The Digital Radiant Garden

Chapter 1

The gentle hum of heavy machinery coursed through the dimly lit room that was the hidden lab under the old mansion of Twilight Town. A man with red bandages covering the the majority of his face was typing away on the keyboard while observing the huge computer monitors that displayed along the wall. Fully concentrated on his work he didn't even turn as the entrance door was activated and slid open. A blind folded silvered haired teenager entered the room with the swift sound of the secret door closing in behind him.

"Hows the program coming?" The silvered haired teen asked.

"Why, hello to you to Riku." The man typing at the computer retorts back.

"My apologies Diz, hello."

"That's much better, as for your question, so far the program is just about complete. I just need to make these few adjustments and we will be able to activate it."

Riku took a stand beside the man called Diz to view the data floating along the monitors.

"All this for one virtual environment? Don't you think it's a bit much." the teenager asked.

"Why of course, we want this world to feel as believable as possible for the puppet to be alluded to the fact that the world it's living in is real." If it discovers that the world is fake and tries to escape the results could be disastrous."

"That thing you referred to as a puppet has a name you know. Her names Xion, and she has a reason to live a normal life."

"Riku, it still and will always be nothing but an empty puppet who was created to steal Sora's powers."

"Yes, only this empty shell of a puppet did create a personality and did transform into an actual life form."

"Correction Riku, not life form, but Nobody. No matter how many ways you look at it. It, will always be nothing but an empty puppet."

"I see, then answer this question for me then. Why did you agree to put Xion into the computer in the first place, if you don't even care much for her well being.

The bandaged man was amused by this question and smirked.

"You know as well as I do why we need her contained. Its her memories she's collected from Sora. By keeping her in the data system, she can be concealed from Organization 13's clutches and also be at the disposable of our benefits for returning your friends memories back to normal." Diz typed a few more keys into the computer, and a downloading screen popped up on the monitor.

"Just so we are clear Riku. Once it has lived out it usefulness, the puppet will need to be eventually eliminated. It's simply to dangerous to be set free." Diz turned and stared toward Riku.

"You are Sora's best friend, I'm sure you of all people should know that the protection of your friend must always come first. Even if the consequences are great." The bandaged man stats while pointing to Riku's blind fold.

Riku nodded to show the man his understanding. A gentle chime on the monitor pings and Diz turns his gaze back to the screen.

"Once this last file is installed we can begin the program. The puppet will wake up as a normal resident of Radiant Garden were it will live out its new life. I even managed to hack into it's memory system and deleted all previous life memories. It's programed to only know the memories I've implanted."

"You've erased Xion's memories? What about Sora's? does she still have those memories? Riku asked

"Don't worry Riku, Namine is the only one who can extract Sora's memories. I've just made it a little easier for her to search for them. With all that organization nonsense out of the way I'm hoping this operation will go smoothly."

Another gentle chime pings up on the screen.

"All right the program is set. Once I hit this button the program will be activated. Before I do so, I need your word Riku. If things don't go according to plan that you will do what ever it takes to get the job done. Even if that means to destroy the puppet. I need to know that you can do that."

Riku turned his attention back towards the machine that was equipped with a capsule like dome. He remembered the day he had brought the unconscious girl into the lab and placed her in the machine to be virtualize into the computer system. He knew from what Namine had told him that Xion wanted to go back to Sora even after knowing the risks it could take. Riku wasn't sure if it was stupidity or bravery, but non the less he couldn't help but feel a little something toward the puppet. For all he knew it could just be Xion's resemblance of his friend Kairi, that drove him to care for the young Nobody so much. Riku turned his gaze away from the machine and back to the monitors. He glanced over at one of the monitors that displayed Sora's vital signs and memory data. If he ever was going to wake up his comatose friend his best bet was to go through with Diz's plans.

"Alright then, start the program. If things go south, I promise to do what ever it takes to be sure my friend can wake up from his sleep. You have my word."

Diz nodded and smiled a satisfying grin towards the boy's decision and pressed the button to activate the program that would begin Xion's new life in Radiant Garden.

(Authors note: Hi everyone Hope you enjoyed this first chapter. I've always wanted to write a story about Xion and since I'm in a Kingdom Hearts mood right now. I thought this would be a fun story to write.)