Miss Queen B: Hello again you lovely readers. I'm back again with a sequel to my other story Playing with Fire. I thought really hard about writing this because I have a feeling I'm going to cross even more boundaries than I did in my previous one. Anyway, a few notes before diving in:

Note One: If you haven't read my other story: Playing with Fire I would really, really, recommend you did because there's a lot of references and flashbacks in this one and you will be completely lost.

Note Two: Rated T for foul language, some violence and strong hints of flirtation and sexual stuff. No Smut, but enough to get the point.

Note Three: There's a flashback in this chapter that has a little romantic sap in it and the rest of it takes place during my other story in another kaiju's POV. Alright, enough said. here's the first chapter. Enjoy.

Part I


~Cross my heart, hope to die

To my lover I'd never lie

He said "be true", I swear I'll try

In the end, it's him and I

He's out his head, I'm out my mind

We got that love, the crazy kind

I am his and he is mine

In the end, it's him and I, Him an I~

~Him and I by G-Eazy


There are only three things the King loves most in the world: His Queen, naps and darkness. Tonight was one of those times for a least two of those things. The night was black, leaving him alone in darkness from prying eyes. Even the humans were nice enough to leave him alone after everything that happened with the False King a few days ago. He took refuge on a small patch of land and looked up at the sky in hopes to see his Queen's colorful wings. It was foolish to think she would be back anytime soon. He sighs, the last bit of her energy dust and spirit faded away yesterday, and was now feeling the guilt and loneliness without her here. She was only in her full form for a day before she was taken away from him again. Now the vicious cycle of waiting for her to come back starts all over again. He really wanted to stomp on something again and Rodan snuck off before he had a chance to "talk" to him. Coward. The fire demon had no problem attacking the Queen when he was too busy trying to kill the False King, but now he doesn't have that three headed bastard to look after him, he runs instead of taking his punishment. With that miserable thought in his mind, he settled down for the night and went to sleep.

After waiting four months for her return, she finally made it home to him on a dark, moonless night. Glowing in pure colors, she flew down to him while he was still waking up from his nap and stared at each other to make sure this wasn't a dream. He got up, staying perfectly still and watched her scan his body from the tip of his tail, to the endless rows of plates on his back, to his hard chest and finally, all the way up to his annoying looking face to make sure he was in one piece. The last fight with the False King did a number on him and she wanted to make sure he was alright. Nothing too bad, a few cuts and bruises and deep bite makes that left craters in his skin, but other than that, he was fine. He even made a sly remark to lighten the mood, Like what you see?

The Queen gives him a look before sighing in relief and then the waterworks begin. Which would leave the King rather uncomfortable. He hated to see her cry, not that it hurts him, it was just annoying she would cry over him since he was fine. He's not dead, hell, she was the one who died, reduced into ash right in front of him no less. She should be happy to be back and they were together again. He was bad when it comes to growling comforting words to her since nothing he said calmed her down so he buried his face into her chest and felt her four arms wrapping themselves around his head for a tight hug. She kissed the top of his head before rubbing her cheeks against his wet scales. Oh kaiju, he missed her, they never had a chance to reconnect the last time since they both went straight to battle after the humans helped him recover. He was too busy enjoying her soft fur and her sweet scent to notice her gentle caress. It was her scent that triggered something in his head. Knowing she was new and pure means she was unclaimed and just like before his male instincts took over. He let out a small purr and lick his lips and she knew right off the back what he was about to do.

Hours later, they were lying on the shoreline ground of their island home side by side, facing each other. Well, she was on the sandy ground, half of his body was in the water due to his large size. It was dark where only the glow came from his plates and her wings. There was enough light to see their faces as they talk. The Queen's eyes were shut and her breathing was slow and peaceful. Her fur was damped thanks to his pleasurable grooming, but he could tell she enjoyed it by her satisfied face and shimmer dust coming off her wings.

So you were on fire? His exhausted Queen asked. She let out a small hum before speaking again. What was that like?

She didn't open her eyes or move so much. She was too relaxed and a little bit in pain. The King shifted his head a bit, feeling the coolness of the sand on his face. It didn't burn me as bad as it did to the False King. I vaporized two of their heads before stomping the other one to death. He grinned while licking his teeth. He could still taste her blood. The light coming off her wings was bright enough to see blood dots around her neck and shoulder symbolizing his claim on her. With his mark and scent all over her, no one would be dumb enough to come near her and try anything.

Why do you always have to finish a fight so gruesomely. She asked in a low whisper. Even when she tried to lecture him, she couldn't stop smiling. He's not the type that show affection a lot, but when he does she makes sure to get as much as she can.

You know I'm not soft and it shows others who dare challenge me not too. He said, trying to sound fearful.

He heard a soft giggle and watched her tired eyes slowly open. They were bright like her wings with satisfaction and love in them. You are soft it's just hard for you to show it. She said, smiling.

I only show it to you.

I wouldn't call what you did soft. She said, moving a little bit to keep herself awake. She made a small hissing sound.

He felt a little guilty from her statement. I wasn't too rough, was I?

Nothing I couldn't handle. That's just how you are. You can be very aggressive when you show passion. Possessive might be a better way to describe you. I can tell you were really into it by the way your eyes glow afterwards. Like two golden lights.

The King felt his face getting warm from her description. Aggressive and possessive would make up more than half of his personality and some would find that too much to handle. Even when there were more of his kind back then females didn't respond well to that which was why he never found a mate during that time. It was alright for him though, he was pretty much a loner because others sense something different about him. Like how he was able to outlive most them, never showed any signs of aging and was getting bigger, stronger and evolving into something entirely different.

He stayed quiet and reached out to her with his claws. They hovered over her small frame for a second and as gently as he could trace the outline of her body with his sharp nails. You're mine so I have every right to be possessive. He could feel her twitch underneath his fingertips and she let out a small purr. She tenses up a bit when his nails touch the teeth holes he gave her before trailing up to her head. He twirled one of her antennas with his finger before going down again.

You're too fragile. He said, watching his nails trace down one of her longs legs. The touch made them curl up tight against her body. She let out a tiny laugh. He trailed his claws behind her back and pulled her close to him till his was buried once again in her chest. One of her giant wings draped over his body for warmth. He let out a low rumble which made her body vibrate.

He felt her forehead pressing against his and she let out a small sigh. A warm sensation seeped into his head followed by a rather uncomfortable pinch and after a few seconds, he felt a wavelength connecting him to her. Wave after wave of her emotions and thoughts hit him hard making him cringe a bit and his head to throb. It was easy for her since he didn't express himself much and she had a stronger sixth sense where he didn't. He groans, You need to stop being so emotional. You're making my head hurt.

Odd? His Queen said, ignoring him.

What? He asked.

Something seems off like there's a weak yellow spark interfering with our connection. Have you been feeling weird or anything while I was gone.

I'm fine, it's probably nothing. He said, dragging her down to his eye level and licked her mouth.

Are you sure? The last thing we need is something harming you while you're still recovering. She said, which he responded by licking her cheek.

I fell from the sky and turned into a giant ball of fire, of course, my head is going to feel weird. He said, trying to make her laugh.

I'm being serious. It's weak, but still noticeable. She said, frowning.

You worry too much. The King said. He was trying to be playful which was another rare thing he does.

I can't help, but care. She said and he heard her sniffling again.

Not again. Why does she have to cry again when he's trying to play. What's with the crying, my Queen?

She started to sob and pressed her face against his large snout. You don't understand. The last time I saw you, you were on the ground barely moving with a broken back and I went back into my egg not knowing if you were dead or not.

Why would you doubt my abilities. He asked.

I tried not to, but it just that small little doubt that I would come back and you were no longer here.

His head started to hurt thanks to her emotions and stress at a high level. Damn, she didn't give him time to tone her feelings down mentally. He groans. His little Queen can be too overwhelming sometimes. They've been together since the world was at its infancy and clearly they were not going anywhere anytime soon.

You know as well as I know, it's going to take a lot to get rid of me. He said, trying his hardest to comfort her. He was a male of little words and not one of his strong points.

She sniffled and takes a deep breath. Just promise me nothing will tear us apart.

He snorted, Don't say such silly things, Mosura. He only called her by her name when he's being serious or personal.

She huffs and brought her wing up to cover their heads so they can be in complete darkness. He let out a low rumble, she knew him very way. The only light now was her glowing blue eyes which were closing slowly as well. I love you. She whispered.

He rolled his eyes and just lick her mouth again before shutting his eyes. He heard her sigh, It's just you and me here, why can't you say it. He didn't respond, hoping she would think he fell asleep. He didn't get it. Why did it mean so much to her to hear him express himself like that. You would think his claws and "talented" tongue would be enough to give her the hint how he feels about her. She was courted to be his Queen for crying out loud, so why say it.

(You are such a headache) He thought.

(I heard that)

Crap, he forgot he needed to put up a wall to seal his thoughts for her. (Go to sleep)

(I love you)

(...Good night)


He started to hear her sing one of her soothing tunes and he drifted off to sleep with a smile on his face. Yes, all he needed was his Queen, a nap and darkness and nothing more.

A week later the nightmares began….

Part II


His Queen was not happy.

Normally, when she's not happy it's because he did something wrong or forgot something very important. Which would end with her lecturing him and him giving her an empty promise to do better. But something seems off with her ever since they came back home after that little incident at the Fiji Island with that flaming piece of crap. She was unhappy, but not in a disappointing sort of way, but more like she was grieving, like she lost something dear to her.

The journal home was quiet and tense in his opinion. She wasn't talking, not one word and for some reason kept looking back as if she was looking for something ...or someone? They made it home in the evening, but felt like it took forever since he was hurt and mentally exhausted. The Queen flew down from his head as he collapsed to the sandy ground of the shoreline, too tired to even make it to the cave for rest. She limped over to him, her back leg covered in blood from where he bit her during his hallucinations, and pressed her forehead against his and chirp.

How's your head?

Honestly, he felt sluggish and it was hard to concentrate to do even the most simplest things. Swimming home took a lot more brain power than before and left him feeling way more exhausted than usual.

Weird. Was all he could think of. He felt fragile and a little peeved with his Queen over her little stunt back there at the fire demon's island.

She gives him a sad look like it was hurting her to see him this way. It will take a while, but you will heal from this with my help. The King didn't smile, one, he was too tired and two, having her close to him he can smell the stench of the fire demon. It was all over her, how can she not smell it or if she did, how can she not be bothered by it. He felt her tiny tongue trailing around his mouth followed by a purr. I missed you. She whispered.

Not that much by the way she reeked of another male he thought. Luckily for him, their connection was still broken or no doubt, she would've slapped him for making sure a low blow remark. Are you sure about that?

She pulled her head back and stared at him in the eyes, Why would you questioned that, my King?

He scoffed, You smell like smoke and shame.

Her antennas drooped and he was surprised she didn't yell or give him a smartass remark. She just frowned and he could see the shame in her eyes. You can fix that you know? She said.

Oh, he could and as much as he wanted to get rid of it the pleasurable way, he keeps picturing himself dunking her in the ocean with his tail. He let out a snort, spraying her with bright blue particles. So we're just not going to talk about it?

You? Talk? That's rare and about what?

Do I have to say it ...you were on his island…

She blushed and turned away from him. There's nothing to talk about. I thought we were done with this back there.

He lifted his neck up and even when he's lying down flat on the ground he still towers her. You were with him this whole time…

I just wanted someone to talk to…

He told me things…. He remembered the piece of crap telling him right in the face, he loves the Queen. And not just as a Queen, but more of a male loving a female …..and you said he tried to do something with you…

Again, nothing happened, why are you doubting me?

You wouldn't smell so strongly of him ...you protected him after everything he did to you!

She whipped her head around to face him. And I love you more for sparing his life. I don't want to talk about it anymore. I just want to be with you. She said, firmly.

He knows there's more to the story. You can't stay on an island with another male, Rodan no less, and say nothing happened. She will tell him eventually, but for now, she didn't want to fight anymore and this is the first time in months he can see and think with a clear mind so he decided to drop it. Still sitting with her back facing him, he wrapped his giant hand around her waist and dragged her to him till she was pressed firmly against his hard upper chest. Her silky wings gently glided in his face till they laid down on each side of him. He rubbed his giant head up and down slowly against her fur and let out a soft rumble.

She let out a small trill and nuzzle him back. He gripped her hard, his nails digging deep into her fur, but not enough to pierce her flesh. He licked her neck, feeling the small holes of his mark on the tip of his tongue. That stupid fire bastard had no right to come near her and he should be lucky his Queen came along or he would have finished the job and killed him. Who knows, maybe he will die eventually from blood loss, but he wasn't that lucky.

She let out a small moan, You should really get some rest.

Soon, I need to clean your leg wound. He said, feeling trapped in a daze. He's not going to stop until every speck of Rodan's stench was off of her.

She sighs, I'm glad you're here with me.

He was too, but again he's not going to say that out loud.


His Queen was not happy.

And again, it wasn't something he did wrong or said, she was just sad for some reason. Distance and very quiet. Her colors were dull and she hardly flies around like she normally does. Their first month home she seems fine. He slept the whole time and during that slumber, she stayed by his side, using her powers to slowly heal his head. The nightmares stopped, the False King's voices no longer plague him every minute of the day, but she was not taking any chances. She said she could still feel them in there, like a little speck, waiting to regenerate. He woke up twice during the second month, which he noticed she was still by his side, sleeping off and on as well. The two times he was awake, they talked about the False King.

She knew they were alive and he wanted to know why she didn't give out this information sooner. She told him he needed to heal, there's no point finding them since they have no clue where to start. So why worry if they haven't showed up yet and it wouldn't do him any good since he was still recovering. He wanted to get up and look for the three headed bastard, but his head was still feeling sluggish and fell back into a deep sleep.

By the third month, he finally walked out of their cave feeling like his old self. He still felt a little drain, but he felt normal mentally. Even his Queen was relief to tell him she can't feel anymore weird feelings in his mind. Just their connection. He smiled at her before heading out into the water for a much needed swim. A good way to stretch out his muscles and get some water into his system. Plus, he wanted to find something to thank his love for restoring him. He swam all day and it felt good. Every muscle throb from the sudden exercise, but he continued on through the soreness. He was compelled to go by the volcano to see if Rodan was still alive or not, but he had to stop himself for the Queen's sake. She told him to leave the fire demon alone and told him very clearly there will be dire consequences if he disobey it. Fuck, what made HIM so special anyway? He might be a little more understanding if she told him what went down over there, but still gets nothing out of her.

After swimming around a few islands here and there and getting stares and screams from those puny humans, he finally found one of her favorite treats she likes to nibble on. Those trees with fruit bits she likes so much and pluck one out of the ground. It was a little challenging to swim back home with his mouth up high so he wouldn't ruin the tree, but he made it no less. He spotted her sunbathing in the warm sand, lost in her own little world and looking a little melancholy. She didn't even move when he towered her and blocked out the sun with his shadow. It wasn't till he place the tree down next to her when she finally opened her eyes and stared down at the gift.

My King? She questioned him.

I figure you deserve something for helping me. He said, though her dull, sad reaction wasn't what he expected and it seems like the gift made her sadder.

There was no smile, no bright blue eyes or even a squeal of joy. Her staring at the gift went on and on and on as if it triggered a memory in her mind. She suddenly lower her head and looked away like he didn't want him to see her like this.

What's wrong. He asked. He thought fruit trees were her favorite. Maybe he got the wrong type of fruit, but even so, she wouldn't act like this.

Holding back the tears, she shook her head, It's nothing. It's a nice gift really, but...I'm tired. With that she flew up into the air and headed back to their underground cave, leaving the King rather confused. She even left her treat behind.

It took another month of seeing his Queen moping around before he finally had enough and wanted answers. She hardly smiles anymore or go out to see the world. Hell, normally she's the one nipping at his tail to get his ass up to go with her. She hasn't sang one of her happy little tunes in weeks and would just stay by the shoreline all day whining. Something was up and he needed to know. Finally, when she was resting in the cave, he sat down next to her and waited for her to say something.

She looked up at him and force a small smile on her face. Is something the matter, my King. Is it your head again?

He stared at her, trying to read her face while figuring out how to piece together what he wanted to say. His way of solving things was to strike fear or annihilation, but her way is talking and understanding which he's not comfortable with. He let out a small snort, What is going on with your head?

Her tiny antennas perk up from his question. What do you mean?

You're not happy.

She tilted her head a bit. Why would you say that? I am happy.

Who are you trying to fool here. He asked, calmly

I'm not ...fooling anyone. She said, looking away from him.

Using his tail, he scooped her up from the floor and brought her up to his eye level. She held on tight while letting her wings dangle and they stared at each other for a bit. She frowns as if she got caught doing something wrong.

Now he was frowning. So this is what it's like to be on the shit side of things. He lost count how many times she would beg him to open up to her when he was going through one of his dark episodes without even thinking how she was feeling. Now, the roles are switched. Where she's doesn't want to talk and it was hurting and annoying the crap out of him. He wiggled his tail to get some joyful reaction out of her, but failed miserably.

What's wrong. He asked. You haven't been yourself for a long time.

She twiddled her claws and her antennas begin to flicker wildly. She looked like she was trying so hard not to tear up and couldn't even look at him. Finally, after taking a deep breath as if bracing herself from what she was about to say, she spoke. I need to see him.

His tail fell, dropping her and it to the ground with a loud thud, but she stayed calm, expecting that kind of reaction. Him? What Him? Rodan? Is that the HIM you are talking about!

Please, don't be mad. She said, quietly.

Is that why you've been so unhappy ...over HIM!

Damn, she knew how to make him feel so small and unwanted. The humans could drop a bomb on him right this second and would still feel better than hearing that coming out of her mouth. The four months they've been back together was she thinking about that crappy bird the whole time?

You won't understand ...His Queen said, quietly.

No. He said, plain and simple.

I left him there weak and injured. She stated.

So what?

I can't escape this guilt of not knowing if he's alright.

Yes you can, you just choose not to. Why do you care so much!

Why do you care so little?

Offended, he growled, I spared his life for you. That's what YOU wanted. Never accuse me for not caring!

She huffed, I just want to make sure he's better. That wound in his chest nearly hit his heart.

Yeah, I know, I'm the one who stabbed him there. He boasted, not even caring if it pissed her off.

Why would you be so proud of that?

He shouldn't have confessed certain things to me. He growled. More to himself for remembering what the flaming idiot said. Rodan told him his Queen spend the night wrapped in his fiery wings and whether or not it was true deserved a giant hold in his chest.

Like what?

Rodan's little statement, 'I don't recall her pulling away when I licked her mouth' echoed in his head. He wanted to know from her own words if that was true or not. Did she really let him go that far where only he was allowed to do. It doesn't matter because you're not going.

Don't be like this. She asked, flying up to his eye level with a pleading face.

Why is he so important to you? He asked. This is pure nonsense. They never got along for millions of years, how can so much change in the two months of them hanging out on that little island? Why won't she tell him what happened over there?

She turned blood red and he couldn't tell if she was blushing or mad at him. It was probably both. You know you can't stop me from going. I can fly out of here right now if I wanted too, but I respect you too much not to go without your approval.

And I said no! He stomped his foot.

Oh, he could tell she did not like his answer by the way her white fur puffed up and her wings turning red. You can't forbid me like some baby larva. She hissed.

Then stop acting like one. He snarled back. His plates started to pulse. The blue and red glows light up the cave and made their shadows dance.

She sighs in a way to calm herself down. I don't want to fight or hurt your ego, but I'm going to see him so it will put my mind at ease and you know what, if I want to continue seeing him here and there, I will and you can't stop me.

Don't test me, Mosura… He said, baring his teeth.

I will because you will lose. She said, calmly. He felt like he was slapped in the face by her calm voice.

He snorted and dull the blue lights coming off his plates a bit, Will this get you out of your crappy mood.

Her wings dull down as well. I just want to see my friend, my King.

He rolled his eyes from his Queen's stupidity. He had a bad feeling this is going to open up to even more problems if she went back over there. Fine, so be it.

For the first time in months, she smiled. Really?

Now his Queen was happy. Him, on the other hand, was not. Now he's going to piss her off again, On one condition….

Part III


~I could almost go there

Just to watch you be seen

I could almost go there

Just to live in a dream.

...I can't help myself

I've got to see you again…~

~See you again by Norah Jones

His Queen was not happy ...again.

They left their island home not too long ago and he was taking his sweet time swimming to the fire demon's island with her pouting on his back. She could fly there faster if she wanted to, but that would just add more trouble to this already bad idea. He told her she could go as long as he accompany her on the way over there. At first, she thought he was finally going to patch things up with Rodan after everything that happened, but he shook his head and told her not to hold her breath. Did she honestly believe he was going to let them be alone? He's just making sure Rodan know not to try anything.

You're being ridiculous. She pouted.

He could feel her tiny claws and feet walking down to his neck plates so she can get a better view of his eyes. You trust me, right. She asked.

It was hard for him to talk without getting water in his mouth so he sent it to her mind. (Are you giving me a reason not too?)

(No, but I don't need a babysitter) She thought back.

(I'm not leaving you alone with that fire bird and that's finale)

(I can take care of myself.)

(You said he tried something and I'm making sure he keeps his claws to himself.)

He can actually feel her giving him a dirty look. ( You make it sound like if he tried anything I will consent)

(...would she?) He thought to himself, but forgot she was listening and she kicked him in the head.

He came to a halt right in the middle of the large, empty ocean, nearly knocking her off his back and lifted his head up to face her. You love to test my patience with you, Huh?

She smiles at him, Just as much as you do to me. My King, why don't you trust me?

I do, but I don't trust him.

I know you don't, but since you trust me that should be enough.

He snorts, Either I stay and keep an eye on you or I castrate him before letting you be alone with him. Your choice.

Her eyes grew wide because she knew he would do it. She sighs, Please, don't cause any trouble and whatever happens, you will not interfere.

What the hell does that mean? Either way, he won this argument. He gave her a smug look and dipped his head back into the water to swim onward. The was the mid afternoon when they made it to the bird's island and sure enough, the King spotted the idiot resting in his volcano. He made sure he stays at least a mile of two away from the small piece of land so he wouldn't "cause trouble" as his Queen said.

There he's fine. Waste of time, now let's go home. He grumbled and looked up to see the Queen's eager face and she started to groom her fur with her claws.

What in the world are you doing? He asked.

What? I need to look presentable. She said, extending her wings out and flapped them a couple of times to stretch them out.

He growled, making bubbles in the water with his snout. You got a few min-

His Queen flew off to the island before he had a chance to finish and he sulks. Talk about another kick where the sun don't shine in his opinion. The idiot must really be in a deep slumber because his Queen flew right next to him and waited for him to notice. After a few minutes, she spoke in her giggle voice and Rodan snapped his eyes open only to fall backwards behind his volcano. He heard a low rumble noise follow by a loud crash and he couldn't help, but laugh.

(What an idiot!)

(Oh hush, my love) the Queen answer back.

(Well, he is)

The idiot flew back up to the rim of his volcano and looked at her as if she just came back from the dead. Flapping his wings he started to sputter out words to her in a panic and thought he was going to die today. What caught the King's eye while the two "friends" exchange words was the body language of his Queen. She was looking at him, like really looking at him. The same way she would do to him after a battle to check for bruises or wounds. She flew to Rodan's side and sat down next to him on the volcano and with a big smile on her face, grabbed the wing he broke way back then and observed it. Fuck it all, the wing was fully healed with no scar left behind. Rodan pulled his wing away from her with a nervous face and continue to talk to her.

Suddenly, his Queen pointed over to his direction causing Rodan to make eye contact with him after so many months. Rodan started to panic again and said something about if they were here to kill him which wouldn't be a bad idea in his opinion. His Queen waved him off and turned her attention back to the fire demon. She looked a little nervous and so did the fire demon by the way he kept looking back at him. Then he heard something about another sparring session.

(Sparring session! You didn't tell me about a sparring session.)

(You said you will not cause any trouble)

(We are here so you can do your little Well check and that's it)

She ignored him and continued to talk to the fire demon with a big smile on her face. She loves to piss him off knowing he promised not to intervene.

He doesn't trust me. He heard Rodan say and he doesn't.

But he trusts me and that's all that matters. She said and no, that doesn't matter to him.

He hates me. He doesn't want me around you. Rodan said.

(There, he doesn't want us around now let's go home.) He shouted in his mind. His stress levels were getting high and his Queen could feel it by the way she was hiding her twitchy eye. She kept her cool, ignoring him once again and placed her claws on top of his wing for reassurance.

I want you around... She said and there was probably more to her sentence, but the King was completely off by her words. She wanted him around? That didn't seem right to him no matter how many times he sliced it. Why? After everything Rodan did, why would she want him around? There was a little pang of hurt and jealousy flowing through him and it was making him mad.

I don't know Mosura… He heard Rodan said, forgetting who he was talking to.

(You better stop ignoring me) If you want this to work, My Queen, he will address you properly! He shouted, making the firebird cringe.

(Was that really necessary?) She asked, looking back at him.

He sank deeper into the water, sulking like he always does when he doesn't get his way. He hated this. They both smiled at each other before Rodan flew up into the air with his wings burning bright with lava and ash. His Queen signal him that they were heading out for their sparring session and she flew over to him with a little smile on her face.

He was about to say something when she kissed him softly on the forehead. Thank you for letting me see my friend. She whispered. (It means a lot to me)

He rolled his eyes. (You better not let me regret this decision)

He followed them in the water as the two flew around in the sky, trying to find a spot for them to have their playful fight. They were exchanging heckling and playful words as if they were the best of friends. You would have never thought a year ago they were battling each other to the death during the False King's invasion. Once in a while, he would see the idiot looking back at him with a strange look as if making sure there was no surprise attacks. His Queen started to shine as if everything in her little world was perfect once again and that disturbed him. Rodan wasn't supposed to be in her world, that place belongs to him and those puny humans she loves so much and he only tolerate the humans because of that. He didn't like this, but his Queen was happy and that all that matters ...right?

Just promise me nothing will tear us apart. He remembered his Queen saying to him that night when she returned. He had a bad feeling she was going to break her own promise….