It was a clear sunny day in August while Danielle, Heather and James walked over to the Midnapore Lake. The sun was high in the sky, and there was not a cloud to be seen. The trio talked as they walked, mainly about the episode of Star Trek that they just watched.

"But if the Inertial Dampers went offline, how could they still be alive? They'd be crushed against the back wall!" Danielle exclaimed.

"They weren't going fast enough I guess" replied Heather, while she ran a brush through her hair.

"It's the law of inertia" stated James, the real know it all Trekkie. 'Bodies that are at rest tend to want to stay at rest. Bodies that are in motion tend to want to stay in motion.'"

"In English please." Danielle said.

"If I'm not moving and the inertial dampers go offline, and we go to, say, warp one, then I'll be crushed against my seat. But if I'm already at warp one and the inertial dampers go offline, I'll be unaffected unless we stop, which would crush me against the view screen."

"So it's like being in a moving car and stopping suddenly." Heather commented as the scanned her lake card at the front gate.



Inside the Q continuum, the famous, mischievous Q himself decided to have some fun.

"Let's see, what kind of trouble can I make today? The Klingons have gotten boring, and the Vulcans are never much fun. Hmmm, where is that ship I enjoy so much?"

As he looked, the very ship he wanted to see caught his eye. The crew of The Enterprise was having quite an uneventful day; they'd caught sight of a few comets and irregularities in radiation levels, but other than that, quite boring.

Now Q looked into the past. What he saw were three young teenagers, talking about-

"Their Future? Oh, those Star Trek shows they have. Ingenious, actually, sending that Starfleet recruiter back in time. Let's see what I can do with these three."


Suddenly in a flash of blinding light, Heather, Danielle and James were transported onto the Enterprise Bridge. Q stopped time for a bit.

"Let's see. some uniforms would be an order."

Q snapped his fingers and Heather was dressed in a blue uniform with the rank of lieutenant commander, Danielle in gold uniform also as a lieutenant commander and James in a red uniform with the rank of captain.

"Okay, they need to be placed somewhere odd."

So He placed James on Diana Troi's lap, Danielle on Captain Picard's lap, and Heather on Wesley Crusher's lap.

"Good. Good! Let's see how this plays out!" With that, Q snapped his fingers, disappeared and instantly re-started time.

**** There was a flash of light, and on the bridge appeared three teenagers, each sitting on someone's lap.

"Sweet, were on the bridge!" exclaimed James.

"This must have been the work of Q. Did you see that light? It looked just like his!" Danielle stated. Then, she looked at Picard, pulled out the cleaning cloth to her glasses, and buffed his head to a high shine.

"Hi, your cute." Heather said to Wesley.

"Heather, don't start. The long distance relationship would never work out!"

"Dani, I was only stating a fact. He's really cute."

"Oh my god." groaned James.

Everyone else on the bridge was so shocked that they just simply stared at the three, looking at each person as he or she spoke.

Then: "Who are you?" Came Picard's voice from under Danielle. "What are you doing on my ship?"

"Haven't you been listening?" asked Heather. "Q-"

That's as far as she got when Wes stood up, dropping Heather onto the floor.

"Ow! Hey!" she shouted.

"Sorry." Wes replied. "You just got heavy"

"Ha ha!" laughed James. "You were crushing Crusher!"

Heather walked to him and whacked James over the head.


"Ah, brotherly sisterly love." mocked Danielle as she stood up to look at the captain. "We don't know what happened really. We were just walking into the lake when there was a flash of light. Then we were here."

"Sounds like Q alright." Piped up Riker. It was obvious he wasn't happy to be seeing that joker again.

"What year is it?" asked James.

"2367" Said Picard.

"361 years in the future." gasped Danielle.

"Well, it seems we're all in the midst of one large practical joke here." Said Riker. "Ensign Crusher, take a small security team and show these three to the guest quarters."

"Yes sir" replied Wesley, and led the trio to the turbolift.

"Are there any quarters close to yours?" asked Heather sweetly as the doors closed.

"Beggars can't be choosers, Heather!" piped in Danielle.

"So what are your names?" Asked Wes.

"We have a right to remain silent, you know." Said Danielle. "And the right to an attorney."

"That's the states, silly." Said Heather.

"No, that's Canada, the States is you have a right to remain silent, anything you say or do can and will be used against you in the court of law, etc, etc."


"I'm guessing your humans then?" Said Wes.

"Well, at the moment, were not so sure." Said Danielle, looking at the turbolift ceiling.

"What happened to your names?" asked Wes.

"They got lost, and jettisoned themselves out the airlock." Said Danielle.

"So, what deck are we going to? Is it deck five or six?" Asked James.

Wes looked at James oddly before saying "Six. How'd you know?"

"I borrowed the tech manual of the enterprise from the library a couple of years back."

Heather laughed. "A couple? Try a few million!" "Technically 365 years ago, accounting for the time change we've just experienced." Said Danielle, then added, "I hope I don't get jet leg."

"Anyway, your names?" asked Wes, again.

"I'm Heather." Said Heather.

"I'm Captain James William Rathbun of the starship-"

"Midnapore." Cut in Danielle. "I'm Nell."

"Didn't she call you Dani before?" Asked Wes.

"Yes, Danielle is my middle name." She said, glaring at Heather and James as if daring them to say otherwise.

"Okay then." Said Heather. "So, ARE there any quarters near yours?"

"Do not do anything you would regret on this high." Stated Danielle. "At least wait until you come down."

"Your on drugs?!" Exclaimed Wes.

"If you include sugar and a whole lot of colourful chemicals on ice involved in making a slurpee, then yes." Replied Danielle.

"Dani, how irresponsible do you think I am?"

"I will not answer that question in fear for my life." Said Danielle, dodging Heather's hand as she tried to hit her, accidentally hitting one of the security officers instead.

"Nice play, Shakespeare."

"Thank you."