Pokemon Presents

Teenage Mutant Ninja Squirtles- The Adventure Begins


(Insert "The Invisible Crime Wave" from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles [1990 Film])

"Much more than a series of small, isolated incidents. It's apparent an organized criminal element is at work. At the moment, business is good. So good, in face, there appear to be no eyewitnesses to any of these crimes. With complaints ranging from purse snatching to breaking and entering, police switchboards have been swamped with the angry voices of more and more citizens who have fallen prey to the recent surge of crime that continues to plague the city. Instead of getting better, things have gotten worse. Even more alarming is the baffling and often bizarre nature of these crimes. Merchandise of every size and description from skateboards to stereo systems has been disappearing from store shelves and storage areas at an alarming rate. Even the victims themselves rarely glimpse the thieves. Many don't know they've been victimized until it's too late. In fact, police have yet to come up with an eyewitness. Only a few vague reports of young boys or teenagers and even Pokémon Trainers at the scenes have been filed. But whoever is behind these crimes, one thing is certain. These are much more than just a series of random incidents."

Those were the words of April Harriet O'Neil, a reporter from New Tork City of the Unova Region. She worked for Channel Six UBC (Unova Broadcasting Channel). During the past months, the city had been hit by a terrible crime wave. The thieves were not just humans, but also Pokémon, dressed as ninjas. The most common were Ninjasks. Ninjasks were small, cicada-like Pokémon with two pairs of wings. Their body were mostly yellow with accents of black and gray. There was a solid band of black between their gleaming red eyes. The band pools into a circular pattern on their foreheads, between the pointed crests on the sides of its head. The underside of their heads were gray and segmented, to look like a veil, and most of their carapaces were black. Their gray insectoid arms extended from their chest, usually with their small, yellow claws turned inward. There was a similar pair of back legs. On their backs were a patch of black with a stretch of yellow, shaped like an upside down letter Y. Most of their abdomens were black, but near the tip, there was a band of yellow. They had large, veined wings with triangular, red tipping. Their Speed Boost ability made them the perfect assassins. The Pokémon Ninjas were dressed in black or purple. But they all had a red dragon footprint symbol on either their masks, shirts or headbands. Some of the Ninja Pokémon were also trained to drive getaway vans.

"Come on. Hurry up," said a couple of thieving teens. The ninja thieves hid at an abandoned building. There was a Greninja who trained the Pokémon ninjas. A normal Greninja was a large, bipedal, frog-like Pokémon. His body and legs were dark blue, with single large white bubbles on its legs and arms and white spots over its eyes. On the sides of each of his upper thighs is a light blue, four-pointed star, which resembled a shuriken. His back feet have two toes, while its front feet have three toes. Its feet were webbed, and he has a yellow chest and a yellow-and-blue face. He had eyes with white sclera, red irises, and white pupils. A large, projecting dark blue stripe ran down the middle of its head, with projecting light blue stripes in between his large, yellow ears. His mouth is hidden behind a large, pink tongue that wraps around Greninja's neck and extends outward behind its head, like a scarf. However, this Greninja was a shiny one. Meaning, instead of being blue & yellow with a pink scarf tongue, he was black & gray with a red scarf tongue. He wore a dark red belt with the red symbol of the other ninjas. In addition, his anatomy matched that of a human man. He surveyed the stolen merchandise. "Good," said the Greninja.

"Crimes without criminals? An invisible gang at work? Who are we going to call? Unfortunately, the police are the only ones available to combat what some are dubbing 'the silent crime wave.' But perhaps the most disturbing silence is that coming from City Hall. April O'Neil, Channel Six UBC Eyewitness News," said April as she finished her report. April O'Neil was a woman in her twenties and she had bright red hair and green eyes. She also wore a yellow & dark purple jumpsuit with blue & orange stripes and a bright purple belt. Some of the pockets were either orange & blue or dark purple. She also wore dark blue, dark purple & orange boots and pink lipstick. "You got to stop working so hard," said April's friend, Irma Langenstein. Irma was a secretary at Channel Six and was a woman with purple hair styled into a ponytail & blue eyes. She wore a light blue blouse, a purple skirt, pink lipstick, red glasses and orange & red shoes. "What, give up all this glamour? Good night," said April as she left the building.

(End Music)

April walked into the parking lot to get to her van. Suddenly, she heard a noise. It belonged to a Raticate. April gasped and walked back away from it. "Ew! A Raticate! Yuck! Go away! Shoo!" said April. The Raticate disappeared. "I hate rats," said April. The news reporter than began to walk by a waterfront. As she walked, she didn't notice a couple of turtle shells popping out of the surface of the water. She then got out her van's keys.

(Insert "Purple Dragons Theme" from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles [2003 Series])

As she got closer to her van, she heard a crash. April saw a group of punks were stealing stuff from her van. These guys were one of the infamous street gangs of New Tork City; the Purple Dragons. Each member had purple dragon tattoos on their arms. "Come on! Let's move it!" said P.D. #1. But then, one of them spotted April. "Hey!" said P.D. #2. "Bad timing, babe," said P.D. #1. "Real bad," said P.D. #2. "The worse," said P.D. #3. "You're telling me," said April. "Get her purse. Get her purse," said P.D. #1. "Get away from me!" said April as she tried to run from the Purple Dragons. But they seized her. "Don't bother running! You got nowhere to go!" said P.D. #2. "What do you think . . . Help!" cried April. "Get her jewelry," said P.D. #1. "I got her watch!" said P.D. #2. "W-wait . . . don't . . . look . . . I-I have some money . . . !" said April. "Hey, thanks for lettin' us know! We'll be be sure to take . . . after . . . !" said P.D. #1. "Yeah. Just relax," said P.D. #2. "This won't take long!" said P.D. #3, taking out a knife. "NOOOO!" cried April.

(End Music)

Before the Purple Dragon could make a move, a sai was thrown at a nearby streetlamp, breaking it. The whole alley went dark and nobody could see. All you hear was some punches, kicks, loud water squirting and a couple of "Hyahs!" "Whoa!" cried a voice.

"Huh?" asked April, recovering. She saw that the Purple Dragons were all tied up, bruised and very wet. Just then, the police arrived. "What the bleep's going on? Thought I'd seen it all," said Cop #1. "Wow . . . what happened?" asked April. "I was hoping you could tell us that, ma'am. Hey . . . aren't you that news gal, April O' Neil?" asked Cop #1. "Yes, I am. I . . . ," said April. "Yeah, I watch ya on the news all the time!" said Cop #1. Little did April know that someone was watching from underneath a man hole cover. "All right. Come on, tough guys," said Cop #2. "You all right, ma'am?" asked Cop #1. "I'm fine," said April. "Rest right here while we deal with these guys," said Cop #2. April spotted the sai that was thrown earlier and picked it up. It had silver blades with a red handle and a gold handle end. Hey . . . what's this? Some kind of strange dagger . . . , thought April. "What the heck happened here?! You okay, Miss O'Neil?" asked Cop #1. "Uh . . . yeah, sure . . . ," said April. She put the sai in her bag. "Ted, give John a hand," said Cop #3. "Oh, man," said the mysterious person. Apparently, he was the one who threw the sai earlier. "Let's get them in the car," said Cop #4. "Here, let me help you up . . . ," said Cop #1 as he helped April back on her feet. "Thanks. I'm okay. Really . . . Can I follow you to the station in my own car?" asked April. "Sure thing, Miss O'Neil . . . the paperworks shouldn't take long," said Cop #1. "Bleep," said the mysterious person as he went back into the sewers.

Here is the first story of my planned Teenage Mutant Ninja Squirtles fanfiction series. This'll be a mostly straight forward adaptation of the first live action TMNT movie, but I'll add some changes and additional characters as the story progresses. In future stories, I'll adapt elements and characters from the first three animated series and certain comics. Next chapter will introduce the title Squirtles themselves as well as Splinter. Enjoy.

All characters belong to their respective creators.

Update: I decided to update all the chapters I've published so far to add elements and quotes from the comic adaptation of the movie.