Hi guys! This was inspired by an English class prompt to write about an exchange between two characters from Uncle Rick's books. This is set when Delaney is thirteen years old, and if you haven't read my fanfic about her, go check that out first. Props to our Uncle Rick.

From: Delaney Annabel Jean

To: Sadie Kane

Subject: PROBLEM

Hi Sadie, I know we're strictly not supposed to be talking, but I found a problem in the Greek pantheon that may or may not have happened in the Egyptian pantheon, but you should listen, just in case.

So there were some scientists who journeyed to Crete to find evidence of the original site of the labyrinth, and they found it... Luckily, the Hecate kids used the most to make the entrance seem younger than the myths, but we're still laying low...

Then some scientists journeyed to Delphi to find out how it was possible for the priestesses to tell the future. (Obviously Apollo's magic!) So anyways, they found out, and don't ask me how, but luckily some Hecate kids and I were nearby, and we zipped over there and now they think it's from some chemical's odors or something... I don't know, I just made something up.

So, yeah, reply back if you're having trouble, the Hecate kids could always stop by.

Your favorite demigod, Delaney

Reply to Subject: PROBLEM

From: Sadie Kane

To: Delaney Annabel Jean

Bloody hell, you can't do anything right, can you?

Never mind that, let's get to business.

I read your email, and I haven't seen anything like that, and we Egyptians have our own magic, thank you very much, but thanks for the tip.

Well, now that I think about it...

I have a lot of people at the 1st Nome saying that a lot of mortals noticed Apophis when he was trying to destroy the world, etc. which is just a normal day for the Kane's so never mind.

Your most annoyed magician, Sadie

Reply to Subject: PROBLEM

From: Delaney Annabel Jean

To: Sadie Kane

Yeah.. Thanks a lot Sadie. Now I'm annoyed.

How about a gift from your dear friend?

[Insert Lightning blast here]

Best regards: Delaney

Reply to Subject: PROBLEM

From: Sadie Kane

To: Delaney Annabel Jean

Oh, so you really want to play now?

Try this.

[Insert Ha-di spell here]

You have about a twenty second countdown, I would run if I were you.

Your imminent doom, Sadie

Reply to Subject: PROBLEM

From: Delaney Annabel Jean

To: Sadie Kane

Gods... That was stupid. Great idea, but stupid.

I CONTROL THE WEATHER FOR THE GODS SAKE! You do know water washes away the runes you use for spells? You do now.

I dispelled it in about half a second, literally. Wait till my next one.

Time to play.

#Yourwurstnightmare, Delaney

Reply to Subject: PROBLEM

From: Sadie Kane

To: Delaney Annabel Jean

Oh, it's on. Prepare to cower under your bed and cry.

Not-so-friendly, Sadie