Hey guys!!!! I noticed a lot of you have been following this story, liking it what not so I decided to write a brand new story.

I don't remember exactly when I wrote this story, but I know it's been a year or two and we have gotten a lot of information on Overwatch since, lore, new characters, as well as myself beginning to understand the characters a lot better so while this will be a sequel to the last story it won't necessarily be the exact same.

Another thing I know I'm bad at is how I write my fanfics and the grammar of it, luckily my girlfriend will be proof-reading my chapters before I post them so the reading experience is better for you guys.

Finally this fanfic will actually be one that is going to be updated periodically instead of sent through all at once, I'll try to update quite often maybe once every two weeks or once a month, it depends on how much I can get done with my life, but I will be looking forward to hearing how excited you guys are for the fanfic and if you have any suggestions you can just send me a PM!!!
