AUTHOR'S NOTE: This story takes place during the summer after junior high is over. Any thing after the "Bye, Bye, hill ridge (sp?) High" episode is not considered. In other words I do not take into account any of the out of order episodes after that one, and I don't consider the movie either. (Oh, and uh, one more thing, the title "A Summer To Remember" is not meant to pay homage to "A Walk To Remember". In fact, I haven't even seen that movie yet. It's just a coincidence that, that is what I named it, and I didn't realize it until after writing this chapter, and I didn't feel like coming up with a new title.) Ok, on w/ the story. The story begins; it is the afternoon, just a few hours after the class photo has been taken.


Lizzie lied on her bed, contemplating the day's events. What had come over her? She thought about what Gordo had written in her yearbook. While the words 'You rock, don't ever change' shouldn't mean that much, it seemed to have stricken a cord with her. Holding her yearbook, she played it over and over again in her mind, how she suddenly had the urge to kiss him. She knew, ever since Kate enlightened her at the party, that Gordo liked her.

Normally, she would talk to Miranda about something like this, but two things were keeping her back. First off, Miranda was in Mexico, so she had no way of contacting her. Second, she didn't know if she would be able to tell her that it's Gordo she-

She what? Did she like Gordo back? No. She couldn't.could she? They've been friends for so long.just friends. Just best friends. Best friends who did everything together.

Her mind switched to her short, disappointing stint with Ronnie.

'Well' She thought, 'I guess not everything.'

She felt so confused. Ever since that party, nothing had been the same. She knew something had changed between them. And how could she have been so oblivious? Gordo was showing such strong signs all the time, and they totally went over her head. Now though, they were right in her face, flying toward her at light speed. He has been so sweet toward her. Always being there whenever she needed someone. She remembered the time in 4th Grade when she broke her leg after falling out of that tree. Gordo never left her side. When Ronnie broke up with her, who was there to comfort her but ol' David Gordon.

Why was this suddenly, all that she had in her mind? She liked Ethan Craft anyway. Ok, that wasn't true anymore. After thinking about how incredibly stupid Ethan has been. Sure, he may have looks, but at what cost? In fact, today, after the photo, she saw Ethan a few more times, and didn't feel anything toward him like she used to. Instead, her mind was full with mixed emotions.

She sat up, and opened her yearbook. She turned to the section with all the 8th grader's pictures in them. She looked at Gordo's picture for quite sometime. How come she never noticed what a cute smile he had before? And that wild, curly hair was actually a little appealing to her.

She shook her head.

Lizzie closed the yearbook and laid it down on the bed. She got up and paced her room a bit. She felt so strange now. The constant question about whether or not she felt the same way toward Gordo that he felt toward her kept coming up in her mind. She sighed, and lied back down onto her bed, and thought things through.


Gordo sat at his computer, playing a small game of Space Invaders. However, he was losing horribly. Normally, Gordo would have beaten the game ten times already, as he had mastered it backward and forward. Today though, his mind was not on the game. He remembered the kiss that Lizzie gave him earlier that day. He remembered how he turned his head after the photo was taken, trying to hide his red, blushing face from Lizzie. He remembered how he didn't get a chance to finish writing in her yearbook. Before he knew it, he was signing someone else yearbook, then getting in position for the picture, and then finally on his way home before he realized that he never got a chance to finish it.

'Dear Lizzie. We've been best friends for as long as I can remember. We've shared everything together and so I feel I should share this with you. I really, really like you a lot and I think you're beautiful, both inside and out. I can honestly say I wouldn't be the person I am without you and your friendship. There's nothing to be afraid of if we have each other. I will always be by your side. Your friend always, and hopefully, more if you want. Gordo.' That's what he originally intended to write.

He agonized over his feelings for Lizzie. Ever since Ronnie, Gordo had felt butterflies in his stomach every time he saw her since then. He remembered feeling incredibly jealous when she was with Ronnie, despite his denying it when Miranda asked. Of course, while Gordo didn't like the idea of Lizzie being with anyone besides him, he still felt incredibly bad for her when Ronnie broke up with her. He never saw her look so sad.

He lost another 4 lives in his game, before finally giving up and shutting his whole computer down. He sat on the edge of his bed, looking down at the floor. He just couldn't think about anything else. Did Lizzie like him too? He wasn't sure, even though he got a kiss from her earlier today, he was still very unsure. He thought about the party. She looked so beautiful in that white dress. Her golden blond hair shimmering in the moonlight, her sparkling light brown eyes, everything about her. Lizzie was so beautiful that night. Not that she wasn't always beautiful, but she looked even better that evening.

And he almost did it too! He almost asked her out. If only Mr. McGuire wouldn't have popped out at such a horrible time. When it was just Lizzie and Gordo again, he had another chance to ask her out. To tell her exactly how he felt about her.

'But of course.' Thought Gordo, 'I chickened out.'

Like always. He always seemed to chicken out, right when a perfect opportunity arose. After he comforted her when Ronnie broke up with her, he could have brought it up. After Lizzie gave one final word of advise to 'Confused Guy', he had his chance to say something. But yet again, he couldn't do it. It was tearing him up inside too, not being able to tell Lizzie exactly how he felt.

And while he didn't quite feel this way until after the whole Ronnie incident, he had always been really good friends with her. Always making sure to be there for her. Gordo remembered the time in 4th grade that Lizzie broke her leg. She cried. Well, she cried, that is, until he helped her, and stayed by her side. He always wondered if Lizzie would ever want to be any thing more than just friends?

Of course, the way Lizzie always looked at Ethan Craft was never the way she looked at Gordo. He hated it whenever Lizzie talked about Ethan, or any other boy she had a crush on at the time. He hated it enough when Ronnie came onto the scene. Of course, there were others.the two famous ones. He felt like he could never be with Lizzie after she got together with Frankie Muniz. And what about Aaron Carter? Oh, as if Gordo didn't like that wannabe-sellout enough as it is.

Still, the question about whether Lizzie would ever like him more than a friend continued to burn in his mind. Gordo spent enough time to know how Lizzie's mind worked, so he had a pretty confident idea of what the answer would be.

Friends.just friends.and nothing more.