming more potent. The materials used for clothing, tools, buildings, and anything else became better at conducting magic, though sometimes a dampener is needed to prevent overloading," Iris interjected.

"Exactly," Matthew stated. "The zafeírium turned this island into a completely different place. We changed as well after living here due to eating and drinking from its resources. It slowed down our aging and kept us in our prime for much longer, though only in the bounds of what our original potential was. However, there was an even greater change that happened." He took a pause for theatrics, causing the other portraits to roll their eyes at him.

"Oh, hurry up and tell them, you big goof," Arianna chastised, though there was an amused smirk on her face.

"Just ruin my fun won't you," Matthew muttered good-naturedly before refocusing. "The biggest change beside the zafeírium itself was the entirely new plant that was created a few months after the meteor crash. We call it the Zafissus plant due to its derivation from the Narcissus plant. Eating the star-shaped herb from it grants the individual untold strength and the ability to channel more magic than before. It makes you stronger physically, mentally, and magically, almost doubling the size of your core. The effects it has on you are even greater than that Sorcerer's Stone of Flamel's."

"What's the catch?" Narcissa asked pointedly.

"You're very sharp there," Matthew noted. "The catch, as you put it, is that not everyone can eat the herb and gain powers. Only those who are magically compatible with the energy of the zafeírium can do so. The criteria are not based on your personal nature but your magical prowess. It also can't be consumed by those who are past their magical prime."

"What happens to you if you eat it and you're not compatible?" Harry asked, guessing that it wasn't something good.

"You will lose your magic completely, with no chance of it ever returning. That's why our family designed a device to discover if someone was compatible or not before they eat it," Matthew answered gravely.

"How many have been compatible?" Andromeda inquired.

John responded this time. "7, not including myself, though Grandpa Matt here was one of them. Unfortunately, three of them thought it made them invincible and got themselves killed by trying to take on too many enemies without proper training. While the plant gives you increased strength, you must train before you can use it properly and learn your limits. If not, then you're no better than you were before you ate it."

"Indeed," Matthew concurred. "I tried to warn them, but they refused to listen to reason."

The group took a moment to take all of this in before Ted thought of another question. "You have an entire town built in this valley. How many people lived here and knew about all of this?"

"There were about 450 people and 250 elves here before the 10-Day War started," John said. "Most were those either related to the spouses of family members or those who we were able to help out of a hard situation."

"10-Day War?" Harry asked.

John sighed sadly and Iris rested her hand on his shoulder comfortingly. "Yes, it's the reason why the island was closed up. My brother, Simon, believed that our family should take control of Magical Britain due to his perceived superiority over 'regular' wizards and witches. His wife, Anna, encouraged this belief. I tried to get him to realize that it wasn't a good idea, but he refused to do so. We fought and argued and eventually he and Anna left the island. About four months later, he came to the island with Tom Riddle and an army of followers, intent on destroying everyone who opposed him. He'd told Riddle all about the zafeírium and the Zafissus plant. The bastard wanted the power and the island for himself, though he didn't inform my brother about his true intentions. Riddle brought giants, vampires, werewolves, and inferi with him and Simon and Anna helped disable several of the security defenses we had except for those on the manor and the mining station where the Zafissus plant and zafeírium were located respectively. It was a hard battle and after a few days we realized that we weren't going to win it. We were too overwhelmed and so many had died already. So, we devised a ritual that could transport everyone away from here and seal up the island from everyone until the time was right. Meanwhile, the battle raged on, devastating the town until we were all backed up by the zafeírium mining station and the manor, our last strongholds. On the fifth day, I was forced to kill Simon as he tried to kill Iris, but the battle continued, now being led completely by Riddle, who was much more ruthless in his tactics. By the tenth day, only 30 adults were left alive, the rest having been killed, including the women and children as well as several elves. We managed to deplete their forces as well, but they still overwhelmed us. In our last-ditch effort, those of us that were left combined all of our magic to power the ritual we'd designed. We were successful, but it killed us all. It was the price we had to pay to keep the zafeírium out of his hands. Lily, Iris and I's daughter, was the only child we were able to sneak off the island and the only Arrowwood that survived."

Lily spoke up after a long moment of silence. "I didn't even find out about all of this until after my parents were killed by Death Eaters during Britain's war, a little over a week before my death. I went to their house to get a few things and found the box in the attic. James and I brought Harry along with us to the island and we had planned on going back after meeting with a few of our friends to invite them to come as well, but it was too late."

"We should have just moved there immediately, but we trusted Wormtail to protect us," James declared angrily. "What happened to that rat anyway?"

"That's a long story," Harry replied sadly before the group launched into an explanation of what's happened since James and Lily's death. They told the portraits about everything they could think of, though Harry and Narcissa left out the details of their respective abuse. It took so long that an elf brought them dinner before they were done talking.

When Harry got finished describing all he had gone through at Hogwarts, all those in the portraits as well as those in the group were ready to find Dumbledore and tear into him. Harry ended with a summary of how Narcissa was able to divorce Lucius but didn't bring up the marriage contract just yet as everyone else took a moment to calm down.

"I never liked that man and now I know why," John remarked.

"I can't believe he let all of that happen in a school," Iris said.

"Hogwarts has always been a bit dangerous just because magic is dangerous, but this is absurd," James declared furiously. "He put not only your life, but the entire school's lives in danger."

Lily took a deep calming breath before responding. "He is lucky I'm only a portrait or hex him within an inch of his life." Her voice was quiet, but everyone could hear the cold anger coloring her tone.

Narcissa used a similar tone with her declaration. "You're not going back there, not if I have anything to say about it." Harry looked at her in surprise and was about to protest until he saw the resolve in her expression. "I know it's not ideal or what you want, but we can't trust him not to screw with your life or try to manipulate you into another unnecessarily dangerous situation. Plus, I highly doubt he will be very happy with our situation either. It's safer for you not to go back."

Harry sighed, unable to argue with her logic. "I know, but what about my friends?"

"We can give them the option to come here with us," Andromeda suggested helpfully. "They may not all take you up on the offer, but some will and at least you can say you tried."

"I wish you could go to school and worry about things a sixteen-year-old should, but you can't. For no good reason, you've been drawn into a war that started before you were born and Voldemort won't stop chasing you until you or he dies, especially when he finds out that you're an Arrowwood. It's the sad but unchangeable truth," Narcissa stated, her tone gentle.

"I agree that you shouldn't go back to school, but what is this situation you're referring to?" Lily asked curiously, not having heard them mention anything involving both Harry and Narcissa. The group all glanced at James at the same time, the witches with a touch of anger. Those in the portraits had confused expressions, especially James, though Arianna and Iris had their own suspicions.

"Umm… well you see there's… sort of… amarriagecontractbetweenmeandNarcissa," Harry announced nervously as he blurted the end out too quickly to be understood by most, except for Lily.

"Did you say a marriage contract?" she asked dangerously. At Harry's nod, she turned her ire on James, giving him a look that he knew meant trouble. "What were Sirius and you thinking?!"

James tried to inch away from his wife. "Would it make you feel better if I told you that I don't remember forming it?"

"No!" she replied angrily.

"I'm sorry," he tried, though it did him no good.

"Sorry, that's all you have to say? You put our son, who had to be a baby at the time, into a marriage contract! I'd ask what you were thinking, but the problem is you weren't because you were likely drunk when you did it." Lily, not wanting to look at her husband for the moment turned to face Harry and Narcissa. "How bad is it?"

Narcissa listed all of the requirements. "They had to be drunk to write it the way they did," she commented when she was done.

"You wrote a contract forcing Harry to become a father at 16!" Lily stated, her tone going cold. "How many times had I asked you not to get that drunk? Now, because you didn't listen, our son and Narcissa don't get the chance to choose who they want to spend the rest of their lives with. Narcissa even just got OUT of a contracted marriage only to get thrown back INTO one, this time with someone young enough to be her son." Then she turned to Narcissa, her voice much gentler. "I mean no offense to you, I'm simply upset with the situation."

"None taken. I understand your anger," Narcissa replied. "Even though we were forced into this, I do want you to know that I will do the best I can to take care of your son."

Lily nodded in agreement. "I'm certain you will. I remember from school that you had a good heart, in spite of your family. From what I've seen today, your heart hasn't changed." The she addressed Harry specifically. "I'm sorry your father's idiotic behavior and poor decision making got you into this situation sweetie."

Harry shrugged. "I'm used to things out of my control happening to me. This definitely isn't the worst."

"You shouldn't be used to it, but I'm glad you're looking on the bright side," Lily replied. "Just try to make the best of it and I'm sure you two will be okay. If you need anything or just want to talk, know that we are here. We even have separate portraits around here somewhere if you need to speak to one of us privately."

"Thank you, Lily."

"Thanks Mum."

"I really am sorry you two. I… I may not remember doing it, but I do remember fearing for your future Harry. I was scared that I wouldn't be alive to see you grow up and that others would try to take advantage of you because of our family name and fortune since my death would make you the last Potter," James stated remorsefully.

"You should have talked to me about it then James, not try and drown your sorrows in alcohol," Lily said turning to face her husband, compassion in her expression. "I'm still very cross with you, but I can understand your reasons. The war was getting worse and we were losing too many friends and family. But if you had come to me, we could have set up something that would have protected Harry without taking away his choice."

When everyone had settled back down, Matthew spoke up. "I may not be able to void your contract, but I might be able to help you with your time constraints."

"How?" Harry and Narcissa asked at the same time.

"Well, as is rumored, our family did invent a time dilation runic scheme. We were able to make it possible to give you up to 2 years within a week of real time, though more than that could mess with your magic badly," Matthew answered.

"The room got destroyed during the war, but it is possible to fix it if any of you are good with runic magic," John revealed.

"Well it's a good thing that Harry here is an expert in that," Tonks declared.

"I wouldn't say I'm an expert, but if you show it to me, I should be able to figure it out," Harry admitted, hope filling him. Two years will at least give us time to really get to know each other. Even if we don't fall in love, that's better than nothing.

Narcissa on the other hand didn't want to get her hopes up just yet. "How do you know that it won't interfere with the contract?"

John smiled at her, understanding her concern. "Because we tested it with someone under a magical contract with no problems, though nothing as constraining as yours. While you will age physically under the spell, you won't age magically. When we checked the ages of those who were under it after they finished, their ages hadn't changed except for the time that had passed in the real world."

Narcissa turned to Harry. "Not trying to pressure you, but do you really think you can fix it?"

Harry gave her a small, determined smile. "I can. I'll start working on it right now if someone will tell me where everything is."

"I think it can wait until the morning Harry," Ted said after checking the time. "It's getting late and we've gotten enough to think about for one day."

Everyone else checked the time as well and saw that it was nearing ten o'clock. "Yes, I think you'll work better after getting some sleep," Andromeda added.

"You're right," Harry conceded.

They all said their goodbyes, Harry and his parents reluctantly, before the group called for Sammy to lead them out.

Once they got back to the Tonks home, everyone adjourned to their rooms, needing time alone to wrap their heads around all that they had learned and get some rest.

- T.T.H.S.L.W. –

While that group had spent their day learning about the Arrowwood family's secrets, Lucius Malfoy was informed about something else, though his news was much less pleasant.

In the afternoon, he left home to go to Gringotts to withdraw some money from the Black Family vault. The money was needed to fund a venture that his Dark Lord wanted to undertake. Due to his failure during the battle at the Ministry, Lucius was being ordered to finance it as part of his punishment. Now usually Narcissa went with him to withdraw from this vault, but she had not returned from her trip yet, something he barely remembered giving her permission to do. Instead of trying to find her and force her to come back immediately to go with him, he decided to go on his own, a decision he would come to regret.

When he arrived at the bank, he walked up to the teller with the shortest line, sniffing his nose at the goblins disdainfully. After waiting for far too long if you asked him, he finally reached the front of the line. "I need to make a withdrawal from the Black Family vault immediately."

"One moment," the goblin, named Griffhook, replied dismissively, not looking up from the papers on his desk.

"I said I need to do so immediately goblin," Lucius asserted indignantly.

"One moment, wizard," Griffhook responded indifferently, still not looking up.

Lucius, knowing it was best not to make a scene with a bank full of people decided to be patient, though he truly wished he could hex the creature for its disrespect. After five more minutes, Griffhook finally acknowledged Lucius by looking at him.

"How can Gringotts help you today?" Griffhook asked scornfully.

"I said that I need to make a withdrawal from the Black Family vault," Lucius repeated, irritation coloring his tone.

"One moment while I confer with the account manager," Griffhook stated, having heard the rumors of a new Lord Black. He left without giving Lucius time to reply to him. Said wizard had to take several deep breaths to calm down before he did something stupid. He figured the goblin was only making him wait because Narcissa wasn't with him this time and promised to remind himself to punish her for causing him this inconvenience.

After fifteen minutes, Griffhook returned with a smug expression on his face, triggering an ominous feeling to surround Lucius, though the man ignored it. The goblin took his time getting back into his seat before addressing the wizard. "You no longer have access to the Black Family vault." Then he turned to the next customer in line. "Next please."

"Excuse me. You are mistaken. I have access to the vault through my wife," Lucius insisted.

"That may have been true before, but it isn't any longer," Griffhook informed him with pleasure. He was loving the opportunity to put the arrogant wizard in his place.

"I demand to speak to the account manager," Lucius asserted condescendingly.

Griffhook smiled at him, something that should have served as a warning. "Very well then."

Lucius of course ignored the signs of danger and strutted behind the young goblin that served as his guide, certain that he was going to get the problem solved quickly. I will find and deal with Narcissa as soon as I am done here.

Once they arrived, the goblin opened the door after knocking before walking off somewhere else, not wanting to stay in Lucius presence any longer than necessary. There was an amused expression on his face though and he decided to head back to the main atrium in case there was a show to be witnessed.

The wizard didn't even notice the goblins expression, too focused on getting to the bottom of his issue. When he noticed that it was a different goblin than he was used to dealing with, he started to get worried however. Instead, Manager Silverclaw was sitting behind the desk. "Where is Manager Axeclaw?" Lucius demanded imperiously.

"Manager Axeclaw is no longer in charge of this account," Silverclaw replied calmly. "There is also a new Lord Black and he did not give you access to the family vault. In fact, you should not have had access to the vault in the first place since the previous Lord Black did not give you access either, though that blame belongs on Axeclaw's head, not yours. After all, you were not aware of this fact." Silverclaw stated warningly.

"My son should be first in line for that position," Lucius argued, though he was less sure of that answer due to the truth of Draco's birth.

"No, he wasn't, and the matter is already settled anyway. There is something else that you need to be made aware of since you're here," Silverclaw declared before pulling out an official Gringotts letter from off of his desk. He handed it to Lucius who ripped it open in his anger.

Once Lucius read the contents of it, he screamed out in fury and fear. No, this can't be happening. That contract was supposed to be foolproof. He stood there in shocked disbelief for a few minutes before being interrupted by Silverclaw.

"I will assume that you are upset by this news, but there is no way to change it," Silverclaw explained unsympathetically. "You will have to deal with this on your own time however because I have business to handle."

It was a clear dismissal, but Lucius ignored it. "NO! I demand that I get my access to the Black Family vault reinstated, my marriage reinstated, and my son be given the Black Lordship. I will NOT leave until you do so," Lucius shouted, trying to be intimidating.

Silverclaw was unaffected. "Even if I could, which I can't, I wouldn't do so. Now leave my office immediately before I call the guards."

Lucius, acting out of blind rage, pulled out his wand and pointed it at Silverclaw. "You will do what I tell you to do if you know what's good for you, pathetic creature. These walls may protect you now, but I know someone who can change that."

"Are you threatening me? You do remember that that it is illegal inside of the walls Gringotts?" Silverclaw replied in a low voice.

"Give me my access right now you stupid goblin!" Lucius screamed.

Calmly, Silverclaw pressed the button to summon the guards who came storming into the room a few seconds later. They saw Lucius's wand out and moved to attack him before Silverclaw halted them. "Please remove this wizard. He learned some bad news and is unable to handle it at the moment."

The guards nodded before dragging a kicking and screaming Lucius out of the office. They slowed down a bit when they reached the front atrium, giving all of the goblins and humans alike time to gaze at the spectacle Lucius was making of himself. He screamed incoherently the entire journey as he tried to break free from their hold. The goblin who'd led him to Silverclaw's office sniggered behind his hand, glad that he didn't miss it.

At the door, they threw him out and warned him that if he tried to enter the bank within the next 7 days, he would be executed for attempted murder of a goblin inside Gringotts.

Angry and afraid, Lucius apparated back to Malfoy manor. When he got there, he headed straight for the liquor cabinet and poured himself a healthy dose of brandy. He drunk the entire cup before pouring another dose and sitting down on the chair in front of his fireplace.

Draco found him there about an hour later. "Father will mother be home soon," he asked until he saw the cup in Lucius's hand and the expression on his face. "Father, what happened?"

Lucius, quite drunk by now, replied in a bland tone. "Your mother managed to divorce me and there is a new Lord Black, cutting off my access to the family's vault."

Draco looked at his father in shock. "That's not possible! Mother would never leave us! She knows better."

"It seems she outsmarted me somehow," Lucius remarked. He didn't mention that Narcissa wasn't the boy's real mother, sober enough to keep that secret for the moment.

"Where is she now? I thought she was supposed to be on a trip," Draco inquired, trying to come to terms with his "mother's" betrayal.

"I doubt she went on her supposed trip," Lucius said disdainfully.

"Who's the new Lord Black?" Draco asked, afraid of the answer.

"Seeing as Sirius Black was the previous one, I'm sure he gave it to Potter," Lucius correctly guessed.

Draco looked at his father in horror and went completely silent, the color draining from his face. Several minutes later, he let out a loud, piercing scream of horror. It was so unexpected that Lucius almost fell out of his chair as he jumped in shock.