Wow i was not expecting so many views so quickly. I was just bored and figured I'd put some words in order for some sort of story. Sorry if the story isn't that good but I'm gonna try and make it good. This chapter will be in third person but should change back next chapter. Maybe idk. Well back to the story. :)

White. Nothing but white. When Percy awoke all he could see was white.


… … …

He got no response. So he started walking. Nothing being able to see, just a white void. He kept walking, and walking. What felt like minutes, hours, days even going by as he walked trying to figure out where he was and what happened in the fight. As he walks he starts hearing a faint humming. As he gets closer the humming gets louder, so he speeds up. And he finally sees something other than white. He sees a door. A large ornate door glittering with the bright light off the diamonds, rubies, and sapphires. He slowly walks up to it. Hand instinctively going to his pocket where his trusty sword lies, Riptide, but its not there. Gone, he feels what could only be a cold shiver of fear runs up his spine. He slowly pushes the door, when it vanishes and he falls through it. He looks up and what he saw caused him to freeze. A woman sits on a throne that can only be described as beyond godly. Pure black with supernovas and black holes, stars and galaxies being birthed and dying out creating what could only be a visage of creation and destruction, life and space.

"Why hello there. It's about time you got her Perseus Jackson." Said a voice that shocks him from his stupor.

Percy flinches at his full name. So shocked by what he is witnessing. "Wh… wha…. Uhh what, I mean who are you?" he stammers out eventually.

The woman chuckles a heavenly laugh. "What i am… hmm how can I phrase this so you can understand it… I guess you could say I am creation. I am Chaos the mother of everything, creator of all things godly."

"What do you want from me?" Percy asks completely awestruck.

"What do I want from you? Nothing right now. But I have an offer for you." The woman now identifies as Chaos remarks. "What would you do if I told you that you could have a redo? A do over of sorts? I can send you back to the beginning of this to redo it all."

"Redo?" Percy asks. "You can send me back before the battle? Or back when I got to camp?"

"Incorrect young one. I don't intend to send you to before the battle or even the war started but all the way back. To the beginning." Chaos clarified. "You will go back to just before the gods took over. You will be there for all of it. You shall have no memories and you will be partially immortal. You won't age but you will be able to die if you fall in combat. Do you accept?"

"Can I fix this? Can I save everyone?" Percy asked.

"Even I don't know that one my child." Chaos informed Percy with a mournful look on her face. "But it shall give you a chance."

"Deal" Percy answered without any hesitation.

Chaos started to chant in a language that Percy didn't understand. Her eyes started to glow and the void started to shake. Whispers from the edges of void could be heard as reality itself started to not agree with what Chaos was doing. The white of the void got brighter and brighter to the point where Percy had to close his eyes and it was then that Percy lost consciousness as he is flung thousands of years into the past where a child is being born. But this is no normal child, this is the child of prophecy. This is Persephone "Perci" Jackson daughter of Kronos.