Sarah almost lost it when she saw what she thought was Finn, shuffling sadly into the dining hall. Somehow she doubted that this was just a costume, based on his behavior. This had Jareth written all over it, and she covered her mouth to hide the laughter.

Suddenly, Jareth appeared at her side, putting one arm around her waist and handing her some mulled cider with the other. Being pregnant, she was not going to try the wine that he was drinking.

She leaned back against him, and could feel the deep chuckling in his chest. Yep. This was Jareth's doing.

"What did he do to deserve that?" She giggled.

"The manky bastard tried to scare me with a gorilla suit. Me! The Goblin King!" He was seething with self righteous anger.

"So," she asked, "You have a problem with gorillas?"

"Not guerillas with a 'UE', and not the actual primate. Just bloody gorilla costumes, and Finn knows that." He sipped his wine.

Some people were afraid of clowns, she reasoned, but she had never heard of anyone being afraid of someone in a gorilla suit. It took everything she had not to laugh. "Why?"

"Why what?" He dreaded where this was going.

"Why do you hate gorilla suits so much?"

"That's another story for another day," he said. He flicked his wrist at the stereo speakers, and a waltz came on. Not just any waltz, but a dark and somewhat scary one.

He held one hand out to her. "Shall we dance, my love?"

Once she accepted his hand, his arm went round her waist and they twirled gracefully across the floor. Within minutes, the other guests began dancing around them.

Looking across the room, she could see Hoggle running a bobbing for apples game with the goblins and some Fae children.

Sir Didymus appeared to be telling scary stories to other children, goblins and Toby. He was holding a lit lantern under his face to look extra frightening. Some of his audience had their eyes covered. Toby was laughing hysterically as if this were the funniest thing he'd ever heard.

Looking across the other side of the room, she saw Finn, a self styled "ladies man", trying to pick up a very pretty girl. She looked like she was about to vomit at the sight of him, but was too polite to just leave. Then, he reached for the ladle to the mulled wine bowl, and his hand snapped off and slipped into the wine. The girl clapped a hand to her mouth and ran away. Probably to throw up.

"Jareth, I think we're going to need some new mulled wine." Jareth looked over at Finn, trying to fish out one hand with the other. He gave one of his adorable pointed toothy grins.

"No rush, love. I will have the staff change it out before we have the Samhain ritual."

Jareth clapped his hands and called out to the crowd. "Right, everyone! Can you hear me?" When they all gave an affirmative, he continued. "We have a huge bonfire going outside. As part of our Samhain ritual, we shall circle it holding hands. I will lead the traditional invocations. If you know them, please say them along with me. If you don't, that's all right as well. Please take an amethyst crystal from the bowl next to the door. It will, as you know, aid your communication with returning loved ones."

"Afterward, we will come back to this huge fire in this lovely fireplace, and continue to enjoy dancing, music, and food, all evening, if you wish!" This drew cheers from the crowd.

Taking Sarah's hand, he lead the group outside to an incredibly large bonfire. She could feel the heat hit her face is soon as she was only ten feet away. Everyone circled the fire, and everyone joined hands.

Jareth began:

"Prayer for Abundance"

We have so much before us

and for this we are thankful.

We have so many blessings,

and for this we are thankful.

There are others not so fortunate,

and by this we are humbled.

We shall make an offering in their name

to the gods who watch over us,

that those in need are someday

as blessed as we are this day.

It was with "The Prayer to the Dark Mother" that Sarah noticed something unusual. Out of the woods came a group of people. They did not look spectral. By contrast, they appeared quite alive and solid. Jareth continued:

"Prayer to the Dark Mother"

Day turns to night,

and life turns to death,

and the Dark Mother teaches us to dance.

Hecate, Demeter, Kali,

Nemesis, Morrighan, Tiamet,

bringers of darkness, you who embody the Crone,

I honor you as the earth grows dark,

and as the world slowly sleeps until Yule.

She noticed the people from the wood looking about, trying to find someone specific. Once they had, they stood behind them with one hand on that person's shoulder. Some people had more than one visitor, others had none, and tried not to look disappointed.

Sarah felt two hands, one on each shoulder.

"Sarah-mine!" said a well remembered Irish brogue. She felt her granddad squeeze her shoulder.

"Oh, my little girl! You have grown up to be so beautiful!" Sarah felt a kiss on her cheek, warm and soft as a feather, from her mother.

She turned around and saw them. Her mother looked much as she had last seen her, lovely in her late 20s, before the car accident. And granddad looked so young! He must've been about 25, had dark hair, and wearing the clothing of his youth. Sarah found it amazing that this young, strong man had been a frail invalid before he died.

She went in for a large, strong, three person hug. Tears were running down her face. She had missed them both so much. It had been far too long.

They all began talking at once. Sarah telling them about Jareth, the wedding, her coronation, and Immortality. Granddad and her mother spoke of Tir Na Nóg, the "Land of Eternal Youth" where they had gone after they had died.

Then she shared her surprise with them. "Guess what? Mom, granddad, I'm having a baby!"

They were absolutely made up and beaming. This required another three person hug. Sarah told them what she knew, that it was a girl, and her due date.

She looked over at Jareth and his family. They were talking to only one person. He was huge, and blonde like Jareth, and just as good looking. He was bare chested except for some leather armor. He wore a leather sort of kilt and gladiator shoes. His hair was long and some of it braided with beads and the weapons that he wore looked properly intimidating.

Seeing her watching them, Jareth waved her over. She excused herself from her family for just a minute, and came over. She was terribly self-conscious. This was obviously Lugh, and she had never in her life met a god before.

"Grandfather," said Jareth, "May I introduce my wife, Queen, and Labyrinth Champion, Sarah."

The huge warrior bent to take Sarah's hand in his own to kiss it. He smiled at her to put her at ease, and Sarah was thrilled to see that he had Jareth's and Eimile's crooked smile as well.

When he spoke, his voice was a definite baritone, although he was soft-spoken. He certainly had the Irish brogue but there was something ancient, and far away, about it.

He gave her a long look, appraising her. "You are láidir and chliste. Everything a Queen of ours should be. And as my grandson has certainly noticed, you are álainn as well." She blushed, and curtsied deeply. She appreciated that he had called her strong and intelligent first, and not mentioned her appearance until last.

"I am much honoured, Do Mhaorga. I intend to make your House bródúil as Queen."

"She certainly shall," said Jareth proudly.

"The veil is growing broad. It comes time to take our leave," said Lugh. "You should bid your family farewell." He nodded, and turned back to his family.

When she returned to her mother and grandfather, they were smiling at her. "You have married well," said Grandad. "The grandson of a god! My goodness!"

Her mother hugged her and kissed her on the forehead. "Be well, my little one," she said. "Until we meet again," she smiled.

Sarah's grandfather gave her a bone crushing hug. ''Tis so good to see you again, Sarah-mine. Take good care of that wee babe."

Tears on her face, Sarah said, "I will."

The loved ones from the other side of the veil stepped back into the wood, where they slowly faded away.

She felt a hand on her back. Jareth asked her, "Well?"

She took his other hand. "I have no words," she said. "Thank you, love."

The circle quietly disbursed and walked back inside the castle. Once there, Jareth had made sure that everyone had a drink, and held out his goblet for a toast. "To our friends and loved ones, may we carry them with us always," was all he said. The crowd held up their cups and goblets, and said the same.

Jareth came back to Sarah, bowed deeply, and asked, "May I have this dance?"

They spun into a waltz, and once the others of the kingdom saw them dancing, they joined them. Sarah smiled happily at Jareth.

"Are you having a good time, my love?"

He nodded, and smiled back. "I could dance with you forever," he said.

"Much as I'd love to," she replied, "I'm afraid that I'm becoming tired. It seems that the baby wants to sleep!" She grinned.

She and Jareth went to the guests, thanking them for coming, and telling them that they could stay, though the royal couple themselves would be retiring.

Lastly, they approached Finn, whose odor could be detected from yards away. He looked miserable. "How now, cousin?" Asked Jareth, cheerfully.

"Must I really remain this way 'till the morning?" He asked plaintively. "You know this is my favorite holiday."

Jareth stepped back, arms crossed, and gave Finn a hard look. "Are you finished with your games? Frightening my pregnant wife was reprehensible."

"Not to mention that you are leaving body parts all over the ballroom," noted Sarah with a laugh.

Finn nodded his head yes vigorously. "I am completely regretful. And I am truly sor…"

At this point he could not continue, as his lower jaw fell off. Jareth caught it expertly in one hand.

"The decision is up to my Queen," said Jareth. "What do you think, my love?"

Sarah smiled. "It would be a shame to miss all of Samhain. Can you change him back? For my sake? Because he's making me sick."

Jareth laughed and waved his hand at Finn, who recovered his healthy, living self.

Finn left quickly, as he saw a lovely girl near the hearth.

Jareth chuckled, kissed Sarah full on the lips, and said, "Happy Samhain, my Precious."


I owe thanks for The Prayer of Abundance and The Prayer to the Dark Mother to Learn Religions.

Láidir = LA-diss – strong

Chliste = KLISH-da - intelligent

Álainn = AW-len - beautiful, lovely

A Mhórgacht = Eh MOR –goft - Your Majesty

Bródúil = BRÓD – proud

Chapter names from song titles:

Give Up The Ghost – Radiohead

The Ballad of Finn Pumpkinhead – based on The Ballad of Peter Pumpkinhead – XTC

Had Enough – Breaking Benjamin

Beyond Belief – Elvis Costello

Happy Samhain / Halloween!
