Chapter 94
After everything Xander and Ben returned to Sunnydale. Tara asked to come with them and they brought her. As they were driving home Tara asked the obvious question.
Tara: What now?
Xander: I don't know. We just lost a slayer, and the only other one works for Team Evil. President Wilkins will keep trying to conquer the world, and we still have no idea how to defeat them for good. It used to be we could defeat evil.
Ben: Evil will always come, in one form or another. I'm going back to the hospital, going to just try and save as many lives as I can.
Tara: You make a good point Ben. Maybe evil can't be defeated, but we can do a small part to stop it.
Xander: But when does it get better? What if God, or something like God, said that things will always be bad. That in the end there will always be suffering. What would you do?
Ben: I'd get back to the hospital.
Xander: Yeah, maybe all we can do is whatever is before us.
Tara: I've got nothing to go back to, I want to help out if I can. I'm not an experienced demon fighter, could you guys give me some help on that.
Xander: I'm not Yoda, but I can help you a little.
Ben: And if you guys need to get patched up, with no paperwork or questions asked, you count on me.
Tara: Okay then. Whatever comes next, at least the three of us have each other.