Day One.

I despise being the newest maid in Evelynn's vile mansion. I only work here because I love the generous pay, but I can't say the same about this skimpy French maid uniform which my revolting coworkers and I are required to wear.

Speaking about coworkers, there's only one I find tolerable and it's only because she's mute. The rest of them, including her, are far beneath me and I could not care less about them. They treat me… differently because of my inexperience and disobedience, but I'm unused to obeying one's orders like a slave. I've only been here for a few months and have already grown tired of their judging stares, but I receive them so often because I make sure to let every one of these creatures know how I feel about them. They would treat me better if I didn't, but I can't help myself. I'm a much more superior being than everyone else, let alone the idiots that inhabit this mansion. A requirement to work here is to let Evelynn suppress your magic, but she couldn't even hope to accomplish such a feat with me. My powers must be unimaginably stronger than hers.

This attitude comes with repercussions, however. In just a few months of working here, I've already managed to receive the most punishments – almost more than all the other maids combined, surpassing 100. But it seems that Evelynn has grown fond of me because past maids have been fired for much less. She must be afraid of me. She must know it would be the end of her frivolous life if she even thought about firing me.

She probably pays me more than the rest out of fear, too.

Well – perhaps Evelynn has grown a little too fond of me; instructing me to act as the sole maid to serve her and her friend, Ahri, during their private dinner at the mansion tonight. Ahri was this nine-tailed, fox-eared harlot with whiskers on her face to match, her curvaceous body wrapped tightly by an ill-fitting, white dress with a skirt so short that it leaves little covered whenever she would bend over – something she did quite a bit…

But at least Ahri wore clothes. Evelynn has tossed away her dominatrix-themed, spiked, purple garments for black, living shadows which wrap her legs like stockings, her hips like panties, and parts of her breasts like a terrible bra. I preferred her old look as I found it to be less-revealing – although it was still extremely sluttish. Her current, pitiful excuse of 'clothes' makes her look weak rather than instilling her role as the head of this mansion, and it leaves little to the imagination as well.

Not that I was imagining.

I was at these two's beck and call, struggling to remain calm as I marched back and forth to serve them their food and wine. It was obvious that I was growing furious, my body squirming irritably as I watched that fox-eared slut raise her cup for the third time this night…

"Serve me, Syndra~..." She ordered, her voice soft and flirtatious.

Her words rang in my head as a tuft of air fled my nose. I grabbed the neck of the half-empty bottle of red wine and marched towards Ahri – who was sitting across from Evelynn at the opposite end of the table – and slammed it down in front of her.

"Serve yourself," I muttered.

I always expect there to be consequences for the things that I do, but the chuckle I heard from far behind me was not what I expected.

"Thank you, Evelynn." Said Ahri, her red lips curling into a seductive smirk.

"You're welcome," Evelynn replied.

Definitely not what I expected.

Ahri stood up and I clenched my teeth, turning my hands into fists to prepare myself for a fight. But instead, a blur of white light blinded me, and soon I found her forcing her full lips which tasted like wine upon mine. I tried to push her away but found that my body didn't respond to a single command I gave it. Instead, I felt an intense heat growing between my thighs which now felt so… moist, my once-quick heartbeat slowing as I felt my anger beginning to subside, and this compulsion to obey replace it.

I've been charmed…

I felt this overwhelming need to return Ahri's impassioned kisses – a drone in the back of my head telling me I had to. My lips locked with hers, her body against mine as she began to push herself into me. She broke our kiss and there was this repulsive pang of disappointment, my body refusing to resist as she lifted its legs and laid me straight down atop the long, dining room table.

Ahri climbed up and straddled my waist, the dishes around us scattering as she pushed them aside. Her hands moved forward, towards the shoulder straps of my dress, pushing them down my arms before loosening the strings which kept it tight against my body. Without my will, my arms stretched above my head while my back rose from the table, allowing Ahri to pull my dress over my head before throwing it aside, leaving me in nothing but the remnants of my uniform; a pair of black shoes and thigh-high stockings, white cotton bracers, a black choker, and the white and black frilly headpiece sitting atop my silver tresses…

Notice that something is missing? Like undergarments? Well, as of recent, the maids have been forbidden from wearing any and I think I'm about to find out why…

"There are consequences for disobedience, Syndra." Said Ahri, licking her lips as her white tails flowed gently behind her.

The charm she forced upon me was incredibly powerful. My mind was filled with perverse thoughts and desires, and the flesh of my thighs was coated with a liquid that spawned from my sexual… excitement… I was without care for my nudity, without care for the way I was splayed upon the table, against my will. I was furious that I let myself be charmed so easily and furious that all attempts free myself of the charm, failed. I could only watch as Ahri's hands moved towards my breasts, an excited smile on her face as she cupped them within her palms.

The sudden… pleasure surprised me - pleasure which I didn't expect, nor have ever felt before…

My teeth clenched as my brow furrowed, unable to ignore the… desire I had to let Ahri molest me. She moved her fingers and began to tweak my firm, pink nipples, her tongue running across her lascivious smirk as her eyes met with mine. I knew the lustful gaze that I returned was pitiful, unable to hide the expressive craving in my face as my bottom lip was sunk into by my white teeth…

It's just the charm, Syndra. You don't actually like this…

She continued to fondle my unusually hard nipples for a little while longer, a pang of disappointment filling me again once she eventually stopped. I watched as she then slowly circled her nails around peaks which yearned to be tweaked again, noticing a brief flash of some strange, pink light emanating from beneath them before she came to a stop. I couldn't voice my worries as she crawled down my body, her hands taking hold of my thighs before pushing them apart, that feline tongue of hers travelling across her smile once more as she got on her hands and knees between my legs. Our eyes met for a moment and she giggled, shaking her head before lowering her face towards my womanhood with this look that only added to the rivulets leaking from my…

"Oh!" I moaned, feeling her lips capture my clitoris, her tongue prodding just gently against it.

I bit my lip to suppress any further pitiful whelps from leaving my throat as she began to suck with this fervid intensity. My back rose from the soft, white cloth of the table and another moan pushed its way out from my lips, my breath quickening as I found Ahri's ministrations to be absolutely divine.

This was entirely because of the charm!

Ahri continued like this for no more than a minute, maintaining this intimate, yet intimidating eye contact with me as she watched my body involuntarily squirm before she finally stopped. She licked her lips as if she were indulging in my taste, a pleased hum coming from her bosom before she moved her hands between my legs. I could feel her nails press against my wet flesh, outlining my womanhood with this slow, methodical pace before I saw that troubling pink gleam from earlier emanate briefly from between my thighs…

Me being worried was putting it lightly. I've never been so cautious of the colour pink before.

Ahri chuckled as she turned to her right, "Thanks for setting this up, Eve. She'll be fun to play with while I'm here…"

Play with?

I turned my head to where Ahri was looking and saw Evelynn with this humoured look on her face, her lips on the rim of a wine glass which I had filled earlier. I hated that little disapproving shake of her head. She won't look so smug once I'm done with her. She won't even be recognizable!

"I've placed three small, yet very powerful curse marks on your body, Syndra… Two below your nipples, and one above your juicy, little pussy…" She explained, her voice taking on this seductive purr as her hands slowly roamed my curves. "They won't ever let you cum, no matter how much pleasure is applied to them…"


My scream echoed in the dining room as a purple aura surrounded my body, spawned from the devastating power which emanated from within me. I pushed Ahri off my waist, my mind cleansed from her weak charm which only worked because it caught me by surprise! She watched me with this worried look on her face. I knew she was terrified, showing such emotion proving that she at least had some intelligence as she took a few nervous steps back. A wide sneer came to my face as I rose the knives surrounding me all over this table, and pointed them at her quivering, whiskered face, seeing their silver glints in her eyes before thrusting them all forward.

"DIE!" I yelled, my voice filled with an ethereal, ghastly timbre.

But instead of seeing my command be fulfilled, I saw a flash of white light, and when it disappeared, my eyes were greeted by a wooden wall littered with knives instead of Ahri's corpse. I clenched my teeth, feeling my frustration ooze from my mind like my murderous desires, upset that that whore wasn't pinned to the wall like a painting!

"Calm yourself, Syndra – unless you want a more severe punishment!" Evelynn yelled, a seldom heard, concerned tone in her voice.

"Weak! Weak! Weak!" I screamed. "You call this a punishment?! This is nothing!"

"It's already quite bad." I heard Ahri chuckle without the slightest hint of fear in her voice.

Livid could barely describe how I was feeling; an anxious twitch coming to my lips as I turned around to find that Ahri was standing across the table, far from me. The sight of her caused that twitch to spread to the rest of my body, knowing that it wouldn't go away until she was dead! I lifted myself from the table, levitating in the air as my silver hair flowed behind me. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, a blood-hungry grin appearing on my lips as I pulled the knives out from the wall behind me and pointed them back at the fox-eared whore.

"Die!" I yelled again, but this time my voice was without its thunder.

The knives all fell to the table and I followed suit. I groaned as I felt pain in my tailbone, my bare back against the table once again as I could feel my powers beginning to wither away; the attempt to levitate again doing nothing but make me panic.

"…What's happening?!" I muttered uneasily.

I looked down at my naked body and saw that the thin lines that were the curse marks were glowing pink, my fury only growing as I felt the mana within me doing the opposite.

"Evelynn told me she can't suppress your powers," Ahri explained. "Those curse marks should help…"

I hated the way she spoke. Her voice carried this mocking, yet… alluring tone and I despised it! I screamed and hit my fists against the table, watching the curse marks fade to black before turning to scowl at her.

I am nothing without my powers… How am I going to kill her now?!

"Go to your room, Syndra," Evelynn commanded. "Obey – unless you don't want your powers back."

Fright arose, and I realized just how severe this punishment was – and not because of that whole stupid not being able to have an orgasm thing, but because it stripped me of what I care about most; my powers…

I need my powers.

I can't live without them.

The sudden pain I felt in my jaw made me realize just how worried I was; spawned from the anxious grinding of my teeth. I stood up and glared at the two, unsettled by this foreign feeling of fear I had as I lifted my uniform from the floor.

Weak, Syndra. You look so weak right now.

"I'll kill you two soon enough," I muttered with slight doubt, walking away from the table to exit this cursed dining room.

I barged through the two doors which led into the hall and was surprised to be greeted by a small gathering of murmuring maids who all turned to see my revealed body...!

My panic grew as I squeezed my uniform against my body, trying my best to cover myself up as I returned their stares with a scowl. I shook my head and continue forward, unable to not notice that LeBlanc, who was casually leaning against the wall – far from the group of shocked maids – was giving me this discerning smirk, our eyes meeting for a few seconds as I stormed past her.

How humiliating…

I rushed into my room and slammed the door shut behind me, reaching for the lights as I dropped my uniform and stood in front of this tall, portrait mirror I had. There were three, small black lines contrasting my fair skin. Two were below my nipples and one was above my womanhood, just like Ahri said. They were small, yes, but easily seen. I hope that none of those maids noticed them…

But I'm sure LeBlanc did…

I tried to rub the curse marks away but found that I couldn't even feel them. They were embedded into my skin seamlessly. Whatever. This 'punishment' is pointless. Sexual release is merely just a way to relieve stress and crushing those inferior to me was always my preferred method of doing so.

But I can't crush anyone without my powers; the true punishment…

I removed the remaining garments of my uniform and left them on the floor of my room, too tired and too angry to be bothered with throwing them into my laundry basket. I slipped into a thin, purple nightgown before turning the lights off and climbing underneath the soft, white sheets of my bed, my brow constantly crinkled as my eyes fell shut, knowing that these would be one of those nights where my mind would keep me from getting the rest I deserve.

Was I hired just for this reason? To be some toy to Evelynn and that slut? Because if not, then I would've been fired long ago…

I tried my best not to let these thoughts bother me, but they did exactly that. I couldn't even count the hours that passed by before I eventually fell asleep, finding myself experiencing the most vivid and intense dream I've had yet.

Her lips between my thighs, sucking passionately. Her hands against my chest, fingers sinking into my breasts. My back raising from the table, my nails digging into my palms. My mouth wide open, my throat strained by pleas of pleasure. Her eyes locked with mine, nine tails, flowing beautifully behind her.


Nine tentacles…


All slithering towards me.


I awoke covered in sweat, breathing heavily as I felt this cold, slimy sensation wriggling up and down and all over my body…! A gasp fled my lips as I threw my blanket from my body, looking down to see cylindrical… things moving beneath my nightgown, catching a glimpse of what they really were beneath my skirt, against my thighs…


I screamed and stood up, stumbling as I was caught off guard by the added weight clinging to my lower back. I could feel them wrapping around my waist, my thighs, my arms, my everywhere as I turned to look in the mirror to see my own horrified expression. My hands dug into the smooth fabric of my nightgown and I tore it from my flesh, the moonlight which poured through the window behind me and beside my bed allowing me to make out what my eyes struggled to see…

Nine purple, slimy, tentacles, slithering against me…!

I grabbed the one which was wrapped around my hips with both my hands and tugged as hard as I could.

And it didn't even budge!

I could only helplessly watch as they tightened around and against my body, unable to see the one that I could feel slithering down my back, past my hips, between my thighs and then…

Inside of me.

My lower jaw quivered from the sudden, yet pleasurable sensation. I clenched my teeth and tried to pull it out, feeling it only move deeper within me as my effort was wasted. Another joined along, but this one pressed itself against the most-sensitive nerves of my womanhood. I sprawled my fingers out and tried to cast a spell, but the curse marks flashed pink to remind me that my powers were no more. I couldn't do anything but watch as one began to slowly pump itself into… me, the other gently flicking its frigid tip against my clitoris…

I'm ashamed to admit this… but this felt good... I'm sure Ahri's charm has worn off by now. I feel completely in control of my actions. So, was I actually enjoying this…?

A moan fled my lips to confirm my suspicions.

The tentacle inside of me began to pick up its pace, my eyes opening to watch its dripping-self do so in the mirror. I held my fists by my sides, my cheeks filled with blood as a blissful look was showing itself upon my face. More hushed moans slipped their way out my mouth and each got just a bit louder than the one before it, my body overwhelmed by this intense sensation. I've never experienced anything but my own fingers before, so this was - delightful

What the hell am I thinking?!

I stepped back and sat down onto the edge of my bed, closing my eyes as my chest heaved with each shaky breath of air I took. My toes and fingers curled up as I felt the two tentacles working at my nether regions become more enthusiastic. And so, more pitiful, shameful, and disgusting sounds slipped their way from my throat, and I could feel myself already approaching my climax. I was right on the edge, but to my disappointment; the wretched creature stopped! Just right when I was about to…


The one inside wriggled out as its partner pulled away from my clitoris. I looked down to see the curse marks glow pink for a moment, and then the tentacles unwrapped themselves from my body and began to rescind towards my back. I looked over my shoulder and saw that a pink light was reflecting against the large, glass window behind me, coming from what I assumed to be my lower back. I watched as the shadows of the tentacles rescinded towards that pink light, the weight diminishing before the light did as well…

A portal which the tentacles must come from, and thus, return to…

I groaned as my brow furrowed from my angry expression, ignoring the odd, disgusting desire I suddenly had to fulfill my sudden… craving to climax as I stood up and marched out of my room. I stomped my way down a few halls, showing no respect to the curfew as I marched my naked way into the guest room which Ahri was in. Her lights were on, and I spotted her laying on her bed, not a single piece of fabric on her naked, sweaty body as one hand was attending to her breasts while the other had three of its fingers hidden within her dripping pussy.

"You bitch!" I bellowed.

I ran forward and pounced onto her white sheets, scurrying forward before hovering over her body. I wrapped both my hands around her neck, watching her face strain as I tightened my grip and pushed the back of her head further into her pillow. But that strained look quickly disappeared, and instead, I was greeted with this look of arousal, her body squirming beneath me as she sank her sharp teeth into her bottom lip.

…This was arousing her. Her cheeks became flushed pink, even more than they already were when I first entered, her lustful gaze distracting me until I felt it...

Not it.


I looked down to see my curse marks glowing pink, feeling weight stick onto my lower back before they went black. My eyes watched as the tentacles emerged from behind me, slithering against my skin as they wrapped around my waist, hips and thighs before crawling to the rest of my body. My eyes widened, my grip loosening around Ahri's neck as I tried to pull the tentacles away, a gasp fleeing my lips as I felt one sliding between my southern lips before pushing its way inside… and to find that the vixen beneath me was already taking advantage of this all…

She sat up and closed in towards me, her lustful eyes meeting mine before our lips came together. My eyes widened even further, but then they almost fell completely shut, staying open just barely. Her charm was already administrated; lust beaming within me as well as the shameful desire to submit. There was no purpose in the continued lock of our lips, but she continued to do so anyway, mocking me for her own amusement. I was disappointed when they finally parted, watching her lick her seductive smirk as her fiery eyes ran up and down my sweating body.

"Seems like I forgot to mention that the marks I left on your beautiful body summon some special friends." She explained, her tongue traversing her lips again as she gave my body yet another once-over, falling to her back as she rested her head atop her pillow, leaving me straddling her waist. "A girl like you should be able to handle them~."

The devious grin upon her lips grew as she watched the tentacles fondle my breasts; its eight other friends wrapped tight around my curves as one of them began to slowly pump into my womanhood. I winced each time my mouth opened to release a pitiful moan, filled with this feeling of humiliation and disgust as I rocked my hips on top of her. I hated that I couldn't control myself, unable to do anything but writhe as she degraded me with her amused stare.

The tentacles didn't bring me to the edge this time, only a minute passing by before they finally stopped and fled into their portal, their presence no more. But despite them not bringing me to the brink of a climax, I was still left panting, disappointed for some reason as I couldn't stop my hips from impatiently fidgeting back and forth, my body anxious for something so disgusting… so carnal…

"You want to cum so badly…" Ahri laughed, shaking her head. "I can see it all over you~."

She snapped her fingers and then instantly, my mind was freed from her charm – but the arousal which it spawned remained…

"Choke me again." She asked.

"You whore!" I muttered. "How am I supposed to sleep like this?!"

She shrugged her shoulders. "I'm sure you'll figure that out on your own."

My mouth twitched with the desire to kill, but the lack of mana flowing within me reminded me of how weak I was without it.

I groaned and got off her body, storming out from her room. "This punishment is nothing but an inconvenience!" I yelled, slamming her door shut behind me.

I stomped my angry way back to my room and climbed into my bed, my chest heaving from fatigue as my body was tense from frustration. A hand of mine sought my breasts, and another my womanhood, two fingers diving inside before taking on a fervid pace…

…I wasn't doing this because I wanted to. I was doing it to quell the arousal from Ahri's charm. That's all.

…But my arousal only grew as my masturbation proved fruitless. I can't cum! No matter how much I tried, I just couldn't! I was forced to go to sleep with perverse thoughts, frustrated that I was actually upset with my inability to have an orgasm…

This punishment was much, much worse than I thought…

Author's Note:

Sorry for the wait. I highly recommend reading Bad Kitty and Bad Bunny respectively before reading this story. Be sure to leave reviews! Reading your feedback is what keeps me going!