It's been a while since I posted a story. Apart from my hobbies and normal life, me and my family have recently move. We didn't just move house, we moved interstate. We've finally settled in so now I'm back to my stories. More will be posted soon.

Harry Potter belongs to JK Rowling, I just like playing with the characters.

Chapter one

When Harry first felt the dementors he did think of helping Dudley. But after all the years of being hit and bullied by his cousin and his gang, Harry decided Dudley deserved what was happening. Dudley was on his list, right under his Vernon and Petunia. But Harry figured if Dudley got kissed by a dementor then that would mean Petunia and Vernon would suffer since they would see their precious Duddykins as a mindless idiot. So in a way three on his list would be taken care of, one way or another.

He began his list before he started at Hogwarts. It just got a lot longer after he returned to the wizarding world.

Harry made it look good though, he told Dudley to run before Harry turned and sprinted away. Harry was fast, he had no choice but to learn to run fast, it was how he escaped many beatings from Dudley. But his fat cousin could not run a few feet before he was exhausted, the dementors would swoop down on him in a matter of seconds.

Harry ran but this time he didn't run straight to number four, he ran towards Magnolia crescent, and ran into Mrs. Figg, the mad cat lady that often looked after him when the Dursley's went out.

'Harry, are you okay?'

'I'm fine, I felt cold and Dudley kept yelling at me, he punch me, I have no idea why. I knew there was danger so I told him to run then I took off. But what are you doing out here Mrs. Figg?'

'I felt the dementors, I came to speak with Mundungus, I realised he left. I hope Dumbledore murders him. But you best get in, I will send word to Dumbledore.'

'How do you know about Dumbledore and dementors?'

'I'm a squib.'

'Oh, so you've known all these years and never told me?'

'I couldn't, I was just supposed to keep an eye on you, to make sure you were okay.'

'Well, you did a lousy fucking job,' Harry glared, which shocked Arabella, 'You've made my list as well. You stood back for all those years while I was mistreated and did nothing, I hope the dementors get you,' Harry turned and ran off. He was furious, this woman who used to torture him with pictures of all his cats never told him she knew he was a wizard or anything about the magical world, and she never once mentioned his parent's. Harry had no idea who this Mundungus was, he didn't care.

Harry snuck into the house then up to his room. He would have liked to slam the door, but he knew how that would end. With his uncle's fists in his face.

Harry found his list, he added Mrs. Figg's name, but he also added Hermione and Ron's name as well. All these weeks and he never got one letter. He had been suffering through a lot of nightmares about Cedric and the graveyard, yet his friends didn't seem to care if he was alright or not. He'd had enough, after four years of danger at Hogwarts, and all the years of being beaten and starved by the Dursley's, he decided it was time to get away from everyone. He knew no one would let him, but it didn't mean he would make it easy for anyone.

Harry was sitting on the floor in the corner of his room, he heard noises from downstairs earlier. He heard his aunt scream and his uncle yelling, he thought it had to do with Dudley. Harry did wonder if his cousin was able to get away from the dementors, Harry didn't think he would but he didn't care either way.

But the house had been quiet for a while now, he wondered if it meant he was alone in the house, which had never happened before. Normally the Dursley's would never allow him to remain in the house if they had to go somewhere. Harry did a quick check of the house, when he found it empty, he quickly went through a few places that he knew Dudley and Petunia stashed money. He shoved it in his pocket then hurried back to the room he used. He sat down to do a lot of thinking about what happened that night. He had no idea why dementors were there, in a muggle neighbourhood but he had a feeling they were sent there for him. He just wasn't sure who sent them. Was it Voldemort, or was it someone like Fudge.

Harry knew he could have cast his patronus to help Dudley, but he didn't want to save his pathetic cousin. Dudley was on his list so he planned to make his cousin pay sooner or later, it just ended up sooner. He also didn't want to take the chance of using magic outside of school. He knew Fudge was an idiot, he also knew Fudge was friendly with Lucius Malfoy, a death eater who had been in the graveyard when Voldemort returned. Harry couldn't trust Fudge, or anyone at the ministry. First the man refuse to believe him about Sirius being innocent and was going to have him kissed by a dementor, then he refuse to believe Voldemort had returned. For all Harry knew Fudge is the reason the dementors were here. He may have wanted Harry kissed, but after having to put up with those creatures for his third year at Hogwarts, Harry knew the moment it got cold what it meant, so he ran.

Harry had no idea that when Mrs. Figg spoke to Dumbledore using the fireplace that connected with the headquarters of the order of the phoenix, that people had overheard what she said. Two people gasped when Mrs. Figg told Dumbledore what Harry said, about the list. Hermione and Ron were asked what was wrong and if they knew what this list was. Neither of them wanted to say, but they had the headmaster, Remus, McGonagall and Mrs Weasley all on them. Finally Hermione explained about Harry's list and what it meant. It started with Voldemort, but it had other names, the Dursley's name was on it. It had Dumbledore's, McGonagall, and Snape's name on the list, even had the minister's name on it. Sirius was worried, he knew Harry was a lot harder than he should be, not that he could blame his godson, but he didn't want Harry becoming dark.

Hermione thought back to when she first found out that Harry had made a list of people he wanted dead. It confused her at the time but she figured Harry was just angry and he would get over it. Now she was scared that he really meant it.

Sirius and Remus spoke, they finally got Dumbledore to agree to bring Harry to the house. It was just too dangerous to stay with the muggles anymore. Dumbledore at first said it was safer, but when he said he would need to remain inside, even Molly went off. They all said that no child should have to stay inside for weeks at a time. If Dumbledore wanted Harry safe and healthy then it would be best to get him away from Privet drive and bring him to headquarters. There was a yard out back, it was enchanted so the neighbours could not see anything. Finally Dumbledore agreed, he sent Remus and a few other members to fetch Harry.

Vernon had raced into the house, as fast as his fat body could carry him, 'Get out, you are to leave and never come back. We always knew taking in a freak like you would end badly. No more, get out.'

'Fine, I'll go see my godfather,' Harry glared then began throwing his few things into his trunk. He didn't have to worry about Hedwig since she hadn't returned. He had sent a letter to Hermione and Ron a few days ago, so Harry knew it meant they weren't going to respond to the letter but they were also keeping his owl. Harry grabbed the cage and trunk, he dragged them noisily downstairs and out the door. He walked off down the street. He figured he should get away from number four then call the night bus.


Harry stopped and turned, 'Lupin.'

'Why are you out here?'

'Vernon finally had enough, kicked me out, not that I fucking care, I wish the dementor got him. I was going to call the night bus to take me to the Leaky Cauldron. Why are you here and who are those people?'

'We've come to take you to a place you'll be safe. It's the headquarters of the order of the phoenix, Snuffles in there.'

Harry had been thinking of asking Remus Lupin something to make sure it was really him. But the moment he said Snuffles, he knew this man was not an imposter.

'I don't know about safe, but I would like to see…Snuffles.'

'Where's Hedwig?'

'I sent her with a letter a few days ago and she hasn't come back. Someone is keeping her from me.' he growled.

'Let me shrink your trunk and the cage.'

Harry dropped both then waited until they were small before he put them in his pocket.

'So are we taking the night bus?'

'No, I will take you by side-along apparition.'

'Okay, but will you tell your friends to stop fucking staring at me. I get that enough at Hogwarts, everyone looking at my blasted scar, it pisses me off.'

Everyone with Remus turned away, most embarrassed at being caught staring at the-boy-who-lived.

Remus sighed, Sirius was right, Harry was a lot harder than he should be, 'Have you been taken by apparition before?'

'No, but it can't be worse than a portkey.'

'It's similar but faster. Are you ready?'

'Past ready,' Harry took hold of Lupin's arm then felt like he was being suffocated, 'Fucking hell, that it the worst.'

'It can be uncomfortable, but you do get used to it. I need you to read this silently,' Remus was again surprised by Harry's language, but he held out the note.

Harry looked at the note, the headquarters of the order of the phoenix can be found at number twelve Grimmauld place.

'Dumbledore's writing.'

'Yes, how did you know?'

'I've had enough notes from him, too many actually,' Harry looked up to finally see number twelve.

'Let's get in Remus,' the tall black man said urgently.

'Yes, it's not safe, come on Harry.'

The group kept looking around until they got inside, 'Sirius,' Harry grinned, 'the disgusting muggles kicked me out, I'm glad to be shot of them, finally. I was heading to the Leaky Cauldron when this lot turned up.'

'We were worried how they would react to what happened,' Sirius put his arm around Harry's shoulder.

'You mean the dementors turning up?'

'Yes, why didn't you cast your patronus to save your cousin?'

'I will not take the chance of being arrested, bloody Fudge is as thick as a brick and friendly with a death eater. For all I know Fudge might allow Malfoy to take me to his lord and master, I wasn't going to risk it. But what do you mean save my cousin? I told him to run.'

'It seems he did not get the chance,' Sirius said.

'Dudley was kissed Harry,' Remus said sadly.

'Couldn't have happened to a better person, now he might have some brains, the great fucking idiot. Anyway, I'm beat, were can I sleep.'

'You're in with Ron.'

'No fucking way, when friends ignore you especially after suffering from the cruciatus curse and almost being killed by Voldemort then that's not the type of friend I want. Plus they kept Hedwig from me. That is unforgivable. I'll sleep on the sofa, just point me to it.'

'You can stay with me then, come on,' Sirius nodded to Remus then pulled Harry up the stairs.

Harry didn't know that the rest of the order had been listening, but so had Hermione and Ron. Both felt terrible for leaving Harry alone over the last few weeks and for keeping Hedwig. Dumbledore told them Harry needed time to come to terms with what happened and he was worried that their letters might get intercepted. It seems Harry did, he didn't want them as friends anymore. Hermione wondered if it meant they made Harry's list, Ron was sure they did. They had a few weeks before they returned to Hogwarts, hopefully they could make it up to Harry, if he would let them. But they both knew Harry could be stubborn, so they had no idea what was going to happen.