Akio held his wife close in arms as he made his way through the back alleys of the city. While he normally hated these areas, since criminals loved to hide in them, he knew they would help him today. He didn't know what was going on. His wife had just shown up in a strange (but extremely sexy) outfit and was acting crazy. It didn't help that their kids were talking about her fighting people like a superhero. That wasn't something he wanted to hear. He fought people like a superhero to make sure they didn't have to worry about the bad guys, damn it.

He was honestly thankful for his ties to the local yakuza. He couldn't believe he actually thought that, but it was true. That crazy old man he had helped a good number of times owed him a few favors. He'd be able to hide his family no problem. Akio didn't like the thought of sicking him on anyone. The yakuza could be brutal when they put their minds to it. Yet, these people had attacked his family. He wasn't exactly caring about their wellbeing at this point. So maybe he'd tell Mr. Fujimura about these people threatening his family. If all things go well, they'd be gone in a week. He knew it wouldn't be that easy but he could at least try and hope for the best.

"Are you sure you don't want me to carry her?" A voice spoke up next to him.

Oh yeah, there was another problem. He eyed the beautiful woman beside him. This 'Nora'. She was an unknown and in this sort of environment, that was not a good thing. She seemed rather cold and distant but he wasn't going to judge her too harshly. He had just met her. The elder Fujimura had set him on edge the first time he had met him and look at them now. Basically friends. Although his head hurt sometimes when he met with his granddaughter. That was strange.

Switching his inner thoughts back onto another strange subject, he wasn't sure if he could trust her. Normally, he would have done everything in his power to get her away from his family. There was just something about her that put him on edge. Of course he couldn't do that right now. He needed to hurry and she was fervent on coming with him. He didn't know why but he was sure he was going to find out soon enough. On the other hand, he had invited her to come along. That was his chivalrous side talking and he regretted it as well. Curse his need to protect others, especially pretty women.

"I can carry her just fine," Akio answered.

"And what if those men come our way?" Nora asked.

"We will run."

"You aren't going to summon a knife and throw it at them like before?"

Akio eyed her with a harsh glare. He hated himself for being impulsive back there. He shouldn't have made it so obvious. Yet all he could think about at that moment was saving his family. His secret be damned. It would come to bite him, but as long as they were safe, he didn't care. Of course, he wouldn't say all of that out loud to a stranger. "Trick of the hand."

"It appeared out of thin air," Nora said plainly.

"I'm just that fast."

Nora narrowed her gaze, "You cannot keep secrets forever."

Akio opened his mouth to say something.

"Dad's obviously a superhero," little Aito said, smiling up at him. "Dad can throw knives at blinding speeds like 'woosh'." He made a throwing motion with his hands.

Rihoka pushed his hands down, "Aito, stop. We can talk about heroes later, okay?"

Aito nodded, "Okay, big sis."

Akio sighed in relief. He was so happy to have a daughter like Rihoka. So responsible and helpful. He didn't know what he'd do in a situation like this without her. The only problem he could think about right now was how to deal with his kids seeing all of that. What Aito and Rihoka had described happening on the boat was horrifying. Rihoka kept a cool head but he could tell his daughter was traumatized. He guessed Aito hadn't really processed it all. He was too young and loved superheroes too much. Akio would just hope he wasn't going to have any mental scars. He'd talk with them about this later once their mother was awake.

"Miss Nora," Akio said, "Can you please stop asking questions until we're alone. I'd rather not… talk about everything right now."

Nora glanced at the children. Then she nodded, "Very well, but I shall have my answers."

Akio grumbled inwardly. How was he going to explain he was a wizard? This was going to be tricky.

"You're really pretty, Miss Nora." Aito spoke up with a large smile.

Nora gave him only a small look over, "Thank you."

"Can I ask you a question?"


"Are you going to be my second mommy?"

Nora stumbled and almost fell over, "Wh-What?"

Akio rolled his eyes, "No, AIto. She is not."

"Kay," Aito said and went back to his sister's side.

"Sorry about that," Akio said with an apologetic grin, "He tends to ask that whenever I talk with a pretty woman. I'm guessing my wife needs to watch what manga she's been giving him."

Harem manga, it seems. Masane was a good woman, but not always the brightest. She had thought they looked cute and picked up some manga for her kids to read. He doubted it was a salesperson getting her to buy them. She didn't take lip or advice from anyone but him. He would have to talk about his son. Akio was not a harem protagonist.

I mean, seriously. What are the odds that any version of himself would attract that many women. Just fanciful tales you would read in visual novels or something like that. This was reality. A reality where he was an amnesiac wizard with a wife who had a transforming device on her that gave her a sexy outfit on the run from some mysterious group.

You know, real stuff.

"He is just a child," Nora said, "He is still naive, so there is no harm done."

Akio left it at that. It didn't take them long to get to where he was looking. It was an old alleyway and the door halfway through had a skull marking on the top right. He moved forward but realized he was still holding his wife. He walked backwards and looked to Nora.

"I'll hold her," Nora spoke up before Akio could say anything. "I'm guessing you have to do some sort of code?"

Akio nodded, "Yes, just don't tell anyone about this."

"It does not seem relevant to my search," Nora said as she took Masane.

Akio moved forward and knocked on the door. It was silent for a moment before someone spoke on the other end.

"Who is it?"

"Akio Amaha."

Immediately the door opened and a man stood there. He was gruff and some tattoos ran down his cheek and neck. Akio knew Nora would pick up on him being part of the Yakuza instantly but he didn't care.

"Come right in, sir."

It paid sometimes to know people in high places. He and the rest of them walked in without a word. The inside was small but cozy. A few yakuza were laxing around. Some playing cards on the table while a few were dozing off or drinking.

"Boys," the guy who let him in spoke, "Akio's here and he brought his family." He clapped his hands, "Play nice or the boss will whack you. Understood?"

All of the members present stood up and nodded, "Yes." They said in candid, doing their best to keep to themselves.

"Tell us if you need anything," the man said. "You can put your wife upstairs if you want. I can call a doctor."

"That is not necessary," Nora was the one to speak up for him, "She is perfectly healthy. Just unconscious. I would be more wary of the men trying to kill us."

The man blinked in confusion before looking at Akio. A silent question was written on his face.

"I'd load a weapon if I were you," Akio said plainly, "The guy I dealt with looked like he meant business."

The man nodded, "We'll give them hell if they think they can mess with our handiman."

"Thank you," Akio walked upstairs with his family in toe. He went into an empty room and let Nora place Masane on the bed. He then turned to his children, "I know there's another bedroom in here free for you. I'll see if you can stay in it tonight."

"Are you sure that's a good idea?" Rihoka asked with crossed arms, "We should stay together."

"I'll be down the hall," Akio said, "And these guys here would rather die then hurt you so you're safe here."

Rihoka huffed, "Figures my dad's part of the yakuza." She held up a finger at him, "Just don't go starting to use your body as a canvas or something, you hear me?"

Akio chuckled as he pushed his kids gently out of the room, "I know."

It didn't take him long to get his kids situated. Thankfully, the room had some video games so that would keep them entertained. He returned back to the room with Nora and his wife, "I'll find you a room as well."

"That will not be necessary," Nora said.

"Why not?"

"I shall sleep in the same room as you two."

Akio blinked in confusion a few times before sighing, "You know what? I'm too tired to deal with this. Fine. I'll sleep on the floor or something."

"I shall sleep on the floor," Nora said firmly, "I shall not intrude on your wife's pleasure time or anything of the sort. I am here to find out the truth behind you and your family. Until I know enough, I shall not let you out of my site."

"You want the truth?" Akio felt like he might as well say it.

"Yes," Nora nodded.

"I'm an amnesiac wizard who doesn't know how I got his powers and can summon bladed weapons at will."

Nora blinked a few times, "It seems my stay here will be rather long."

"That's the truth," Akio said with frustration.

"If it is then we shall discover the real truth later," Nora harrumphed. Doing so in her deadpan, almost emotionless voice was a bit cute.

Akio just inwardly sighed. He guessed that this was just going to be his life for the next few days. He hoped it would start to calm down soon, "We'll talk more when my wife wakes up, okay?"

"Very well."

Jackson growled as he kicked aside the dead body. They had come to see if the man was at his restaurant. He apparently was but this stupid thug thought he could take them on by himself. Jackson hated idiots like this. This thug had tipped the man they wanted off that his place wasn't safe. Now he could be anywhere.

Of course, he wouldn't let himself fall into despair. Oh no. He would have his fight. He would break this supposed 'servant' and bring them in. He wasn't going to let anything stand in the way of that.

"Sir," one of his goons spoke up, "No sign of them anywhere."

"Of course there's no sign," Jackson wanted to throttle them, "This loon ruined everything." He kicked the body again, "If we didn't have a few magical trackers with us, I'd kill you all out of sheer anger."

The goons all gulped, nervously looking at each other. While not frequent, they had known sometimes when Jackson's famous tempers were turned on the help. Suffice it to say, it was never a pretty sight and took forever to clean up. None of them wanted to be on the receiving end of that.

"But he couldn't have gone far," Jackson continued. He held up a little magical tracker. It was something his compatriot had created to help him on his way. He could tell it was picking up something, "And the magic here is still fresh. Yes, we can salvage this." He started off and the rest followed.

Soon everything would fall into place. This servant and the future he and his colleague would create were as good as cemented. The future would smile down kindly on them, that was for sure.

Hello everyone. Glad to be back. I'm sorry about the long wait but I kinda had writer's block with this story. I didn't know where to take it or at least write the next chapter. Thankfully I had enough inspiration to write this. I might have to rewatch the show again to get a better idea next time but I think I've come up with a good basis for the next few chapters.

I am really grateful for the past reviews. To answer a few questions, no. I'm not underestimating servants. Jackson's speech was down to both hubris and other factors that will come up and be explained later. I've seen servants be underpowered or overpowered in a lot of other fics. I trust myself enough to keep the power dynamics of both shows up to notch so both shows get to show off their strengths and weaknesses.

Now as for other women, we know Shirou is a chick magnet. Even as Archer, he's not going to escape from it. (Not all the girls are going to want him though. I won't torture the guy. XD) Whether that goes anywhere more is up in the air.

Thank you and I can't wait to read your comments on this chapter. They mean a lot to me. Until next time, take care and stay safe.