AU. Sixth year. No Voldemort Return. Sirius has custody of Harry. House rivalries are just schoolyard feuds.

"I'm bored!" Pansy Parkinson stomped her foot on the floor, arms crossed.

"I have to finish my essay, I think I'll go to the library," lied Daphne Greengrass, running away from the tantrum.

"Draco," do something!" the dark-haired girl stomped again. The blonde stood up and grabbed his books.

"Library," was all he said before leaving the common room too.

Pansy stood there, fuming. She was done with all her assignments and didn't know how to sit still. Everyone knew she was a Prefect. Not many people knew that she got the badge because she was brilliant. Just as smart as Draco or even that mega-swot Hermione Granger. But she was a pureblood girl, raised to look perfect all the time and find a husband right out of Hogwarts. Outstanding proficiency in hair and makeup charms gives people the idea that you are an airhead, and her quick temperament didn't help. But this is how she was raised. Her father died when she was a baby in a broom accident, and her mother didn't know any better than to push Pansy towards being perfect on her outside appearance to secure the role of a trophy wife — raised to be entitled and demanding, when Pansy had free time in her hands she didn't know what to do with herself. Boring Sunday afternoons like this were the worst. On impulse, she left the dungeons and headed outside. It was September, and the weather was still lovely. She wandered, looking at the grass and not paying much attention until she reached the Quidditch pit. She decided to walk around the whole thing before heading back. During the stroll, calmness had taken over her but then


she was face down on a mud puddle before she could react.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, I was trying to maneuver through the stands and came out one of the canvases. I didn't know anyone was out here! Oh, Merlin, are you hurt?"

For a second Harry could only make up the person he ran over with his broom was a girl, had dark hair and a great arse. Shame on you Harry you run over the girl, and all you can think is what a nice arse? What is wrong with you.

"Scourgify!" he chanted.

Her face now clean, Pansy sat up. She patted herself. Nothing felt broken. The relief made her smile.

"I think you didn't hit me. It was just the turbulence caused by the broom," then she lifted her eyes. Harry Potter was looking at her, eyes huge and scared. Beautiful eyes, green like emeralds, full of concern. She had never seen such softness looking back at her.

"I'm fine," she said harshly and tried to stand up too fast, getting dizzy and falling again. He caught her and eased her to the ground, not letting go. She leaned against him instinctively, head still spinning. He performed a couple of more spells to finish cleaning her up, and with her face still down she performed a quick, silent charm to look more put together. Then she looked back up. Out of habit she should have said something snarky or hurtful but what came out her mouth was

"Thank you."

He smiled and touched her face softly, making sure there were no broken bones, then kept going to her collarbones and shoulders.

"Are you sure you are ok? Your ribs feel ok?"

She chuckled

"You are oddly concerned, Potter," and then she brushed the hair from his forehead. Whoa! What is going on here? Did they fell into some weird Hogwarts twilight zone? Why is she nice? Oh, yeah, because he is kind and there is no one around to egg them against each other.

"I have broken one too many bones in broom accidents. I wouldn't wish that on anyone."

Pansy's eyes pooled with tears, so Harry rushed to say

"I mean not that I wish anything bad on you, is just a saying you know?"

She shook her head

"Is not that is just… my dad died in a broom accident. I don't remember him because I was a baby, and mom doesn't talk about it. But I've seen you fall and it's scary. I don't fly if I can help it."

They were now sitting side by side. The moment felt calm.

"I'm sorry about your dad."

She shook her head again.

"You lost both of your parents. I can't imagine what that is like."

Harry shrugged

"Same as you, I think. I don't remember them unless something happens, and I feel the loss."

Pansy dapped the corner of her eyes. She was feeling emotional and suddenly throwing her arms around Harry Potter seemed like a great idea. Her Slytherin education told her it was time to bail.

"Thank you for helping me," she said, trying to stand up.

"Well I did run you over, is the least I can do," he replied, offering his hand. The touch felt like a burn.

She was feeling weird inside like she wanted to stick around him. Time to retreat before it gets worst

"See you around," she said and ran away. Harry watched her go, eyes dropping to her butt. That had been a strange interaction. And now he wanted more.

Daphne had lied about going to the library, but Draco didn't mind that. His favorite armchair was open, so he sat comfortably, long legs on an ottoman, then he pulled a book from his bag and found the bookmark. After a couple of minutes of enjoyable reading, someone covered the natural light he was reading with.

"You are in my seat, Malfoy," a female voice whispered harshly.

"Tough luck, Granger," he answered without looking up.

"I was sitting there."

"Not my problem."

"I want that seat back."

Draco lifted a challenging brow and patted his lap.

"Suit yourself, princess." Then he went back to the book, satisfied smirk on his face. That would shut down the mudblood.

Suddenly Hermione had a weird idea. She looked around to make sure no one was watching. Then whispered

"Wingardium Leviosa."

The book in Draco's hand levitated away, and he was momentarily sitting there with his arms reaching up. Hermione quickly whispered

"Petrificus totalus."

She took advantage of his petrified state and made herself comfortable, sitting on his lap, putting her legs on top of his and wiggling to find a comfy spot. He was surprisingly cushiony, are those muscles on his chest? They made for great cushions. Then she looked back and said in his ear.

"How are you loving the mud rubbing all over you, Malfoy? She wiggled some more thinking he must be fuming inside, having the mudblood touching all of his body. She did one last tweak and then froze. Apparently, not everything gets petrified with that spell. She panicked and said

"Finite incantatem," and tried to get off but strong arms were holding her in place.

Draco spoke in her ear. "Not so fast, princess. You don't get to do as you please and then leave."

She was stuck, the victim of her own idea and yet, she didn't want to run. The fact that one of the hottest guys in school was holding her prisoner on his lap and obviously aroused by her was the best thing that had happened to her self esteem since the term started. She conveniently ignored who the guy was. She grasped for the courage that she didn't really feel.

"You seem to be enjoying yourself, Malfoy,"

He was about to call her something nasty to level the field when they heard footsteps. Hermione snapped up and ran off without looking back, grabbing only her bag and dropping the book she had been reading. Draco sat up quickly and fixed his pants before someone could see the tent on them. Then he looked down and picked up the book: Pride and Prejudice. Of course. Draco put it in his bag and went to the Slytherin dorms. He got on his bed, closed and silenced the curtains, and pulled out the book. It was worn and dogeared, obviously read many times. Hermione Granger was a romantic, he thought and brought the book to his nose. It smelled like her perfume. He laid down, keeping it close to his face and undid his zipper. Without giving much thought to what this could mean, he pleasured himself, remembering the feeling of Granger's tight arse rubbing on him.

The next morning Pansy and Daphne were sharing the mirror, neither of them talking. Finally, Daphne said

"Astoria confessed something to me last night."


"She thinks she may be gay."

Pansy looked at her with a soft smile.

"You support her, I hope?"

"Of course, she's my little sister, and I love her. I just don't want her to get hurt. And you know how Slytherin girls can be."

Pansy smiled widely

"Maybe she needs to mingle with other houses. Meet someone who's not sneaky. Someone bold and who wears her heart on her sleeve."

Daphne had a shine of understanding in her eyes.

"A Gryffindor."

Pansy felt her heart skip a beat.

"Yes. That would be perfect."

"We should help her with that. But we need to talk to Draco, so he doesn't fuck it up with his stupid inter-house rivalries nonsense. If he ruins this for my baby sister, I will strangle him."

They found him already sitting at breakfast, facing the Gryffindor table and stealing glances towards it. They surrounded him, and Daphne quickly told him about Astoria's situation. Pansy added

"So you need to behave. For Astoria's sake," she lied. The truth was she was going to sail this wave all the way to Potter's...whatever. She just needed to make sure Draco didn't fuck it up for any of them.

Draco pretended to be going along with what they said. The situation with Granger was too weird and too fragile, so he needed to move carefully around it. The Astoria deal was an excellent opportunity. He ran and sat next to the younger girl, then gestured towards the red table.

"Any girl you like there? he said, trying to sound sweet.

Astoria blushed

"My sister told you?"

"Yes. We want to help."

"Really? But you hate them."

"Hate who?"

"The Weasleys."

Draco felt his stomach drop and then pick itself up again. Yes, he had a bad history with the Weasleys, especially Ronald. But this meant Astoria was interested in Ginny Weasley, who was at the moment chatting animatedly with Granger. This was his way in. He could help Astoria and get close to Granger, two birds with one stone. He'll stay clear of the brothers and of Potter. Maybe he can send a decoy that way. Ron Weasley was always stealing glances towards Daphne. A plan was forming.