It was over. This was it. The threat was gone.

But Regina could not feel any happiness. In her heart, there was only loss. She felt horrible, what kind of person grieves for death-eaters? But they were her family after all! They were gone. They were all gone. The Gold family was no more. They were dead along with many death eaters.

The funeral had been horrible. With the amount of casualties, it was hard to be relieved over the end of the war. Many people lost family or loved ones, but no one had lost their entire family at once apart from her. Regina stood amidst the mass of people in front of a monument dedicated to the fallen martyrs. Filch, Chuckles… The list went on. Each name on the list was one too many.

Everyone who was able to helped rebuilding. Some were clearing the ruins of the rubble, others were reconstructing the castle. Another group helped out Madam Pomfrey who had her hands full taking care of all the wounded. Regina, who did a little bit of everything wherever she was needed, was currently lifting a large piece of the ceiling when she found another body. She thought back to the funeral and to all these people standing around her mourning for those they loved. Why was she still alive? Why was she still here, while others who would be missed were gone? She didn't deserve this life, she never had. She levitated the ceiling part to the side, where it could be put in its original place as soon as the walls were back up. Suddenly, she felt a hand on her shoulder. "Regina, I would like to speak to you", Professor McGonagall said. The raven haired girl turned towards the older witch. "Of course, Professor. What is it?", she asked. "Well, while it is hard for all of us, we need to keep pressing on to overcome this tragedy," McGonagall said. "We need to return to a somewhat normal education next school year. Which will be difficult as we lost valued professors in this battle. Some to death, some to injury so severe, they had to retire. Some will still be recovering, but hopefully returning later in the school year. To summarize, we are extremely short-staffed. Which is why I would like to offer you a teaching position at Hogwarts."

Regina's mouth hung open. "Me? Really? But I don't-" She was cut off by McGonagall, who by now was very familiar with Regina's contempt for herself. "You are one of the smartest witches I have ever met, the other one being Miss Granger who is going to do her seventh year. You sometimes even know more about a subject than the professor. I have never seen Severus so invested, he was absolutely intrigued by your wits. He once even had to look up something you said during class. And you have proven yourself to be a good teacher in the student resistance. I've seen you and Mister Longbottom rise to the occasion and step up to lead during this year, and I couldn't be more proud of you. Which is why I would love for you to accept. I would organize for you and whoever else I can recruit to be introduced to the methods and procedures to become a professor before the beginning of the year. Please think about it, I would like to hear from you soon."

McGonagall turned to walk away, when Regina asked: "What classes would I teach?" "Well, we will most likely have to work out a rotating schedule with everyone available to offer most of the classes. You would get a taste of everything and could decide what you prefer to teach in the long run once we are back to normal." Her eyes were wet. She was wanted. She was needed. She sobbed and smiled. "I would like to accept the invitation, Professor. I am honored."

Minerva McGonagall may or may not have shed a tear or two when she handed her two newest professors their schedules. Neville Longbottom, who had overcome his family tragedy and matured into such a strong and courageous man. And Regina Mills, who had fought on against everything life threw at her and who was like a daughter to her.

This year would be especially challenging. Despite being Headmistress, Minerva couldn't afford to give up teaching. She kept Transfiguration, Flitwick kept Charms. Hagrid and Professor Vector were there as well for Magical Creatures and Arithmancy. Professor Firenze returned to his colony, where he was finally accepted after his heroic actions in the battle, which left Trelawney alone in Divination once more. Sprout and Slughorn were injured in the battle, they were still recovering in St. Mungos and would return during the year if their recovery went well. She would only need temporary replacement for them. The History of Magic teacher Mister Binns had perished in the battle, despite being a ghost. Professor Babbling, the teacher of Ancient Runes, was injured so badly, she had to retire. And then there was the ever vacant Defense Against Dark Arts position, all three needed a new professor.

The two junior professors exchanged schedules. "Look, I'm in Herbology most of the time!", Neville was happy. Until Sprout was back, he would mostly take over that class, while still teaching some classes in DADA and helping out Hagrid with the Magical Creatures. Regina had most of Potions covered in Professor Slughorn's absence, as well as History of Magic and a class of Runes. She would also teach DADA, which was the subject with the most teachers overall. This would be an exciting year and both could not be happier to have their friend at their side. They were only missing their friend Luna, who was becoming a magizoologist. The two looked out of the window to see the now finally rebuilt castle. It had been tedious and hard. The war had left them both scarred, both physically and mentally. On bad days, Regina didn't have the strength to look into a mirror. But Neville was always there, reassuring her that she looked like a total badass. Together they had overcome the tragedy and together they would look forward.

The new first-years were in awe of the castle upon entering. They were welcomed in front of the Great Hall by Professor Flitwick, who was currently the Deputy Headmaster, and who was absolutely towered over by the students. "Have you heard the rumors yet?", a young brunette with red streaks in her hair approached a blonde. "They say that we'll be taught by actual war heroes. I'm Ruby, by the way." "Emma." The door opened and the students were led in. Everyone else was already seated, the older students at their tables and the professors in front. Neville could feel them practically staring at him and Regina. "So this is how it feels to be on the other side of this table", he joked with his friend. He loved the feeling.

The sorting went over without any trouble, it was as if everything was just normal. Only the class was a lot smaller. Fewer students started and a number had died or been pulled out by their parents due to the dangers at the school. Which made building schedules a bit easier, since all the students of one year could attend a class at the same time. While all the years before, Gryffindor had mostly had classes with Slytherin and Ravenclaw with Hufflepuff, now they all sat together.

When everyone was seated within their houses, both Emma and Ruby landed in Gryffindor, the Headmistress stood to get everyone's attention. "Dear students, as Headmistress, I would like to officially welcome you to Hogwarts. We hope you feel welcomed in our open arms. There are some changes in the teaching staff this year. Professors Snape, Babbling and Firenze have left us, Professors Sprout and Slughorn will return to teach later this year. And I have the honor to introduce two new professors, Regina Mills and Neville Longbottom, the latter of which will also be taking over the position of Head of Gryffindor House." That got them a round of loud applause. Regina made eye contact with Hermione, who sat at the Gryffindor table next to Ginny and was happy for them. Neville was beaming. "Until the return of our colleagues, the Houses Hufflepuff and Slytherin are without an official Head of House. However, we all have an open ear for you. You can approach any of us, no matter the house. And the prefects will have more responsibility, which I am sure they will handle well. That would be all for now, enjoy the feast." The students cheered and dug in.

Both young professors were adjusting well to being on the other side now. They could always count on each other to always be there for them. Regina was walking from her 7th year Potions class to the Runes course, when Hermione caught up with her. "Hello, professor", Hermione said with a wink. They walked together since they needed to go in the same direction. "So, how are you adjusting?", Hermione asked. "I can't complain", Regina said. "I get help and the students are very patient with me when I mess up…" "Nonsense, you're the best teacher ever. And the students are captivated by you. History of Magic went from being the absolute worst to one of the coolest classes of all." Hermione paused for a bit. "You know, I was always worried that there would be a tough competition between us for valedictorian. But I guess this way, we can both be", she then laughed.

It was months into the school year when Regina was strolling through the corridors during her free period. She passed by the DADA classroom where she found Neville nervously pacing. "Are you alright, Neville?", she approached her friend. "No", he admitted. "What is it, how can I help?", she immediately asked. "It's just… this is the third year. It's the boggart lesson. I remember the lesson when we were students and it was just horrible. How am I supposed to do this?" Regina put a hand on his shoulder. "Do you want me to sub for you?", she offered. "You would do that for me?" "Well yes, I wouldn't have offered to do it if I wouldn't", she grinned. Neville hugged his friend. "Thank you so much." Then he let her walk into the room. Of course, she got a few confused glances. But she knew the children from Potions, so it was not too much of a problem.

"Hello class, I will substitute for Professor Longbottom today. Something came up on short notice, he will be back next class. I was informed that today's lesson will be on boggarts, so that is what we will do. Can anyone tell me what a boggart is?" A few hands went up, she nodded to the Hufflepuff girl who had been fastest. "Boggarts are shapeshifters that represent our worst fears." "Very good, Miss White. That was correct. Nobody has ever seen the true form of a boggart, it takes a different shape for each of us.

Fear is a powerful thing; it can warn us of danger, but it can also paralyze us. The only way to overcome fear is to face it. In this lesson, we will try a practical approach with a boggart that is very conveniently currently residing in this chest." She pointed at a treasure chest next to the teacher's desk. "The incantation we will learn today is Riddikulus. Repeat after me: Riddikulus." She had the class repeat a few times until they were proficient with the words before moving on.

"When you face a boggart, you need to not only say the incantation and wave your wand, but also imagine the boggart in a completely ludicrous, laughable manner. For a boggart's worst enemy is laughter. Let me give you an example. If your fear is of spiders, how about a spider in roller-blades sliding across the floor and face-planting. A friend told me that story from when he took this class. He overcame his fear and once even walked into a lair of giant spiders. Picture it in your mind while performing the spell and you will do fine." She chuckled before having the kids line up.

This class was excruciatingly hard, only months after the tragic battle. But the children were strong, they pulled through. They were almost at the end, there was only one girl left. Regina had of course noticed how the girl in green Slytherin robes had snuck behind in the line whenever she could, and she couldn't blame her. She gave her a comforting smile before she let the boggart out of its chest. The boggart shifted and turned into a corpse that looked similar to the girl, probably related, it could have been her mother. "Come on, Abigail, you can do it!", her friends cheered her on. The young teacher smiled at their support of their friend. But Abigail was frozen on the spot, paralyzed by her fear. She wouldn't get out of this.

Regina leaped in front of the girl to force the boggart to focus on her. She was not sure which form it would take. Her mother or her father? Both. It switched back and forth between both their dead bodies and even Zelena's, all three were staring at her with dead and accusing eyes, shouting at her for killing them. Both Rumple and Zelena were burnt and ashen, Cora looked just like she remembered her in her last moments. Regina took a deep breath before Zelena's red hair transformed into a bright flame, burning the images of all three. She blew out the flame and threw the boggart back into the chest and locked it. She needed to take a deep breath before facing the class.

"That's it for today, I am sure Professor Longbottom will be back next class. Off you go." She approached the Slytherin girl. "If you want to talk to someone, I want you to know we're all here for you, okay?" Abigail nodded. "Thank you." The blonde hesitated. "Um… when are you free, Professor?" Regina's heart almost burst with happiness at being the chosen confidant of this young girl. She wanted to be for her students what Professor McGonagall had been for her.

All the students had filed out when she heard a voice at the door. "And if you need to talk, I am still always here for you." The worry lines on Regina's face lessened. Said professor was standing at the door along with Neville Longbottom. "I was going to check up on Longbottom and see how he is doing, but it turned out he wasn't doing at all." The young man grinned sheepishly. "Thank you so much, you are a lifesaver!", he exclaimed while hugging her. Regina stiffened at the word, after all she had just come face to face with her family who she had killed. "Well," the Headmistress said, "you could make it up to her by taking over by taking over the fourth years right now." Neville immediately agreed and went inside. That was the least he could do.

"I killed them", Regina broke the silence after a while. "My family. I killed all of them during the battle." She was staring at the wall. "Zelena and my father died in my dragon fire. I didn't even recognize them under their death-eater masks." She chuckled. "I actually said it that way to my mother when I was alone with her and Voldemort. The first time I've ever spoken back to her. And later the two of us were duelling next to Harry and Voldemort. I reflected one of her spells back at her, which killed her. I still see her death whenever I close my eyes." A shiver ran down her spine. Minerva realized her protégée was in dire need of comfort and drew her into a warm hug. "Thank you for always being like a mother to me", the younger witch whispered into her shoulder. "Thank you for being like a daughter to me", Minerva replied.

In the next DADA class of the third-years, Neville Longbottom was back. Of course, some students asked where he had been, and he decided to be honest. "I was scared. Absolutely and utterly scared. I obviously had the boggart lesson during my time as a student and I was so terrified. My boggart was Professor Snape. I stood in front of the classroom door last class and could not bring myself to walk in. Professor Mills happened to walk by and offered to take over for me. It was hard for her, too, but she did it. Please take that as a lesson for life. Find yourself friends that walk through fire for you and do the same for them."

Years later, after the retirement of Professor Sprout, Neville took up the job as Herbology teacher permanently. Regina had practically been harassed by her students to continue History of Magic, they all loved her class. And the two made up the DADA dream team, sharing that position ever since their debut as professors.

The two remained best friends. Luna came to visit them sometimes when she wanted to see her friends or just to hold a guest lecture on magizoology. Regina also kept contact with her other friends. Kathryn had followed her dream and actually made it into NASA, the American Air and Space program, and would probably fly to space soon. Ariana had founded a wrock - short for wizard rock - band and was touring the world. She was the lead singer and keyboarder and Chris had joined as lead guitarist. They played happy power metal with magical and mystical themes. They were celebrated in both the wizard and the muggle-community, but none of their muggle fans knew that they were talking about real things in their songs. Just like no one knew that the dragon on their second album cover was not an artwork, but a real photo - though Regina was credited as cover artist. Ariana had invited her to join them as a guest sometime and thus, when the band was playing in London during summer break, Regina made a guest appearance, in a duet, singing Morgana by Lord Of The Lost. When her friend had suggested this song, she immediately thought back to that one day in first year. Ariana's little sister Saskia had indeed opened a library together with Belle.

On the side, Regina also released her potion for werewolf transformations. Her lycanthropy chocolate was in high demand by werewolves from all over the world, she sent her packages as far as Australia and South America. The recommendation of Auror Remus Lupin had certainly helped making Moonchoc popular. And when the young Gryffindor Ruby Lucas knocked on her door and admitted to her inherent lycanthropy, Regina would make sure to always have some ready for the young girl. After Professor Slughorn retired, Mal Bauer returned to Hogwarts and took his position. And thus, the dragonwatch squad tradition was rekindled. Flitwick had at some point decided to step down from Head of House and Regina took over Ravenclaw house. Which only made her role as confidant to the students - no matter the house - official.

She had opened her house on the school grounds to all students who had no home to go home to during the holidays. Many orphans from war, some abused kids, children from all houses found a home with her.

She had especially taken to a young Ravenclaw named Henry. He had been an orphan even before the war. The boy had been given up at birth and never knew his parents. He formed a closer bond to Regina than any of the other students. They were like family. When Henry had accidentally called her "Mom" once when he was twelve, she had cried tears of joy and hugged him. She saw him as her son, too, and after a heartfelt talk began an application process to become an adoptive mother. The process was tedious and took years, she handed Henry his adoption papers as a graduation gift. Never before had the boy been so happy. They had been family before, but now it was official.

The professor had her hands so full with the kids that she asked Molly Weasley for help, who accepted in a heartbeat. With all her kids out of the house, the kind witch lived for doting on others and ended up becoming a second house mom. Headmistress McGonagall had already joked about them forming a fifth house during the summer breaks.

The shadows of her past did not hand over her anymore. For with her job, with her students, with her son and with her friends, Regina finally felt at home.