Thank you everyone for the reviews! I have loved them all so much.

Here it is, the final chapter.

Chapter 4

Their eyes were burning into one another's skin. The silence of the room ringing so loud in their ears. Henry remained seats staring up at his wife while Elizabeth was stood, arms hanging by her side. Neither of them has spoke, they had no concept of time, had they been in this position all of a minute, or an hour? Neither knew. Neither one knowing what to say or how to start a conversation through fear of what was to come.

They turned their heads at the sound of the door being pushed open, Elizabeth's eyes slowly wondered to the doctor who now stood in the doorway gazing at them. What was that look? She could read his expressions.

'Mr and Mrs McCord' he began and Henry rose to his feet

'Is she ok?'

'Stephanie McCord is going to be fine, the heavy sedation had an impact on her heart, she is stable, she is no longer induced in a coma and is resting, and she is going to be fine' he smiled reassuringly.

'Oh thank god, thank you, thank you' Henry repeated shaking his hand.

'Can we see her?' Elizabeth asked, still rooted to the spot, not knowing what to say or how to feel right now.

'That's the not so good news, we have decided as a medical team to let her rest and sleep, as soon as she wakes she can have a few visitors' he smiled apologetically and nodded at Henry before leaving them alone again.

'You here that babe? She is going to be ok' Henry half laughed half cried, he walked towards her, we went to instinctively reach out for her but she didn't move. In fact she hadn't moved, she had remained in the same spot, her posture the same, everything.


'You said you wanted to talk, so talk, because when our daughter wakes up I want nothing more to do with this nightmare' she scorned. She watched him, her eyes harshly glazing over his body. Henry took a step back and lowered himself down onto the chair he was once sitting in.

'I understand' he responded flatly. He placed his head in his hands, rubbing at his temples as a heartfelt sigh left his mouth.

'Understand what?'

'I understand why you're blaming me, why you are linking me with Stevie's injuries even though you know I was not directly involved' his voice shaking

'How can you possibly understand that? Because I don't even understand myself' she admitted. Her words cold and flat. Her body aching as her limbs grew tired, still she pushed through the pain and remained stood on the same spot.

'I understand because I've done it to you. See when Dimitri was given up-'

'Oh bloody hell Henry! Must you bring up Dimitri every time?' she spat.

'Let me finish' he snapped at her. Silence took hold again.

'After Dimitri was given up I was so angry at you, not Conrad, not the system you'

'Well that's reassuring thanks' she replied sarcastically but Henry shook his head and continued

'I knew it wasn't your fault, I knew you would have thought of it from every single angle to change Conrad's mind, I knew that you didn't give the order but...but it still hurt because it was you. You were involved in that pain, that heartache and in my head I needed someone to blame, you pushed for the peace deal with Russia and if you hadn't Conrad would have gone to war I get that but if you hadn't have pushed for the peace deal then Dimitri wouldn't have been collateral damage. So I do understand, how you emotions are conflicted because if I hadn't have pushed Stevie she may not have been at the white house now but because I did push her she was there, and was injured there'

Elizabeth didn't know that was it, but it was. He knew and there was no surprise there. She moved her hand to her chest, clutching at her shirt as she inhaled sharply. Tears pricking at her eyes, mixture of emotion running through her veins.

'I...I...' she couldn't speak; the lump in her throat was too much.

'I know, I felt it too, that is why I fled and went to find Talia Petrov, and I needed to escape because looking at you crushed me. And now I am sitting on the other side of the fence... I am so so sorry Elizabeth' a single tear rolled down his cheek. The sight of her husband crying made her weak, squeezing her eyes shut she dipped her head and breathed sharply.

'What do do I...?' she stumbled on the words, her brain fogged and her soul crushed by physical and mental pain.

'You keep fighting' he whispered and she shot her head up looking fiercely in his eyes

'You cannot seriously be suggesting I still run for president after this?' she bit

'Yes, because you will be the best god damn president this world has ever had Elizabeth McCord, you need to keep fighting for good, keep doing good' he stood and walked towards her, for the first time in hours she had not backed from him. He gently placed his hands on her shoulders. The warmth spreading through their bodies at the singular touch.

'I am so sorry Henry' she whimpered

'Me too Elizabeth, so sorry' he stressed

'Our baby is going to be ok, you're going to be ok, I am going to be okay and together we will be more than ok' he whispered softly as she nodded

'Together we will fight for the good' she smiled

'We're going to face days that are tough, but my grandmother always told me 'The sun always rises after your darkest of days' he smiled back at her, he moved his hand to slowly tuck a few strands of her hair behind her ear, lingering the palm of his hand by her face. Elizabeth tilted her head into his hand.

'I love you so much Elizabeth'

'I love you too Henry. Thank you for being my sunlight in a dark world' she leant closer and delicately placed her lips on his. Henry pulled her close; he kissed her softly and held her tightly, like he was trying to squeeze her broken pieces back together.

'Let's go and see if our daughter is awake' he kissed her on the forehead

'And get some coffee' she chucked slightly, slipping her hand into his, walking out of the family room together, because the most important thing to remember is that even the darkest day will end, the sun will rise, and when it does we will try again.

A/N; Prompt, (in short) Bess & Stevie in white house attack, Stevie has surgery for hours and flatlines while E is holding her hand. How does E cope with this?