Summary: (Sequal to Anzu)(Changed her Japanese name to Tea) It had been 2 weeks since Tea left Yami behind. Now in New York Tea waits for her ride, but ends up walking home in the rain. Unaware that she is hit by a SETOS limo. And now she's being taken care of. Will she lose her love for Yami or start to develope for Seto with the little help of Mokuba..? R/R


It had already been a few weeks since Tea left Domino City and already her career had already gone over the roof. Many people wanted her to be their lead roles in part of their plays. Tea had been really happy that her dream had been happening.
Her feet had been aching from moving all day. She fell back on the steps of the stairs. There she sat in front of the large dance collage. It was 10:00pm. She was waiting for Mya, a friend she met that worked at a hospital. It was a daily routine for her to come pick the brunette up. Ever since Tea moved to New York, she met Mya the day she left the plane. She had gotten a small food poison.Since then Tea and Mya became close she moved in with her 2 weeks later.
'I wonder where that girl is...' Tea thought in her head. Little rain clouds formed from the sky. The brunette let her hands out to feel the droplets of water. 'Oh no..'

Tea stood up looking around for any signs of Myas car. "You ok Tea?" One of her teachers came out with an umbrella. Her blonde was hair tied in a bun, her emerald eyes glowed beutifully. The sapphire eyed girl turned around to face her sensei, "Oh yeah..Mya is just late..Thats all"

"Oh well, I forgot to tell you this but Mya won't be picking you up today."

"What? Why!" Tea huffed, then closing her eyes, "Sorry.."

Her dance teacher smiled, "Its ok. I'm like that too. She said that there was an emergency at the hospital and that she couldn't come pick you up. It seemed that the Explosion at the gas pipes caused a really big emergency"

"Oh, then I guess I should be leaving."

"Want me to drive you home?"

"No, I think I'll walk." With that the brunette stood up and began to walk away.

The clouds began to look darker, forming more rain. Her footsteps ran on the puddles splashing the sidewalks.

"Tea wait!" Someone yelled.

"Huh...Yami?" Tea turned around quickly to only see her dance teacher. The brunettes hopes dropped like a bomb. "Yes?" Tea said looking at her teacher strangely. "You forgot your umbrella"

Tea glanced at her black umbrella, which she thought was lost. "Thanks!" She smiled, opening it up.


"Kaiba we need that report!!!" One of the buisness men said. "Your the only one that can do this!"

Seto Kaiba, the owner of Kaiba Corperations fumed. 'Why can't these dumbass do things themselves!? Now I know why they needed me.." Seto sighed. "Why can't you let Kazu do it?"

"We fired him remember?"

"Hmm now I remember. He was caught breaking into our computers."

Kaiba stood up grabbing his breifcase. "Will you do that report Mr. Kaiba?"

Kaiba glared at his executives. He slightly nodded leaving the room. Just as he left he slammed the door shut he thought, "Damn these people."

With that the CEO walked out the building doors..


Tea stopped by a coffee shop. How she craved for a moca latte. Just as she entered the doors, the scent of sweet scents flew into her nose. "Hey there Tea." An old lady with red cheaks greeted with a smile. "Hey there Suzie" Tea smiled. "Want the usual?" The white haired lady asked pulling out a danish and hot moca,


Tea pulled out her purse handing Suzie the money.

"You look like your in a happy mood. Even in the rain. How do you handle it?"

Tea leaned on the counter. "Remeber the guy I was telling you about?"

"Oh Yami?"

Tea nodded. "I was talking to an old friend in Domino named Mai. And she said that he is planning to come here!"

"Wow. Thats is great news."

"After everything that happened..."

"What happened while you were in Domino?"

"Well...I can't say much but lets just say someone was trying to ruin our life."

Suzie smiled, "Well i hope that it never happens again. Who knows if you two might get married."

Tea blushed.Married? It was too soon for her to think of it. She was only 17!

"Well just in case, I'm inviting you" Tea joked, stepping away from the counter. " I'm going to leave now." Tea waved "Bye Suzie!"

The old lady waved back, "Bye Tea!"

Suzie glanced down at the counter to see Tea's umbrella. "That darn girl always forgets her things..."


"Hurry it up driver!" Seto yelled from the back seat. He was typing on his computer. Mokuba was at their new home waiting for Seto to arrive.


The wind blew stronger against Tea's face. The rain droplets hit her eyes hard. She tried to keep her eye's open but the water falling into her eye's made it harder to do so. She held her hair back with one hand while holding her purse with the other.
She didn't notice the limo coming closer down the road.

Just as Tea crossed the road assuming that no cars were close by. A loud car horn went as Tea hit the hood of the limo. She fell back to the ground..

"What was that?" Seto asked, looking away from the computer.

"We seemed to have hit something."

"We?" Seto's said coldly.

"I mean..I seemed to have hit something."

"You dumbass! Can't you see where your going?" Kaiba snapped while unlocking the door stepping out into the rain. he narrowed his eyes to the other side of the car to see a lifeless body on the floor. He walked towards the body. Her body was slim showing signs of curves. He instantly knew it was a girl. He kneeled down to see the girls face more clearly. His eye's widened. It was none of ther then Tea.

The driver walked out of the car. "Is everything ok sir?"

"No, its not. We have to take her to the hospital."

"Im afraid we can't..."

"What? Why not?"

"There was a large explosion earlier they won't accept her until they are finished with the other patients. They are very busy." He paused, flinching at the idea. "Maybe we should take her to your house? Since its so close by."

Kaiba stared at his dumb driver. Then to Tea. He sighed, since Tea once saved Mokuba from the river, he had decided to repay her. Kaiba picked up her up and carried her to the car. "This time. Don't run into anything else!"


Once they had made it to the mansion. Mokuba jumped to the door. "Your home!!!" he yelled with happiness, then stopped and looked that the girl in Kaiba's arms. "Ohh Seto, got a girl now?" Mokuba teased. His older brother didn't find that funny. Mokuba saw the seriousness. "Hurry get the aid kit and place her in the guest room." Kaiba instructed carrying the unconsious Tea to a bedroom. Mokuba followed along. Just as Kaiba placed her on the bed, he knew who that brown haired girl was! "Tea!?" He yelled, looking at his brother strangely.
"My dumb driver hit her"

"Fire him! He could have killed her!!!"

"He couldn't see. Wasn't his fault"

"Tea is in good hands. There is no need to fire him"

"Well I'm going to fire him!"

"No your not."

"Please Seto." Mokuba once again did his puppy face. "What if he does it again?

Kaiba sighed, "Fine, I needed a new driver anyways."

With that Mokuba ran down the stairs yelling. Kaiba for once gave a small sweatdrop. He narrowed his eyes to the girl who was lying on the bed still unconsious. Her white shirt was stuck to her skin. Her black skirt too was soacked from the puddles. There were bruises already forming on her body.

A maid walked in the room, with clean clothes. "Here you go sir"

Kaiba grabbed the clothes dropping them on the bed. "Will you please change her into it."

"Yes Mr.Kaiba."


A few hours later a small groan escaped Tea's lips. her eyes opened slowly. 'Where am I?' She thought in her head. Painfully she sits up on the bed. 'Im not at home...'

"Finally awake" A low voice said, walking in the room. Tea's eyes widened, "KAIBA?!"

The older brother crossed his arms, looking down at the girl with his cold blue eyes. "And now that you are awake. Why are you here in New York?"

Tea was speachless to answer. "Well?" Kaiba kept pestering Tea, "Shouldn't you be home with Yami and all of those other losers?"

The sapphire eyed girl fumed. "THEY ARE NOT LOSERS!!" She snapped, getting off the bed limping in pain. Tea felt a sharp pain go up her leg. She fell forwards to be caught in the arms of Seto. Her face grew more red with embaressment. Kaiba looked down at the girl confused. She pulled herself away quickly. "To answer your question. I am here because I was accepted into a collage here. I'm now working my way up into University. And thats why I'm here" Tea reflected. Kaiba smirked, "And they actually let you in? What did you do, annoy them with your friendship speaches?"

The brunette clutched her fists. "You jerk!"

"Should I be hurt?"

"You should be!" The sapphire eyed girl closed her eyes. "You know what I'm not going to hang around here with you! I should be leaving."

"Yes, leave to that cheating yami"

Tea turned her head to Seto, "He is NOT a cheater! Your are!"

"Me, how?"

"Duelist Kingdom you threatened to kill yourself in order to get in. It caused Yami to stop his attack."

"Only because YOU stopped him."


"I thought so."

Tea shook her head,"Im not going to stand around for this." with that she limped towards the door. Kaiba blocked the way. "Get away!" Tea huffed, with her arms crossed. "Im afraid I can't. Your not leaving until you are healed."

"I'm not going to stay. I have dance!"

Kaiba leaned his face closer to Tea's. "I don't care. You are injured and if someone happens to rape you then, im not the one getting charged for you leaving my house hurt."

Tea stared into his eyes without blinking. His stubborness had gotten to her. "Fine. I'll stay. Only for ONE night" She stepped back on the bed, she exasperated a sigh. "Good." Kaiba took his glance away from the brunette walking out of the room.

Tea sat back on the bed, "Yami...."


It was now 1:00 in the morning. Tea woke up from a soft tap on her shoulders. Her eyes churned open to see a black haired boy stand next to her. "M-Mokuba?" Tea asked squinting her eyes, trying to see more clearly. "Yeah.."

"What are you doing here?"

"I can't sleep."

"Go to Kaiba then."

"He's not here. Those dumb people keep calling him. He's been working more and more ever since he was accepted here.."
Tea sat up gently pulling Mokuba on the bed, He placed his head on her arms. "Im sure he will find time for you someday."

"I doubt it."

Tea glanced at Mokuba, "What makes you say that?"

"For the past 2 weeks he's always at meetings and interviews." The black haired boy closed his eyes, "I was wondering if you can help me"

"I don't really want to intrude in your lives, Mokuba"

"Please Tea!"

"Well...I'll try.."

Mokuba gave a faint smile. "Thanks" He gave a small yawn, "Tea."

"Yes, Mokuba: Tea said dully, she was quickly falling asleep, "Do you still love Yami?"


"..What about my brother..?" Mokuba blinked,when she didn't give a response "Tea?" He looked up to find Tea fast alseep. Mokuba shook his head closing his eyes....


Kaiba came home finally, he threw his breifcase against the chair. 'Those damn people never leave me alone.'

He walked up the stairs into Mokuba's room. Shocked to see that he wasn't there. 'Mokuba..?!' Kaiba walked down the hall into Tea's room. He opened the door to see her sleep silently on the bed. Mokuba slept on the bottom part. Kaiba walked into the room, smirking at his little brother. 'Poor little guy'. He coiled his eyes once again to Tea. She looked quite attractive in her sleep. The CEO shook his head, deciding to leave Mokuba stay.

~*~Tea's Dream~*~ Her POV.

"Teaaaaaa!" Someone's voice echoed in the dark room, "Who's there?!" I shout looking around. I stand alone in a room in an unknown place. "Teeeaaa!" That same eerie voice says my name again. I begin to get scared, "WHOS THERE! TELL ME!" I shout from the top of my lungs. This faint figure begins to show. "Yami!" I shout happily as I run towards my love. My arms go threw his body. "What..Yami" I look into his crimson eyes.

Yami give smirks, he wraps his arms around my waist pulling my body towards him. My eyes wident. "Yami?" I question

He forces a kiss on me, roughly I do not feel the same thing 2 weeks ago. "Yami please let go!"

He finally pulls away from the kiss smirking. "Don't you love me?" His voice said in a teasing tone."Didn't you promise that your heart would always be mine? Ever since you won that duel against Kloni..To save me." He moves his hands up my thigh pulling me closer again, "You risk your life for me, and this is how you are going to betray me?"

"I did promise you, and I am going to keep that promise. And you know that I would never do that to you!" I reflect releasing my arm from his grasp.

"Your love for me will die. Just like your mom, dad and sister.

I choke on my tears. "Thats not true..And how dare you mention them!"

"Once you stop loving me, you'll stop loving everyone else, Your going to stay in your cold shell for the rest of your life being hated by others."

"Please..Just shut up.."

"Your going to be nothing but a slut. Who gave her body to me. How lame can you get?"

"SHUT UP!!!!" I cry even more, Yami begins to fade. and once again I'm in the dark room by myself.

"Come back here!" I fall to the ground crying, was all this going to happen? Was I going to stop loving Yami? I feel a hand touch my shoulder, with the tears forming on my eyes it made it a little harder for me to see, I look up seeing...Kaiba...

~*~End Dream~*~

Tea jumped up from her bed glad that it was all a dream. It was now 8:00am. Mokuba at the time was awake, "Tea."

"Yes Mokuba." Tea asked, wiping a small tear away from her eye. "Whats wrong?" The little boys face looking at the brunette with worry. "You kept talking in your sleep about Yami.."

"Oh..It was nothing."

Mokuba didn't fall for it. Something was bothering Tea. He decided to think of something. "I know!"

The brunette looked at Mokuba strangely. "You know what?"

"How about me and you try to make Seto come to that picnic!"


"Well, im in a school here and today we are suppose to bring a few adults so we can go. But Seto won't come. Will you help me force him?"

"I don't think he wants to be forced."

"I just want one day with my brother and you..Its been a while since iv'e seen all of us together."

Tea sighed, "Fine..I'll talk to him; But if we end up fighting then it won't be my fault."

"Yay!" Mokuba smiled, while embracing Tea in a hug.


"Here sir, this came in" A servant handed in more papers. Seto stared at them with disbelief. 'More?!' He groaned angrily, pushing more paper off his desk.

Tea silently walked to his open door. She peeked in to see Kaiba sitting by his desk, which was full of papers. 'Poor guy' She thought. Tea took a big breathe entering the room.

Kaiba peered up at Tea, "What do you want?" He asked coldly.

"Mokuba wanted to know if you wanted to come to that school picnic?"

"Why didn't he ask me himself?"

"He didn't really say.."

"I have work. I can't go."

"You know. Too much work can really kill you."

Kaiba sat back on his chair looking at Tea, who was wearing a large t-shirt and shorts. "Who says that?"


"Look i'm busy get out."

"God, fine. Some person you are won't even spend one day with his little brother." Tea headed to the door then stopped.

"What now??" He asked, infuriated by the girl.

Tea turned around with her arms crossed. "To think someone like you would be nothing but a little puppy worker to his executives. Listening to them brag and do those dumb reports for them. They end up throwing it in the garbage anyways."

Kaiba stared at the girl then to the papers on his desk. "Fine." Tea was in disbeleif. She smiled happily.

"When is it?"

"Today" Tea replied.

"I can't I-"

"No. Im sorry to say this in your own house Kaiba but no; You are not going to work today."

Kaiba smirked. A girl was telling him what to do under his roof. He was finding this very inflaming. "Fine then. I'll call in canceling the meeting. And I'm not doing this for you, but Mokuba."

Tea smiled heading to the door. Mokuba ran down the hall anxious to know what his answer was. He pounced on her smilng, "What was it!!!!?"

Tea frowned, "he said no." Mokuba too did frown, He got off Tea letting her stand up. "W-what..?" The brunette shook her head, "No im joking he said ok"

"Yay!" He clasped his hands, "You going too, right?"

Tea shook her head, "I don't want to get in between you two."

"No, you won't trust me." remarked Mokuba, using his puppy eyes. Tea groaned, "Fine." 'Those eyes always work for me..' She thought


Meanwhile in Domino City.

"Your going to New York, when?" Joey asked, while organizing his deck.

"Next week" Yami replied.

Lots of things were still the same. Except Joey was dating Mai. Serenity was out of the hospital and was up and running litterally because she had join the track team at her school. Yami still handsome as ever, had alittle gift in his pocket. He had bought it yesterday for Tea. He was glad that she was going to see her, and he knew that she would be too.

Just then Tristan entered the gameshop.

"Hey Tris' any news on Tea?" Yami asked. Tea would email Tristan everyday and he would reply back.

"She didn't email me yesterday.."

"Maybe she's hurt! or..or..Dead!"

Joey and Tristan sweatdropped at Yami. "Uhh buddy I think your over thinking things here. Maybe she is just really busy" Joey said laughing, Yami was never over dramatic. The pharoh sighed, "Your right..I'm gonna go in my soul room." With that he dissapeared. Yugi was on the same spot as Yami.


Tea and Mokuba were sitting in the living room watching some Tv. Kaiba's footstepps could be heard from the creaky floor of his mansion. He entered the room wearing casual clothes, (for once).Which was dark navy blue jeans and black jersey. Tea glanced up at Kaiba. 'He looks like a normal teenager' She thought, relizing that she had been staring. Kaiba glanced at her, "What are you looking at?"

"You look like an ordinary person.." Tea replied looking away feeling her cheeks feel hot. Mokuba laughed lightly. An Idea came to his head along with a smirk. Mokuba didn't really like Yami, so he decided to play matchmaker with Tea and his own brother.


Ok there you have it. Some of you probably weren't expecting my sequal to look like this right? Well Since I didn't have any Tea/Seto I decided to do it like this. Please Review!