Chapter 5: Petrova - Where There's A Witch, There's A Way

Bonnie knowing about Izabelle had made it much easier to get around the Salvatores and their other friends to see Izabelle every few days. The first meeting between Bonnie and Izabelle had been a nervous one for her as she knew Bonnie didn't like vampires and it worried her what she would think of her ancestor.

It turned out that she'd worried for no reason. Bonnie had immediately taken to the older Petrova girl in no time at all and had started spending a lot of time with her as Izabelle helped her with aspects of witchcraft that her Grams had never had the chance to show her.

Izabelle's understanding of magic had led to her curiosity getting the best of her and her finally asking if she was a vampire or not. Izabelle had merely smiled at her and shrugged off her questioning as something that was neither here nor there. She knew she didn't need to know but it didn't stop her from wondering what Izabelle's status was. Clearly she was not human but whether it was immortal, undead or by witch magic, she didn't know.

She was pulled from her thoughts by Bonnie waving her hand in front of her face. Shaking her head, she looked over at her best friend who indicated to the Grimoire in front of her that she and Izabelle had been pouring over for hours.

''This spell might be ideal for your house. It should give you a break if I can do it properly'' Bonnie said, motioning for her to look at the page while Izabelle gave her an encouraging look. Looking at the page, she couldn't make any sense of what was written and looked confused at Bonnie who handed the Grimoire over to Izabelle who began translating.

''This is a boundary spell that my mother created after the Originals were turned into vampires. Even if you grant a vampire access into your house, it's revoked as soon as they cross the boundary line. What makes this an ideal spell is that it can be tailored to allow certain individuals in regardless of the spell constantly renewing. If Bonnie performs it, she can allow Caroline constant access. If Bonnie links this with another spell of my mother's, it won't allow anyone under compulsion into the house without breaking the compulsion,'' Izabelle explained.

Elena immediately nodded at the suggestion before glancing back at Grimoire. Despite how old it looked with tied together pages so darkly coloured, it looks to be in such a good condition and was so big. ''What other spells did your mother create?'' she asked, motioning towards the large Grimoire.

Izabelle shrugged, flicking through the Grimoire as she replied,'' Resurrection, binding spells, immobilising spells,de-aging spells, immortalisation spells, instructions for binding spells with herbs or objects. My mother loved learning as much as she could about magic and the limitations of it.''

Izabelle passed the Grimoire back to Bonnie who quickly jotted down something from one of the pages before closing and placing it down on the old oak table. ''You should probably get going before anyone questions both of you being absent'' Izabelle suggested, glancing at the clock on the wall and both girls nodded in agreement. Bonnie began putting her things away in her bag and Elena followed her example, collecting her things and putting her coat on.

''I'll see you both around. Be careful'' Izabelle warned as they walked towards the front door. Nodding her agreement, Elena opened the door and waved to her ancestor before heading towards Bonnie's car.

Once both of them were in the car, they headed down the winding path and paused at the gates as they waited for them to open. Turning the radio on as Bonnie drove them in the direction of town, she couldn't help but share her thoughts.

'' I know it's none of my business but doesn't it bother you that Izabelle won't say what she is? I've outright asked her if she was a vampire but she's never given a clear answer,'' Elena wondered glancing over at Bonnie who shrugged without taking her eyes off the road.

'' All I know for certain is that her past is traumatic and clearly she doesn't want to talk about it. We can trust her, that's enough for me'' Bonnie replied.

Before she could give a response, Bonnie turned the radio louder as she turned into the town centre. Pulling up in the parking lot of the Grill, she paused and looked over at Elena as she said'' I'm sure she'll tell you in time, Elena. Just have faith and patience in her.''

- Izabelle's POV -

Watching as Elena and Bonnie drove out of the gate and out of sight, Izabelle let out a deep sigh and turned her attention away from the window. Running a hand over her face, she stood up and headed towards the kitchen where she wasn't surprised to find Lexis pouring two drinks.

Taking the tumbler of whiskey from Lexis, she sat on the island and took a drink from it. Turning to Lexis, she smiled sadly as she remarked'' Elena is curious about what I am. I just figured I'd have more time before she'd start asking how I survived Klaus' attack.''

Lexis gave her friend a smile as she replied,'' I could tell how curious she was at the dress shop but she didn't ask me anything. With the company she keeps, there is little she can judge you on especially when it comes to surviving life or death situations. Aurelia and I took the decision from you and I have never rejected choosing what I did. You didn't deserve to die at the hands of the brother of the man you loved and to bleed out in those woods.''

Izabelle shrugged, gazing at the glass in the hand as she responded,'' I shouldn't have said what I did. Klaus nearly killed me because I let my anger and grief at losing Tati get the better of me.''

Lexis threw her drink back and shook her head furiously. '' A grief and anger his family caused, Elle. Klaus didn't nearly kill you that day, you died for a period of time because he badgered you about rejecting his brother after his family had killed your sister. The only one who should feel any guilt or remorse here is Klaus because as far as he knows, you died that day in your father's arms. It's time you stopped living in the past. You need to start living for yourself and stop hiding from everyone,'' Lexis snapped.

Izabelle laughed a hollow laugh as she replied,'' I want Klaus to pay for what he did to me but it's never going to be that easy .It's been a thousand years and I still find myself hesitating when it comes to Elijah. I can't protect Elena and Bonnie if I'm hesitating about my decisions because I still love a man who has caused me nothing but pain and betrayal at the hands of him and his family. It's times like this that I wish Aurelia was here. She always seemed to know what the correct next move was.''

Lexis was silent for a moment before she nodded and replied'' I miss her too. It's been a thousand years without her and it never stops hurting but we must remember that it was her decision. She chose to be at peace.'' Lexis poured herself another drink before leaning over and topping up Izabelle's glass.

'' Just leave it up to Elena's imagination, okay? It's going to come out eventually but it's the least of our concerns. Do you have any idea how you want this to play out? You know that being a part of Elena's life means dealing with the Originals. I've got your back on whatever you choose to do but have you considered taking Elena away from this town and to Forks? We could avoid dealing with certainly Elijah and possibly Rebekah if not Klaus himself'' Lexis suggested as Izabelle shook her head.

''No matter what my intentions, I cannot and will not take Elena away from her home unless it's her choice. Klaus will hunt her to the ends of the earth if she runs while he still has need of her blood'' Izabelle replied with a frown on her face. Of course she wanted to take Elena away from Klaus and for her to lead a normal life but doing so would mean Elena would be running for the rest of her natural life or forever if she became a vampire eventually.

'' We could protect her, Elle. We've spent nearly a thousand years flying well below the Originals' radar that surely we could manage 60 or 70 years of hiding her so she could have a normal life. The supernatural might be involved in her life but that girl clearly has no intention or wish to be a vampire. If she stays here, she'll end up one of three things. She'll be turned, she'll die with no chance of having a peaceful life or Klaus will control her as his own personal stash of doppelganger blood until she dies. She deserves the right to choose like you said. She at least should know there are options out there for her. Not just her but Bonnie too. Sheila and Abby would want her safe and being away from here could mean just that'' Lexis argued.

''You want me to suggest they up and leave just like that? What about Elena's brother Jeremy? What about their friend Caroline? If they run, they can never see them or contact them again. There has to be some other way to ensure Elena is kept safe and can live out her life however she sees fit to,'' Izabelle reasoned as she glanced at Lexis.

Lexis shrugged before replying'' Either you need to make a deal with the Originals regarding Elena or you'll have to consult the Grimoire and hope your mother created a spell or potion that can help us.''

Izabelle stood up quickly and rushed out of the door, heading for the library as Lexis trailed behind her. Lexis leaned against the doorframe as she watched with confusion as Izabelle pulled out one of the newer Grimoires and began looking through it.

''What are you doing?'' Lexis questioned as Izabelle glanced up at her and smirked, motioning to the Grimoire infront of her.

'' We get a vial of Elena's blood along with other vials of blood and Bonnie does a blood imprinting spell. If done correctly, the other vials will become Elena's blood and would work in creating hybrids just as well as the true vial of blood. My mother was working on a blueprint of a spell that potentially could do this'' Izabelle happily replied before motioning to Lexis to join her at the table.

Glancing over the half finished diagram on the page, Lexis noted that it indeed looked to be half completed spell work capable of changing bloodwork. Nodding at Izabelle, she asked'' Here's a better thought. What if we could find a way to imprint Elena's blood work onto the blood of a certain Katerina Petrova? The Original Witch's spell that made them leaves a loophole after all. It says doppelganger blood but not which doppelganger. Could the spell be tied? So that it hits like a refresh button if Katerina is drained fully but is still a vampire?''

Izabelle was silent for a few moments, processing Lexis' words before she shrugged and replied'' In theory it would work. It would last for as long as Elena is alive, I would assume unless it was transferred to any future children she has. It would be a draining spell for Bonnie to perform and would require Elena and Katerina to be close to each other. Do you think you could stop yourself from wanting to kill Katerina while holding her hostage? You've spent over 500 years hating her.''

Lexis shrugged as she replied'' If it would save Elena then yes, I would restrain myself from ripping her tongue out and torturing her. After all, what a better way to take my revenge on her stealing my husband?.''

Izabelle raised an eyebrow as she remarked'' You didn't even like Tomas towards the end, why do you care that Katerina took him and eventually killed him? On that front, she did us all a favour. He was something else, I'm so glad your taste in men improved over the years.''

Lexis laughed harshly before replying'' I had every intention of killing the bastard myself and I'm simply a little put out, even after 500 years, that I never got the honour of that myself. After all, I'm the idiot who spent 300 years with the man. I should have got the pleasure of either ripping his heart out or his head off. That's all.''

Author Note: I know some of you will probably have questions but I'm placing the groundwork for explaining it all eventually. If you haven't done so already, please re-read Chapter 1 as I've updated a major mistake in it that will tie to all the questions people will have about Izabelle.