"Is Addison okay?" Meredith couldn't help but ask Derek while she was sitting around watching him work.

She was worried about her not boyfriend wife, the kiss last week didn't make change the status of their relationship while she had enjoyed the makeup session she had finally come to her senses and pulled away, he was married, he chose Addison, he said he wanted to make it work with his wife.

His wife of eleven years and there Meredith was kissing him, falling back into his arms, if they had been anywhere else apart from the middle of the woods, hell if Doc hadn't barked when he did they both would have probably had sex right there.

"She's fine" Derek replied without looking up,


"Yes now pass me the notes again" Derek continued without even acknowledge that someone was worried about his wife, when the silence got too much he finally asked, "Why."

"Be- because Izzie and George are worried about her" Meredith admitted.

"You interns have more to worry about apart from what how my wife is" Meredith flinched at that, him calling her his wife and why shouldn't he, she was his wife, she was the mistress however unwilling. "Sorry I just…" Derek began apologising but finding it hard to finish he could exactly say 'sorry for calling Addison my wife' seeing as that was what she was.

"It's fine, she is your wife."

"What are Stevens and O' Malley worried about?"

"I don't know they won't tell me, but they've been off with me lately."

"Off with you?"

"If- they won't say or can't say, but they are worried about her," Meredith admitted it didn't make sense to her either, but they were worried about her not boyfriend's wife, so that meant that she was worried about Addison too.

"If they are that bored, I could always tell Bailey to find them something to do….Tell them not to, she probably pulling a prank."

"Really, you think she has time to do that she is a surgeon."

"Surgeons aren't all that," Derek replied back dismissively, being a surgeon didn't suddenly make someone a decent human being as Addison had proven.

"Can I have that in writing" Meredith teased. "So she's okay right?"

"As far as I know, we haven't had a chance to talk lately."

Derek had a look on his face that explained exactly what he'd been doing with his wife, which wasn't talking because he had, he used to have the same look when talking about her.

He was having sex with his wife, which was good, married couples had sex she knew that but yet and still her stomach turned at the idea of Derek and Addison together.

The whole situation was nauseating, so she was dropping it except he said they hadn't had a chance to talk. "Has she been trying to talk to you?" Meredith asked.

Derek thought about the past two weeks and all his interaction with Addison…. He admitted that there were a couple of times where she had tried to 'talk to him' and more than a couple of times when he brushed her off.

"Why are we talking about Addison I have a surgery in less than two hours to perform, concentrate Grey" Derek found himself saying he was her superior, not her friend not now.

"Sorry, Dr Shephred. I'll start prepping the patient for surgery" Meredith said before not quite storming off, he probably slept with perfect Addison right after kissing her.


Addison was holding little baby Tucker in her arms, and she refused to hand him back he was just so precious. "How-" she began but stopped herself, that little noise was enough for Bailey to give her her full attention as if to say go on. Clearing her throat, she tried one more time "How did you- thanks Bailey for letting me spend time with him," she said instead swallowing down her questions, everyone thought she was pretty pathetic already there was no need to open her mouth asking questions and confirming it.

"The pleasure is all mine, thank you I know I just dumped him on you, but the creche were at capacity and-"

"Is okay, I enjoyed myself, he was the perfect gentleman. Anytime you need to feel free to use me" Addison turned around and bumped into Grey and her husband both looking at her, studying her. The sight of them together turned her stomach she was sick and tired of always seeing them together she got it he loved her she thought he was trying to get over her but no he was sneaking off to see her every chance he got pinning her up against a tree, his hands roaming under her shirt like a horny teenager.

"Dr Shepherd" came a very familiar voice causing both her and her husband to turn around. "I meant the hot doctor Shepherd."

"Karev" Addison voice told off.

"Funny you think I am talking about you" Alex shot back watching as Montgomery-Sheperd's lips twitched she was clearly trying not to laugh aloud.

"KAREV!" Derek's voice came up sounding harsher than his wife had been.

Alex ignored him and focused on the one that actually mattered, his mentor for the week. "I just came to tell you the parents are ready to see us."

"Okay, thanks and you've-"

"Yes counted to ten and everything."

"Thanks, give me a minute to get-"

"They are on your desk I convinced the husband to go get a cup of coffee, so we have at least fifteen minutes" Alex continued knowing she was about to say she needed to go get the notes.

There was no way it would take fifteen minutes to get a coffee in the hospital; there was a machine on almost every floor what with half the staff needing it just to breathe "Fifteen?"

"Yeah, I kinda forgot and told him the nearest coffee cart was on the other side of the hospital" Alex shrugged uncaringly.

"I- I'm not sure if I should thank you or throw you off my service so feel free to stand in the corner saying nothing while I talk to them."

"Much appreciated" Karev nodded, he had been getting on with Montgomery-Shepherd lately, the woman was so bad once he figured out what she wanted from him. she allowed him to push the boundaries a bit, but as so long as he didn't cross the line she was okay.

"If there's nothing else Bailey" Addison stated handing over the baby. "Bye gorgeous" she threw to baby Tucker before walking off.

"Why are you saying bye I'm coming with you" Karev shot back within seconds of Addison's statement.

"Strike two Karev" Derek could hear Addison say as she made her way over to her patient leaving him, Meredith, Bailey and her baby behind without a second glance, he was used to her looking back trying to catch his eyes.

His eyes followed her until she turned a corner before he himself turned back to see Meredith studying him; unfortunately, he couldn't ask what was wrong not with Bailey also giving him a look.

"Tell your wife that I really appreciate what she did for me," Bailey said, gathering up her paperwork and her bags and walking off.

What?" Derek finally asked

"Nothing we have a patient to see to as well" Meredith gently reminded Derek before moving away.

She hadn't seen the look on his face before, at least not when he was thinking about his wife, but why should she be surprised Derek chose Addison.

He chose his wife because he loved her, they been married for eleven years known each other for sixteen Meredith hadn't even known him for a year so she couldn't be surprised that he was jealous with Karev flirting with his wife… except Derek had been flirting with her, he never stopped, she never stopped him either and there was that kiss, it had been more than a kiss.


"Thank you for that" Addison sighed after a six our neo-natal surgery with Alex, she could do this type of surgery with her hands typed behind her back, but there was something about this baby, the parents, the family that made her - she just appreciated Karev's help in there so much so that she even had him closing up.

"No problem no one should have to see their husband and his mistress walking around like that, I like Meredith and all but-"

"Inappropriate Karev" Addison snapped once she realised that he thought she was thanking him for saving her earlier not because of the surgery.

She was that pathetic that the intern thought- and who could blame him.

"I'm just saying I get why O'Malley and Izzie have been giving her the cold shoulder."

"Karev you did good in there so please stop talking before you erase all of the goodwill I am feeling towards you" Addison bit out, and for once Karev seemed to get the hint and actually stopped talking even looking sheepish it probably had something to do with the fact that she had turned green and was feeling dizzy but hopefully she was also getting her message across. "Go check on the parents. Tell them... be a doctor, half an hour obs and the rest." Addison stammered out, pushing the door open and walking away.

It wasn't a good mentor thing to do leaving her intern to do all the work but Karev could handle it.

He was a good doctor and she would come back in an hour to check up on everything but first she needed to get to the safety of her office where she could lie down.