Hey fellow Karmiro fans! As a lover of this ship, I plan to make as many drabbles and cute moments as possible until our girl comes home to her love! So here comes the first one "All's Fun In Love and War", a short cute Karmiro drabble with a guest appearance by Granville herself! Enjoy our precious science babies! Dedicated to bh6trash, organizer of Karmiro week 2k19 and all around great dude!

(This is set after the inevitable return of Karmi to SFIT, and is not a sequel to "Missed Him/Missed Her")

Professor Grace Granville was closing up shop at SFIT that night.

Windows locked? Check.

Doors locked? Double check.

Security system that will terminate any potential threat to her students in the even of Big Hero 6 being late or absent? Triple check.

Granville let out a content sigh as she made her rounds, looking for any rogue students who were "just finishing a project" or "just grabbing a snack from the cafeteria" or "just working on their Kaiju suit" (that Fred boy was a mystery).

There was nothing she wasn't prepared for right now.

If a bunch of supervillains came in, she'd know just what to do!

If a disaster struck, she would hold the key to victory!

Everything was ready and accounted for.

Nothing could surprise her.

Except for this.


She could hear giggling from Karmi's lab.

Her eyes darting to her left without turning a single muscle, she slowly repositioned herself and edged towards the lab's entrance.

At first, the sound of joyous laughter having died out, she thought that it might have just been her hearing things.

With no further evidence to the existence of students over staying their welcome, Granville began to retreat, shaking her head at the idea that…

"Two in a row! Boom!"

…Life truly was disappointing at times, eh Grace?

She retraced her steps, fully planning to march in and escort the students (read: kick them out) for their intolerable behavior.

That is, until she overhead their voices:

"Quiet, Genius Boy! Granville will hear us!", Karmi uttered, clearly frightened of the potential punishment.

"It's ok! She's probably still locking her office up!", Hiro relaxed.

"And you know this how?", Karmi raised an eyebrow (at least, Granville assumed. The room was completely dark)

"…Can we go back to the fun part?", Hiro replied, sounding less than amused.

More giggling.

"All right.", Karmi said, with a bit of fondness and shyness.

"I… I'm not used to so much of this."

"We've done it before."

"I didn't say I don't like it!", she said, defensively.

Silence, momentarily.

"It's just that… All my life, I didn't get much of this. In any form. So… It's nice to know that someone thinks I deserve it."

A red blush could be seen by Granville's hawk eyes, despite the darkness.

"I don't think. I know."


Granville couldn't see it, but she was sure that a hug was what was obscured from her sight.

"Ok, enough mushy stuff, let's get this going! Can I get 3 in a row?"

"In your dreams, Hiro! I'm getting the next one! I'm getting the prize!"

All her life, Granville was sure of her next step.

Even with… Bob… She knew what to do.

Now, she wasn't so sure.

Should she barge in?

This felt… Personal…



"Dang it!"

"Ha ha, Hiro! Pay up!"

…Also probably really stupid.



"Well… The master is back."

"It's not like I'm suffering when I'm losing. No need to rub it in."

"Hey, it's you. This is more than a fair reward."

Maybe she should…

"Ace! Beat that!"

"…Ace too, Genius Boy."

"…Oh. We didn't plan for that. Any ideas?"

"I don't know. What about you?"


Suddenly, whispers, but ones she can't hear.

"…Did I ever tell you just how much I love you, Hiro?"

"Not as many times as I have to you."

Ok, that's it. It's really late and this is getting weird.

Granville opened the lights, yet Hiro and Karmi failed to notice.

Their eyes were locked to each other, playing cards on the ground between them, the space made up by their near faces.

Karmi blushed, shy and a little nervous. She looked down, and then slightly up, her eyes sparkling.

Hiro, for all his prior confidence, was also a little shy and nervous, his smile that awkward but winning one that had melted Karmi's heart.

They both smiled…

And they both neared, eyes closed, lips puckered…

But just as they began a sweet, tender, small kiss…

"Mr. Hamada, Ms. Khan, it is closing time."

Karmi let out a tiny yelp and Hiro fell backwards onto the floor, hitting his head on the surface.

"PROFESSOR GRANVILLE! I CAN EXPLAIN!", Karmi started, a wild look in her eyes, waving her hands every which way.

"IT'S NOT WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE!", Hiro tried, still scrambling off of the floor.

Granville let on a smug grin and a cocked eyebrow as she waited for the explanation.

Hiro and Karmi both looked at each other, and, resigned to their fate, they looked back at Granville.

They did not notice that they instinctively pinkie locked to protect each other from the oncoming storm, but Granville sure did.

"…We were playing "War".", they started explaining.

"But, um, the rules were different. 'Cause… Um… Whomever loses a round has to kiss the winner."

"NOT that that is losing in my opinion. At all.", they said at the same time, blushing slightly.

Granville shook her head, but she was more maternal than disciplinary.

"You two can continue your little game, but do please take it somewhere else. It is getting late, and SFIT needs to sleep too, you know."

A twinkle in her eyes could be seen as Hiro and Karmi sighed in relief, amazed that they had escaped punishment.

They quickly picked the cards, and excitedly, Karmi took Hiro's hand.

"Come on, let's go to your house: Your aunt's pastries have a date with my stomach!"

Hiro laughed as she carried him off, the two enjoying the rush of each other's hands touching. "Lead the way!"

As they ran off giggling, bright smiles on their faces, Granville could only shake her head lovingly at them.


Hope you like it! I am totally open for Karmiro requests by the way, so send any that you want! As long as its not smut!