Ch. 7

After School

Hey guys, this chapter took longer than I thought it would. I have some persons problems that need to be dealt with be for I can counting righting. I'm not sure when the next chapter will be.

Fun fact, I listen to music while typing the first part of this chapter. The seen is dark and so I listen to the darkest songs I could find. The oompa lompa songs from Willy Wonka and the chocolate factory, if you slow it down to .25 speed they become creepy. Anyway onto the story.

We find Texas in her room, the house was in the city. She was laying on her bed looking threw her phone. Her room was simple with white walls that had some rock n roll posters on them. She was wearing a black shirt and shorts. As she was looking threw her phone she got a texts.

'Hey just got done.'


'How did everyone do?'


'Just got threw the school's

fire walls and it looks like

everyone made it. Grif has

the most rescue points.'


'Surprising. Anyway, where

Are we going to celebrate?'


'We're planning on going

to the mall down town.

not sure if the reds will

be there.'


"Oh, who are you texting, is it your boyfriend that you have rap around your finger?"

'Got to go, my sis is talking.

hate you'


'Hate you to bitch'


"Yes I am talking to my boyfriend." Texas said.

"How cute. Have you two gone on an actual date yet, without the gang? I could always give you advice on how to get his attention."

"Like I would ever want any more dating advice from you. Especially after your day view as a hero." Texas said as she got off her bed and stuck her butt out. "It a pleaser to meet you ass-quittance. Meet the new most desperate hero." She said mincing Takeyama voice.

"Hey now, I needed to make an impressing." She said as she turned her back and looked up.

"Oh yeah. You sure made an impressing, on everyone's favored porn sight." Texas said.

"You brat!" Takeyama said as she turns around and grasp Texas and puts her in a head lock. She begins to give her a noogie. A little time pass and we find them in the house's kitchen where they made sandwiches.

"So you ready for the recommendation exam. You're lucky that my hero states can give you that." Takeyama said.

"Yep, I'm ready to crack some skulls." Texas said cracking her knuckles.

"That's right give them hell. I have to go on patrol for the day, see you tonight. Good bye." Takeyama said.

"See you tonight." Texas said as Takeyama, now in her Mt. Lady outfit, left the apartment. When the door close, the smile on Texas faded as she stared out the door. "I hate good byes."

She goes back to her room and sits on her bed with her head on her knees. Her mind starts to wonder back to when she was a little girl.

Flash back

It was a dark place. The only light that came through were little Windows near the top and a computer screen that was off to the side. She wasn't able to see where through. The only thing she could see was the glass prison that encircle her, some short of liquid in the pod. There was a clear mask that that was provide oxygen to her. The final thing that was that her arms and legs were strapped down so she couldn't move.

She been there so long that she didn't know how much time has pass. On occasion she could see one to two people that walk around looking at computer screen, what they're looking at she didn't know. One was dress in a lab coat, he had a mustache and maybe glasses, she wasn't sure. The other was scarier. She wasn't sure he was human. He was wearing a black suit, with some short of black neck brace. He may have been a mask or it might have been his face, hard to tell in a world of quirks.

Currently the one with the lab coat was working away at the computer while the guy with the suit was walking around with some short of devise, it was a cube of some kind that was glowing blue. He was getting closer and closer looking at each of the pods as he went. The only thing she could think was 'please don't notice me'. When he came in front of her pod he stop and stared at the note pad that was attach to her pod. With a sickening laughter, he turn his head to look at her.

"Hehehe. Yes you're the one I was looking for." He said with low chuckle at the end. "Quite an interesting quirk you have, the ability to make a mentally connection with other to share thought and even mental images with other and vice versa. Even now while under stasis you still have access to your quirk."

'What do you plan on doing to me?' She asked threw her quirk.

"Most don't get the chance to ask, so I guess I'll answer your question; I like to see your reaction." He said. "Well to put it simple, I'm going to turn you in to a weapon for me. My quirk lets me take quirks of others and either keep it for myself or I can pass it on to some else. The process is very pain full for those I take and give to."

'Why would I ever do anything for you?' she thinks out loud for him to hear.

"Hehehe. You see your cooperation isn't a factor. The mind is a fragile thing. There is only so much it can take before breaking. When receiving a new quirk form me it put too much strain on your mind; to the point where you won't have any independent thoughts of your own." He said.

'What no y—you, why would you want me? My quirk isn't suited for combat'. She said trying anything to delay the man. Hoping that someone come and save her from this fate.

"An observant one you are, yes most of those I have alter have been for combat. For you though I have something else in mind. You will be an observer, able to hide and feed information to us in a fight. Here in this box is a quirk that will complete your process. It's able is to process information in mere seconds, among other things; plus you're with your quirk already able to give said information to other, we will have a second to second of information in every operation I have." He said. "Let's get stared shall we."

'No you can't someone HELP' She scream out loud from her head.

"Don't worry, you won't fill anything at all in a moment. Hehehe." He laughs as he starts to glow a little.

Suddenly glass shatters form somewhere and a warning

*Warning subject 626 is loose*

"WHAT! Ho-."

She didn't see anything move but one moment her captor is turning around and the next moment there's a fist and part of a forearm sticking out of his back and shattering the glass around her, the fist inches from her face. The other doctor made the mistake of standing up to quickly and his chair fell to the ground. Most likely do to the noise the body was flung towards the noise. She did not get to see whoever or whatever had done it because the person had vanished; there was another crash somewhere.

Deciding to get out first and ask questing later, she grab a piece of glass that fell next to her and began to cut her restraints. Working fast she cut her hand but she was able get on hand and arm free. She then unstrap the others and look around. She see that part of the place was destroyed, probably where the body was thrown. Looking the other way she see a huge hole in the wall that led outside. Without hesitating she ran for freedom. She didn't stop for what seems like weeks.

The polices pick her up several days later. She tell them that someone kidnapped her and held her prisoner. When looking her information up, they discover that she went missing a couple of years ago. They thought she was dead, the case was closed because both of her parents were found dead and assumed that she had died with them.

With the details provide by her, they sent search party's out to find where she was held captive. They were unfortunately unable to find it. They kept searching, but in the mean while they put her in witness protecting. The Yu family gladly took her in and she quickly bonded with Takeyama.

Flash back end

'When I find that monster, I'm going to put a bullet in his head for every day I was there.' She thinks to herself. She turn to the window and looks out window wondering if she will ever find the monster.

On the red bus that was still on the way back to school. We find the reds talking among them self's, discuss on what they will be doing before school stared at U.A. they already knew that they were in thanks to Church hacking the system and texting the final results to them.

"Hehe. Looks like I got the highest score." Sarge pronounces. "That means red is superior to blue."

"Well it looks like Grif got the most rescue points." Donut said.

"Yay, glad I won, I will be spending a week removing brunt skin thanks to those tank shell explosion." Grif said.

"Oh, I'll help. I'm really good at grooming bodies." Donut said.

"Yeah, that will never happen so long as I'm breathing." Grif said.

Just then the bus pull up to the school and the students were getting off and walking off with friends or getting into parents cars and driving off. The Reds stayed behind to talk for a moment.

"So what do guys plan on doing till school starts?" Donut asked.

"Well I plan on taking a nap till school starts." Grif said.

"Sounds like fun mind if I join?" Sarge said.


"You're joking right?" Grif asked.

"Of course I am. I've got an intense workout for every day till school starts. You will be joining me in them, or I'll have Lopez break you back for every day you miss." Sarge said. "I expect the rest of you to do them as well."

"Sure thing, I can do them after my photo shots." Donut said.

"I am in need of repairs, secondary systems are off line and I'm running at 80%." Lopez said.

"Darned it, I knew I should have added the extra reinforcements to your frame." Sarge said.

"Negative, the extra weight would slow me down about 10%." Lopez said.

Just then a limo pulled up and out came out a woman wearing a red dress. She had curly long hair that reach her shoulder, she also had some kind of head dress that look like snakes. This was none other than the Snake Hero Uwabami.

"Hey Donut, what your mom doing here?" Grif said.

"Remember I have a photo shot to get to, she here to take me." Donut said.

One of the snakes turn its head to the Reds, she then turned and stared walking toward them. As she walking to them, several heads were turning and soon a fan mob was starting to from behind her.

"Why hello, how have you darlings been?" Uwabami asked.

"We been fantastic mom, all of us scored high in the test." Donut said with a smile.

"Wonderful, now did you remember to look good for the camera, this is where you'll start to shine without my help." Uwabami said "did you see any potential's for future models?"

"Yep saw a few, not sure if they make it though. I'll tell you on the way to the photo shot." Donut said.

"Alright don't take too long, I'll be in the limo." Uwabami said. "Oh do you your guys costume designs on you? I would love to add my personally touch to it."

Donut looked down at the ground. Sarge saw him and put it to gather that donut wanted to do the design by himself to prove that he could do it by himself. Sarge steps forward.

"Sorry but no we don't have it. Besides Donut have done an amazing job with giving each a unique look and at the same time making it look like there all part of a set." Sarge said surprising both Donut and Grif; Lopez was Lopez.

"Um Sarge?" Grif

"Oh really, then I can't wait to see how they turn out." Uwabami said, turning to the crowed. "Hi yay, this Uwabami supporting the new generation of heroes, be sure to check out my new magazine coming out soon."
While she addresses the crowed Sarge turns back to the group, Grif was the first to speak.

"Sarge did you just have a stroke?" Grif asked.

"No, I don't believe I did." Sarge said.

"Have you actually been read my notes on the design? Donut asked.

"Of course I have, I'm the one making them, besides your part of this team if its importance to you then it's important to me and all of us." Sarge said. "That being said if anyone else hears about this your both dead."

"Thanks Sarge." Donut said. "Means a lot."

"Now don't go soft on me, we haven't stared school yet, I expect you to be on top of the work outs." Sarge said.

"Are you ready Franklin?" Uwabami asked.

"COMING! See you guys tomorrow." Donut said as he fallowed his mom in to the limo and drove off leaving Sarge, Grif, and Lopez.

"Alright let's get this hell over with, what physical damming task are we doing first?" Grif ask sarcastically.

"Were going to take the day off." Sarge said.

"What?" Grif asked.

"Well I need at least a day to full repair Lopez, besides we passed the school test, we should take a day and celebrate our victory. I still have two kidneys to use." Sarge said. "I meet you back at the orphanage at curfew. If you need to find me, I'll be in my work shop. Come on Lopez, your repairs aren't going fix them self."

"I could if you finished my upgraded body." Lopez stated.

"Working on it." Sarge said.

"See you later." Grif said.

The scene changes from the red bus to the blue bus where we see Caboose, Doctor O'Malley and Church; Tucker was left at the school to wait for his mom.

"Well guys we made it I got the results right here, all of us are in." Church said.

"YAY! Umm what did we win?" Caboose asked.

"We won the scholarship that makes the school free." Church said.

"Oh okay I have here somewhere ah here." Caboose said pulling out a speech. "Dear dearly beloved, we have gather here to witnesses this -"

"Great we have to listen to his speech again. I think he's mixed it up wedding and funeral again." O'Malley/doc said.


"So where do you guys want to celebrate?" church asked.

"The zoo please. WHY MUST THE GOOD DYE YOUNG?" Caboose suggested.

"How about that knew mall that open up, that could be fun." Doc said.

"Sounds good. I'll let the Reds know about it and see if they have anywhere they want to go." Church said.

Just then they pulled up to their school. Everyone was getting off and dispersing. The blues were walking down the streets. They eventually make it to their orphanage.

"So what are we going to do till school starts." Asked Doc.

"Not sure. We just wing it."

Like I said on top I have to deal with my problem before I can get back to typing. So until then thanks for reading.