Dick had suggested that they get a taxi, but Kory wanted to walk. She said the club wasn't too far and the fresh air would be good for them. That's easy to say when you're a Tamaranean who runs hotter than the sun, but Dick isn't really complaining. How can he? They're walking arm-in-arm and Kory still has that dazzling smile on her face. He takes in the city with wide, innocent eyes, almost like a tourist, his blinders coming down for the first time in weeks. Kory's right, as usual. They needed this.

They come up on one of their favorite restaurants, El Toro, while two waiters take their breaks on the front steps. They're having a heated debate that Dick can barely follow, but Kory throws in some remark that has them both laughing. Spanish is the most recent conquest in her master plan to learn all Earthen languages. When she looks back at him her eyes narrow, probably because of the stupid grin on his face.

"Can I help you, Richard?"

He shrugs. "Just glad we did this."

The smile she gives him is just as brilliant, but it's softer, somehow. She pulls him tighter against her side as they continue down the street.


The club's atmosphere is potent, burning in Kory's lungs like hard liquor. Reflective panels in the floor bounce neon light all over the room, flitting across the mass of dancing bodies. Dick turns, probably to comment on how it's all a bit extra for his taste, but totally freezes when Kory removes her coat. She tries not to look too pleased with herself. She's wearing a high-waisted skirt with a racy slit up the side and a purple bandeau. Dick's eyes devour every inch of her, and it's a solid thirty seconds before he actually meets her gaze. She raises an eyebrow, daring him to voice whatever devious thoughts are whirling through his head. He doesn't take the bait, though, and instead tugs at her hand, bringing it to his lips.

"You look beautiful." He murmurs, barely audible over the music.

Kory's not blushing, and if she is, the neon lights will keep her secret. They drop off their coats and weave through the swarm of dancers. By some stroke of luck, they actually get seats at the bar. Kory considers it a good omen, a sign that they really deserved this. The stress of the last few weeks slowly loosens it grip, and Kory actually shivers from the release.

She orders a round of tequila shots, to which Dick fondly rolls his eyes as if to say of course you would. Once that's over with, Kory gets a whiskey sour. The bartender asks Dick what he wants, but Dick doesn't answer, just looks at Kory expectantly. She's not sure how exactly this became a thing: ordering the weirdest, most random drinks for him when they go out. Good or bad, Dick always plays up his reaction just to make her laugh.

"Can I please get a…" her eyes quickly dance over the specialty mixes, "Blue Monkey for the gentleman?"

Dick snorts. The bartender nods and leaves to fix their drinks. Kory scoots to the edge of her barstool so that her legs are wedged between Dick's. He quirks an eyebrow, leaning enticingly close, challenge and mirth shining in his eyes. Kory's grinning like an idiot, the tequila singing in her veins. Her hand snakes up his shirt and pulls him in for a kiss. It's quick – they try to keep their PDA pretty tame– but there's heat to it, a fire reignited after weeks of tension smothering it.

Dick's laughter breaks the moment, his shoulders shaking in an effort to suppress it. Kory finds herself laughing with him. "What's so funny?"

"Nothing, I just…" He shakes his head. "I'm glad this is what you had in mind. Much better than getting groceries."

"Hm, making out at the supermarket. Not on my to-do list, but if you wanna give it a shot…"


"Let's dance."

Kory's surprised. Usually, if they do go clubbing, she has to drag Dick's ass onto the dancefloor. He allegedlyprefers more civilized events, like that Wayne Co. gala Alfred had dragged them to a few months ago, where the dancing was more like applied calculus than feeling the music. Kory's told him he just needs the right partner.

She can tell by the way his hands immediately find her hips that he enjoys this more than he lets on. His fingers are firm but not possessive, letting her move freely to the beat. Her own hands flirt with his biceps and chest before resting at the base of his neck, keeping him where she wants him. All stimuli that is not his body against hers falls out of focus.

The minutes pass by in a blur of sound and color. They laugh for seemingly no reason and dance until they can't breathe. Dick calls for a time out and Kory obliges, never admitting that she could use a break, too. They lost their seats at the bar, but there's enough space to stand and order another round of drinks.

They clink shot glasses and slam them back with reverie. Dick licks his lips and Kory unabashedly stares. He smirks, ducking in to peck her cheek. Alright, so their usual rules about PDA have gone out the window, but it's one night. One night after weeks of tense patrols and worrying themselves sick over the kids. Who can blame them?

Dick pulls back, shouting over the music. "Bathroom. Be right back."

Watching him try and weave through the crowd without knocking someone over is amusing. Kory turns back to the bar, catching the eyes of a tall blonde nursing a drink in the opposite corner. Kory smiles automatically, and the woman smiles back, prying herself away from the bar-top and coming over.

"Hey." She says in a raspy voice.

Kory presses her lips together, trying not to laugh at the slur in her words. "Hi."

"I'm Anya."


"What brings you here tonight, Kory?"

The opportunity presents itself, and Kory takes it gladly. "Well, I left the kids at home to spend a night out with my boyfriend."

Her words register slowly, but when they do, Anya's face is priceless. "You have kids?"

"Yep, boy and a girl. You're surprised right? Believe me, they were both unexpected." Anya's jaw unhinges and now Kory does laugh. "Sorry to disappoint you."

Kory traces the rim of her glass while Anya composes herself. Running a hand through her hair, she sets her elbow on the bar and leans in.

"Not disappointed. Honestly, I'm impressed."


"Yeah. Hot-as-hell single mother who can kill it on a dancefloor? Impressive."

Kory wags her finger. "Uh-uh. Someone wasn't listening." She'd know his presence anywhere, feels his fingers on her spine and grins. "Not single."

"Hey ladies." Dick drawls beside her. Anya probably won't pick up on the edge in his voice, but Kory doesn't miss it.

"Ah." Anya mumbles after a moment. "I forgot. The boyfriend."

"Present and accounted for." Dick gibes.

Anya glances between them, her lips pressed in a thin line. She offers a terse nod before returning to the other side of the bar. Kory rolls her eyes, turning in Dick's arms so they're facing one another.

"Glad to see you're not the jealous type."

"One of my lesser flaws." His kiss swiftly silences any argument to that statement.

Kory is definitely feeling the alcohol, now. Her whole body sways when his lips meet hers and she has to push against the bar to keep steady. The friction between them drags a moan from Dick's throat that sends shockwaves down Kory's spine.

"Wish the blonde had stuck around." She teases, "The three of us could have had a good time."

Dick's expression morphs from scandalized to considering to downright mischievous. His one hand drifts over the exposed skin at her midriff, the other snaking up her thigh.

"Maybe I don't want to share you." He purrs, kissing just below her ear. "Maybe I want you all to myself."

Kory bites her lip, trying and probably failing to control her breathing. "Well, there are a lot of people in here, Mr. Grayson. If you want me, I suggest we go somewhere more private.

Dick pulls back, his face millimeters from hers, eyes searching. For what, Kory's not sure. He can't doubt she's serious, can't doubt that she wants him, yet here he stands, waiting for her to do… something. To sign off on whatever idea is taking shape in his head. Her lips pull up in a smirk and she raises an eyebrow as if to say I'm waiting, Boy Wonder.

That seems to settle it. Dick squeezes her arm then pushes back into the crowd without a word. Kory drums her fingers against the bar, deciding that it's probably a good time to close their tab. When she turns back, she spots Dick talking to a surly man wearing a staff t-shirt. They're positioned next to a black metal staircase that leads to a doorway blocked by velvet curtains; some sort of VIP lounge, Kory assumes.

It looks like Dick is trying to convince the guard of something, but he isn't having much luck. Then he slips something into the man's hand, and the guard nods. When Dick makes it back to her, Kory's eyebrows are at her hairline.

"Um…. what was that?"

Dick blushes, tugging her away from the bar. "Follow me."

They head toward the metal staircase, the guard shooting Dick a knowing look as they pass. Dick stops at the top of the stairs, pulling back one of the curtains and ushering her inside. They must be sound absorbing, because as soon as she steps inside, the blaring music disappears. There's a smaller dancefloor at the end of the lounge, a few velvet couches and floor tables, and a massive jukebox.

Kory nods approvingly. Dick hovers by the doorway, making sure she's satisfied before taking in the space, himself. When he's close enough, Kory grabs a fistful of his shirt and pulls him to her.

"Nicely done, Mr. Grayson." Her palm slides down his chest, around his side to rest on the small of his back.

Dick doesn't waste another second, cupping her face and consuming her with a kiss. An unbidden sigh escapes her lips, her body melting against his. It's relief and lust and love pouring out of her in waves so powerful she nearly collapses under the pressure. Dick's hands begin a slow trek down her body, slipping under her bandeau and making her gasp.

"Dick," she breathes, "anyone could come in."

His hand stills and he blushes again. "That won't be a problem."

She blinks at him for a moment, then it clicks. "Did you rent out the lounge?" His silence answers her. "How the hell did you pay for that?"

He ducks his head. "I may have… used some of the money Bruce left us."

Kory's stunned. Normally Dick wouldn't touch that money under any circumstances. The more she ruminates on it, the harder it is to keep a straight face.

"You used some of the limited cash supply your estranged adoptive father left you so we could have sex in a club lounge?"

Dick cringes. "You know, it seemed kind of romantic in my head but now that you say it out loud…"

She's laughing when she kisses him.