Merlin worried over Arthur. Constantly.

Everyone in Camelot knew that. They knew the dynamic between Merlin and Arthur wasn't traditional. Arthur saw Merlin as a friend, an advisor. But no one knew how Merlin saw the prince. The rue way he felt about him.

And no one ever would. Especially not Arthur.

When the idiot had revealed that he was going to sacrifice himself to repair the tear in the veil, Merlin knew he had to go with him. To die in his place.

Because Merlin couldn't let the man he was in love with leave this world without him.


They spent the night in the ruins of an old castle. They were a day from reaching the Isle of the Blessed.

Merlin could tell Arthur was struggling with something, as they remained awake after the knights had fallen asleep. Gwaine softly snored, though that was the only indication he was even alive. None of the knights moved. But while Merlin wanted to laugh at how they all slept, the pain in his chest at seeing Arthur so confused and brooding wouldn't let him see the comedy.

It physically hurt him to see the slight fear in Arthur's eyes. It was dimmed by his determination to protect Camelot, but it almost seemed like it wasn't dying that Arthur was afraid of.

"Arthur, it's going to be alright. Everything will work out." Merlin tried to take away the pain in the other's face; pain that pierced his heart like a dagger.. He refused to let himself think of a world without him. Of never seeing his idiotic face smile again.

Arthur flinched slightly and glanced at him. "'M fine. Just tired."

"You don't have to sacrifice yourself. Let me go. I am not as important as you. In fact," Merlin tried to control the despair in his voice. "I'm nobody. Just a clumsy good-for-nothing servant."

"You can't Merlin.I-I couldn't live with myself, knowing you died for me." Arthur said softly, looking up from the fire again.

It confused Merlin, what Arthur just said. He... He probably meant that he was his friend. He couldn't mean anything else. But Merlin had to know exactly. "Arthur what do you mean?" Merlin inched closer.

"I don't know. You are so ...Different. I've never met anyone else like you. I want to keep you safe."

Arthur inched closer as well. Their faces were a handsbreadth apart now as they gazed into eachother's eyes. Arthur's eyes were so blue, just like the ocean. Merlin was drowning in them as he whispered, "Funny how I'M always saving YOU." He gave the smallest smile.

Arthur hesitantly returned the smile, his eyes flicking to Merlin's mouth. "I don't know why I feel like this. I've never felt this way about a man before..."

Merlin's heart kicked into high gear as Arthur uttered those words. He.. He couldn't. Arthur loved Gwen. Not him. He wasn't in the same strange boat as Merlin. "Arthur. I-" Merlin hesitated, unsure of EXACTLY what he meant.

"I'm sorry." Arthur pulled away, sitting further down the log, far from Merlin. "Forget I said anything." Arthur wrapped his arms around himself, everything about him radiating heartbreak. "Two men together is wrong. I apologize for making you uncomfortable."

Merlin moved over to where Arthur sat, and invaded his personal space. "Arthur, how do you know I was uncomfortable? I wasn't. I was stunned, yes. But only because I never dreamed that you could feel the same way about me as I feel about you. I... I mistakenly thought you loved Gwen."

"You... You feel the same way bout me?" Arthur looked completely lost.

"Of course, you idiot!" Merlin laughed quietly asthe prince smiled. "I've had these feelings for a while now. I've never been inappropriate about it, butI never said anything. I thought you could never feel the same. I was happy just seeing you happy."

"Merlin..." Arthur placed a hand on his cheek, thumb stoking Merlin's prominent cheekbone. "I can't live in w orld without you in it. I can't let you die."

"And I can't let you die. You are going to be the greatest King Albion has ever known. I'm not as important as you."

Arthur rested his forehead on the young warlock's as Merlins arms wrapped around Arthur's waist. "What do we do?"

"Let me do it." Lancelot's voice startled them out of their bubble.

They quickly tore apart, distancing themselves from eachother. "Lance, this isn't what it looks like..." Merlin said hurriedly, looking around the room.

The rest of the group were awake as well. Their wordless stares scared him. What would they do? He was a sevant in love with the prince he served. It was against every norm he knew.

"I-" Arthur was desperately trying to find an explanation. "We- we were -"

Gwaine started laughing. Very loudly.

Percival sent him an irritated look. "Arthur, we weren't sleeping. It was a ruse to get you two to admit your feelings."

"It killed me to see you so lovesick over Merlin, Sire , yet completely unable to see he felt the same." Leon said quietly.

Elyan cuffed Gwaine, saying , "This is serious. They think we are going to object."

That quickly shut his mouth, then..."Really, Arthur? We've been waiting for this for years!"

"You... Approve?" Merlin was stunned, and went back to his new lover's side. "You actually approve?"

"I prefer men as well." Percival said, shrugging his massive shoulders. "I hear the druids actually let couples of the same gender marry. "

"I wouldn't mind being a druid." Merlin muttered.

"You are really fine with this... with US?" Arthur asked.

"Of course! Why else would we still be here?" Gwaine started laughing again at the sheer relief on the two men's faces.

Merlin turned to Arthur, caressing his face. "Are you fine with it?"

Arthur merely took the scrawny male in his arms. "I worry about what Uther or the older knights might say, but I am completely sure of my feelings for you. I could never leave you now."

"Promise?" Merlin mumbled into his shirt.

"I promise."


Well what'd ya think? Reviews very much appreciated :)