I do NOT own the wonderful, paw-some, Miraculous series or any of the characters appearing in the show. However, any other characters are of my sole creation and therefore are MINE! I do reference episodes, but any other 'abilities' or villains, and/or ideas are also original to my own twisted mind.

Note: I KNOW they love each other…but I'm giving an ORGANIC…real life…version of how marriage and family goes. Trust me…okay? I promise it'll be worth it…hopefully…welcome to the beginning of another…CRAZY…epic…adventure…I promise it has lots of new twists and action to look forward to…


Chapter One: Family Life

The stars glittered brightly overhead, and Marinette leaned against the railing of their balcony, sighing softly. Her breath trailed out in a light fog as the crisp city air began to cool for the fall time. Today was particularly brisk.

"Mummy!" The excited voice made her smile, and she turned, staring down at the little girl, her flailing arms the epitome of excitement as she neared. "Auntie Alya is here!"

The sheer joy echoing in her innocent voice made the bluenette giggle. "Thanks, honey. Daddy home yet?"

Obsidia shook her head, her curly blonde locks cascading in a mess around her two different colored eyes until her chubby hands had to brush them out of her sight. "Nu-uh mummy. I'm keeping close watch!"

"My perfect lookout," she cooed, picking the four year old up and placing soft kisses on her nose and cheeks. "Let's go see what Auntie Alya needs at this late hour." Mari tried to set the little girl down, but she refused, her tiny limbs far stronger than they should have been, and she sighed. "Okay, I'll carry you," she snorted to which she received a bright smile that mirrored her father's.


The duo ran down the stairs together, galloping like horses as they made noises in a similar style, and plopped on the lower landing, staring across the foyer into the living room where Alya was standing patiently.

Her wavy hair was pulled back into a sleek professional bun, and her golden orbs gleamed brightly behind her stylish glasses as she crossed the hardwood floor. "Hey, girl," she said softly, hugging them both as the bluenette continued to cradle her daughter in her arms. "Sorry to stop by so late, but we're picking up more news on those random occurrences," she murmured.

"Oh," she breathed, nodding slowly. Her bluebell eyes shifted to Obsidia. "Baby, I need you to be a big girl and start your bedtime routine while I talk to Auntie Alya, please?"

The blonde pouted, her brows pulling together. "I don't want to go to bed!"

Marinette sighed, rubbing her temples. "I know honey, but at least, brush your teeth, okay?"

Obsidia whined, but she hopped down, stomping her feet and grumbling the whole way towards the downstairs bathroom. "I never get to do anything I want to do."

Marinette rolled her eyes. "Sorry, Alya."

She chortled. "It's fine, I understand. The world is coming to an end because it's time for bed," she teased.

The bluenette nodded. She had that right. "New information?"

The journalist, professionally now, pulled out her tablet, and slid through several files with expert grace and speed with her fingers. "We keep getting glimpses of a woman, I guess you could call her. The picture is never great, so I think there's some sort of magic involved, but it's strange since…" the words caught in her throat.

Marinette swallowed, shaking her head. She knew what her friend wanted to say. Although, they still wore their Miraculous items, from time to time, they no longer held the power to transform them. One day, almost five years ago, a mysterious woman appeared, and a blast had rippled through all of Paris.

When Marinette tried to activate her spots to investigate, she found she couldn't. Tikki was fine, and so was Plagg, thank God, but it was as if the Miraculous items themselves had been short circuited, or deactivated in some way. When Tikki touched them, she said she didn't feel any magic at all, and they didn't react to any of the Kwami's touches.

So, most of the ancient beings spent a good portion of their time in the Miracle Box, but Marinette still kept her earrings on, faithfully, just in case. Adrien never let his ring leave his finger. Alya was still wearing her necklace.

"I think she's the same woman who sent out that wave of power," Marinette murmured, staring at a pair of icy blue eyes, but she couldn't make out any other features. Maybe, white hair?

"Have you been keeping Adrien updated since you guys left Paris?"

Marinette shook her head slowly. "He works a lot since he took the modeling job here in New York. I," she looked away shrugging, before offering a small smile. "We don't get a lot of free time."

Alya gripped her hands gently. "I know how you feel, I'm in the same boat," she breathed. "I took a job here too, remember?"

They both smiled. The journalist had landed a dream job with a big network in the States, jumping at the chance. The problem? Nino didn't seem happy at her accelerating career sometimes due to how hectic the woman seemed to be. Marinette could almost understand his qualms.

"Welcome to being a parent and an adult," she tried to make it sound like a joke, but it almost sounded bitter, and she sighed. She loved Obsidia, and she wouldn't trade her life for anything, but everything seemed so…stale and…lonely sometimes.

"You miss the rooftops," Alya pointed out.

Marinette nodded. "Having a purpose."

"You're a mom."

"It's a wonderful purpose, but it's not quite the same, is it, Alya?"

They looked at each other, and the golden-eyed woman shook her head. "I know what you mean. I think it'll get better though."

The bluenette nodded. "Yeah, I'm sure it will." Her voice didn't sound all that convincing.

"I'm sure Adrien is still all over you," she teased.

Marinette looked down, clearing her throat. "Do we know anything about this woman at all? Anything? Aside from the fact she seems to have abilities and has white hair and blue eyes it looks like?"

Alya made a sound in her throat. "Don't tell me you guys haven't had time for yourselves? You guys used to have sex at the drop of a hat!"

Her throat tightened. "Used to, Alya, being the key words here. He works, and we have Obsidia to think about. Plus, maybe, he's just bored of me…" The words got strangled on the trail out of her mouth.

The look on her friend's face made her laugh. It was pure indignation. "Bored of you? The love of his life? The heroine of Paris? The woman he threw himself off a skyscraper for?"

Marinette shook her head slowly, trying to keep the tears from breaking free and betraying her. "I'm not saying he doesn't love me, really. I know that he does." She scoffed, and the first crystalline drop escaped, opening the dam. "God knows he has proven himself more than anybody in this world how much he loves me," she sniffled softly. "I'm just saying, I'm not the heroine of Paris anymore, and we've been together for a little while now, and he's surrounded by much better prospects than me all day for…" she grasped for a good word.

"Getting his engine going?" Alya suggested mildly, raising her brows, looking skeptical.

The bluenette gave a quick jerking nod, and wiped at her face with the backs of her hands. "I know it sounds so fu—flippin' stupid out loud, but it's been bouncing around in my head for a few months now. He's always working, and when he is home…" she shrugged. "He's a doting father with Obsidia, and he's perfectly pleasant with me there's just no…" she grasped for another word.


Marinette snorted, and tried to stop the snot from leaking, nodding. "Spark, or lust, or heat…whatever it was, I guess. He seems distracted. I'm exhausted…worrying too much I think."

"He's probably tired too, it happens," Alya said softly. "Does it have to do with the Miraculous being powered down? Maybe…maybe it's because the animal is less active?"

Mari nodded slowly. "I've thought of that, too, honestly, but our links with Tikki and Plagg are still very active. We're bonded until we're…gone. He just can't transform. So, in theory, nothing should have changed."

"Oh," Alya sighed, slumping a little. "Okay, so, want me to beat him up for you? I'm not afraid of him, or the animal inside of him."

She hugged her friend tight, giggling. "I love you, you know that?"

"Of course! I love you too, girl! Want me to snoop on him? I'm good at it!"

The bluenette chewed her lip. The temptation pulled on her like a tangible hook, but she shook her head. "It's okay, I'm sure I'm just being dumb."

Obsidia shrieked in joyous alarm, streaking into the living room. "Daddy's car is here daddy's car! Mummy it's daddy's car he's here!" She bolted for the front door, hopping up and down, and the bluenette laughed softly, unable to help herself.

She cut her eyes back to Alya while her daughter was distracted. "Tell me about the mysterious woman here. Any other details?"

Alya gave her a stern look, and rolled her eyes. "Well, the only other real thing I keep getting is a name. I guess she goes by Princess."

"Oh! What princess? I wanna be a princess of the galaxy, please!" Obsidia shouted, making Marinette wince. Her excitement was always full tilt or nothing.

"I see three Princesses by my count," Adrien said smoothly, chuckling as his daughter launched herself at him before the door was fully closed.

He pretended to fall back into it with the force, and he let out an 'oomph' sound. "Daddy!"

"Wow, youngest princess, you sure have the loudest voice," he commented, grinning his heart melting smile.

"You can be princess pretty!" Obsidia said to her father, and Alya snorted in an attempt to abate the fit of giggles. It didn't work. She snorted again, and her mouth parted, emitting several amused chuckles.

"Auntie Alya is princess smartest!" This received glowing pride from the journalist, and she looked at Marinette.

"What about Mari, what should she be if daddy is princess pretty?" Her friend almost didn't contain the laughter this time, but managed, mostly.

Obsidia thought about it, but Adrien chimed in easily. "Mommy is the original princess. Best one of them all," he smiled and walked over, leaning down to kiss her cheek, and she shifted away, just a little, but she could tell by the tensing of his shoulders that he noticed before she corrected herself, allowing his mouth to touch her salty cheek.

"I want to be the best princess daddy!"

Their eyes locked, and he frowned. "O-Of course you c-can be honey, mommy doesn't mind. Alya, I'll walk you out, we can talk more t-tomorrow." She smiled at her daughter. "Want daddy to put you down tonight?"

Her suggestion was met with excited squeals, and she didn't even need to stop to see the deeper frown on her husband's face.

"Girl, you just totally—"

Marinette waved frantically at her, shoving her into the car before getting in on the passenger side. "Turn it on," she hissed.

"Oh, right," she said, turning the engine over.

Marinette turned the radio up at a reasonably high level, lowering her voice. "I panicked," she stage whispered through the loud noise. Adrien's hearing had gotten less sensitive over the years, but not by much.

"Tell me something I didn't just witness," Alya said dryly. "You're not going to resolve your issues sitting in here with me. Or avoiding him for that matter." She tilted her head. "You sure you don't want me to punch him for you?"

"What good will that do!?"

Alya snickered. "Dunno, but it'd at least be doing something. You're hiding."

Marinette sighed, frowning. "I'm not."

"Girl, we're sitting in my darkened car, in your driveway, outside your house, hiding from your husband. What do you want to call it?"

"Creative problem solving?"

"Okay, add active denial to the list and we'll call it a night. Get your butt in there Dupain-Cheng, or I'll kick yours instead."

The blunette felt her heart rate accelerating. She wasn't Dupain-Cheng anymore, but she got the message. "Okay, okay, but we're still meeting tomorrow right?"

"Bright and early," the journalist affirmed, saluting. "We can talk more about your other problems too."

Marinette nodded, getting out of the car, jogging back to the house. Why was this suddenly a big issue? She'd kept the fears in the back of her mind for months, and now that she'd voiced them out loud…she was in a panic, and her heart felt like cold fingers were wrapped around it, squeezing her every breath out.

She tip-toed into the house, listening carefully. Obsidia was squealing with glee, and daddy was making special effect noises, and fighting noises. Bedtime story. Okay, she could just…join them…and then talk with him afterwards like an adult. She was twenty-three after all. Perfectly responsible. Or…she could…

She ran to bed, praying she'd be asleep before the bedtime ritual was finished. Please, let it be a long kind of night.

***POV Change***

Adrien snatched up the plushies in each hand, one was Hawk Moth, and the other was Volpina. "We shall get our hands on the mysterious Miraculous," he said with a dramatic tone, and his daughter giggled, jumping onto the bed with amazing skill.

"You can't beat us!" She held a Chat Noir plushie and a Rena Rouge in her little hands. "We're gonna call Ladybug and she's gonna beat you up!"

Adrien snorted, shaking his head. "Such a silly princess," he teased. "I think, though, it's getting late, and the fate of the Miraculous is best saved for tomorrow when the heroes aren't rubbing their eyes and yawning in between each quip.

"But daddy," she whined, yawning again, her eyes fluttering closed. "Mummy said I could stay up all the night."

The blonde ruffled her curly golden locks. "I'm sure she did, but mummy didn't know you'd be so tired. How about you get under the covers for a couple of minutes, and then the rest of the night is yours, hm?"

She made a noise, but he scooped her up, setting her in the confines of the thick quilt. "I think you're the best princess pretty," she muttered, already on her way to falling asleep.

"I think you're the best youngest princess," he teased. "Sleep now, Obsidia, I love you," he whispered, playing a soft kiss on her head.

He listened to her breathing for a few passing moments, and it was deep and even, confident she was actually sleeping, and he padded out of her room slowly, down to the hall to his own bedroom. Marinette hadn't joined them like she usually did for Miraculous bedtime battles.

He pushed the door open slowly, and the room was dark already. His brows pulled together, his better than average night vision allowing him to see that she was already curled up in bed.

He let out a soft sigh and moved closer, trying not to listen to her breaths or her heartbeat. He promised her that he'd afford her some privacy over the course of their marriage when it came to his senses. He peeled out of his 'work' clothes and pulled on a pair of boxers and sweat pants, crawling into bed beside her.

He put an arm tentatively over her, feeling a little awkward after seeing her blurry eyes and tasting the salt on her cheeks earlier without being able to confront her…especially since she'd pulled away from him. Had he done something wrong?

Should he be touching her? Usually she liked space when they fought. He struggled, but eventually, he rolled away, crossing his arms over his chest, sighing, letting his eyes close. If she was mad at him, he'd let her have her space.

His phone buzzed. He groaned softly, throwing the covers back, sitting back up and snatching the device from his bedside table.

(10:53 p.m.) Nathalie: Emergency shoot scheduled for 7 a.m. The location is further than normal from your home. I've sent the address. Be sure to show up an hour early for make-up and wardrobe.

Great, more work, and now, he wasn't going to have time to talk to Marinette.

(10:55 p.m.) Adrien: No chance of a reschedule? I was hoping to spend a little time with my family in the morning.

He sighed, rubbing his hand over his weary face, shaking his head. He would have laid back down, but Nathalie was a prompt woman.

(10:58 p.m.) Nathalie: We can shoot it an hour earlier to afford you time to get home sooner, but we can't push it back due to other schedule conflicts. What would you prefer? My apologies, Adrien.

(10:59 p.m.) Adrien: It's not your fault. Just give me the earlier time, and I'll come home sooner to spend the afternoon with my family.

He growled, staring at the address he'd been sent. It was an hour and a half from his place. He needed another hour on top of that to afford his make-up and wardrobe be done on time. 3:30. Fantastic. He set his alarm for 2:45 so he could shower and get ready, but then realized he didn't want to wake Marinette up that early.

Fuck. The irritation grew, but he snatched his stuff off the table, and stomped out of the room, and down the stairs. He'd sleep on the couch. At least that way she could rest, and then maybe his wife could feel better. He never liked seeing her upset.