Disclaimer: I don't own Pokémon.
Author Notes: Well, I'm pretty happy to finally bring you chapter 3. Enjoy the read!
Chapter 3 — Our Gods
The gentle resonance of orchestral music coming from many outdoor concerts resounded across the once peaceful canals of the city of Alto Mare, drowning out the sound of the gentle waves and mixing along with the chatter of the masses. The city was unbelievably lively, as the day of its most famous yearly event had finally arrived. The Tour De Alto Mare.
The sidewalks lining the city's canals along the race's designated route were crowded to full capacity, with dozens of simple but effective temporary stands framing them to allow even more spectators to take a seat. All across the city, a festive and jubilant environment prevailed. Businesses were flocked with both tourists and locals alike, and hundreds of street vendors wandered about trying to sell their goods.
Ash looked around with widened eyes and a silly grin etched on his face. "Brock wasn't kidding when he said this place was amazing," he commented admiringly as he walked onto the boarding platform for the race's participants. He was barefoot and only dressed in a plain black shirt and blue shorts.
"Yeah, it totally is!" Dawn agreed jovially as she joined her friend on the platform. She was barefoot as well and had ditched her miniskirt in favor of her yellow and orange shorts. She kept her usual black top on and had tied her hair into a neat ponytail for convenience. "I'm so ready!" Dawn looked down with a grin. "Are you ready as well, Piplup?" she asked her partner, whom she was cradling in her arms.
Piplup nodded eagerly in response, confidently chirping several times.
"Piplup and I are so pumped! You better do your best if you want to have a shot at winning this race, Ash." Dawn gave Ash a friendly wink.
Ash smirked and reached into his pocket to grab the sole Poké Ball that he had brought along with him. He held up the spherical device and activated it, releasing his trusted Buizel from its confines with a bright flash of white light. "Same goes for you, Dawn. You know better than anyone just how strong Buizel is," Ash replied, chuckling as Buizel crossed his arms over his chest while throwing Dawn's Piplup a confident and competitive smirk.
Dawn laughed heartily. "We'll see, Ash. We also have to save ourselves for the rest of the competition."
Dawn glanced around, taking note of the several dozen trainers also present at the boarding platform along with them. Most of them were in the process of releasing their own water-type Pokémon and fastening their harnesses on them.
"Well, let's get ready," Dawn said, walking to her assigned chariot. She sat down, grabbed the harness, and began to carefully tie it to her Piplup.
Ash nodded and followed her, with his Buizel doing the same. He walked over to the chariot next to her, crouched down, and began to fasten its harness on to Buizel. "Good luck, Dawn!" Ash wished his friend cheerfully.
Dawn looked at him out the corner of her eye and smiled. "Same to you, Ash!"
"Attention, competitors!" an officer shouted through a megaphone from the entrance to the boarding platform, prompting all the trainers present to look at him. "The race will begin in ten minutes, please board your chariots and proceed towards the starting line!"
"Well, that's our cue," Dawn commented as she tightened the harness on Piplup. She took a step back, examining her handwork. Piplup looked at himself for several moments and then gave Dawn an approving chirp. Dawn stepped onto the pink chariot, being careful to mind her balance.
Ash tightened the harness around Buizel, giving himself a brief nod of approval once he was finished. He stood up and boarded his yellow chariot. Ash idly pressed his weight in different directions, causing the chariot to tilt in tandem with him and give the trainer a feeling of its balance. "Yeah, we're good now, Buizel."
Dawn looked on as Ash tested his balance, and decided to briefly mimic him to get a feel of her own chariot for safety. "Let's go, Piplup," Dawn called out once she felt she was ready, giving her partner a short nod.
Piplup and Buizel dived into the water, creating two small splashes in the process. As they did so, both Ash and Dawn grabbed the lines attached to the harnesses of their respective Pokémon, which allowed them to tow their trainers further into the water. Across the boarding platform, the other competitors did the same and joined the pair in their trek towards the starting line located at the center of Alto Mare's primary canal. All around the racers, clapping began to echo across the city as the hundreds of people lined up on the city's sidewalks, bridges and stands began to applaud them.
Ash couldn't help but smile, occasionally waving at the crowds as Buizel got into position at the starting line. "This place is so wholesome," he commented. "People here are just so nice."
"Yeah," Dawn agreed with a smile just as she came to a stop beside Ash's chariot. "After the stress of our Sinnoh journeys, I think this vacation will do us well. Alto Mare hasn't disappointed at all so far. We're gonna have a blast!"
"Why thank you," someone beside the pair said, prompting Ash and Dawn to glance to their left. There, they noticed a teenager who looked around Ash's age. He was dressed in long blue shorts and a vibrant red vest with a yellow zigzag design on its bottom. He was holding onto a line that led to his own racing Pokémon, a very healthy and strong-looking Wailmer. He reached up to his face, pulling up a pair of stylish one-piece sports sunglasses. "The name's Ross. Always thrilled to hear foreigners speak so highly of our city."
"Pleased to meet you, Ross," Ash responded politely. "I'm Ash."
"Likewise, and my name's Dawn," Dawn said, introducing herself with a friendly wave. "And, well, we'd be lying if we said anything else about Alto Mare."
Ross gave the pair a thumbs up. "That's great! I promise you that Alto Mare won't disappoint for your vacation. I also recognize you two. You're Sinnoh Grand Festival and Lily of the Valley Conference top contenders, which means you two are bound to have powerful and capable Pokémon. I'm the reigning champion of this race, so be sure to give me a challenge!"
Ash grinned. "Oh, you'll get more than you bargained for!" he answered fiercely.
Dawn nodded, a competitive smirk flashing on her features. "You bet! Be careful what you ask for, because we may end up surprising you."
Ross laughed, reaching up to lower his sport sunglasses over his eyes once more. "Good! This race is gonna be one to remember."
Ash looked at Ross and his Wailmer for a few moments before glancing around, eyeing the expectant crowds and the other competitors. As he looked around, Ash noticed Brock and Pikachu waving at them from the closest bridge to the starting line. "Oh, hey, Dawn! There's Brock, and Pikachu too!" Ash pointed ahead with his free hand. "Over there!"
Dawn followed the teen's finger and chuckled when she noticed them. She raised her free hand to wave back at her friends. "Yeah, that's them alright!"
"Testing, testing!" a voice rang throughout the main canal, carried out by an assortment of loudspeakers placed along the race's route. Ash and Dawn looked around, quickly noticing a man holding a microphone on a podium near the starting line. "Ladies and gentlemen, it's a beautiful day for Alto Mare's annual water chariot festival, the Tour De Alto Mare! It looks like we have a record turnout today!"
The crowds gathered along the canals started clapping and cheering, prompting the announcer to wait for a few instants while the spirited crowd quieted down for a bit. "Are you all ready to proceed to the main event!?" he questioned energetically, causing the crowds to murmur in excitement. "Please, welcome our guardian gods to preside over the race!"
Ash gasped, his eyes widening in surprise. "Wait, what!?" he questioned in disbelief, glancing at Dawn, wondering if she had heard the same thing he had. His jaw dropped when Dawn flashed him an incredulous look, signaling that she too was stupefied.
Ross laughed at the pair's reaction, clearly bemused. "Oh yes! Our guardian gods always watch over the race. It's a tradition," he explained coolly.
A pair of imposing shadows suddenly passed over several of the competitors, including Ash and Dawn. That prompted both of them to immediately look upward and gaze at the arriving dragons with a dumbfounded expression. Ash's breath was taken away at the sight of the very same Pokémon that had ended his dreams of winning the Lily of the Valley Conference just a few days ago.
Latios and Latias regally descended from the heavens with the sun behind their backs, the sunlight glistening elegantly on their respective feather coats and casting their shadows onto the canal below. The pair stopped their descent about a hundred feet above the ground, looking over the crowds and competitors with kind expressions on their faces. Most of the people in the surrounding crowd stood up respectfully, clapping in the presence of the two deities. The rest, most likely tourists, let out excited shouts and chattered amongst themselves and took out various mobile devices to take pictures of the two Legendary Pokémon.
Ash's eyes were fixated on the two dragon Pokémon, stunned from the surprise of having them make an appearance so soon into his visit of the city. 'I guess when Brock said that they were part of public life in this place… he wasn't kidding at all,' he thought to himself, only now noticing that his breath had caught in his throat, forcing him to exhale at last. Ash examined them, taking note of how the Latios seemed to be larger and of a slightly different shade of blue than the one Tobias had.
Ash then focused on the other one. 'I've seen Latios before, that means… that must be Latias.' He hummed in thought. Latias, he realized, was just slightly smaller than Latios and was almost identical in looks, though she was red instead of blue and her ears and wings were shaped slightly differently.
"Welcome, both citizens of Alto Mare and visitors alike, to one of our grand annual festivals," Latias said, speaking in a soft and angelic voice that powerfully resonated across the entirety of the city's canals and easily reached all the contestants and spectators, effortlessly drowning out the ambient sounds and the crowd's chatters. Yet, despite how far-reaching her steady voice was, she wasn't shouting or thundering in any way. "It's an honor for my brother and I to watch over the race, as has always been our tradition. I'm sure it will be as splendid as it's always been."
"I'm sure of that as well," Latios agreed, speaking up in an equally powerful and firm voice that evenly spread across the city. However, his masculine voice was thicker and more imposing than Latias' gentler and more feminine tone. "We're delighted to take part in our city's festivities, and the Tour De Alto Mare is no different." He looked down, giving the contestants a feral grin. "I see a lot of familiar faces amongst this year's competitors, and many new ones as well. Good luck to all of you, and may the best racer win."
All around the two dragons the crowd applauded and the racers cheered, with many of them pumping a fist into the air. Ash let out a short laugh, noting that a clearly excited Dawn was amongst them. "So, those are Latios and Latias," Ash muttered, thoroughly impressed.
'Although…' Ash let out a short hum, eying them carefully and letting the more critical side of him take hold. 'There's something odd about the way they talk, but I can't exactly pinpoint what. It's not telepathy like some of the other Legendaries we've met. They're talking like Meowth does, straight out of their mouths. It seems natural, but I can't help but feel like there's something off going on, but what is it?' he wondered, clearly intrigued.
Latios and Latias nodded at each other. Taking the cue, Latios flew higher into the sky while Latias remained behind. "Alright, racers, get ready!" Latias announced. Her eyes began to glow in a soft blue hue, which slowly spread towards her plumage. Unlike her eyes, her vibrant red feathers began to shine in intense scarlet light. Along the edges of the canals that formed the race's designated track throughout the city, illusions of red stripes began to materialize out of thin air. At the same time, illusions of red walls formed to block the entrances of streets that weren't part of the track.
"As usual, I will be in charge of race safety and marking the route." Latias eyed the competitors, grinning slightly. "At the signal of my brother's Draco Meteor, you may begin!" she called out, her gentle voice resounding across the city.
Latios opened his mouth, forming a bright crimson sphere of draconic energy within it. He tilted his head back and fired the powerful Draco Meteor high into the sky. Every racer braced and their Pokémon reared back, getting ready for the race to start. They all carefully followed the Draco Meteor's trajectory as it soared through the sky like a shooting star.
The draconic sphere suddenly detonated, releasing a potent explosion and a blast of red energy that briefly flashed across the sky. The moment the attack went off, every water-type Pokémon took off.
"Let's go!" Ash shouted energetically, pulling his cap backward with his free hand as Buizel shot forward. However, Ash gasped in shock when he saw Ross and his Wailmer bolt past him, slightly splashing him in the process. "Don't let up, Buizel!" he encouraged determinedly. Buizel let out a fierce cry as he accelerated, causing Ash's chariot to propel ahead in an effort to catch up to Ross.
As the racers surged out of the starting line and headed towards the first bridge, Pikachu crouched down on the bridge's security railing and took aim. He waited for a few seconds and then deftly leaped off the moment Ash was just about to pass under the bridge. "Pikachu!" Brock called out, mentally smacking himself for failing to keep watch over the electric-type.
Latias watched the racers go and tilted her head curiously when she noticed a Pikachu jumping off from the main bridge. She was about to psychically intervene—as she believed the Pikachu was potentially in danger—until she noticed that he had perfectly timed his jump to land on one of the racers, who she presumed must have been his trainer.
"Whoa!" Ash shouted as Pikachu landed on his face, almost causing him to lose his balance. Buizel slowed down, not wanting his trainer to be knocked over. "Hey! Guess I couldn't race without ya, right buddy?" Ash asked heartily, laughing briefly as Pikachu took a seat on his usual spot on the trainer's shoulder. Pikachu let out a cheerful cry in response, flashing his trainer a grin.
"See ya!" Dawn called out as she rushed past Ash while tauntingly waving a hand at him. "Slowpoke!"
Ash smirked. "We'll see about that, Dawn. Buizel, top speed!" he commanded while dramatically pointing ahead. Buizel reared back and spun his dual tails with as much strength as he could, causing Ash's chariot to surge forward to close the distance that Ross and Dawn—as well as a few other competitors—had established ahead of him.
Latias looked on at the interaction from a distance, letting out a short laugh in amusement. Noting that she didn't have to intervene and everyone was safe, she turned around and flew onward to keep pace with the racers while making sure to stay roughly around the middle of the pack. "Ready, Latios?" she asked, her amber eyes beginning to glow in soft blue light. "I'm ready to begin sight-sharing."
Latios, who was still soaring high above Alto Mare, nodded briefly. "Always am, Latias." His red eyes began to glow in a blue hue. Lively shimmers spread across his plumage, lighting up his body in a powerful veil of blue light with such intensity that it was as if there was a second sun in the sky.
Meanwhile, back at the main bridge, Brock sighed as he looked at the space where Pikachu had been just a moment ago. "Why am I not surprised…" he muttered to himself while shaking his head. He glanced back and looked on as Dawn and Ash disappeared in the distance, with many other racers all around them.
Brock hummed, looking around for a screen or something similar to watch the rest of the race on. "Huh, the race is nice and all, but how are we going to see the rest of it?" he mused aloud, raising an eyebrow.
A young adult at his side laughed briefly, lowering a digital camera from her face. "Let me guess, tourist?" she asked, turning to look at him mirthfully. She was short, had shoulder-length brown hair, and was dressed in a teal-colored shirt and white miniskirt.
Brock's heart immediately pounded on his chest. She was beautiful, the most beautiful woman he'd ever seen in fact, and he'd met a lot of other beautiful women over the years. To him it didn't matter if every beautiful woman he met was the most beautiful woman he'd ever met at the time. However, given the serious setting and how much public there was surrounding them, he decided against trying to flirt with her. For now. Plus, he didn't want to get Poison Jabbed by Croagunk again. "Yeah," he replied instead, scratching the back of his head and desperately trying to suppress the urge to propose marriage on the spot.
The woman smirked proudly. "Oh, just you wait. Never doubt our guardian gods."
"What do you me—" Brock suddenly paused when he noticed his surroundings beginning to shimmer vividly and then distort. He looked around in surprise as a dense veil of blue light majestically spread across the canal and the audience, beginning to form intricate images in the air. "What's going on?" he asked, startled.
The woman laughed in response, clearly enjoying his stupefied reaction. "Gets newcomers every time. We don't need screens to see the race because our gods project it via illusions for every person to see across the racetrack. When the racers physically pass each part of the track, they dispel the illusion for the people there to actually see it live and then resume the illusion once they have passed. That way, every person gets to see the entire race in full detail no matter where you are," she explained. "It's like real-life TV."
"Wow…" Brock whispered in awe. He looked up, seeing that Latios was high in the sky to the point he looked like a blue speck to him, though said blue speck was emitting a powerful and heavenly light that rained down on Alto Mare. "I see… so Latios is the one that's projecting the race for everyone in the city… That's very interesting."
All around Brock, and for every person nearby, the sight of race materialized as if they were there. "This is amazing." Brock focused on the illusionary imagery, noting that Dawn was in second place and was doing her best to keep up with the first place, a stylish trainer whose chariot was pulled by a Wailmer. Far behind the two, roughly in sixth place, was none other than Ash and Buizel. "Go, Ash! Go, Dawn!" Brock cheered enthusiastically.
"Friends of yours?" the woman guessed.
Brock nodded. "Some of the best I've ever had. I can introduce you later, if you'd like. I'm Brock, by the way."
The woman smiled radiantly, causing Brock's heart to flutter. "I'd like that, thank you. Oh, and my name's Bianca."
That did it. Unable to hold back any longer, Brock opened his mouth to declare his undying adoration for this woman he'd just met whose name he just found out… and suddenly felt an all too familiar pain in his rear.
Gurgling and with his face turning an unpleasant shade of purple, he collapsed to the ground. Croagunk, hand still glowing from the Poison Jab he had just inflicted, grabbed the paralyzed Brock by the ankle and dragged him away, croaking softly to himself.
Bianca blinked, uncertain what to make of that. "That was weird."
Chapter 3 End
Author Notes: Well, say hello to Latios and Latias! I'm pretty happy to formally introduce them in this chapter! Hopefully, you will all find this iteration of them enjoyable and I'll be definitely delving into their characters in chapters to come. For now, stay tuned for the race's culmination next chapter!
Anyway… Please, don't forget to leave a Review and let me know what you think! I'm always eager to hear your opinions!
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