A/N: NEW STORRRRYYYY!!! This one is, as you may have guessed, about Finn and Holley. The update schedule will be similar to 'A Little at a Time' but it will vary as school has started again. But it will be between 4 and 7 days for every update. I will try for four, or five, but the latest it will be is seven. I promise.

So, this is how Finn and Holley became partners and how their relationship developed. The timeline is my own, has nothing to do with the movie. And in my AU, Finn is incredibly young but has a very good skill set for his job. Holley is only a little bit younger, but still has qualifications to be an amazing spy.

... you'll understand later. Anywho, here's the first chapter!

Disclaimer: I own none of the recognizable characters. They belong to Disney/Pixar.

Finn had always wanted to be a spy.

Ever since he was young and had first watched a spy movie, he'd been obsessed. He and his friends, mostly Leland and Siddeley, would spend most of their time playing and pretending to be master spies. Fight bad guys and saving the day one mission at a time.

When they were around ten months old, the three had enrolled in a training achedmy for aspiring spies. They'd been accepted into it, and the training had begun when they turned a year old.

It had been rigorous. It tested their physical and mental abilities, pushed them to do their best and more. They quickly built muscle, their endurance and stamina grew, as their body did.

After two years of the most severe training he'd ever gone through, he'd finally applied to C.H.R.O.M.E. along with Siddeley and Leland, of course. They waited for three long months, before getting the letter than told them they had been accepted.

Of course, they'd rushed to tell their parents and other family members. Moms had been worried, dads proud, and Siddeley's many siblings had been both worried and proud.

They'd immediately rushed to the headquarters, surprisingly not far from where they lived in London. It was well hidden though, where nobody would expect it to be - right in the middle of the city, disguised as an old, three story house.

And upon entrance, it was a big contrast from the outside. It was bright, with white tile floors and grey walls, with lighter grey office walls and doors.

All three were to busy looking around, and didn't notice who was coming up behind them until a voice spoke from beside Finn.

"New recruits?"

Finn startled sideways, gathering himself quickly and rounding on the horse, pinning his ears and baring his teeth. Just as quickly as he had startled, he simmered down. He stood straight, pricking his ears towards the stallion, who simply smiled.

"Nice reflexes. Names Cody Wilson, been an agent for four and a half years."

Finn looked him over, studying him. The grey stallion was a tad bit shorter than him, but not by much. His ears were rounded on the top, unlike Finn's, whose ears had a sharper edge to them. He was skinny, but with muscle from years of work.

"Finn McMissile. These are my friends, Leland Turbo and Siddeley Lyons."

"Nice to meet you all! Come on, I'll show you to the boss."

With that Cody turned around, trotting down a hallway towards what Finn assumed was the directors office. A bit hesitant, he moved forward after him.

He passed a lot on his way there. He picked up a lot of new smells, horses, humans, and objects alike. The one thing he paid most attention to was the indoor arena: Sand as ground instead of tile, and quite a few people and horses in there. The place was huge.

He hadn't realized he'd stopped to stare until he heard Leland calling for him. He took one last glance into the room before trotting off after the group.

When they reached the office, Finn could hear two voices. He could easily pick out what they were saying.

"Are you sure you want to work with a stallion? They're unpredictable."

"Your a stallion!"

"I'm speaking from experience, Ethan. I just want you to be safe. And with this one in particular? He's fresh from the academy, no experience in the field! He's never even been ridden, and-"

"Look, from the training videos you've sent me, the confirmation pics, and the list of things this stallion knows, I'm pretty sure I'll come to like him. Before you say anything, yes I know he's only three and yes I know his breed is known to be high strung, hot headed and difficult. But, that's what makes a good field agent!"

"Ethan, you've never worked with a stallion before! The last two have been geldings!"

"I know that. I loved them, and their deaths hurt me. But they hadn't been aggressive enough, that's why they got shot and killed. They weren't aggressive on the field and sometimes hesitated to go into the line of fire. From what Blake and Josh say, Rod and Cody have never hesitated with anything, and both of them are stallions! I'm experienced enough to work with one, don't you think?"

Ethan, Finn recognized the name. He was a highly respected human agent in C.H.R.O.M.E., working there for around 18 years. His recent equine partner - a thirteen year old gelding - had passed away on a mission. It was a very young age to die, and he remembered being told that his very first partner, another horse named Harley, had been shot when he was only five. Tragic, yes, and it stopped Ethan from choosing another partner for two years.

From what he was hearing, it sounded as if Ethan was getting a new partner.

After a few minutes of silence he heard the first voice speak again, "Fine. But if he turns out to be to much for you to handle, I'm switching you back to another gelding. Understand?"

"Yes sir!"

The door to the office suddenly swung open, making Siddeley and Cody take a few steps back. Finn's and Leland's ears pricked.

Ethan stepped out of the room, and seeing Cody first he stopped and smiled. "Well hello you. How're you doin?"

"I'm good. Just showing the newest recruits around," Cody tilted his head behind him a bit as another horse stepped out. Finn instantly recognized him as the head of C.H.R.O.M.E. just as Ethan met his gaze.

Finn took a step back and arched his neck a little as Ethan's grey eyes went wide. "Finn McMissile. Well I'll be darned."

Ethan took a few step closer as the director called to him again, "Careful."

Finn's ears flicked back and forth as he approached, his hand out stretched. "Hey you. Been hoping to meet you for a while now."

Finn kept his neck arched, but moved his nose away from his neck a bit.

"See Mason, he ain't doing anything."

"Yet," he heard a quiet mutter, than the director smiled. "Welcome to Headquarter boys. Turbo, Lyons, please follow Cody to the auditorium where you will meet your human partners and other agents. McMissile, Ethan, please, in my office."

A/N: And that's a wrap for chapter 1! What do ya'll think so far? And Ethan is American, if you couldn't tell XD While Mason is British. He's the director of CHROME.

If anything is confusing right now, hopefully I'll be able to clear it up soon. And sorry if anything feels rushed. The next chapter should be out soon, it's almost the weekend so I can actually write lol. And also, the story title is like, completely random as I have no ability to name things. So this is what it is for now, it might change later. If anyone has any ideas feel free to tell me.