"Men at some time are masters of their fates:

The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars,

But in ourselves, that we are underlings."

-Julius Caesar

The end came so suddenly. Was this how it was for mortals? To see their own demise and be unable to prevent a thing? Had it truly been so long since the sun had touched his skin? So long since burning pain consumed his flesh?

…And was this the sun Jojo had seen all those years ago?

What splendor. It seems DIO had forgotten the warmth it brought with it. The warmth he had an aversion to from the very start, for it reminded him of a feeling he never received from another. Perhaps, had he been raised with love, would he have been different?

No, this was surely his fate. To greatness he had risen, and from Heaven he had been doomed to fall, a slave to gravity after all this time.

Time slowed although their Stands were withdrawn.

Jotaro seemed to glow in the sunlight, shining brighter than DIO had ever seen a man shine before as his body crumbled apart. For a moment, he glimpsed the face of Jonathan beside the teen, an expression of nothing but love staring at the one who had taken everything from him.

"Come, Dio," he said in the same voice that had screamed and cursed and forgiven his name nearly a century ago. "It's time to go home."

'Jojo… I return to you at last.'

"And whether we shall meet again I know not.

Therefore our everlasting farewell take.

Forever and forever farewell, Cassius.

If we do meet again, why, we shall smile.

If not, why then this parting was well made."

-Julius Caesar