Clarke's POV:

Instead of going to our tents to get some sleep, we sat on a log that was positioned next to the fire. Now it was simmering down as everyone filed away into their tents to rest. We sat next to each other, not saying a word, both of us looking anywhere but at each other. We were tired but knew we had to discuss before the next meeting. Having the weight of the world on your shoulders is not an easy burden, but it helps when we talk about it and are on the same page.

I turned my body towards him, "Bellamy… Jaha's right. If we are going to convince a bunch of 17 and 18 year olds to have children, then I as their leader need to have one with them. It will give them a sense of security and hope… I just wish it wasn't so soon." I sighed.

Bellamy looked at me and said gravely, "You're not going to do this alone, Clarke. It does take two people… besides, we're both their leaders. If you're doing this, then I am too."

Bellamy just kept staring at me as my brain worked on overload and stress. I didn't want to think of what this new program would mean for the camp, for the 100… for me. But at some point I had to face reality. Once we finalize everything tomorrow morning, I will have to go to my mom and get the contraceptive removed, then start thinking of who to ask to help me have this baby. I told Bellamy my thoughts.

He swallowed his nerves then looked at me determinedly, "When I said you're not in this alone, I meant it. We're doing this together. The two leaders of the 100… most of the camp thinks we have something for each other anyway, and we already know we work well together." He stood up and made to leave.

"Bellamy!" He turned slightly towards me embarrassed by his declaration, "… I think that's not a bad idea. But we also need to talk about the others and more about the program first."

He looked relieved that I didn't turn his idea down and since he knew we needed to figure this out, sat back down with me.

I sighed heavily, "Okay, we know that they want to ask those who are already paired up to start trying, but my mom seems to think she can just force strangers afterwards, who are not ready and are not in love to have a baby. We need to put our foot down tomorrow and make sure that doesn't happen. Not only will it suck for the parents who don't know or end up hating each other, but it will also have negative effects on the child."

Bellamy nodded, "I agree. They can't just make people share a tent and have a family. There will be other problems and those that do decide to do this need to be willing and sure… which means when we tell everyone we're having a baby; we'll need to tell them we're together too." I could see the wheels turning in his head, both of us realizing all the effects and consequences this program will take on everyone, including us. But we have no choice. Our numbers are down and we are on our own.

I gave him a slight nod to avoid talking about our situation more, then told him we needed our sleep for tomorrow. He agreed and we went our separate ways. Soon we would be sharing a tent and I'll be growing a life inside me. Never would I thought this would happen to me when we got shipped down to the ground like garbage. I slept restlessly that night.

The next morning, we all met to finish the talk on the program. Bellamy and I made sure they wouldn't touch the young single people. My mom looked unhappy but agreed only to take out the contraceptive from girls with significant others. When she asked in front of everyone who would father my baby, I motioned towards the seat next to me.

Just as she was about to protest, Bellamy gave her a stern look and continued asking questions about how Kane and Jaha planned to tell everyone. Apparently, they wanted to get a jump on things and wanted to tell the camp this afternoon. The word had been spread that the chancellor had something to say and that everyone had to gather round after they've eaten.

Expecting protests, Bellamy and I were supposed to stand with my mother behind them and preach our "words of wisdom" when needed. After the meeting ended, I walked silently next to my mom to her medical facility. Once we were alone, I sat down as she paced back and forth.

Abby turned to me, "Is this really what you want? I know you why you have to do this, but are you sure with Bellamy Blake? He is a criminal."

"They are all criminals, mom. And yes, even though Bellamy is a pain in the ass half the time… I know he will always be there for his family and that we can make this work." I said.

Abby patted me on the shoulder, "I hope you're right. But be careful, okay? I don't want you developing feelings for him. You don't want to ruin this." I looked the other way.

My mom wasn't there when we landed on the ground and had to survive on our own. She doesn't know Bellamy like I do. Everything he ever did was to protect his sister, and I know that he will protect his child even more.

I lay down and cringed as my mom took the contraceptive out successfully. As I was leaving, I saw Bellamy look at me from a couple yards away. As if he could sense my presence. We stared at each other for what felt like eternity, both of us knowing what just happened to me and what will happen later.

Suddenly, Octavia broke our connection when she rushed in front of me. "Hey Clarke, Bellamy told me about the program. I saw you were all having a meeting and pushed him to tell me what it was about. I'm so glad you both made sure I wouldn't have to go through with it. I doubt Abby and Jaha would let me have a baby with Lincoln, and probably would've forced me to be with some stupid boy from here. So, thanks." I nodded all distracted and told her I'd talk to her later.

Once I made it to my tent, I laid down and let my mind wander. The first part was done, at least for me. Now we just had to wait for the meeting this afternoon and then things would escalate from there.

Suddenly, Bellamy made his way into my tent and picked up what little I owned and left. Confused and annoyed, I rushed out after him. I followed him to his tent and watched him lay my things down at various places. My heart sunk a little knowing my life just got switched around, again. But another part of me was full of nerves and excitement.

Bellamy and I were good at taking care of people and easing their fears. Shockingly, we were also getting along better which made us as a team, stronger. I knew we could do this. Together. But then, I realized we would have to have sex at least once for this to work…