First off I'm sorry that I haven't uploaded in quite some time. Normally I want to update the story once a week but I'm just not in the mood to write the story right now, I will try my best to keep the schedule but it will be more likely that there will be times when the story is updated once every two weeks.

Izuku woke up to one missed message from All Might in which he was notified that he would be picked up by All Might after the lunch break. "I really hope that we don't encounter another villain in a crowded area." He stood up still having some slight pain in his lower abdomen after getting impaled.

As Izuku was on his way to school a group of kids approached him, he only noticed the kids when they were standing almost next to him. "Can I help you?" "Ummm… Are you the hero that defeated the giant villain yesterday?" "Yeah that was me." Izuku was slightly confused but didn't mind the Children "Could you give us an autograph?"

Izuku almost began crying but told himself that he shouldn't cry, he had to show the people that he was a hero who could be trusted and would save them with a fearless smile. "Sure." He said happy that there were already people who recognised him as a real hero. After he had finished talking to the children and giving them autographs he went to school.

"Good Morning Midoriya!" Was heard from behind him. "Good Morning Iida." "Congratulations on defeating the villain yesterday! I hope that your wounds have healed already." "Wait you saw the fight?" "Of course, we had classes with Midnight on how to properly work with the media when your fight was shown on TV."

Izuku's eyes widened in shock at the thought of his whole class having watched the fight in which it looked like he would die. The two talked about what Izuku missed the previous day, but he stopped dead in his tracks when they were in front of the classroom.

"Is something wrong?" Iida asked visibly confused. "No… Well I already have a feeling what's going to happen once I enter the classroom but let's do it." Iida nodded, seemingly understanding what Izuku meant. As Iida opened the door all eyes were on the two of them.

A second of silence passed before all hell broke loose, most of class 1-A rushed to the door overwhelming Izuku instantly. "Are you alright?" "That was so manly!" "How did you survive that?!" "I'm so glad you saved that family!" Izuku was lying on the ground by all the classmates that stormed him.

Todoroki and Bakugo were still seated, Todoroki expected Izuku to be fine and Bakugo didn't really care anymore as he heard from his mother that Izuku was fine. Uraraka was standing next to the group of people who basically jumped onto Izuku, she didn't know what to say so she just stood there almost staring at Izuku.

Only when Tsu bumped her a bit, she snapped out of her trance-like thoughts, she noticed that she was staring at Izuku. Her eyes were filled with tears she could barely hold back but a loud cough from Aizawa brought her back to thinking about other things than the fact that Izuku almost died.

"I know you're all happy that Midoriya is alright but the first lesson is starting, so get back to your seats." Everyone resumed to get back to their seats but most of them were still whispering about what happened and how glad they were that Izuku was ok.

While Aizawa was teaching,Uraraka couldn't concentrate on anything but Izuku. Usually she would glance at him once or twice but today she didn't take her eyes off him once, her eyes were filled with tears every time the image of Izuku getting pierced by the spike popped into her mind.

Homeroom went by as slow as it could for Uraraka, it wasn't much different for Izuku he could only focus on what he would be going to learn today. When the bell rang to the lunch break the class slowly began dispersing in the dining hall.

"I'll do it today… I'll definitely do it today." Uraraka whispered to herself trying to focus on the undeniable fact that she was in love with Izuku. "What are you saying Ura?" Uraraka jumped a bit after hearing Tsuyu's voice behind her. "NOTHING!" She almost yelled through the entire hallway.

"Are you daydreaming about Midoriya again?" Tsu whispered as quietly as possible, but nothing was save from the gossip queen of class 1-A. 'I knew it!' Mina hopped through the hallway like a 5-year old child, happy that her theory was finally confirmed.

"I don't know what to do… Everytime I see him I can't take my eyes off him, since we saw the fight I can't even think straight, I just need to tell him." "Then do it, trust me he likes you too ribbit~" "Are you sure Tsu?" "Yep just do it." After thinking about it for a while Uraraka sighed. "Alright, I'll do it." "Don't worry about it too much, it will be fine, but now we should go to the cafeteria." "Yeah you're right."

The two went down the hallway towards the cafeteria but not before the gossip queen could do her evil deeds. "Hey Ura~" Mina slowly sang away. "You seem to be quite distracted today, is it because of Midoriya?"

"W-what No of course not, I'm just not feeling good that's all." Uraraka was sweating at the thought of Mina finding out that she liked Izuku. "Aww then what was that you just talked with Tsu about?" Mina's devilish smile told Tsuyu and Uraraka that she knew about her crush on Izuku.

Uraraka covered her face with both hands while Tsuyu took over the talking. "Mina, please don't tell anyone." "Aww come on it's obvious that he likes you back Ura!" "Please don't shout like that Mina I want to keep it a secret for now."

"Alright but if you don't tell him by the end of the day, I will do it myself." Mina was on her way back to the cafeteria, smiling like a little child.

"What should I do? I can't just tell him my feelings."

"Of course you can, trust me he likes you too." The two continued talking about Uraraka's feelings on their way to the cafeteria as they arrived there they saw that Izuku wasn't sitting where he usually sat.

Izuku had decided to move outside under a cherry blossom to better focus on his studies that he still had left from yesterday. While he was thinking about what could happen today, Uraraka stood before him looking slightly nervous. "Hey Uraraka, are you alright?"

"Y-yeah, well there's something I wanted to talk to you about..." Uraraka looked more concerned than ever which troubled the greenette quite a bit. "You can talk to me about everything you want to talk about about." Izuku said quite confused what could be so concerning to Uraraka.

Izuku stood up to look Uraraka directly into her eyes which didn't make it easier for Uraraka to reveal her feelings towards Izuku. "You see the thing is… I REALLY LIKE YOU." Just as she stopped Uraraka noticed that she had blatantly blurted out her feelings towards, in a not so subtle way.

Izuku stood there frozen, but this time not in fear but simply because he expected everything but a love confession from Uraraka. After some seconds had passed Izuku finally got enough courage to tell his feelings towards her as well. "I-i like you too Uraraka."

The two stood there awkwardly for some time until something in Izuku began changing. "You really don't know how to present self-esteem and courage do you?" "Who are you?" "You forgot me already? I am THE ONE!" "Escanor... please don't do anything stupid, alright?"

Izuku felt like he just got a huge boost in self-esteem and his pride, he wasn't as shy as before and actually thought about how he could make the situation less awkward. "Uraraka, you wouldn't mind eating with me today, would you?" He said with a smile that burned deep into Uraraka's memory.

Uraraka almost fainted at the thought of eating with Izuku, but she put up with the burning sensation in her chest and happily agreed to it. The two were eating Mochi and Onigiri, laughing and having fun, just before the bell rang Izuku received a message.

"Awww God Dammit, I totally forgot about this." "Everything fine Izuku?" "Yeah, although I have to go to Tokyo now and continue my Internship with All Might." He sighed at the thought of having to interrupt their lunch. "I'm sorry Uraraka but I have to go now, but I guess we could go out eating some time?"

"Y-yeah sure let's do that, good luck with your Internship!" Uraraka told Izuku, still flustered by the fact that she had finally told Izuku her feelings. When Uraraka was pulled out of her dream of dating Izuku she noticed that Mina and Tsuyu both stood around a corner and looked at he.

As Uraraka happily strolling towards them was a dead giveaway Mina skipped the question if he liked her back and just went straight for it. "And are you going to go on a date?" "I guess so, Izuku at least asked me to eat with him again." The three of them went into the school building as it was time for their next lesson.

Izuku arrived at the front gate of U.A where he already spotted All Might. "Good morning Midoriya!" "Good Morning All Might, what are we going to do today?" "Well as Powerstar still needs to be taught his lesson, I thought I let you go on patrol alone." "Wait really?!" "Yeah, I mean if it is alright with you." "Of course! I'm not going to let you down All Might!"

As All Might and Izuku were jumping towards Tokyo they talked about what they did today and when it was Izuku's turn he mentioned talking to Uraraka which gained All Might's attention. "So you really like her, don't you?" "W-what? Yeah I guess so." "Ah Young love, trust me she likes you too!" "I know, we basically confessed to each other in the lunch break."

"That's great young-Midoriya! I'm sorry that we can't talk as much but I have to go to a meeting now." "No worries All Might, I can handle a villain on my own." Izuku gave All Might a smile before landing in a small street on the outskirts of Tokyo.

I'm sorry that this chapter isn't as long as usual but I thought that this was a good point to make a cut before the action is going to continue in the next chapter!