The mood around the zoo had been down ever since Pink found out. She'd locked herself inside of her room stating that she wanted to be alone. Not even Jasper had been allowed inside, of course she'd tried but Pink had been firm. This had caused Jasper to get into a bit of bad mood herself and sadly a few gems had been poofed. Of course, the first to feel her wrath had been the peridot, she'd made sure to get to them before they'd sent any information. Pink was barely holding on as is and didn't need a very upset diamond or diamonds taking her back to Homeworld.
That had been a week ago and Jasper was tempted to simply ignore her wishes and break down the door. The only thing besides knowing that Pink would be upset was Holly who after barely managing to avoid Jasper on the warpath had taken to trying in vain to keep her calm.
"Jasper I know this isn't much but one of the amethysts on monitor duty wanted you to know that your probes had come back. Can't say I can figure out why though."
Hearing this Jasper ran as fast as her form could carry all but bursting through the door. The freighted Amethyst took one look before pointing to the glowing device.
A quick activation and thousands of images and videos sprang forth from it's stored feed.
"Come one you piece of junk show me what I need…"
For the next hours he completely dedicated herself to the task of going over the footage whishing that she'd spared one of the Peridots for this task.
When she'd programmed the probe, she'd gave it an additional task from what information Pink had told her in their various talks. And as she poured over the data, she saw what she was looking for. A massive gem temple next to a beach with a small Amethyst was pacing while the fusion she'd been told about stood firm.
Pressing a button, the video started up.
"Amethyst we've been over this before. Rose will come back in due time."
"Yeah you've been saying that for months! I get that Rose likes to go off on her on but even then, she tells us! But no! not this time, just gone and we're left in the dust. I mean we've searched the entire planet."
"Yes, but I've seen that she will return soon." The Amethyst simply kicked up some sand before walking away. Once she was out of view the fusion turned to the direction of the probe and spoke again.
"You should head to her now. She'll want to see you."
For a moment Jasper didn't know what to do.
IS she talking to me? But how? This isn't a live feed. But Pink did say this gem, this Garnet could see the future.
After a moment of indecisiveness, she stood up and made her way to Pinks' room gently knocking on the door.
"Pink can I come in now?"
For a long silent moment there was nothing. Jasper was just about to leave when the door slid open. She immediate walked in and up to Pink who was looking down at the humans.
"Look at them Jasper, so happy and carefree. Never having to worry about anything." As she talked her hands roamed her stomach.
"Pink I…"
"I'm leaving this place Jasper."
"Jasper if what the peridots said was true then in the very near future only Steven or myself will have my gem. And I…"
Jasper didn't want to hear and place her hand over Pink's mouth. "I'll help, but please… please don't say it."
Pink stared at her oldest friend her eyes filled with sadness and could only imagine how she was feeling. She removed her hand and pulled her into a hug.
"Thank you, Jasper."
"Anytime Pink. But I'm coming with you. I thought I didn't save you once. Even if it was fake back then I'm not going to fail you this time."
"Jasper are you sure? Once Blue and Yellow find out they'll label you a traitor."
"Then it's a good thing we're going to a planet full of traitors and rebels."
"Right, but how are we going to get out of here? Yellow still has a lock on this place. Only she or Blue can get in or out."
Jasper thought for a moment putting her centuries of combat and mission planning to work.
"Well, and this is just a theory but if you sent a message to Blue or Yellow saying that Steven was coming early what would they do?"
"Well Blue would come of course. And she'd make sure to drag Yellow here."
"Yes, which means for a brief time they'll have to undue the lockdown. And once that happens, we could escape to Earth."
"A good plan however if we just try and leave, they'll catch is in a snap."
"Yes, that's why we'll need some help. Follow me I have an idea."
Not quite following she took Jaspers hand and followed her down to the newly formed Pink barracks where all the Rose Quartz had decided to inhabit. They were more focused then their Amethysts counter parts so they'd yet to adapt to the relaxed atmosphere of the zoo. Something Jasper was counting on.
As the door opened all the gems saluted and stood at attention.
"Alright listen up for I have what is possibly the most important and last mission from our diamond."
At once the room became silent.
"Tomorrow when the lockdown is undone, I want as many as you as possible to jump in any ship or escape pod you can and launch in all directions. As you do that, I will personally escort our diamond back to Earth."
If any of them had a question they didn't ask and simply cheered having received an order.
"Jasper that's you plan? To have them blast themselves into space to create a diversion so we can escape?"
"Yes, I know it's not the best but what else can we do?"
Pink thought for a moment but couldn't think of anything good.
There's no way I can simply talk to them about this. Blue would go from worried and almost understanding to her old self and say that I was more important then some organic. And Yellow… best not to think about what she'd do. But I can't just leave it at this.
She turned away from Jasper and to the quartzes. "Yes, that is the mission, however after getting away from here I want as many as you as possible to rendezvous at Earth. It might not be much but it's still my home. Is that understood?"
Hearing their diamond in a commanding tone pumped the already excited gems into an uproar. They were still going as they left and made their way back down the hall.
"You really think of Earth as your home?"
"Our home Jasper. As the Earthlings say home is were the heart is. And we both may have gems instead of hearts but that's were my gem is. Back on Earth with my friends."
"Yes of course."
Pink grabbed her hand squeezing it. "That includes you to Jasper."
"Right, now let's get everything prepared for our departure."
The first thing Pink did was head down to the humans to say her goodbyes while Jasper went to the monitoring room and laid waste to the surveillance devise so Yellow could no longer use them. She even made sure to tell the Amethyst of her plan incase any of them wanted to leave. There were surprising few takes as only a small handful said they were going.
The rest simply said. "Look Earth sounds nice and all, but we've been here longer."
"Yeah besides it was Holly that made this place unbearable. But now she doesn't yell or scream."
Jasper had simply wished them well and retried to Pink and planned out their mission.
When the time finally came Pink was panicky but focused as she knew this had to happen.
A single touch of one of the Peridots pads and Blue's face appeared.
"Pink what is it?"
Okay Pink you can do this. After all you and Pearl once stormed Blue's floating temple with only Pearl by your side. This is nothing.
Focusing on what was important she stated their mission. "Blue come quick I think Steven decided to come early!" she hunched over faking a pain in her gem.
Blue's reaction was greater than she imagined. "Pink hold on I'll grab Yellow! Just stay calm!"
The line went dead and Pink pushed down the guilt of what she'd just put in motion.
"She's going to be devastated from this."
"She'll devastate us if we don't escape. Now come on my ship is ready."
They'd just barely activated the ships engines when the lockdown message went out and the diamonds ships came into view.
At once the entire area surrounding the zoo erupted into sheer chaos and nearly four dozen ships and pods launched at once flying around in circles and straight at the diamonds blocking their path. Jasper saw an opening and took it launching her ship into hyperdrive moments after leaving the hanger.
As she set it to auto-piolet she took a moment to consider that Pink wasn't going to be around for much longer.
She also realized that she'd waited long enough to tell her something important.
"Pink can we talk."
"Of course, what do you want to talk about?"
"I kind of need to tell you something important. Something I wanted to tell you long ago but never could find the time. And now… well now I just can't wait."
But before Jasper could say those few precious words Pink pulled her in and kissed her forehead. "I know Jasper."
"You do?"
"Yeah, you're not the only gem who's developed feelings for me. And I can honestly say that I love you, it just can't be the way you want."
She was only slightly disappointed by this. "It's fine Pink, as long as I know that you do love me if only as your first and greatest friend then I'll be fine."
She laughed and kissed Jasper cheek. "Yeah you're my number one in that regard. Now let's go home."
It took only a few hours to reach their home. Pink had just excited the ship when she hunched over in actual pain. Jasper was by her side in moments.
"What's wrong?"
"I guess Steven decided to come early."
"What!?" She looked from Pink to their ship trying to find a solution.
"What should I do?"
Pink looked up and, in that moment, knew what she had to do. "Jasper as your diamond I hereby give you my final order."
"Look after and protect Steven. Make sure he grows up happy and loved."
Jaspers eyes stated to fill with tears as she saluted. "Yes, my diamond. I'll protect him with my life."
Pink smiled for the last time as her form glowed bright pink before it came an overwhelming bright light forcing Jasper to look away.
When the light began die down, she saw that Pink was gone. What remained was Steven crying in the remains of Pink's clothing.
With struggling hands, she picked him up and began rocking him in her arms.
"It's aright Steven, I'll protect you from now on." She tried to get back to her ship but in became incased in an energy dome. Seconds later Blue and Yellow beamed down from their ships and stormed over to her.
"Where is she!?" Yellow screamed her powers activating and scorching the area.
Jasper only pulled Steven closer trying to shield him. Blue however looked the area seeing Pink's clothes and then the bundle of squirming flesh in her arms.
"So, it wasn't just a lie then?"
"No, she wanted Steven to emerge on his home planted."
Yellow groaned and reached out attempting to grab them. "Well let's take Steven back to Homeworld. We can figure out what to do later."
Jasper pulled back. "Forgive me Yellow Diamond but I swore to protect and raise Steven here. And that's what I intend to do."
"DO you think you could stop us. That I could not simply shatter you and take him?"
The three gems already knew the answer. Jasper however had just lost her oldest friend and wasn't about to lose Steven. "I won't break my promise to Pink. Even if it winds up getting me shattered."
Yellow smiled and pulled back. "Good, see that you don't." in a flash she was gone, and Jasper was left confused with Blue Diamond.
"Forgive the test but Yellow knew Pink would try something like this. So, we let you two escape here, but she wanted to know just how far you would go."
"Oh." That was the only word she could say.
Blue shrunk down and quickly snatched Steven getting a good look at him. "A shame his hair isn't Pink but he's still lovely. Perhaps in time we'll meet again. And next time you can call me aunty Blue."
She quickly returned Steven to Jasper. "When the time comes and he's ready we'll return for him."
With that she left, and Jasper set out for the rebel base. As the ship flew her form glowed for just a moment and when it did, she sported a near identical design. Only this time on her chest was a pink star while on her back covered by her hair was the pink diamond symbol.
As soon as she landed the fusion along with the Pearl and Amethyst were there to greet her.
"I have something to tell you all."