
A few hours after Daphne's Ascension…

Khriss, worldhopping arcanist from the planet Taldain, stepped into the 'secret' dungeon beneath Hogwarts and marched down the corridor. She was a tall woman with dark skin and long braided hair. She supposed, on this planet, she would be mistaken for someone of an African complexion.

She had tailed the Potter boy and his friends as they escorted their Headmaster down here. At her side was her best friend and expert cartographer Nazh. And on her other side was someone she had never pictured herself having to work with on something like this. Hoid.

They stopped beside one of the cells, and Khriss kicked the door open. Lying on a camp bed, rocking back and forth, was Claraea Mayfair.

Claraea had been Khriss' protege. A young genius from an abusive home, Khriss had taken the lost girl under her wing on her first visit to Roshar. They had journeyed around the Cosmere for years, and together with Nazh, Will Orellian from Nalthis and a few others, they had founded the University of Silverlight. It had been their collective mission to learn as much about the Cosmere as was possible. Claraea had been on assignment, travelling to Earth to investigate the sudden exodus of faeries across the World Sea to Shadesmar. Then she'd disappeared.

Khriss had tried to come searching sooner, but several crises had reared their heads at once, and she'd been forced to prioritise. As a result of her actions, Claraea's husband, Will, had been killed on Roshar. Alone. She still hadn't forgiven herself.

It had taken an agonisingly long time to actually find a way to the Physical Realm on the planet. Eventually, she and Nazh had been forced to ask Hoid for help. They'd succeeded in crossing, using the Perpendicularity at the Vault of Dreams at no small risk to themselves. From there, they had spent an agonisingly long time trying to track down any sign of their friend. All those signs had led here. Hogwarts Castle.

Khriss and Nazh rushed over to their friend, and Khriss grabbed her by the shoulders.

"Claraea? It's me? It's Khriss." Claraea didn't respond. She just continuing rocking. Her once lustrous blonde hair had turned to grey, and her skin had lost almost all of its colour. She was emaciated, and her whole body had atrophied from lack of movement.

"What did they do to you?" she whispered, horrified. She glanced to Nazh as he pulled a fabric bag from the leather satchel slung across his shoulder and handed it to her. She mouthed a thank you, then dug inside, withdrawing a glass sphere like a marble, with an emerald trapped inside – the gemstone glowing with a soft inner light. She placed it in Claraea's hand and closed her fingers around it.

"Come on…" Nazh whispered. Nothing happened.

"I'm afraid her mind has suffered too much damage, Khrissalla," Hoid said softly, his usual mirthful and trickster like demeanour failing even him at that moment.

"I'm sorry for your friend," a new voice said. The trio spun towards the door and came face to face with a young woman dressed in a flowing dress that reflected all colours of the rainbow. Her feet were bare, and her shoulder-length hair seemed to shimmer, changing shades with each second Khriss looked. But the eyes… looking into those eyes, wells of eternity, revealed to Khriss who she was talking to.

"So it's true," she breathed, falling to her knees, Nazh following suit.

"Equality has found a new vessel," Hoid said. He did not bow.

"Indeed," Equality said, staring into the room towards Claraea. "This power I hold. It allows me to see into the past, and in doing so, I can glimpse your friend's arrival on Earth. She was captured by Gellert Grindelwald, a man of sickening evil. He tortured her for years before her mind finally snapped. But know that even with her mind devastated, she would not give up her secrets. I am eternally grateful for your friend's willpower. Should Grindelwald have discovered knowledge of powers greater than his own… I fear for what might have befallen this world." The Vessel shivered. Such a human emotion, Khriss noted. The scholarly part of her wanted to ask all the questions she had always wanted to ask one of the Shards of Heaven but never been able to. She just couldn't bring herself to do it. All she felt was pain for her friend.

"You may take her," Equality said softly, "I will create a temporary bridge for you to use, but then you must leave. This world will soon face a great upheaval, and you must be gone before the chaos starts. My ability to pierce the future is not as strong as my Connection to the past, but I am learning more as my mind expands."

Equality then turned towards Hoid, fixing her gaze upon him like a storm.

"You, Cephandrius, will depart my lands immediately and not return. This power remembers you, and that means so do I. You claim to be trying to help? Go to Roshar and prevent Odium from escaping Damnation. Leave Earth and take that infernal thing with you." A flash of what Khriss could only describe as fury passed across the Vessel's face. Then she vanished. The back wall of the cell rippled, transforming into a doorway like rippling water – revealing an endless ocean beyond.

"Is there a single Shard you haven't pissed off?" Khriss asked softly, as if that could stop Equality from hearing her.

"Perhaps it's my devilish charm that irritates them so?" Hoid replied, though he seemed a bit unnerved. Nazh snorted, returning the bag of spheres to his satchel.

Khriss helped Nazh lift Claraea from the bed and carry her through the Perpendicularity. Hoid followed them, stopping at the edge of the gateway for a moment, smirking, before following through.

As they began the trek back towards Faehaven, the closest port, Khriss couldn't help but cast the occasional glance over her shoulder. In the blue sky high above them, a storm of rainbow energy followed their every move.

Only after they boarded a ship to Silverlight and set sail across the World Sea did Equality turn her gaze away, leaving them all behind.

Ars Arcanum

The Sol System

The Sol System appears, when compared to its neighbours, as rather boring. It possesses nine planets – five terrestrial and four gaseous – but only one now lies within the habitable zone. According to old star charts, the planets Venus and Mars used to be habitable, but when Odium did battle with Equality and Imagination in this system, both planets were pushed into incorrect orbits, destroying any chance at developing liveable ecosystems.

As a result, Earth is the only planet in the system capable of sustaining life. Life on this planet has developed somewhat morbidly and erratically, likely the result of Equality's splintered essence lying across the planet's surface like oil on water. The people here have a significant propensity towards innovation and dreaming, thanks to the Shard of Imagination's neglectful influence, but it tends to be warped by Equality's poisoned touch, causing significant and frequent devastations that have stalled the planets development, or advanced it at uncontrollable and rapid paces.

It is not my area of expertise to speak on the histories of such things, and I refer the reader to Will and Claraea's excellent volume, The Shattering of Adonalsium: the Birth of the Sixteen, if you wish to learn more of those events. What I can speak of is the manifestation of Investiture on the planet. Investiture – known colloquially as magic – concentrates in a specific set of people known as Witches and Wizards, a secret, backwards society. It is, ironically, thanks to the ban on magical research maintained by the so called 'Statute of Secrecy' that the people of Earth have not yet discovered the existence of Realmatic Theory, or that in the vastness of the cosmere, they are very much not alone.

Before I dive into an explanation of the twin magic systems of this planet, special attention is worth devoting to the bizarre nature of Realmatic interactions in this system. Here, more than anywhere else in the cosmere, the barriers between the Physical, Cognitive and Spiritual Realms are weaker. Prior to the creation of the 'Pact of Truth', cognitive entities could actually cross between realms without using a Perpendicularity, resulting in a rich and arrayed culture of 'magical' beings and beasts appearing on all corners of the planet. Indeed, even with the Pact in place, some species have managed to thrive in the Physical Realm, such as the Goblins.

What caused these variances in interactions interests me greatly, particularly given the phenomenon I witnessed in the Cognitive Realm near Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. A Window like a giant scar cutting across the sky, and on the other side I could have sworn I saw a sea of red mist. The Window was hidden from my observations by Equality almost immediately, but I know what I saw. Could this Window be the origin of the weakened realmic barriers? Perhaps it is a gateway directly into the Spiritual Realm, the Beyond, that place no living mind can access.

With Equality now restored and the Pact of Truth disallowed, much will soon change on Earth. When I return to Silverlight, I will put together a research team to investigate further.



Enchantment is a system of Investiture created by the Shard of Equality which can be used by Witches and Wizards to 'convince' matter and energy, through the use of the six Disciplines of Enchantment, to take the shape the user demands. The use of wands negates this to a degree, with the wand performing the convincing rather than the wizard. Certain spells, however, still require intent and force of will even with wands, such as the Killing Curse.

This system of Investiture, as far as I have been able to observe, has been studied only sporadically, and very little innovation has been made in its function since its discovery several hundred years before the current time. The is mostly due to a rather backwards ban on the studying of their own powers. The only reasons people seem to have studied this art intently is to make things easier for themselves, owing to the invention of the Wand. How… boring.

Similar to the Metallic Arts of Scadrial, Enchantment is attuned to a person's spirit web. Only those with a genetic predisposition towards this system of Investiture can access it. I have a theory that the origins of this genetic trait derive from the massive amounts of energy released by the splintering of Equality. It requires further study.

Enchantment appears, in line with its origin with Equality, to be an end-neutral form of investiture. The power required to perform a spell is drawn directly from the casters body and Spiritweb, then used to enact an effect on the physical world. For any action taken to shape reality, an equal opposite reaction must take place to compensate. In most cases, this merely takes the form of physical exertion, but the more powerful the Enchantment, the higher the cost – examples include body or Spiritweb mutilation, memory damage, or emotional trauma.

Wands are used by most if not all Witches or Wizards to mitigate the effects of the opposing reaction on their persons. The wand, a quasi-sentient magical instrument through which a witch or wizard channels her or his magical powers, takes on a considerable portion of the strain of spell casting, while also increasing the accuracy and focus of the spell itself.

However – and this is the most fascinating observation I have made concerning this system of investiture – because Equality has been splintered, the laws of Enchantment are in constant flux. This is the first demonstration of an investiture system functioning differently after the shattering of its origin Shard.

Exceptions and misunderstandings appear to arise frequently amongst its users. For example, spells used at some points in time are somehow forgotten then remembered later. Other known effects of this phenomenon are the magical inequality between Purebloods, Half-Bloods, Muggleborns, Squibs and Muggles, and the axial tilt – a constant shifting between the relative strength and weakness of magic of light and dark intent against one another.

What changes will manifest now that Equality has been restored are unknown. Once again, further research is required.

The Six Disciplines of Magic

Abjuration (Defence Against the Dark Arts): the power to protect/heal

Conjuration (Transfiguration/Alchemy): the power to create, summon or vanish objects.

Transmutation (Transfiguration): the power to transform

Divination (Divination): the power to gain information

Necromancy (Not taught at Hogwarts): the power to manipulate the forces of life and death

Evocation (Not taught at Hogwarts): the power to manipulate the elements.

Other types of Magic separate from the Eight Disciplines or not specific to a single Discipline.

Charms: the bestowal of additional properties to a person or object.

Dark Magic: Magic typically used for selfish, self-serving and/or nefarious purposes.

Light Magic: Magic typically used for selfless, protective, defensive or healing purposes.

Other Magical Subjects Taught at Hogwarts:

· Arithmancy: The study of the magical properties of numbers. The main component in spell creation. The magical equivalent of Mathematics and Physics.

· Ancient Runes: The study of the magical properties of the written word.

· Herbology: The study of the magical properties of plants. The magical equivalent of Biology/Botany

· Astronomy: The study of the magical properties of celestial objects.

· Alchemy: The study of magical reactions and creation in physical substances. The magical equivalent of Chemistry. Potions is a lesser form of Alchemy. This subject appears to be in some way related to the Metallic Arts of Scadrial.

· Care of Magical Creatures: The study of magical creatures and how to care for and/or react to and/or defend against them.

· History: The study of previous historical events.


The Magical Art of Design is an end-positive system of Investiture that stems from the Shard of Imagination. It allows Imagineers to shape reality around them – the only apparent limit to what they can do is dependent on the Imagineer's creativity.

Every person in the cosmere (invested and non-invested alike) is born with an innate 'spark' of imagination and creativity. However, one can only become an Imagineer if that spark is nurtured, becoming strong enough to attract faerie-blooded beings. Once attracted, a faerie will anchor themselves to that person – similar to the Nahel Bond on Roshar – creating a spiritual link between the two and granting that person access directly to Imagination's power in the Spiritual Realm.

Imagineers can 'draw' upon Imagination itself, then use the six Forces of Design in order to shape reality according to their intent. There is no counterbalance as with Equality.

Interestingly, a person cannot use both Enchantment and Design at the same time.

The Six Forces of Design:

Charge Force

The Charge Force governs the interaction of matter and energy. It can be manipulated to induce or reduce 'charge' – polarisation – within matter. It is responsible for phenomenon such as Electromagnetic Fields, Magnetism, Electricity, light and sound.

· Electricity: This ability allows for the manipulation of electric charge.

· Magnetism: This ability allows for the manipulation of the attraction and repulsion experienced by objects affected by an electromagnetic field.

· Waves: This ability allows for the manipulation of light and soundwaves.

Life Force

The Life Force governs the interaction of matter and souls. It can be manipulated to induce 'life' within matter. It cannot be used to affect deceased organisms.

· Healing: User can restore biotic organisms to their optimal health, curing damaged or withered organisms, wounds, broken bones, low vitality, and diseases/poisoning. The body can be refreshed and rid of fatigue. However, once the soul leaves the body and reaches the afterlife, it is impossible to revive the person. This ability can only heal recent injuries. It will fail to heal injuries that are too old.

· Communication: The ability to communicate with another living entity mentally. This power can be used to coerce the weak-minded, manipulate memory or control the actions or emotions of others

· Connection: The Life Force can be used to forge a Connection to other beings – both physical and cognitive. It also allows the user to affect the Cognitive Realm from the Physical Realm.

Strength Force

The Strength Force governs nuclear fusion. It is responsible for the construction of the atom, the internal cohesion of an object, and the resistance between surfaces. It's power greatly decreases with distance.

· Binding: This ability creates an extremely powerful temporary bond between two objects. It cannot attract things, only bind them.

· Stability: The ability to manipulate the stability or rigidity of an object.

· Resistance: This ability allows the user to manipulate the resistance between objects or surfaces. Friction and molecular bonds can both be manipulated using this power.

Decay Force

The Decay Force governs nuclear fission. It is responsible for radioactive decay. It is very dangerous, in that every use emits a degree of radiation.

· Decay: Using this force allows the user to break the molecular bonds holding matter together. Objects, or people, can be burned, turned to dust, or decayed in other ways.

· Radiation: This ability allows the user to manipulate radiation given off by the Decay Force or natural emissions. Radiation will always be released by an act using this power.

Fusion Force

The Fusion Force governs interactions of attraction and repulsion between matter. It is the cause of the formation, shape and trajectory of planets, stars and galaxies. This force is naturally weak against small objects or at small distances.

· Gravitation: This ability alters an object's or being's gravitational bond to the planet below, instead temporarily linking it to a different object or direction. It allows the user to run up walls and send objects or people flying off into the air. This power only affects gravitational pull and not mass, so different things with different masses will still fall at the same speed.

· Levitation: This ability grants the power to levitate people or objects, suspending or removing their connection to gravity.

Division Force

The Division Force governs the generation and distribution of matter across space-time. It is virtually impossible to detect, and is responsible for keeping dimensions from interacting with one another.

· Separation: The user can create, shape and manipulate dimensions, beginning with the physical 0-D, 1-D, 2-D, 3-D, and 4-D, changing their own dimensions.

· Switching: The ability to 'switch' oneself or an object with another person or object within space.

· Transportation: The user can travel between different dimensions and universes, and cross over different planes of existence or travel across various forms of reality.

Other notes: On Aluminium:

It appears, like with the other systems of Investiture across the Cosmere, that Aluminium has an innate resistance to magic on Earth. When touching an object made from Aluminium, an Imagineer will be blocked from accessing their abilities. Enchantment is not so restricted; but using magic on objects made from this metal is incredibly difficult, if not impossible. Interestingly, it can be conjured, but not vanished. A wand exposed directly to Aluminium will go dun, nor can a wand be made using this metal.

On Hemalurgy:

Imagineers are the only known invested entities to be immune to Hemalurgic spikes. This is because of the nature of belief inherent to Design. Both the Imagineer and the Hemalurgist performing the spiking would have to believe that the Imagineers powers would be affected by the act. Faeries, as beings of Imagination with the intent to 'create,' would instantly sense a Hemalurgic spike and divine it's true nature as that of Ruin. This requires further study, though I do not know how I could go about it, as stabbing people with Hemalurgically charged metals tends to either kill the recipient, or mutilate their Spiritweb.

Hemalurgy functions normally on an ordinary Witch or Wizard using only Enchantment. You can thank Hoid for figuring that one out. I didn't ask how he did it, and don't plan too.

The Cosmere: An Explainer and a Starter.

Wow this was big, and we couldn't have done it alone. This fanfiction, while obviously centred on Harry Potter, has incorporated background elements and worldbuilding from the Cosmere novels written by Brandon Sanderson. The author has written several series of novels of different genres within the same continuity, with the occasional crossover character or event.

This story is designed to fit into that continuity while not stepping on it, and technically remains canon until all the Shards of Adonalsium are eventually revealed. Each Shard generates its own magic, and worldhoppers, people who travel between the worlds of the Cosmere, have a tendency to collect these magics. Nicolas Flamel is one of them.

Flamel's powers are as follows.

· Flamel's colourful aura comes from his Breath, the magic of Endowment depicted in the novel, Warbreaker.

· The potions he carries are Allomancy vials, the magic of Preservation depicted in the Mistborn Series.

· The knife both Flamel and Harry use, is a Hemalurgic Spike, the magic of Ruin, also depicted in the Mistborn series.

· Finally, the giant sword he carries is a Shardblade – which is the combined magic of Honour and Cultivation, depicted in the Stormlight Archive series. This series explains quite clearly why the faeries are afraid of the weapon, and we don't want to say it here because it constitutes major spoilers. That being said, if you don't want to read Stormlight, the answer appears in this story in the first P.O.V of chapter 14. If you're still confused, send us a review and we will tell you.

For those of you who have read the Cosmere stories, or are now planning to, this story takes place shortly after the Catacendre on Scadrial and the Recreance on Roshar, but before the Manywar on Nalthis.

If you enjoyed this story, you'll love reading these books, and we want to give back to Sanderson as much as we can, so here is a comprehensive guide to where to start, depending on what you enjoyed from this story, or what intrigued you the most.

The Mistborn Trilogy – Book 1: The Final Empire.

Shards: Preservation and Ruin. Planet: Scadrial

"Ash falls from the sky on the planet Scadrial. Beneath a red sun, and chocked by oppressive mists that dominate the night, no flowers or green plants have bloomed on this planet for a thousand years. Not since the Lord Ruler killed the prophesied Hero of Ages, taking the world for himself.

For a millennia, the Skaa have slaved in misery and lived in fear while the Lord Ruler reigned with absolute power and ultimate terror, a divine and invincible leader. Hope is long lost, until a terribly scarred, heart-broken half-Skaa in the depths of the most hellish of the Lord Ruler's prisons discovers he has the powers of a Mistborn. A brilliant thief and natural leader, Kelsier will turn his talents to the ultimate caper: one with the Lord Ruler himself as the mark.
Only he's not just planning the greatest heist in history, he's plotting the overthrow of a divine despot.
Kelsier has recruited the underworld's elite, the smartest and most trustworthy Allomancers, each of whom shares one of his many powers, and all of whom relish a high-stakes challenge.

But even with the best criminal crew ever assembled, Kel's plan looks like a long shot, until luck brings a ragged girl named Vin into his life. Like him, she's a half-Skaa orphan with the powers of a Mistborn, but she's lived a much harsher life. Vin has learned to expect betrayal from everyone she meets, and gotten it. She will have to learn to trust, if Kel is to help her master powers of which she never dreamed."

This is the most Harry Potter-esque of the Cosmere novels. Imagine Ocean's Eight but set in Mordor after Sauron has ruled for 1000 years. If you're a fan of Dystopias like the Hunger Games, technical magic, or unorthodox takes on the divide between traditional 'good' and 'evil' this is a must read.

If you wish to learn about the conflict between Preservation and Ruin, and the final fate of the planet Scadrial, we recommend starting here.


Shard: Endowment. Planet: Nalthis

"Warbreaker is the story of two sisters who happen to be princesses, the God King one of them has to marry, the lesser god who doesn't believe in his own religion, and the immortal who's still trying to undo the mistakes he made hundreds of years ago. Their world is one in which those who die in glory return as gods to live confined to a pantheon in Hallandren's capital city. A world transformed by BioChromatic magic; a power based on an essence known as Breath. Using magic is arduous: Breath can only be collected only one unit at a time from individual people.

But the rewards are great. By using Breath and drawing upon the colour in everyday objects, all manner of miracles and mischief can be accomplished. It will take considerable quantities of each to resolve all the challenges facing Vivenna and Siri, princesses of Idris; Susebron, the God King of Hallandren; Lightsong, Returned deity and reluctant god of bravery; and mysterious Vasher, the immortal Warbreaker."

Warbreaker is Miracle's personal favourite Cosmere novel. If you're curious about the Shard of Endowment and her efforts to resurrect the dead which we've alluded to multiple times, this is your jumping on point.

A sort of prequel to the Stormlight Archive, Warbreaker is a novel about paradigm, and how the roles in which we must play shape who we become. If you like books that shake you to the core or throw twists at you that you never see coming, this is a must read.

The Stormlight Archive – Book 1: The Way of Kings

Shards: Honour, Cultivation and Odium. Planet: Roshar.

Speak again the ancient oaths:

Life before death.
Strength before weakness.
Journey before Destination.

and return to men the Shards they once bore.

The Knights Radiant must stand again.

"Roshar is a world of stone and storms. Uncanny tempests of incredible power sweep across the rocky terrain so frequently that they have shaped ecology and civilization alike. Animals hide in shells, trees pull in branches, and grass retracts into the soilless ground. Cities are built only where the topography offers shelter.

It has been centuries since the fall of the ten consecrated orders known as the Knights Radiant, but their Shardblades and Shardplate remain: mystical swords and suits of armour that transform ordinary men into near-invincible warriors. Men trade kingdoms for Shardblades. Wars were fought for them, and won by them.

One such war rages on a ruined landscape called the Shattered Plains. There, Kaladin, who traded his medical apprenticeship for a spear to protect his little brother, has been reduced to slavery. In a war that makes no sense, where ten armies fight separately against a single foe, he struggles to save his men and to fathom the leaders who consider them expendable.

Brightlord Dalinar Kholin commands one of those other armies. Like his brother, the late king, he is fascinated by an ancient text called The Way of Kings. Troubled by over-powering visions of ancient times and the Knights Radiant, he has begun to doubt his own sanity.

Across the ocean, an untried young woman named Shallan seeks to train under an eminent scholar and notorious heretic, Dalinar's niece, Jasnah. Though she genuinely loves learning, Shallan's motives are less than pure. As she plans a daring theft, her research for Jasnah hints at secrets of the Knights Radiant and the true cause of the war."

This series… we can't say enough good things about it. This series knocks Game of Throne out of the water with its intricacy (and, for the record, he's released three 1000page novels and a novella – while still working on his other series – in the span it's taken Martin to not even finish Winds of Winter). This is a must read for lovers of High Fantasy like the Lord of the Rings, Game of Thrones and Terry Pratchett's Discworld.

To discover more about the Shards of Honour and Cultivation, the fall of the Knights Radiant, and the mysterious Hoid, read this series first. It is from Stormlight that you will learn of Equality's killer, Tom Riddle's master and Ginny's tormenter: The Shard of Odium.

All Cosmere books by Brandon Sanderson:
The Stormlight Archive:
The Way of Kings
Words of Radiance (This one is Ghost's favourite)
Edgedancer (Novella)

Rhythm of War (scheduled release November 17th, 2020)

Untitled Fifth Novel (scheduled release unknown)

The Mistborn trilogy:
Mistborn: The Final Empire
The Well of Ascension
The Hero of Ages

Mistborn: Secret History (Novella)

Mistborn Era 2: The Wax and Wayne series
Alloy of Law
Shadows of Self
Bands of Mourning

The Lost Metal (scheduled release 2021)

Arcanum Unbounded (Shards: Various)

Standalone Cosmere novels
Elantris (Shards: Devotion and Dominion)
Warbreaker (This one is Miracle's favourite)

Graphic Novels:

White Sand (Vols 1-3) (Shard: Autonomy)

End Notes:

And so we come to the end of this tale. We currently have no plans to write a sequel to this story, though perhaps one day, when we know more about the Cosmere ourselves, we'll return.

We know many of you will be upset by our decision not to bring Ginny back to life. In all honesty, we wrote two endings for the story. One where Ginny survived, and one where she didn't. We decided, ultimately to use the version where she truly was dead, because the one where she survived just felt incredibly cheap. Harry and Gabrielle's grieving felt unjustified and pointless, and her sacrifice to save their lives, and the lives of all the people who scorned her, was invalidated. It didn't feel earned. So we decided to leave Ginny to finally rest, but you still get her final send off in this chapter. And when Harry does die, he will be reunited with her in the Beyond.

Those of you who've read Harry Potter and the Gemini Curse, our epic 400,000 word story that is now completed, will recognise several elements in this chapter providing a bit of connective tissue between the two stories. For those of you wondering, this story takes place on Earth 127 of the Multiverse we introduced you to in that story. As you can see, the events depicted in the finale of Gemini have had profound impacts across not only the universe of Gemini Curse – Earth 125 – but on its neighbouring universes as well. This concept will be explored further in later entries in our Enigmaverse Saga. And yes, the two people we name dropped are who you think they are.

We hope you enjoyed this story, and if you're curious about what we'll be doing now, we're still working on the second and third entries for the Enigmaverse: Harry Potter and the Blessing of the Phoenix, and Supergirl: The Lost Daughter. We will also be participating in the Jericho Writers Summer Festival of Writing running June to September, and for you guys, that means we might try our hands at Oneshots from time to time to flex our writing muscles or try out new techniques. If any of you are aspiring writers of your own, here is a link for you to check out.

jerichowriters festival-of-writing/

Here is the really good news. We have been working hard behind the scenes on the draft of our original novel. Approximately one month ago, we completed this draft and submitted it for review to certain people whom we cannot name. Then, a week ago, we received some exciting news that, once again, we can't tell you. We would love to give you guys a taster, but because of Copyright, we can't.

We are also still answering all your reviews! Because of the new Fanfiction . net guidelines, they won't send you emails to notify you of our replies though, so you'll need to check your account. If you're a fan of the Arrowverse, pop over to Crisis: The Brave New World, or if you want to check out Gemini Curse, feel welcome.

Thanks again True Believers, we'll see you next time!

Love, Ghost and Miracle.