Chapter 1: Grandparent Somebody

Poe Dameron inserted the final plug into C3PO. Ran the final diagnostic tests. He turned to the golden droid. "Are you ready, buddy?"

"Go ahead, Commander Dameron," the protocol droid assented.

The leaders of the Resistance had traveled to the icy and rocky planet of Kijimi to track the location of a second Wayfinder. Kylo Ren was after another one, so they had to find this second object first. But in order to do that, they needed to translate the inscription on an ancient Sith dagger. Though C3PO, by his own admission, was fluent in over six million forms of communication, ancient Sith was apparently not one of them. Uploading another droid's memories into Threepio might do the trick.

On this hope, Poe threw the switch. All at once, C3PO straightened and his eyes glowed a bloody red. Poe retreated, throwing his arms out. "We may want to... stand back."

Holding up the dagger, C3PO translated the dagger inscription into Basic: "The Second Wayfinder will be found at a phyrric Sith defeat. Where a Son of Light will have defeated a Father of Darkness."

"Endor," Poe breathed, deciphering the answer immediately. "The Death Star II ruins on Endor."

C3PO peered closer at the blade. "This dagger is the property of the House of Serenno."

Finn scoffed, "What kind of idiot writes a 'This Belongs to' clause in Sith on a dagger?"

"Probably because it's valuable," Jedi Knight Rey of Jakku shrugged. "See the jeweled handle?"

All at once, the droid factory they were in began to rumble. The group looked up in concern, even as Threepio suddenly leapt out of his chair and aggressively wrested Chewbacca's bowcaster away from him. "Where are the scum? Let me at them!" The sight would have been funny to Rey if she wasn't so distracted. Her heart hammered in her chest as she felt his presence. He was here; through the Bond, she could feel it. Ben...

"Get to the Falcon!" she ordered the others. "I'll hold him off!"

"Be careful!" Finn and Poe implored in unison.

"Come on!" Rose lifted the wires and boxes onto a hovercraft. "We'll take everything with us and fix Threepio on route!"

"Fix me? How dare you suggest such a thing, midget woman!" Threepio snapped, even as Chewbacca dodged his own weapon to lay the droid out with one punch and carry him from the hall.

Bursting out of the droid factory, the group split in two directions, with Rey taking one path. Force leaping onto the top of a nearby cliff, she spotted his TIE silencer... and Ben emerging from it, lightsaber ignited.

"Hello, my dear," he snarled.

Rey bristled. If that was the best he could do to woo her, he would be a bachelor for a really long time. Growling, she lunged at him, igniting Anakin's repaired lightsaber so that the blades clashed. Back and forth along the plateau they tapped, neither willing to yield. The physical exertion left Rey no room to block mind probes through their Bond, allowing her and Kylo to read each other like open books.

"I see you have found an ancient Sith artifact that may lead you to greater prizes," Kylo sneered.

"And what of it?" Rey bared her teeth. She prepared to block any thoughts regarding Endor... but to her surprise, Kylo showed no interest in this thread.

"A dagger," he mused, continuing his fixation on the blade. "A Sith knife, originating from the House of Serenno. The Count, to be precise."

"Count?" Rey blinked.

"Yes. And do you know who the last Count of Serenno was? The Dark Lord of the Sith, Darth Tyrannus, also known as Count Dooku... your grandfather."

Rey staggered back in shock, barely missing a saber swipe, as through searching her feelings... she realized it to be true. Even as she cried out, "No! That's impossible! You said my parents were nobodies!"

"Yes," Kylo stated calmly. "I did. I didn't say anything about your grandparents. What I told you was true... from a certain point of view." And with that, Kylo Force pushed Rey off the cliff and fled in his Silencer. But before he disappeared, he sent one final message to Rey through the Bond:

Your father renounced his birthright - a habit in your family. Go to Coruscant. You will understand why. His tone did not sound deceptive; rather, it was almost like... he cared. Her mind in a fog, Rey returned to the Falcon, where the boys were waiting in the cockpit.

"You're safe!" Finn breathed in relief. "On to Endor?"

"Change of plans," Rey stated flatly. "We're going to Coruscant."

Poe nearly smacked his head on the ceiling consoles. "Coruscant? What the kriff for?"

Rey's gaze was solemn. "I need answers."