"Wha- what happened." I looked around to see a white room, I'm in a bed, I feel weird and tired, pain is all around my body yet it's dull.

I turned my head around the room but turning my head made it hurt my neck, so I decided to lean back. I don't really remember anything after I used sage mode, I do remember crawling but that's odd.

I tried to move my arms and felt panic as I wasn't able to do it, they are there but I can't move then. The door bursted open and I felt panic and began fighting trying to find a way to get out trying to channel chakra into my arms. But the door bursted open. "Senju-sama, you need to calm down we are here to help you." My mind kept telling me to fight as her voice seemed worried yet I couldn't trust her words. Maybe I'm in Kumo and they're doing an indoctrination or I'm going to be experimented on and they need me in good health.

"S-se-senju-sama you need to calm down or we will have to sedate you." I kept fighting, but as I called on my chakra I felt something going into my neck and slowly I began to lose consciousness.

As I groggily woke up again, this time I wasn't tied down to the bed, and my body didn't hurt so much, I looked around the room this time my head turned and no pain came from it, I sighed in relief.

The smell of flowers hit my nose, as I could see the entire room filled with different flowers. But none of them were of my liking, the only flowers I personally like are he red orchids that grows on the compounds garden as well as on my garden where I lived in my previous life an odd constant in my life or both lives. The door opened slowly and the same nurse peeked her head to see if I was awake or not, as she saw me she entered the room. I eyed her wearily, my eyes narrowed at her sight.

"Senju-sama it's good to see you awake, I am really sorry for the altercation before." She bowed her head more than normal. "I am sorry for sedating you but you were at risk of opening your wounds."

"I-its..." I couldn't talk due to my throat being do sore.

"Here drink this it'll make your throat feel better." She placed a cup of water near my mouth; I swallowed carefully knowing that since I haven't drunk much it would end up badly if I did it too fast.

"Thanks." I said as I finished the drink. "Where am I?" Mentally I prayed to be in a hospital in the leaf.

"You're in the hidden leaf village hospital, you arrived four days ago, and many of the clan heads as well as the Hokage have sent many get well gifts." She answered, I just nodded and felt my eyelids become heavy the stress on my shoulders eased as I reclined my head back. 'I don't really trust her, but the signals of chakra around me can tell me that I am indeed in the hidden leaf village.'

"Thank you, can I sleep again? I'm tired."

"Of course Senju-sama, if you need anything just press that red button and we'll be here shortly." She bowed as I leaned my head back, and fell asleep.

"Great work my little sapling." The same booming voice said to me.

"Thank you grandfather." I answered with relief in my voice.

"Now I know who you are, but you're also a new person, you're two of one. Use this knowledge to help the village grow strong."

"But am I really your blood? Your granddaughter?." A hand ruffled my hair as a booming laughter sounded in my ears, I looked up as I moved my hands to try and fix my
hair. He's kneeling his skin a tan healthy color and his dark colored eyes and brown hair glistened in contrast to the light.

"Of course you are, it would be dumb if I were to say you're not my own kin. Now rest and heal up, I will speak with you later." He said as he got up.

"Will we talk more?"

"Maybe, for some reason I am able to talk to you. But I can't say I'm mad, it's good to talk to someone... also you do look like me when I was young." His smile turned into a grin.

"Aww I thought I would look more like grandmother." I sighed as I turned my head at the ground and moved the tip of my right foot making small circles in the ground in disappointment. Lifting my head and I saw my grandfather, but he was kneeling down with his chin on his knees as he drew circles in the ground with his finger and mumbled.

"... of course she would say that she's a girl."

I reached out to him and pressed a hand on his shoulder. "Don't be sad Grandfather, I do like looking like you. Oh can I ask you a question before I leave?" He brightened up immediately.

"Of course what is it?"

"How did my mother look?"

"Ah... Wakai, she was my sapling and she was like me she smiled a lot and had an aura around her that brought everyone together. While she mostly looked like your grandmother; you have the same eyes as well as the hair color. You also have the nose like your grandmother and hers." I smiled at him he was now in a good mood.

"Thank you." I said as I hugged him

"It's time to wake up." He said as I smiled.

Opening my eyes to the same room same as when I first woke up the smell of flowers filled my nostrils. "I am back." I sighed in relief the chakra signatures around me as one simply left my range at a high speed it's like when a mosquito stops buzzing in your ear but less annoying.

I felt thirsty and my arms do not respond. "How am I supposed to press a button when I can't move my arms?" I groaned as I began coughing, immediately a signature moved to my side I turned my gaze feeling on edge by all the signatures.

I felt my muscles tense as someone with a mask of what I can tell is a bear and a woman behind that mask. I kept coughing as I grabbed air a cup was placed to my eye level, I nodded as I drank from the cup and that eased my throat as I began drinking. From the corner of my senses I could feel a signal move really fast and out of my range in a split of a second.

"Thank you." I replied I swear I could see her smile a bit.

"You are welcome Senju-sama." Her tone of voice betrayed the stoic face of the mask.

"Could you push the red button, I am not able to really able to move my arms." I asked with a weak voice, guess that happens when you don't talk for about a month. She kept looking at me as if expecting something. 'Oh right I spoke in English by default.' I repeated the question in Japanese attempting for her to understand, immediately she pushed the button, bowed and left in a blur of motion.

The same nurse came into the room. "Good evening Senju-sama, it's good to see you awake."

"It's good to be awake; umm do you know how long I was away?" She cringed as I asked that.

"You were gone for five weeks and 3 days."

"So I was gone for a month and a half according to timing."

"The entire village mourned your death after you were confirmed dead, and now we will celebrate your return as soon as you get back to full health."

"Could you tell me how bad my health is?" She cringed again.

"Of course, although since the doctor would be better at explaining all this I will give you the simplified version." She walked to my bed and picked up a folder. "From the diagnosis techniques and the surgery, you had your right arm burned and some nerves were fried due to a lightning technique, you had five broken ribs and two cracked, your back had multiple cuts from what seems like a kunai, a poorly treated cut on your leg from what seems like an animal, as well as the mark on the right side of your face, they were showing signs of infection but they got treated, bad thing about that is that it will form a scar." She redacted all the symptoms; honestly I thought it would've been worse.

"I... honestly thought I would've been worse." I felt an immense and familiar signature of chakra outside the room, soon followed by a knock on the door.

"May I come in?" The voice of a man sounded outside.

"Yes." I replied, the door opened for the red robes and hat of the third Hokage, his black hair now fading to white as well as his balding head were on sight as his hat is in his hand.

"Hello, good evening Moriko-chan." His voice are in a cheerful yet cautious voice as if he didn't really wanted to make too much noise.

"Hello Hokage-sama."

"Please Moriko-chan, just call me Sarutobi-san. Nurse, could we have a little talk privately?" The woman bowed and left without saying a word.

"Moriko-chan, it's good to see you, we weren't expecting at all your return from when you were kidnapped. Everyone thought you were killed, I can only say that I'm sorry for letting something like this happen inside the village and more so that you were taken from your own home." He said as he bowed, which is something he really must feel sad about since he is after all the highest form of authority in the village.

"It's good to be back." I replied softly.

"I know it's hard, but can you tell me something about what happened out there. The doctors said that you were hit by various techniques, and that you were covered in blood. When you came here." He said in a sad and hopeful tone. 'Of course he would try and get me to say his name. After all he IS the Hokage and he needs to know who sent the kidnappers, he also needs a debriefing of what happened to me.' So I did just that, I told him every single detail I could remember, how I killed both kidnappers, the bear, how I got water, how I got food as well as how I treated my wounds, eventually I reached where I killed both shinobi from Cloud, one that I took out by surprise same as the first bandit due to him underestimating me, and the second I told him that I absorbed some of the energy around me like the air and that he turned to stone, only thing I left out was that my grandfather spoke to me in my dreams.

"That is quite the tale, you know that ability you have is a legendary bloodline. It also worried me that Cloud would buy from kidnappers, which maybe they did. But it matters not; it is good to have you here with us once again. But I must tell you one more thing." His voice darkened which made me flinch as a squeak came from my mouth.

"You will not use that technique of absorbing natural energy, or nature chakra. What happened to the other shinobi is what happens when you can't control the energy chakra. I believe that you absorbed so little nature chakra that his seal absorbed it making it his own chakra granting you the ability of the nature chakra but negating the effects due to the shinobi absorbing it from the seal." 'His assumption is what I was thinking, but in my case I thought it would've counted as one being, since I know I have a lot of spiritual energy which has to balance itself with natural energy meaning I had to be in balance which I was since I was being lifted by the other shinobi. I almost died because
I was desperate, but I was not willing to die then.

"Rest now, we will later talk about this. People are happy that the prince of the village is here once again." He said as he exited the room. Then everyone set themselves in place in that rotation.

"Senju-sama, it's great to see you in better health." The nurse, her name is Noriko. I smile at her.

"Thanks Noriko-San, you're too kind." She smiles as she pushes the wheelchair over to the entrance of the Hospital. Where the Hokage is already waiting for me, as well as the redhead who is supposed to take care of me, she's around 16. Grandfather said that she's good I can trust her, and she's related to me.

"Moriko-sama, congratulations on getting a clear bill of health." The Hokage greets me; I look around to see that a lot of people are here, clan heads, as well as other civilians. They cheered as I smiled at them. I can see why Grandfather was so happy about being able to see through me, he can see the village and how it's progressing and how it will eventually prosper.

"Hokage-sama, it's good to be out of the hospital." I said as I bowed my head towards him, standing up I turned towards the Nurse. "Thank you for taking care of me." I bowed; she seemed surprised and made a 90 degree bow.

"O-of course. Please don't bow. It's my job as well as an honor." She said with clear happiness in her voice. "I'll take my leave now." With that she returned to the hospital with wheelchair in hand.

"Moriko-sama, I would like to introduce you to Kushina Uzumaki, she's the one Mito-sama selected to be your caretaker." He said as the girl who visited our house a few times stepped forward and made eye contact she has the Konoha headband as well as the flak jacket Chunin use.

"Nice to meet you officially Moriko-sama, my name is Kushina Uzumaki. I will treat you with respect and I expect the same as we will live in my apartment."

"Of course." I replied and followed her; I'm wearing a formal kimono that has the Senju symbol on its back. I'm wearing bandages through my body, thanks to healing ability.

After a long while of discussing about how I will be able to use the family funds as well as the position in the council. I won't have access towards them until I have 16 or achieve a Jonin rank. Monthly a big sum of Ryo that is only one percent of the funds will be placed into an account where I will be able to use for monthly expenses.

"Thank you so much, I will be responsible." I said as the hokage gave the money to Kushina its around 25 million ryo.

"I trust your judgement."

"Alright Moriko-sama-"

"You can call me Moriko, or something else, it's too formal."

"Hmm..." She rubbed her chin. "How about Mori-chan?" I smiled at that.

"Yeah, that's good."

"AWESOME! Let's go shopping Mori-chan." She said cheerfully I just followed her into the shopping district where we bought clothes, a bed, a closet for me, kunai for training, as well as paper and writing supplies.

I didn't realize how long we were out until we arrived into the apartment, I feel exhausted. "Mori-chan. I'm about to cook dinner, is it okay with you? Anything you want to eat?"

"N-no... I'll go to sleep..."

"That's not healthy... how about I cook you something simple. Going to bed in an empty stomach is a bad idea." I only nodded. Thankfully everything has been delivered. After eating a bland sandwich I felt extremely tired, not bothering to shower I crashed on my bed and fell asleep. The white void welcomed me again.

'Grandfather?' I called out to the nothingness where my thoughts travel when I sleep.

'My little sapling, have you been given the clean bill of health?' His booming voice came from behind me, turning around I can see his smile.

'Yes, I'm finally out of that hospital. I have told you about the place I have memories from, but everyone is attentive to me in a way that I feel like a princess.'

'How does it feel?'

'Amazing." He chuckled at her statement.

'Remember to not become bratty, or else-'

'The Senju name can become tainted. I know, I may not be from here but I know social norms.'

'Sometimes I forget that you are an adult in a kid's body. Yet you carry my blood and will.'

'Well, I am a child with an adult mind.' He sighed loudly as he ruffled my hair.

'So your chakra is unlocked. We will work on control, because I sure am not letting you be around with the control over your chakra go rampant like when I was little. You have Uzumaki genes in you, meaning it will become extra hard. Because when you grow up to when I was in my prime you may have the equivalent of a tailed beast.'

'Wait what?'

'Yes, I had a big amount of chakra compared to a tailed beast I was just like the one tail beast, and you have the perfect combination from two bloodlines with large amount
of it. So we will begin training. I want you to take a deep breath and focus.' I may not know how long we have to talk so I heard him and payed attention.