Chapter 1
It took Willow a moment to get her bearings, to remember where she was. She was in her highschool, an empty classroom, at night. She found it hard to believe she had fallen asleep in class, even if she had surely someone would have woken her up before now. Admittedly Willow was tired, drained. Then she remembered what had happenned. This new girl, Anya her name was, had asked Willow to perform a spell, to help her find a necklace. But the spell had been more powerful than Willow had anticipated, next thing she knew she was here, alone. What exactly happenned to Anya? Then Willow heard a noise in the hallway. A vampire girl, with red hair and wearing black leather, was hurting Xander. Willow couldn't see the vampire's face, but her first instinct was to protect Xander. She grabbed a stake, it was kind of a neccessity to carry one when you lived in Sunnydale. The vampire was choking Xander, Willow had to act quickly. She snuck up behind the vampire girl and, with all of her strength, jammed the stake into her heart. The vampire girl barely had time to turn around, somehow she had Willow's face. She was as confused as Willow about this, but she had no time to register this before she turned into dust. Xander gasped for air, it took him a moment to realize who had saved him, and it startled him.
Willow: Are you okay?
Xander: I guess. How did you change clothes so quickly?
Willow: What do you mean?
Xander: Weren't you just wearing leather?
Willow: That was the vampire. And yes, she seemed to have my face, but it wasn't me. And look at that glass over there, clearly I have a reflection.
Xander: My god, you do. Are you a ghost?
Willow: I don't think so. Although after that last spell, Im not entirely sure.
Xander: Willow, is that really you?
Willow: Yes.
Xander: And you're really not a vampire anymore.
Willow: Xander, I was never a vampire, one just looked a little like me.
Xander: But you were killed, four months ago. Turned by the Master himself.
Willow: The Master is back?
Xander: Yes, he rose at the Harvest.
Willow: Then why are we still here? Why didn't the Hellmouth open?
Xander: A spell, thanks to Amy and the Mayor.
Willow: Are you as confused as I am right now?
Xander: Finally, we're on the same page. Maybe we should start to compare notes. For starters, what year do you think this is?
Willow: 1999.
Xander: 1997. If you came back in time, you should have gone just a little further back.
Xander explained what had happenned. The Master rose at the Harvest, murdering their friend Jessie and turning Willow into a vampire. Although he mourned for Willow, Xander also vowed to avenge her death by joining a group, calling itself the "White Hats." They were led by a watcher named Rupert Giles and included Larry, Oz, Nancy, and Jenny Calendar. Buffy Summers, the current slayer, never came to Sunnydale. It seemed that the Watcher's Coincil had prevented Buffy from coming because the Master needed slayer blood to open the Hellmouth, and the watchers wanted to keep that slayer blood as far away from Sunnydale as possible. Although the Master freed himself at the Harvest, he couldn't open the Hellmouth. That was due in part to mayor Richard Wilkins, and his ally the witch Amy Madison. Wilkins had his own sinister agenda, possibly world domination, but his plans required that the world not end. Thus the mayor and the White Hats had an uneasy truce. Wilkins also had a vampire on his side, Angel. Whatever Angel's goal was, he didn't want the world to end either. When Xander was finished Willow told what events she remembered, and surmised that she had somehow wound up in a parrallel universe.