My dear little broccolis💚💚💚
Chapter 9: Loving 2.0
💚 So, this is yet another old thing I dug up from the depth of my computer. I know you're all waiting for other updates, as I said, I am working on my own books, and it takes a lot of time. But this is my way of making you wait a little longer. As you know, I am working on my book series at the moment, and the third book is coming soon, which I'm sure you will jump on the occasion to get when it will be out😉 If you want to read the first two, you can get them on Amazon, paperback and ebook, and if you read it, don't forget to drop a rate & review there and on Goodreads
💚 ‼️ALSO, READ THIS BEFORE READING THE STORY‼️ This is a story that is a bit unconventional. But don't jump to conclusions, it's not what you think, just go with the story and see where I'm taking you.
💚 Love, Mina
.~°~. .~°~. .~°~.
Jace's PoV.
I look at the gravestone, trying to feel something, but nothing comes. How weird is that? I can't feel a single thing for the woman who held me for nine months within her breast and who gave birth to me. The woman died to give me life, and I don't feel anything toward her. I should at least feel a glimpse of grief or something, but I don't. I only feel indifference.
Suddenly, I feel Clary's hand on my shoulder, and I weakly smile before standing up to look at her. It's been a month since I saw her, and still, I knew it was her even before turning my head. After the big reveal of our parents, she left, saying that it was too much to deal with for her. I know that she was in Switzerland trying to connect with Valentine, Jon told me so. But mostly I know that she gave back to Sebastard his stupid ring.
Mom was devastated by Clary's departure, and so was Dad. I know she's not my Mom, sort of speak, but she still is to me. And contrarily to Clary, I don't blame our parents for lying to us. They just wanted to spare us, even though it ended up hurting us. How were they supposed to know I'd fall in love with Clary?
They said that they wanted us to have a normal family, free of drama and that they didn't want us to grieve someone we never got to meet. I guess they were right somewhere along the lines. Except that I blew it all, I fell in love with my sister. I still didn't tell them, and I know Clary didn't tell them anything either.
Now that she's back, I should probably tell them. It's not like I'll be able to hide it any longer. I love her, I want to spend the rest of my life with, I want her to bear my children. The problem is, how am I going to tell them? How am I going to tell them that their daughter is all I've been thinking about for years?
"Did you go to the folks?"
"Because I wanted to see you first."
She smiles at me, and I can't stop myself, I lean in and kiss her. Who does that? Who kisses their girl in a cemetery? I've been coming here every day for a month, trying to feel something for my genitor, and I never saw anyone do that. I guess when you're twisted enough to fall in love with your sister, you're twisted enough to kiss her in a graveyard.
And it's not like she seems to mind, she's wrapping her arms around my neck, and deepens the kiss. I break it before getting too excited, I mean, we're in a cemetery and I haven't seen her in a month. She smiles at me again, and I lead her outside this place filled with dead people as she tells me that she's staying in a hotel with Jon.
Apparently, Jon and she are still in very good terms, even though she broke his best friend's heart. I guess they must have felt that they were related somehow and that's why they hit off so well when they first met. Jon had been cool enough to keep me updated on her whereabouts and on how she was doing, even though we never really spoke to one another.
As I direct us toward my truck, she stops walking and looks at the engine. I never take the bike when I come to the cemetery because somehow I feel like if that woman had had the possibility to be my Mom, she would have been worried to see me on two wheels, like all Moms. It's the only thing I can actually do for her.
Clary looks at me and I see that she's fidgeting her hands. I frown, not liking where this could go, and I wait for her to say what's on her mind.
"I'm going back to the hotel now. But I'll go to see the parents tomorrow..."
"I'll see you there then. Do you want me to drop you off?"
I can't say that I'm not disappointed that she doesn't want to spend the night with me. It's not even about sex, it's just that I missed her, and I would have loved to be alone with her. But I don't want to push her into anything because that's how weak I become when it comes to Clary.
"No, it's okay. I have this brother really annoying, I don't want him to scare you off."
She gives me a small smile and points a car in which I see Jon doing crosswords. Then she leaves me, not without giving me a quick peck on the lips and she goes back to him as I go to my truck. I hesitate for a moment, and then decide myself, driving to our folks.
When I arrive at their doorstep, I feel as confident as Hercules, but when Dad opens the door, all my confidence flies through the window. Maybe it was a bad idea to come. Dad smiles to me as he tells me to come in, and I smell the odour of ratatouille, indicating me that Mom is cooking in the kitchen and reminding that it's dinner time.
"Oh Jace, you're just in time for dinner."
I weakly smile and sit as Mom serves dinner after kissing me on the cheek. I know, we're not related, but she always loved me as her son, she never made a single difference between Clary and I, just like Dad. So yeah, she's still my Mom, I can't bring myself to call her Jocelyn, it just seems wrong.
"So what brings you here, out of the blue?"
I don't even dare to look at Dad. God, this was a really bad idea. I should have thought about it twice. I keep my eyes on the vegetables, mentally telling myself to grow a pair, and then, I mumble indistinctly:
"A girl."
"Oh. I knew there was a girl!"
Even though I don't look at her, I know that Mom is grinning of happiness. Just wait until she hears what girl, and she'll lose that smile in the blink of an eye. I already know what she'll say, what Dad will say, but I rather have them yelling at me than at Clary and me. I know she won't be able to bear it.
"I don't think you'd like to know who it is though."
"Of course I'd love to. Are you going to present her to us?"
"It's Clary."
Contrarily at what I've been expecting, Dad is the one who reacts the most violently. He drops his fork and miss-swallows his food before coughing all he can and becoming red as a tomato.
"Tell me you're talking about another Clary!"
I shake my head and a nerve appears on his forehead, threatening to explode at any moment. I quickly glance at Mom who is still impassively looking at me.
"You cannot bang your sister like any other girl Jace. Especially not her. I understand that all of this confuses you and that the forbidden fruit appears appealing, but Clary is off limits! I thought you knew that! How many times did I see you beat the crap out of a kid because he wanted to get in her pants?!"
"I didn't beat them because they wanted to get in her pants. I beat them because they were free to love her when I wasn't."
"You are not free to love her! She's your sister! Blood or not, we raised you the same. You grew up together as brother and sister, and I am not giving my daughter away to my son!"
Dad quickly gets up and leaves without another word. Yeah, this might be harder than I thought. I always thought I'd have Dad's support but apparently, I've been mistaking. Mom looks at me her face still unreadable, and I fear that I might have just lost my parents right here. I love Clary with all my heart, but I love our parents too. Is it that bad?
"I'm sorry Mom, but ... I love her, it's not like I chose. I just love her."
For an infinite amount of time, she stays silent, looking at me with an expression she never had in her life to look at me. And it pains me a little. And then she also stands up, but instead of walking out on me, she comes to stand next to me, and she rests her hand on my shoulder.
"Don't ever apologize for being in love."
.~°~. .~°~. .~°~.
I've been forbidden to go in the house ever again, and even more now that Clary is in there. It's been two weeks. Dad still doesn't want to speak to me, even though Mom tries to soothe him down. Do you want to know the irony in all of that? I'm the only one at fault for him. I know Clary told them how far we've gone (which I didn't because I wanted to spare them), but to Dad, I'm the villain who seduced his daughter to steal her virtue.
Clary keeps on texting me, telling me how Dad tries to set her up with some of his acquaintance's son. And she keeps on telling him that she's not interested, that she wants him to just pass this, and he keeps on keeping her inside the house. Mom says that he just needs to realize that his little girl is not so little anymore.
And now, I'm on my bike, my helmet on the handlebar, and I'm waiting for Dad to get out of his office building. I know this is the only time I'll get to speak to him. When I see him, I hop off the bike and walk to him. I can see that he's parted between ignoring me and glaring at me, but in the end, he chooses the last solution and glares at me.
"Are you going to hate me until the end of your days?"
"Are you going to see reason and stop this nonsense?"
I sigh and he humphs. It's like, for him, I chose on purpose to fall in love with Clary.
"Why does it bother you so much? It's not like I'm the worst person in the world! I'm sure you wouldn't have had any problems if I had been her best friend since kindergarten, living next door, sharing everything I shared with her under the label 'best friend' instead of 'brother'."
"Because you are my son, and she is my daughter. Because you believed she was your sister and that still didn't stop you from lusting over her ..."
"I didn't! I love her! Don't make me enumerate the whys and the how's I love her! Just accept it! How come you're only mad at me? What about Clary?"
Dad opens his mouth to retort but he seems out of arguments. Don't get me wrong, I get where he comes from, but that doesn't mean I'll let it take Clary away. He looks at me for a while, and then he heaves before telling me to get in the car. We drive in silence until we get home, and once we're there, I finally smile, seeing the love of my life running to me.
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💚Your thoughts and opinions are always welcomed💚
💚 So, here was the small story. This is the second fanfiction ii wrote here, so just take it as it is, and if you liked it, spread the love, let other people know about it.
💚And for those wondering about my books, they are from a book series called The Hearts Series. The first book is called Blooming Hearts, or How Lust Turns To Love. The second book is called, Fighting Hearts, or How Love Turns To Angst. They are both available on Amazon, Kindle format and paperback. Let me know when you get them via Instagram, that will put a smile on my face.
Anyway, Cassandra Clare owns the names of the characters from the Mortal Instruments franchise, everything else is mine.
Love, Mina💚💚💚