Tumbleton 297 AC.


He had taken all he could stand, too much and more he'd allowed his mother her way on and while Ser Jon was and acted honorably. His closeness with his daughter was starting to become an issue and Mace could hold his tongue no longer. When he'd saved his daughter, he like his wife and mother had felt a huge debt of gratitude to the lad.

Seeing him crown her the queen of love and beauty had at first filled him with pride and then with worry. Though his sweet rose's words were enough to calm him down as she explained that Jon had done it, not for what Mace believed but to help her over her ordeal. Still, he had watched them closely that night and was happy enough to see that they danced but the once. Even smiling a little when he saw her dance with the prince and the image of her as a true queen once again began to take shape.

His mother was having none of it though, the next morning when he'd brought it up she'd once again shut him down. Not just on Prince Joffrey but on Renly too and it had made him furious, though it was what his daughter had done next which had been the final straw.

"You can't be serious, I'll not have this." he shouted as they sat in his mother's solar.

"It's a wedding father, surely someone should attend on behalf of our house." Margaery said her voice calm and composed.

"I'll not have you travel North, I don't even see why you would wish to." he said and his mother sat silently as Margaery glared at him.

"I wish to because Sansa is our ward and her father is to be married. I wish to because Ser Jon saved my life and the least I can do is show my respects to his house is it not? Were this a house in the Reach then you'd be all for it, Loras went North with no incident and for me, it'll be easier since I can travel by Pinnacle ship and not overland." Margaery said.

"Mother?" he said looking to his mother and expecting her to turn Margaery's request down.

"I think Margaery has the right of it, we have a relationship with the Starks and it would be unseemly for us not to attend, were it not for other matters than I would travel with her." his mother said and he looked to them both.

"Fine If you're so set on this then your mother and I will accompany you." he said only for his mother to shake her head.

"No, your place is in the Reach, we have much to do, Margaery can take her guards and along with Sansa and her brother's and Lord Wyman's, they'll be most safe." his mother said.

He had hoped that Alerie would take his part but she had not and Willas too had gone against him on this. The one comfort he took was that Ser Jon and Loras were heading West and wouldn't be attending. But each day they traveled and he'd break his fast and see the empty seat where his daughter would sit, Mace grew angrier and angrier. Finally, upon hearing someone mention Ser Jon when he was walking to his tent the previous night, it had turned out to be the last he could take of it.

So waking up the next morning he demanded to speak to his mother, determined to let her know his true feelings on this. No more would he accept her word that his daughter's friendship with Ser Jon was not scandalous or harmful to her future. When he walked into her tent he was stunned to see his wife and son there also, having expected that it would just be his mother, and he felt some of the wind taking from his sails.

"Mother, I had hoped we would be alone." he said and she shook her head.

"Sit down Mace, it's time we spoke of Jon Snow." his mother said and he felt his heart stop, the smile on his wife's face something he didn't know how to take.

"I'll not have it mother, I don't care what excuse or reason you come up with, I'll not marry Margaery to a bastard. Knight or not, I'll not agree to it under any circumstance." he said and was taken aback by the smirk on his mother's face.

"Then it's just as well Jon Snow is not a bastard isn't it." his mother said and he looked to her to see if this was some sort of jape.


"Have you never asked yourself why Lord Jaime took Jon as his squire?" his son asked.

"I assumed it was because of his talent with a blade." he said and saw Willas nodded.

"As they wished the realm to assume, Mace. The truth is very much different." his wife said and he looked to them both before looking to his mother for clarity, his mind not following this at all.

"Jon Snow is not Eddard Stark's son, Mace, he's his nephew." his mother said.

Mace felt confused as he tried to make sense of things, not his son, his nephew, not a bastard, but that would mean, then why? No this made no sense if he was Brandon's son then he was the heir, but he wasn't the heir, was he?.

"Brandon?" he asked.

"Lyanna." his mother said and again Mace tried to make sense of it and once again found himself confused, this time even more so.

"Who was with Lyanna Stark during the war Mace?" his mother asked.

He looked from his mother to his wife, from his son back to his mother, surely they couldn't be suggesting what he thought they were. Everyone knew the tale, how Rhaegar had taken the Lady Lyanna and spirited her away, how Eddard Stark had returned from the war with the bones of his sister and a bastard. A bastard his mother was now saying wasn't a Snow at all but a Blackfyre.

It couldn't be, surely someone would have figured it out by now, surely someone would have known, surely someone would have….

"Lord Jaime knew?" he asked.

"He figured it out when he met the boy, Lord Stark confirmed the rest. Jon Snow doesn't exist, Mace. That boy is Jaehaerys Targaryen the third of his name and he is our king." his mother said her voice full of pride.

King? Our king? How? Wait, what? Mace shook his head trying to remove the thoughts as he looked once again to each of them in the tent.

"Margaery?" he asked the one clear thought he could focus on.

"Is to be queen, Mace, queen to the one true king." Alerie said and Mace found himself lost for words, thankful when Willas handed him the mug of water.

He knew there were so many questions that needed answers, so much that he didn't understand and yet his mind was filled only with the thoughts of how his daughter would look crowned. So much so that he didn't even bother to ask anything else and spent the rest of the day in an almost daze, only coming out of it when his mother called him to the tent later on that day.

"I'm to meet with the Lords, Mace. Paxter, Baelor, Rowan, Ashford, and Caswell, Tarly too though he already knows the truth. You need to sit and look like what you're soon to be." his mother said.

"Soon to be?" he asked.

"Goodfather to the king, Mace." his mother said smiling at him.

"Is he to be king? Can he?" he asked slightly worried.

"He has us, the North and the West, he has Dorne, Mace. Jaehaerys is to be king and he seeks no queen other than Margaery, think of it Mace, a king who loves his queen and whose queen loves him back, we've not had that since his great grandfather.".

He nodded and sat down and looked at the note his mother handed him as Willas walked in with the rest of the lords, each of them looking more to his mother than him. Mace was surprised by the nod that Randyll Tarly gave him, so much so that he almost gasped before he composed himself.

"My lords, I seek to bring you news of great import, to the Reach and the realm as a whole. We've all seen the king who sits the throne and his son who's to sit it after him." his mother said and Mace listened as each of the lords made there displeasure clear.

"It was not a Stag we sought to seek crown and but for circumstances, none of us could have known, it would not have been a Stag we served today." his mother said and while he saw both Tarly and Rowan look at him, the others just nodded.

"That's true, but what is there to be done about it Lady Olenna, the Stags have the crown and the dragons are no more." Mathis Rowan said.

"What if that was not the case my lord, would you seek a dragon on the throne?" his mother asked.

"Aye, but Viserys was always more his father than Rhaegar, the dragons died when Rhaegar fell." Lord Ashford said his voice tinged with regret.

"Not all of them." Randyll Tarly said and he saw some of the lords look to the lord of Horn Hill but Randyll just nodded to his mother.

"I seek to see Rhaegar's son crowned my lords, Rhaegar's trueborn son with Princess Lyanna Targaryen." his mother said and the voices became loud as questions were asked and answers sought.

"That's impossible".

"He was married."

"Where is this son?" Baelor asked and Mace looked to his goodbrother.

"Hidden in plain sight and someone all of you know, Jon Snow is not the son of Eddard Stark, he's his nephew. Jaehaerys Targaryen the trueborn son of Rhaegar and Lyanna Targaryen and the one true king." his mother said and he saw them look to her and then to Randyll Tarly when he spoke.

"I've seen the truth of it, the letters and the men who surround the king. Ser Richard Lonmouth and Ser Arthur Dayne." Randyll said and the tent was once again full of noise.

"They live?".

"Ser Arthur lives?".

"Rhaegar's son."

"My lords, I ask you to join me when I call the banners, to prepare for the war to come, a war in which we shall not fight alone. Lord Jaime has pledged the West, Lord Stark the North, Prince Oberyn has pledged Dorne. So you the Lords of the Reach what say you? Will we see a dragon crowned once more?" he said and felt his mother's pleased look as he repeated the lines she had given him.



"For Rhaegar.".

As he made his way back to his bed that night, Mace felt himself almost giddy, laying down beside his wife he smiled when he pictured his new king, more so when he pictured Margaery sitting beside him.

"Are you happy with this, my love?" his wife asked as she looked at him.

"I am, our Margaery married to the Son of the Dragon, aye, I'm happy, my love." Mace said as she kissed his cheek.

Essos 297 AC.


All the way to Pentos he had fretted and worried about Aegon's condition. So much so that his appetite deserted him and he barely ate on the journey, keeping alone to his cabin all the way. Things were so close to being at the right time for the plans he and Varys had set out many years before, so ready for the true king to take his throne. Even with the setbacks they had faced, he had managed to move them along, and they were almost at the perfect time to make their play.

Losing Varys had been a huge setback, both for their plans and for him personally, but he had been able to overcome it. Daenerys Targaryen and what she had done though had almost been the end of their plans, more so now given what had happened to Aegon. He had thought all had gone their way, the princess had hatched the eggs and yet they'd managed to take a dragon and one would be enough. Especially after he saw the girl dead and the other two in their possession also.

What had gone wrong he wondered as he readied himself for the ride ahead, not even staying at his Manse for more than a quick bath before he was on the road to Ghoyan Drohe. The journey to the Shy Maid took even longer than the sea journey and each day he felt as if time was slipping away. That when he finally reached him, Aegon would have succumbed to his injuries and his plans, his son, would be no more.

"Ride faster." he shouted from the carriage and heard the whip as it cracked the horse's back, the carriage soon shaking from the increased speed.

The nearer he got to the where the ship was docked, the more he worried, and it was only upon not only seeing it but seeing Jon Connington talking to Aegon, that he found himself relaxing somewhat. Not that it lasted long as his son was in the midst of an argument and when he turned to face them, Illyrio could see the wrap he had around his face.

"Griff." he said as he stepped out of the carriage, looking to Jon Connington but watching Aegon all the time.

"Magister Illyrio." Jon Connington said and seemed more than happy to see him.

"Who is this man, Jon?" Aegon asked and while it hurt that his son had no idea of who he was, he knew it for the best.

"This is the man who's been supporting us all these years Aegon, the magister I told you about." Jon said and Aegon looked at him, one eye uncovered while the mask covered the other.

"Then perhaps he'll listen to sense then." Aegon said before he stormed off and Illyrio looked to Jon Connington for answers.

"He wasn't happy we turned back here, Illyrio, he wishes to go after Daenerys and the dragons, he wishes to see them all dead." Jon Connington said and he nodded, understanding how his son felt since he felt that way himself.

"Tell me exactly what happened, I've heard some, I need to know it all?" he said as he and Jon walked towards the ship.

Jon told him of the dragon and how it had turned on Aegon and flown away. He explained how Aegon had believed it to be under control but the dragon had played them false and Illyrio felt his hatred for Daenerys rise even further. Had Aegon hatched them then they'd have been his, he'd even believed that the one they had stolen to be a sign of this. Yet just like the princess, the dragon had been more trouble than it was worth.

"How bad is it?" he asked worriedly as he sat in Jon's room.

"One side of the face is terribly scarred, he has lost the use of his eye and his arm, and he has limited movement. Though his spirit and eagerness to overcome the injuries and their limitations is incredible, Haldon says he's never seen anyone so determined." Jon said proudly and Illyrio nodded.

"His mind Jon? How is his mind?".

"He seeks vengeance Illyrio, vengeance at the thought of nothing else, nothing I say can change his mind from the path it's on. I fear nothing ever will.".

"I shall talk to him tonight, it's time we made our move, perhaps that will change his mind." Illyrio said and Jon nodded.

They ate dinner together and Illyrio tried not to look at the struggle even eating and drinking seemed to be for Aegon. Turning away when as he drank the water it began to spill from the open wound in his face. Once they were done he asked Aegon to join him on the deck and found the stars in the sky to be all burning brightly that night. The moon shining it's light down on them and he looked to his son when he took his seat.

"I understand the need for vengeance, Aegon, more so than any. I was close to your mother." he said softly.

"You were?" Aegon asked his voice full of interest.

"I was, I can say truly that I loved her and her death filled me with a fury I've never known before. For the first few days after it, nothing or no one could stand in my path and it was only when I calmed, that I realized the truth of things." he said softly.

"Which was?".

"That my fury was pointless unless it was focussed and to see my vengeance done I needed to be in a position of strength to do so." he said as Aegon looked to him.

"Have you had your vengeance Magister?" Aegon asked.

"No, but I've planned for it. I know you seek vengeance for what your aunt did, but to go after her you need strength and that cannot be found here in Essos. You need to take your throne Aegon, only then will you be able to ready yourself to see them pay." he said and Aegon looked at him.

"Yet Jon tells me that even that must wait, so why can I not make the bitch pay now?".

"The wait is over Aegon, if you wish it to be?".

"Truly, how?" Aegon asked excitedly and Illyrio smiled.

"As I said I've waited a long time for my own and now it's come. I'm in a position finally to make the necessary moves to see you crowned, but I cannot do so without you focussed Aegon. Focus on this and I swear to you I'll see you make your aunt suffer." he said and Aegon nodded.

He spent the next few days making the final preparations, the note he gave to Jon to bring to the Golden Company to Westeros along with his instructions and the proof he gave them of Aegon's birth, all ready to go. After saying his goodbyes he set off back to Pentos, ready to see the final parts of his plan in action. Once again arriving to bad news and some good, though it was the news of Toyne's death he concentrated on first.

"When?" he asked his steward.

"Sometime in the past year, Strickland is the new commander.".

"Harry Strickland?" he asked.

"I believe so Magister.".

It took him a week to get to Myr and meet with Homeless Harry, the accord settled in a matter of moments once he told him of his plan and that Aegon was on his way. He then sailed to Tyrosh to meet with Saan and organize the ships, the pirate only too glad to know he'd be receiving the rest of his gold within the year. Stopping off in Pentos he looked around at the Manse and then walked to his room. Opening the chest he took out the small box and looked at the stone hands, and then had them packed with the rest of his treasured possessions.

He stood at the statue and held the locket open in his hand as he looked at Serra's face and then up to Aegon's, smiling as he did so.

"We are so close my love, I leave and when I return our son will have taken back what was stolen from you, I shall see you soon." he said as he placed the locket back around his neck.

Making his way to the ship he and his men boarded and as they sailed he looked back at Pentos in the distance, wondering when he'd return. He felt the racing of his heart as he got ready to enact the final stages of his plan, thanking his old friend for the means to do so.

"All the children are someone else's?" he asked.

"All of them." Varys said.

"This is useful, the Stag will not take kindly to finding out such news." Illyrio said and Varys smiled.

"No, he's not averse to seeing dead children, and the West would have no choice but to react.".

"Meaning the North, Vale, and Stormlands would stand against them and we'd have the perfect opportunity to make our move.".

"The time is not right." Varys said.

"No, not now." he replied.

The plan though was sound and given the changed circumstances he wondered what way the realm would shape up. Would the North come to Robert's aid? Would they join with the West? Which way would the Reach go?. Illyrio smiled as he thought of the chaos he was about to unleash before he grew a little sad that Varys the architect of this plan, wasn't alive to see it through.

"I miss you old friend, I could have used you here by my side as I start the war we planned." he said as he walked from the deck and down to his cabin, the girls and the food awaiting him within.

King's Landing 297 AC.


His king had set him to work and he'd found his job far harder than he had expected it to be. Getting them to move wasn't an issue. The offer of a better life was one that not many would turn down and word had spread of the opportunities in the North. Some however had no interest in going to a place so cold and for them he was glad both of the other opportunities he could offer, and the coin Jae had set aside for it.

The king giving up half his prize money for this operation alone. Finding them all however was a problem and one he found a unique solution for, or to be more precise Jae found a unique solution for. The first issue had been they had no idea of the number of them. Other than the two everyone knew about and the blacksmith who had left with Jae for a new life in Casterly Rock, they didn't know even know where to start. Something he pointed out when he first used the Glass Candle to speak to Jae.

"I don't know how many Jae, I've found five so far." Richard said talking to the candle.

"Look to the candle on the night two days from now, watch it carefully." Jae said and Richard nodded before realizing that the candle had already gone out.

He sat down facing the candle just as Jae had told him and looked on in stunned silence as he saw the images appear. A girl leading a mule up a mountain, a girl serving drink in a tavern he knew well though one far from here, a big-eared boy sitting in the Great Hall of Storm's End. He saw the five he had already found and the blacksmith, and then the other images came. Three girls and four boys and all of them in King's Landing, Richard smiling when he took note of where they were.

It took him almost half a moon to round them up and to get a note to one of his lips about the girl at the Stoney Sept. The one he had most difficulty with was surprisingly the youngest, the pregnant mother still somewhat in love with the king. It took Chataya herself to make the girl see sense and the offer of a place in the West to make the girl leave. Richard promising her that her babe would be born into a life better than the one she herself had lead.

With that job done he began to set his lips to their usual tasks and made ready to travel to do the true work he wished to do. Finding the Stag's bastards was important to Jae, but to Richard, the next part of their plans was ever more important and so he set off for Sweetport Sound. Finding himself enjoying the ride and looking forward to talking to Guncer once more.

"I've come to see the lord." he shouted to the guard as he arrived under the cover of night.

"The keep is closed and the lord will accept no visit this night, begone and come back on the morrow if your business is so important.".

"I shall and when I do I'll tell your lord that you turned away a man of the seven, a faithful and pious man, one who came in good faith." he said smirking when the gate was open.

"Very well, your arms." the guard said and Richard handed over the sword and dagger before he was taken to the Great Hall.

Inside he found the Sunglass men eating their meals and Lord and Lady Sunglass sitting the high table with their children. Guncer looked just as he remembered, the moonstones still showing clearly on neck, wrist, and fingers. The lord squinting to see him and then doing a double-take when he did. Richard smiled when he was directed to eat and thanked the gods for Guncer's composure, the last thing he needed was a fuss made over him.

"My lord will see you when you've eaten." a servant said and Richard nodded to the Lord and ate the meal hungrily, washing it down with the offered wine and surprising himself with his appetite.

Once he'd done he made his way to the Lord's Solar to find Guncer sitting there waiting alone. The smile on the man's face was welcoming and he wondered how he'd react to the news he was about to share.

"I had heard you were dead Richard?" Guncer said with a challenging tone.

"For a long time I was but I have reason to wish to live again." he said and saw Guncer look at him.

"Aye, and what reason is that?".

"I seek to serve a true king, as we all did once." he said.

"That we did but those days I fear are long gone Richard, we're left with fat stags and mangy cats." Guncer said contemptuously.

"What if we're not, Guncer? What would you do if we had another chance?" he asked and once again Guncer's eyes narrowed as he looked at him.

"Speak no riddles Richard, you know where my loyalties lie.".

"Then say it loud and proclaim it on the seven Guncer and I'll tell you a tale which will make you scream out in joy." he said and Guncer opened his drawer and took out the seven-pointed star, holding the book in his hand.

"I swear it by the seven, I swear it on the good book, to the Father, Mother, Maiden, and Crone, to the Smith and the Warrior, and may the Stranger strike me down should a lie pass my lips. I am now and have always been a dragon." Guncer said.

He rode out the next morning waved off by the man himself and told not to bother with heading to Sharp Point, that should he bring Lord Adrian on to their side then Bar Emmon would follow. The Lord was not one to let into a secret as big as this Guncer said. So Richard took his counsel and made for Claw Isle instead. His meeting with the Red Crab one which would define his success.

Celtigar after Velaryon was the largest house of the Lords of the Narrow Sea. The ride took some time and he hated being so far out of the reach of his lips. The Glass Candle he carried in his satchel being the only real communication with the rest of the realm and it would be days before he could use that again. When he finally reached the coast he quickly found a stable to take his horse until his return, and small boat to sail him to the island itself.

He almost laughed when he reached it, the sailor who'd taken him had warned of heavy waves and yet he faced none, the drowned god it seemed was on his king's side too. Walking to the keep he wondered how much Adrian had changed since he saw him last. The lord rarely left the island to travel to King's Landing and for all Richard knew, he may not have done so since the rebellion itself.

"Where are you heading friend?" a voice called out and Richard looked to see a small cart behind him and shook his head, embarrassed he'd not heard it's approach.

"I travel to see Lord Celtigar." he said and the old man motioned for him to jump on, Richard happy for the ride.

It was midday when he arrived at the keep and he thanked the old man before he made his way into the hall. Adrian sitting holding petitions which he soon joined the line for. When the old lord saw him it took him a moment for the recognition to hit his face and once it did he nodded to one of his men. Richard taken from the hall to the Lord's solar and asked to wait.

"By the gods, a ghost has walked into my halls this day." Adrian said when he entered the solar a while later.

"No ghost old friend, just a man who's risen from the dead." he said with a chuckle that Adrian joined in with.

"And why have you risen Richard, for there's no reason to wish to live in these times." Adrian said softly.

"I've come to give you the same reason as I have, Adrian, the same reason why you once felt the rush of blood in your heart and the excitement in your eyes. I've come because it's time to crown a new king." he said and Adrian looked to him curiously.

"And what beast am I helping to crown?" Adrian asked.

"Why a dragon of course." he said and smiled, Adrian reaching behind him for the wine.

He sat by the tree two days later, placing the glass candle back in his satchel and leaning it against the trunk before throwing more wood on the fire. Wrapping himself in his cloak he rolled over to sleep, his work in this part of the realm done and soon he'd travel some more. Time was edging ever closer and the image of different flags flying over the Red Keep was one he liked very much.

White Harbor 297 AC.


Jon had come to her the night before they'd left and told her something she had found amazing. Something that made no sense and yet made all the sense in the world, and she had looked forward to putting it into practice the first chance she got. Saying goodbye had been hard and it was when she realized that she'd be saying goodbye to Sansa for some time too, that she found herself even more upset.

So she had gone to her grandmother and told her what she planned to do and why and had expected to be told, like so many other things, why she could not. Instead though her grandmother had agreed with her and stood with her against her father. Though she insisted on a large guard and that she not stay too long. Though Margaery felt excited that it was to the North that she would be headed when her family rode home.

Sansa had been overjoyed that she'd be coming with them and that she'd be able to show her their home. Margaery finding herself even more eager to see where Jon had spent some of his life and to learn more of the north itself.

"So that's why you wish to go?" her grandmother had asked.

"I wish to see where Jon is from, grandmother, to know that part of him and also the North can know me." she said.

"So they see their queen." her grandmother said with a smile.

"So they see I'm not what they may think of me." Margaery said determinedly.

They were a few days out on The Western Wolf when she sat alone in her cabin and looked to the Glass Candle, eager to see if what Jon said was true. Each moment made it seem like it couldn't be, that it couldn't work how he said it would, and then when she heard his voice she'd almost fallen from her chair.

"Margaery, can you hear me." Jon said and it must have been the third or fourth time he did so because she sensed some upset in his tone.

"I hear you Jon, I don't believe it but I hear you." she said happily.

"God's it's good to hear your voice, you are well?" he asked.

"I am, you, did you do what you wished, with your uncle?".

"Not yet, Rhaenix needs to be here." he said

"I'm heading North Jon, with Sansa and Robb, I wished to see Winterfell though I wish you were there too." she said her sadness clear.

"Why didn't you tell me?".

"I wasn't sure if I'd be allowed and by the time I knew you'd already left.".

"I wish I could go, truly, more so now I know you're there but there is much that needs to be done." he said and she knew he'd be there if he could.

They had talked until she could barely keep her eyes open and she'd felt terrible when she had drifted off at some point. Jon laughing it off and then telling her he loved her and arranging to speak to her again in a few days. Arriving at White Harbor she'd been amazed to see the city, the smells were so different from the Reach, the West, and especially King's Landing.

Wynafred and Wylla had shown her and Sansa where to buy warmer clothing and the fur-lined coat she had made was something she never wished to take off. They'd feasted in the New Castle and were soon on the road to Winterfell itself. Margaery stunned at the difference in the lands compared to those she knew so well.

"You look like me." Sansa said as they were sitting by the fire that night.

"What?" she asked confused.

"You, today when we were traveling, when you saw the ice on the White Knife and the snow on the trees, you looked like I did when I first saw the Reach." Sansa said and Margaery giggled, knowing that she was probably telling the truth.

"I've never, this place it's so different Sansa, the cold, the snow, even the color and it's beautiful, it's so beautiful." she said and Sansa smiled.

"As I said, the same as me." Sansa said and they both laughed.

The only one who seemed happier than her to be in the North was Fang, as she and Grey Wind raced off whenever they got the chance. Both wolves returning with blood on their snouts and they seemed to be relishing being home. Sansa too seemed happy to be back in the North and briefly, Margaery worried that her friend may prefer to stay here rather than come back with her, but she knew deep down this was a baseless worry.

They stopped off in Castle Cerwyn and found the Lord had already left for the wedding, though they were welcomed and she enjoyed the bath and the warm room to sleep in. Robb seemed sullen to her and she asked Sansa about it, her friend being evasive for once and she wondered why that was. But no amount of prodding would make Sansa open up and even speaking to Jon about it when she had the chance, offered no insight.

"We'll see Winterfell in a little bit, Lord Wyman has agreed to stop so you can see it from a distance." Sansa said as they rode in the carriage the next day.

"Thank you." she said smiling at her friend, knowing that it was Sansa who'd insisted on this for her, just as she had when Sansa had first seen Highgarden.

When they did stop it was on the other side of a hill and she, Sansa, Wynafred, and Wylla all walked to the top of it and she got her first glimpse of the home of the Starks. Where Highgarden was beautiful, Winterfell was imposing, it's grey walls were massive, and even from the distance away from it that they were, Margaery could see the sheer size of the keep.

They rode through Wintertown and it was Robb and Sansa who were the ones who stared at the place, both of them telling her that it had never been like this before. Margaery was surprised to hear some non-northern accents in the town and then she remembered that Jon had suggested they could have those who suffered in Flea Bottom, come North and make a better life for themselves. As she looked back at the town when they neared Winterfell's gates she could see that some indeed had.

Lord Stark waited to greet them along with his soon to be new wife and he seemed more than happy to see his children once more, Sansa and Robb both greeting him warmly. While Bran arrived a few moments later having ridden with his knight for most of the way. After he'd greeted his children and the lords, Margaery found herself standing in front of him, the lord seeming surprised to see her.

"Lady Margaery, I'm honored you've come to my wedding." he said and Margaery curtsied.

"I'm honored to be here Lord Stark." she said softly.

She was given a room near Sansa's and though nowhere near as elaborate as her own back in Highgarden, she found it to be quite pretty in its own way. After bathing and changing, she looked forward to being shown around the keep and to see the places Jon had played in as a boy. When Sansa knocked at her door they began to explore, her friend took her to Jon's old room and Margaery was soon frowning at the idea that this was where he would have stayed.

The room was far smaller and colder than the one she'd been given and though she knew it was because of the mummery, she still felt her annoyance grow. Even more so when Sansa mentioned that it was her mother who insisted that Jon be kept apart from their own rooms. Her annoyance subsided some when she was taken to the Glass Gardens, the warmth of them and the smell of the vegetables a welcome respite. Though it was seeing the Winter Roses that had her near tears.

"These are Winter Roses?" she asked and Sansa nodded.

"Jon always seemed so sad each time he saw them, I didn't know why for so long." Sansa said her own voice a little sad.

Margaery moved to her and gave her a quick hug, Sansa almost seeming to steel herself and soon she was being shown to the hot pools, which just dipping her fingers in made her wish to jump into them. Then the Godswood itself and seeing the huge Weirwood she listened as Sansa told her that her father would come here to think, and for peace of mind.

When they were walking back she felt a draw to a set of double doors and made to move to them, only for Sansa to tell her that she would need her father's permission to go there. The crypts were for Starks alone and as Sansa told her about the statues, she knew exactly what it was she wished to see. Jon's mother was entombed in those crypts and Margaery felt the need to see her statue, to stand in front of it, and express just what she felt for her goodmother's son.

Though it would not be today and as they walked back into the keep, she readied herself for her first northern feast. Finding she enjoyed it immensely, apart from the fact that the person she wished to share it with wasn't there with her. Sansa noticed the expression on her face change and moved to speak to her when there were some murmurs and people turning to the door. Lord Stark standing to his feet looking on as some people walked in.

"Jon." she heard someone say and turned for a closer look, finding Jon, Ser Arthur, and Ghost walking into the hall.

Essos 297 AC.


After the attack the debated where they should go next, Sandor felt they needed to head back to Pentos. That it was clear these men had been sent by Illyrio and the man needed to be dealt with before he sent a force they couldn't handle. Dany found herself agreeing with him, Sandorix had saved them but had her son not come back then they could well have fallen here.

As for her son, he was much changed and had grown larger but he seemed both happy to see her and his brother and sister, and eager to be somewhere else. After talking to Shiera, Dany came up with a plan to find out just where it was her son wished to go and so instead of heading in the direction of Pentos, they headed first in each of the other directions.

Each time Sandorix refused to go and nothing she, Ellagon, or Rhaegal could do seemed to make him change his mind. The Dragons screeched at their brother and he back at them. and though she could feel Ellagon's annoyance, after a day or two even the other two dragons refused to go in a different direction. So they set out towards Qohor to resupply and to follow the main route back to Pentos.

"We should keep at least one of them with us each day Dany, allow them to hunt in two's, I can tell Rhaegal I think, can you let Ellagon know?." Shiera said as they camped one night.

"I can, Sandorix though I don't know if he'll listen." she said worriedly.

"I think he will, maybe we tell them all at the same time, both of us." Shiera said and Dany nodded.

They did that the very next day and it seemed to have gotten through to them, the dragons alternating in their hunting. One day Sandorix and Rhaegal would go and Ellagon would stay, her brothers bringing her back food, the next it would be Rhaegal and Ellagon with the same results. Both Sandor and Grey Worm said that over one hundred of the sellswords who attacked them were dead or no longer a threat to them. Though that still left almost three or four hundred by Sandor's count, so they traveled warily and at night they set up even more guards than usual.

"How much does it cost to hire that many men?" she asked as they broke their fast.

"For a company, it could be more than 20,000 gold dragons depending on the job, I'd say they assumed this to be easy so maybe 10,000." Sandor said.

"Do you think he's hired more?" she asked.

"No, I'd say the fat fuck thinks we've no chance against these." Sandor said.

"Men will not attack the same way again." Grey Worm said and Dany turned to him.

"Because of Sandorix?".

"In city, men try there." Grey Worm said and she looked to Sandor who nodded.

The closer they got to Qohor the more she thought on what both Sandor and Grey Worm had said. It made sense that they'd not come at her full-on with the threat that her dragons posed, that they'd not known about them had made her hopeful that they'd abandon their task. Shiera soon making it clear that line of thinking was mistaken, they'd killed some of their men and so even without the coin, they'd seek to make them pay for that alone.

It made her nervous to think of it, being responsible for her own life was daunting enough and she had Sandor to protect her. Dany though was now responsible for other lives too, for Shiera and Missy, for the unsullied and for her dragons and the thoughts of any of them being hurt kept her up at night. Only sitting beside Ellagon and speaking jer fears aloud and hearing her dragon's angry shrieks were enough to calm her down.

"I know, I'm a dragon too." she said softly as she fell asleep against the dragon's scales.

When they saw the gates of the city in front of them, she knew what she needed to do and despite the arguments, she'd see it through.

"I'll go in with Sandor and two unsullied, the rest of you stay here with the dragons." she said and Shiera was first to argue.

"No, it's you who they're targeting Dany, you stay, I'll go with some of the unsullied, I can go as Quaithe." Shiera said and Missy was next.

"This one will go Dany, I can speak to the merchants and with unsullied I'll be safe." Missy said and Dany leaned over to the girl and placed her hands on her cheeks, looking into her eyes.

"My sweet brave Missy, knowing you are safe is all that matters, I wish you to stay with the dragons, will you, for me?" she asked and the girl nodded, her eyes full of worry.

Sandor spoke to Grey Worm and they rode in on the cart, the unsullied and her loyal protector looking out for any threats along the way. Soon they were walking around the market, buying flour and other things to sustain them on their journey. They attack came out of nowhere or at least to Dany it did but the unsullied and Sandor were ready for it, and Dany soon drew her sword too.

"I knew you'd come here." a voice said from somewhere to her left and she looked to see the blue-haired man who'd come to treat with them before the attack, Daro, or Darko, or whatever his name was.

Dany looked on in horror as the two unsullied fell to the ground, the bolts in their chests from Myrish crossbows that were being reloaded. She turned to see Sandor fighting against four men and Daro walking towards her with another two, then the screams came and she and the blue-haired sellsword turned to see the men with the crossbows fall.

Moving quickly she went for the distracted sellswords, watching as a large bald dark-skinned man moved towards Sandor, his Arakh cutting down the man nearest to him and his small shield smacking against another man's head. Soon she had reached the first of the three men and her sword thrust caught him by surprise, the ugly man's blood spilling when she pulled her sword from his belly.

The second didn't get the chance to raise his blade as the dark-skinned man was already on top of him, the sound of the shield crashing into his face one that Dany welcomed. She saw Daro reach for a knife on his hip and she moved faster than she knew she could, her slash catching him just as he removed the knife and readied it to throw.

"Aarrrhggghh." she heard him scream as his hand fell to the ground, the knife still gripped in its fingers.

She didn't wait for him to do anything else and the slash caught him across the chest, the wound opening him from shoulder to hip, his yellow shirt now painted with a diagonal red stripe. Sandor and the dark-skinned man soon joined her as she looked down on the sellsword, Dany spitting on the man before he could draw his last breath.

"Those were good men you killed, free men, fuck you Daro." she said as she spat once more.

"Daario, Daario Naharis." the blue haired man gasped.

"Who the fuck cares about a dead man's name." Sandor said as he brought his sword down on the man's neck.

Dany turned to see the dark-skinned man more clearly, he was huge, fat but muscled and bald, and he smiled to see her before waving to someone in the crowd.

"Strong Belwas found her, told you he would." the large man said smiling more broadly now as a woman in red stepped forward.

"Who the fuck are you?" Sandor asked looking at Strong and then the woman.

"My name is Melisandre of Asshai and your nephew sends his regards, princess." Melisandre said and Dany felt her heart hitch.

Casterly Rock 297 AC.

Jaehaerys Targaryen.

Each time he said goodbye to Margaery was harder than the last and yet he felt different this time, whether it was knowing that when next they spoke things would be different, or some other reason he couldn't be sure. What he did know was he had one more thing to do before they left this city and so he, Arthur, Walder, and Loras walked to the tavern, so he could meet with a man who's reaction could go either way.

Once there he found himself almost wishing he drank, something that Richard picked up on when he walked in and sat beside them.

"Are you truly sure you wish to do this here?" Richard asked the same question that Jaime, Genna, Olenna, and Arthur had asked and only Walder hadn't counselled him against.

"He needs to know Richard, he'll sail on the morrow and us today, the worst I can hope for is a punch in the head and him going to speak to my uncle before he refuses to support me." Jae said and Arthur looked at him "Aye I know, you'd have to take his hand.".

"It's a big hand, Jon." Richard said and Jae found himself laughing despite his nerves.

When the Greatjon and the Smalljon arrived, Jon was glad he'd not brought Ghost with him, instead allowing the wolf to spend some time with his sister before they left. Once the two Umbers realized the wolf wasn't there, they relaxed and Jae ordered the ales. He waited until they'd drank the first one before ordering the second and then asking them to join him upstairs.

"No ice up here, Jon?" the Greatjon asked as they sat down in the room.

"Not yet, the king won't pay the coin to build the ice houses, and Tyrion's been busy.".

"So why did you wish to speak to us, is it about your da's wedding?" the Smalljon asked.

"In a way aye. There's something I need to tell you both, something I've kept from you. I've had my reasons as to why and I hope you'll let me explain them." he said.

The Greatjon looked at him suspiciously but nodded while the Smalljon moved forward in his chair, sitting up more attentively than he had been.

"Ned Stark is not my father, he's my uncle." he said and the Greatjon smiled.

"I fucking knew it, I knew you were Brandon's lad, didn't I fucking tell you son." the Greatjon said and the Smalljon nodded as he swallowed more of the ale.

"I'm not Brandon's son either. My mother was Lyanna Targaryen, she and my father were married under the old gods and the new." he said and the shouts began.

"Lies, lies, he fucking took her, raped her, you think I'll believe this." the Greatjon said and Jae stood up and shouted back at the man.

"My father loved my mother, they were married, I've seen it and if you call him a rapist again to my face, then you and I will cross blades this day." the punch came and Jon ducked out of the way, Arthur moving his hand to his sword and Jae shaking his head.

"Enough." the Smalljon shouted, "He asked us to listen, sit the fuck down and listen, we can fight afterward. You Loras, more ale, I have a feeling we're going to fucking need it.".

Once the Greatjon had sat, Jae began to tell him the full truth about his mother and father, of how Robert knew and kept it to himself and of the letters his mother had sent. When it came to Jon Arryn he saw the Gretajon's anger rise and the same when he spoke of Hoster Tully, by the end of it he knew that at least he believed him, which was all he could truly hope for.

"What does this mean Jon, Jaehaerys of whatever the fuck your name is? You're going for the throne?" The Smalljon asked and Jae saw how the Greatjon looked at him.

"Aye, my mother asked it of me in the letter she left and I've seen what Robert has done as king, what his son would do as king. Neither of them cares about the people, not just the North like most southern king's don't care about, but any of the people. Even were it not that, Justice demands it of me, Blood demands it of me, because of these people I lost almost my entire family. I grew up not knowing of my mother, my father, and the realm grew up with lies about them both." he said and though the Greatjon's expression didn't change, the Smalljon nodded.

"You seek our house?" the Smalljon asked.

"House Umber has always stood with House Stark, and there is Stark blood in my veins." Jae said.

"But not only." the Greatjon said staring at him.

"No not only, but is there not Giant's blood in yours?" Jae asked and the Smalljon laughed, the Greatjon smirking before he schooled his features.

"I need to talk to Ned, I'll not go against ya lad, but whether or not I can fight for ya, I need to speak to Ned." The Greatjon said standing up, the Smalljon hesitating before he did so too.

"I understand, I'm sorry my lord, for not telling you sooner, it wasn't meant as a slight. It was more that I needed to know what I wished to do and when I wished to do it before I told you." he said and the Greatjon looked at him and walked to the door before turning back.

"I wish you good fortune in the wars to come, Jon Snow, whether we're allies or no." the Greatjon said when he left and Jon breathed a sigh of relief that it had gone so well.

Jaime too had been happy when he told him that night as they sailed and by the time they arrived back in Casterly Rock, he found that he was sure the Greatjon would come around. Lord Wyman, Lady Maege, his uncle, someone would bring him onside and so Jae allowed that to comfort him. As he cut his hand that night he looked to the jar and was happy to see it almost ready to be used.

Speaking to Margaery and to Richard required more blood and what he had needed to do to help find the bastards even more, and Jae had found he needed to keep some in stock. So he'd cut himself when he could and began to collect it, knowing that he'd need even more to find out who had sent the Darkstar after his wife. The past was hard to see he'd found and the magic used needed more blood to fuel it. But he had time and patience and he'd find out who it was, and then it would be fire he'd bring to them.

He gave Gendry a few days to settle into the smiths, the lad happy to be given a place of his own in Lannisport and soon he'd be working far more than he could ever have expected. For now though the work he needed to do was far more specialized, so Jon and Walder brought the chest to him and asked him to begin the process.

"Where did you get all this?" Gendry asked looking to the chest as he held up one of the ingots.

"A friend brought it from Essos, are you sure you can work it?" he asked.

"Aye, it'll take more than a moon though, it's not a normal suit you wish." Gendry said and Jon shook his head.

"No it's not, the design is special." he said handing him the drawing.

"Jon, this, are you sure?" Gendry asked looking from the paper to him.

"Exactly as it is, I'll have the gems dropped off in the next few days. This is your shop now Gendry, you'll need apprentices and coin." he said handing him the pouch, Gendry looking at him as if this was some sort of a trick and handing it back to him.

"I can't take your coin, Jon, this, this shop, you've given me more than enough.".

"Think of it as a loan then, soon you'll have lots of work and when you can then you can pay me back. But for now use it to get started, to get settled." he said and Gendry nodded.

"Thank you.".

"I'll see you soon, trust me Gendry, you'll learn to love it here, I did." he said as he walked from the shop.

Each night he lay out on the beach under the stars with Ghost by his side, looking up and waiting for his sister and son to return. His days were spent sparring with Jaime and Arthur, with Loras and Brienne, and teaching Tommen as much as he could. When Tyrion returned he was upset that Lygaron wasn't there but Jae just felt happy at his uncle's own good mood. The two of them speaking about when he and Arianne would marry and walking the parapets alone at night while they waited on the dragons to return.

"I could declare you legitimate now uncle, give you our name. Or should you wish you could marry her under your own?" Jae said.

"I think she deserves a prince, Jon, given who I am and Lygaron, if people see me as anything other than an uncle who is fully behind his nephew, we'd only be asking for trouble.".

"Are you ready to be a dragon, uncle?" Jae asked.

"As much as you are nephew, we are who we are that doesn't change, but aye, it's time I accepted my blood." Tyrion said and Jae reached out and placed his hand on his shoulder.

"You are Jaime's blood, and Genna's, Gerion's and Kevan's, you're Joy's and all your cousins. You are mine and Daenerys's and you're Joanna Lannister's. You're a dragon and a lion Tyrion and together we'll be the best of both sides of our blood." Jae said and Tyrion smiled before they both turned to see them in the sky.

"Looks like the other side of our blood wish to see us nephew." Tyrion said.

They hurried down to the beach, Jae not even seeing the two bundles that had been left to the side and instead making his way over to Rhaenix while Tyrion did the same to Lygaron. He felt his sister's tiredness and her joy at being back with him, and then she directed him to the bundles, and he called Tyrion over to see them.

"Are these?" Tyrion asked.

"I think they are, they're saddles." he said as he walked back to speak to his sister.

"I've been home brother and you need to come with me when next I go back." she said.

It took Walder and Arthur to help them with the saddles and Sarella spent the next couple of days examining them while Rhaenix told him about the journey she and Lygaron had been on.

"I saw father, Jae, Mother, Egg, Mother Lyanna, I saw them all, they were happy." she said softly.

"I wish I had been with you, that we could have seen them together." he said.

"We will Jae, but not today." his sister said and Jae felt it more a promise than anything else.

Sarella was amazed by the saddles, Arthur and Tyrion too, none of them able to understand what they were made from. It was leather but not from any animal they knew of and it was practically impossible to cut, Jae finding only Dark Sister was able to do so. When they first tied them to the dragons, he expected there to be problems but found that both Rhaenix and Lygaron appreciated having them on, and it was clear then just how different the two saddles were.

Tyrion's was smaller and almost made to fit him, Jae wondering if one of the forty had dwarfs or was it made for someone small, a child perhaps. His was larger and behind the seat was a covering of leather that stretched out over Rhaenix's scales and Jae wondered if that was for others to sit on. Looking to the back of the saddle he soon found his answer, as behind him was a hook for someone to grab hold of.

The difference in the air though was incredible, the moves the dragons could do once Jae and Tyrion strapped themselves in, something they'd never dare try without them. That it only increased the dragon's own joy at being able to share this with their riders was something he felt deep inside of himself. It surprised him when Rhaenix asked them to leave them on their backs, to let them get used to them, and if they felt they needed them removed they would do so then.

"You're sure this is you wish?" he asked.

"It's what we both wish, Lygaron too wants to become more used to it, he says it makes him feel closer to Tyrion." she said.

They had been back almost a moon when Margaery told him she'd left Cerwyn and they'd reach Winterfell in a day or two. Jae hearing her say it without words how she wished he was there to show her, his home. At sparring the next day he was so distracted that even Tommen asked him if he was well and Jae waved it off as tiredness. Though it was the next morning sparring with Jaime that made the choice for him.

"I knew I got lucky, your shoulder is healed then?" he asked and Jaime chuckled as they drank the mugs of water.

"It is, though I think you were distracted once again.".

"I, a part of me wishes I was North." he said softly.

"You should have gone, Jon, there was no need for you to come back here this soon." Jaime said and he looked at him and shook his head.

"There was every need, Tommen had to be settled, Gendry too. I needed to be here for Tyrion and for the dragons when they returned.".

"Anyone could have done the first two Jon and the second only happened this past week, you could have gone North and been back in another moon's time." Jaime said as Arthur looked on.

"I don't have the time my lord, we need to speak to the Lords of the West, I need to make arrangements.".

"I thought that's why you had me and Tyrion?" Jaime asked.

"It is, but, gods, I can't allow my wants to define my actions." he said and Jaime laughed "Jaime?"

"You know you're doing that more and more, I prefer it." Jaime said and he looked at him oddly.

"Prefer what?" he asked.

"When you use my name, aye I know we have to be formal but here, alone, you call Arthur by his, I prefer it when you use mine.".

"I..I'll try to do it more, now the laugh, care to explain?".

"You thinking that you're in any way selfish, Jon you're the least selfish person I know, you should want more, enjoy yourself more, aye we've things to do. Let me and Tyrion do them, go, go North.".

He looked to Arthur who nodded and then he nodded back, saying his goodbyes to Joy and to Tommen later that day. Explaining that Ser Loras and Ser Barristan would need his services until his return and that he would be receiving reports on his behavior from them both. After speaking to Tyrion, that evening he made his way to the beach, Arthur walking with him and Ghost looking up at him forlornly. Rhaenix seemed eager to see the North too and she was ready for them when they got there. Jae saying his goodbyes to Jaime and the others before he climbed on the dragon's back.

Once Arthur was settled in behind him, he was ready to set off when Ghost ran up Rhaenix's wing and settled in front of them. Jae looked to the wolf who had what could only be called a pleading look on his face.

"Well, looks like we have another passenger." he said and heard Arthur's laugh as they took to the sky.

A/N: Up Next we see the second half of the three moons, Cat reflects on her trip to King's Landing, while her children learn the truth about her actions and a wedding is held in Winterfell. In King's Landing a king becomes a monster and sets a realm on a path to war.

Canuck: I wanted to surprise people that the war was starting even though we all know it was.

Biohazard: Glad you liked it.

Jumpingmanatee: You're more than welcome.

Daryldixon: More so next chapter.

Jessicanightmaterwolf: Tommen is incredibly lucky in a way, but still it's a terrible thing to have to face, we'll see more of the rest next chapter and find out exactly what went down.

Vdwade: We will see the full extent of it, in terms of comeuppance, it's coming.

PlatinumBro, it's still primogeniture in Westeros and we saw how far people will go to keep a queen of a throne in the dance, so Tyrion backed by the West and Dorne, as opposed to Dany who's not there yet, he thinks it likely.

Zompusbite: We'll see if your right, there are a few heads on spikes.

Anarchichmind: I had hoped to have that for a Tuesday chapter though in a funny way it works out as we get the full explanation this week instead of it being split into another one. We'll see if you're right. I think Ned may have been able to talk him out of it too, but it really says a lot that even Ned doesn't seem confident about it and it to me shows once again why Ned is such a moron, he thinks that about Robert, yet he thinks him a good man. Well there may be an issue with legitimising them as you see, finding them for a start.

Thesphynx, love the poem as always, we'll see who squeals.

Xand007: Thank you my friend, there won't be anymore eggs unless the dragons birth them, Jon found the last two out there. Robert is a bash and force of will warrior and if you take out the bash it's hard to see what he has left, he was surrounded by good minds and in his first three battles it worked, then he got his ass handed to him by Tarly. We'll see how he uses the dragons, it's a hard thing to decide what to do with them, but he will use them.

Remi: One of the key things Jae hoped for was to not turn it into a Harrenhal, he was somewhat successful. We'll see who let the cat out of the bag.

Guest: Only Tommen is in the west and so he's all they'd ask for.

Famous fox: I needed the actual, we're at war to be as much of a surprise as it could be since we all could tell it was drawing closer, so these chapters will show the why.

Dion benn: Lol, apt words indeed.

Guest; He planned to do it at the most strategically advantageous time, but he'd also planned that the pre for the war would take six moons, events have a habit of messing up the best laid plans.

Adgedless: We will see the full ramifications next chapter.

Guest: the fifth white cloak should be easy to think of, a newly made knight.

Jman: LF will want to be at the heart of things.

Chris the metis: We'll see the strategy laid out and the moves made very soon, moves and counters.

Wsbenge: It is indeed.

Lady Octarina: I think he's unlike so many of the others, more a flawed monster than an outright one, it's like he has the potential to do terrible things but doesn't truly go out of his way to do them all the time, but when he does it makes you remember that just because he can be likeable, he's not a nice guy.

I've argued with people who tell me I'm a radical feminist because in my stories Jon seems to rely on women's advice, that it goes against the grain of ASOIAF in some way. It just boggles the mind, for me Jon of all people would be more likely to listen to women and if there are strong older women who he connects to then even more so. Besides, Olenna is as clever as anyone in the whole story. We will find out the full events next chapter, I promise.

Akatsukilover: And now it begins.

Zyrus: All good things and all that.

Celexys: All will be shown don't worry, I just wanted the actual war part to be a surprise and since we all know it's coming, this was the best way to do that.

Prichan: I really hope you like it.

Guest: We'll see with Myrcella, as for Tommen nothing, technically he didn't commit treason but it's the easiest way for the raven to explain what will happen if he is allowed back.

Bigdog: Next chapter we'll see if you're right.

Whitedragonwarrior: It felt a nice way to bookend it, have the nicer parts of Robert shown and then lead into the omg he did something terrible, what did he do part at the end. On what he'd do to the children, you have to remember that Ned in canon is so worried about it that he tells Cersei to run, he thinks Robert would kille them and that pretty much is all you need to know. If his best friend is that worried. We'll see now what happened and the fallout.

M: I will show it all, in terms of the queen, yes technically he would, but events will kinda spiral.

Wrhnd: it's a little more difficult here for Robb in that had Ned been in WF would he even have taken Robb to war, we'll see if he can do much in this one, if not he'll certainly play a role in the next.

Tony warrior: Muchas gracias mi amigo, me alegro mucho de que te haya gustado. Estamos entreteniendo algunos capítulos de gran evento repletos de acción a continuación.

Prince Loki: We'll see if Jae finds out about Doran soon, glad you liked the jump.

Anja: So glad you liked it.

Debator Max: Next chapter will clear that up.

Dunk: Given we knew the war was coming, I wanted to still try and get some element of surprise in to when it came. We will see the full events next chapter, find out who the heads are. On Tommen it was more to show the level of danger him being sent back to KL would cause and a throwback to the rebellion. Robert couldn't ask them to take his head so he did the next best thing. When Jae goes back there will be a few things he needs to collect from Valyria, yes. I couldn't agree more about the women's council, like not only do you have people like Olenna, Genna, Ashara and Ellaria, but Arianne, Marge, Sansa, I mean damn those are some smart people.

On the wedding as you see Marge went with her and Jae has arrived. Next chapter before the wedding is the stark family meeting and the truth about Cat. On Doran we'll see in a bit, he needs to see it for himself though.

Gamedesigner: So glad you're liking this and I can promise you the only way this ends up unfinished is with my death, I've put too much time and effort into it and like you I hate to see abandoned stories.

Dievalgo: All the events that led to the war will be shown and then the war itself, I just wished it to be a surprise that it was here, even though you knew it was coming.

Acevenom; It will be shown clearly what happened, I just wanted the skip for the surprise element, in terms of the Jae king from the west it was both a nod to the KITN scene and something that struck me. Jae has spent eight years in the West, Six in the North and so either can think of him as theirs, he's also born in Dorne and so they can claim him lol. With Stannis it's a trick situation, as you say it's unlikely he'd go against Robert and technically he's now heir. As you see with Mace he's more on the Marge will be queen line, telling him of the wedding would have killed him lol.

Vfsnake; Technically nothing, it was more to show that him going back would lead to his death and to give a nod to the canon rebellion start, Robert can't ask for his head outright to his family, but he can let them know he plans to take his head.

CeeLee: If events play out how he wished, Jon had plans for all of them to be save, he promised Genna he'd not see the children harmed and that meant Joff too, as for Cersei, she's still Jaime/Tyrion's family and so Jon wouldn't want her harmed, we'll see if events have made his plans moot.

Mrsfaye: We'll see.

Sovietgod: fAegon is alive as you can see, as for the others, we'll see.

Grammaton: Someone is dead.

Guest: So glad you liked it. With Doran if he had tried to kill Jae or moves against Jae then because of who he is and what he is, Jae would be conflicted about what he wants to do about him, that he went after Marge, Jae won't have any conflict. We'll see the rest of the three months next.

Guest: So glad to hear you say that, yep let the war begin.

Xionmao: Thank so much, glad you enjoyed it.

Creativo: Es cierto, aunque hay similitudes.

Mhaleowen: Hope you enjoyed the convo, we'll see more of how the Greatjon reacts next. We will see more of the COTR, Melisandre will be having a pov soon and we'll see what Jae wrote to them.

Ladybug: We'll see with Myrcella, the war will kick off properly next week.

Xiannaexo: So glad you liked it. Here was just a little tease of Dany, we'll see more of her in a couple of chapters, a much larger pov.

Aussiekay: Really glad you liked it.

Guest: Oberyn will have a pov in a little bit, we'll see if it covers that.

Andrews: Jae will spend some time there, a couple of povs at least, there is a reason why only he can go there. Hope you liked Mace finding out lol (that was me laughing when I read your review knowing it was coming in this chapter).

Irish Hermit: That's one of the things, do you wish him distracted from what needs to be done, Olenna felt not and wanted others to confirm she was right. With the Darkstar there may have been a little element of that with Doran, thinking that if he failed, he'd die and so it was a win win.

Well who do you think told him now? It will be shown next chapter the entire thing. On the heads there is more than two up there. Tommen did luck out in a lot of ways, it's still a horrible thing he's going through but it could have been so much worse.

On Jon A, can't say other than it will be soon. We'll see the other side of the Greatjon's reaction next and yep fire and blood is on it's way for a lot of people, Jae has a lot of scores to settle.

Denoltdn: I think with Valyria, there is a danger it can become a treasure hunt and nothing more, what I'll say is that while Jae will find some useful things while there, that's not the whole reason for his visit when he does go there. We will see some Satin/Loras soon enough, glad you liked his knighting, I always get the impression he was just given it in canon, so here he earned it more. Yeah I'll be doing a fic where both live, once I finish some of these others. Unfortunately we had some people fall ill due to the virus and so it was all hands on deck, now it seems to have calmed once again.

I think that's why things feel so disjointed with so much of the final two seasons, it's clear they rushed it and that they had no clue how to write really once they ran out of copying GRRM's stuff, we see that in how dumbed down characters became, Tyrion being a moron and stuff like that. Instead of well thought out stuff, we get characters being idiots so the plot can jump forward and while every story has some of that, the last two seasons pretty much made them all into just plot points. On the Grammar thing it's bloody spell check, sometimes I catch it and sometimes it slips by, but it really does it for as you say house names and things like Maesters.

Orthankg: Hmm we'll see.

I'll speak to you more on each of those after the next chapter, expect a PM as I can't go into it here for spoiler reasons.

Sorry to not go into this more here as you raise some interesting points, but just I promise to return to this after the next chapter.

Spartan: I didn't want to have anything take focus from the tourney and so we didn't see anything else for the last few chapters, now it's over we'll both see the events from here and what happened with other characters while this was going on. Here we got a little Dany, her next pov will be much bigger. This is what the last few chapters have been leading to and I hope the next few make the wait worthwhile.

Hunterofaremis: No worries, glad you're still enjoying them. We will see the full extent of what Robert did next chapter.

Silverglow: I will pm you. I wanted to show the kids getting older and with Tommen the little bit of hero worship gave him strength. Robert is so wrapped up in who he thinks Jon is that it's a little tragic given what's coming.

One of the things with Jon is that and I've tried to show this with Joy and the others, he has this thing about children, partly it's down to how Cat treated him but it's the wish to be nice to them knowing that perhaps not everyone always is. With Myrcella there was also that idea of thinking on his feet too.

For Barry this is a dream come true and he was so happy for it, we'll see more of that as the war starts. Genna is kinda the real mother figure for Jon in a way and seeing him do what she knew he would, really just adds to that. We'll see there are more than two heads on the wall so we'll find them out and glad you liked it.

Guest: We'll find out next.