(A/N: Hello, and welcome to Total Drama: Adventures. I used to write frequently on fanfiction on an account now lost to time, and specialized in Total Drama stories. I had a few stories that were very well reviewed, but there was one thing I set out to do that I never quite was able to finish- an epic extended universe spanning multiple sequels, prequels, and spin offs. I've always had a passion for SYOC stories and helping creators bring their characters to life, so after many years, I've returned to do just that in the first installment of Total Drama Adventures! So, if this is something you're interested in, keep reading, and get ready for the long haul!)

Chris tapped his foot impatiently, watching as the producers across from him sifted through application after application.
"Well?" He asked after a while, his tone sharp and annoyed. He'd been sitting in the offices of Billions Broadcasting for too long, and he was getting antsy. It had been a few years since the last season of Total Drama, and after finally getting renewed, the waiting process was taking much longer than he would have liked.
"Well... we've found a few we're interested in, but frankly, just not enough of what we're looking for," one of the men answered. "We're thinking of extending the audition period for just a little while longer. To make sure we have the perfect cast, you understand?"
Chris let out a groan, drumming his fingertips on the table. "Come onnnn! what's the hold up? Who cares if they're not perfect, they're just gonna get blown up, anyway!"
"Uh, nothing!"
"Chris," the producer sighed. "you're just going to have to be patient. But don't worry... we've got a new commercial going out that I think will really draw in candidates."
The producer swiveled around in his chair, flipping on the TV; and, conveniently, the aforementioned commercial.
"Are you ready for a summer of adventure?
A summer of making friends?
A summer of mystery?

And a summer of CASH PRIZES?!

Then look no further! Total Drama is coming back, and better than ever!

With returning host Chris McLean, a million dollar prize, and a contest on an all new, abandoned island, what do you have to lose other than your dignity on national television!

Go online and sign up today!"



Rules please read these thoroughly, and put "gummy bear pizza guy" at the end of your application to show you've looked these over!

1. your contest may not be competing to help a sick family member. This is used too often to gain sympathy in syocs, and is unoriginal. any mention of this will result in the application being thrown out.

2. character has to have some kind of flaw. This doesn't have to mean that they can only be strong or smart- you can go to school, join the football team and study hard, after all, the same as you can be a bit nerdy but also try and stay in shape. but please please PLEASE do not make your character perfect.

3. dont be a bad sport about losing. like i said, i intend to have quite a few sequels in the future, so even if your character loses first in this season, they could absolutely come back next season for a redemption story and end up winning. who knows? but if you get eliminated and throw a tantrum, you will not be invited back in the future.

4. that's it- have fun! There will be 16 to 18 spots open!




Formal wear:
Casual wear:
What would they do with the money if they won?:
Why Total Drama?:
Any goals aside from winning?:
Audition Tape (not required, but always helpful!):

(A/N: Thanks for reading! Like I said, I hope to make this a series that sticks around for years to come, and entertains all of you! Oh, and if you're interested, you may want to follow my account. I don't say that to self promote, or to make you think that will increase your chances, but in the event I have to delete this application- people used to harass syoc stories- you'll be alerted if I reupload. Thanks, and buckle up!)